In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by AdaEnchilada, a Pokemon Trainer and Twitch streamer who strives to create a safe space for people to have a getaway and be their authentic selves. AdaEnchilada shares her Twitch jou...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by V_Iced_Mocha, a Pokemon Trainer who is a Shiny Hunter and streams his Pokemon journey on Twitch. V_Iced_Mocha starts his Pokemon journey by playing Pokemon Gold. Despite being young...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by BeccaBaddest, a Pokemon Trainer and competitive battler in Pokemon VGC. BeccaBaddest shares her Pokemon journey starting by watching TikTok videos of people opening Pokemon card pa...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by RotomTCG, a Pokemon TCG Trainer and former Pokemon Worlds Competitor. RotomTCG starts his Pokemon journey with the Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG) where he would learn the PokemonTC...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by ThePokeNetwork, leader of The Back Alley, and a Pokemon Twitch Streamer. ThePokeNetwork starts his Pokemon journey in the Hoenn region where he fell infatuated by the mechanics of c...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Glowl, A Pokemon Trainer who leads the Fried Shrimp community and hunts for Shiny Pokemon on Twitch. Glowl's Pokemon Journey begins with Pokemon Sapphire where he traveled the Hoenn...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by GeneralWiggins, a Pokemon Trainer and Shiny Hunter who streams on Twitch! GeneralWiggins starts his journey with Pokemon Blue. He spoke on his interest in completing the Pokedex and...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by LadyDunsparce, a Pokemon Trainer who is the self-proclaimed, "Maddest Partier in the game" on Twitch. LadyDunsparce shares her initial experience starting with a family member who c...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by TheStaticPikachu, a Pokemon Trainer who participates in VGC and discovered his interest in Pokemon through Super Smash Bros. TheStaticPikachu shares their initial entrance into the ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Reis2Occasion, a competitive Pokemon Trainer within the Pokemon GO circuit. Reis2Occasion shares his early experience with Pokemon before karate practice where he and his friend wou...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by KyaColosseum, a Pokemon Trainer who created the mod Pokemon Grand Colosseum. KyaColosseum shares her interest in Pokemon starting with the Hoenn regions. Eventually it led to her pl...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by FilmVlogs, a Pokemon GO Trainer from Hawaii FilmVlogs shares his early experience with Pokemon from watching the anime. Eventually he would experience Pokemon through the video game...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by jennEHbee, a Pokemon Trainer from Canada. jennEHbee shares her experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon GO. Due to her disinterst in Pokemon, she wouldn't return to Pokemon GO ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by MaskedAquaKitty , a Pokemon GO Trainer from New Jersey. MaskedAquaKitty discusses their experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon Blue. They dive into their love for Pokemon Dia...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by pogoDomz , a Pokemon Trainer from Florida who interest in art and branding led him to creating PvP content with Pokemon GO. pogoDomz Pokemon journey started with Pokemon Yellow wher...