In this exciting Pokémon interview, we're joined by StandardizedBogey, a Pokémon Trainer and Pokémon fanfiction writer who dives deep into the world of Pokémon villains, with a special focus on iconic characters like Saturn f...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by AdaEnchilada, a Pokemon Trainer and Twitch streamer who strives to create a safe space for people to have a getaway and be their authentic selves. AdaEnchilada shares her Twitch jou...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by both PenPeaches & NobleJanobii, a Pokemon Trainer couple who find their interest art by looking at the art of the Pokemon TCG. Both PenPeaches & NobleJanobii dive into their experi...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by BeccaBaddest, a Pokemon Trainer and competitive battler in Pokemon VGC. BeccaBaddest shares her Pokemon journey starting by watching TikTok videos of people opening Pokemon card pa...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by GrunesDragon, a Pokemon Trainer and artist with a passion for Dragons and Dragon Pokemon. GrunesDragon Pokemon Journey starts with the anime and Pokemon Y. Due to the restriction of...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by I Do The Felting, a Pokemon Trainer who creates Pokemon through needle felting. I Do The Felting starts her journey with being introduced to Pokemon Red. However, she discovered she...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by RocketClare, a Pokemon GO Trainer from Australia and Pokemon Worlds competitor in 2024. RocketClare shares her initial entry into the Pokemon franchise starting with Pokemon GO wher...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by LadyDunsparce, a Pokemon Trainer who is the self-proclaimed, "Maddest Partier in the game" on Twitch. LadyDunsparce shares her initial experience starting with a family member who c...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by After Darkrai, a Pokemon podcast where the hosts has created a no-holds barred know nothing comedy podcast about Pokémon where they hurt the ones they love. After Darkrai shares the...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay , Community Ambassadors for Pokemon GO from Kansas City, Missouri Both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay share their initial experience with Pokemon. There pr...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by KyaColosseum, a Pokemon Trainer who created the mod Pokemon Grand Colosseum. KyaColosseum shares her interest in Pokemon starting with the Hoenn regions. Eventually it led to her pl...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by HurricaneKaz, a Pokemon GO Trainer with an interest in Pokemon GO PvP and a huge passion for bird Pokemon. HurricaneKaz shares her lifelong love of birds, which naturally extended i...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by jennEHbee, a Pokemon Trainer from Canada. jennEHbee shares her experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon GO. Due to her disinterst in Pokemon, she wouldn't return to Pokemon GO ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by MaskedAquaKitty , a Pokemon GO Trainer from New Jersey. MaskedAquaKitty discusses their experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon Blue. They dive into their love for Pokemon Dia...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Christina and Mario , two Community Ambassadors for Pokemon GO Central Oregon! They both share their initial experience with Pokemon. Mario was always involved with the franchise, b...