July 31, 2024

TRAINER'S EYE #100 - "Tied Up With Sylveon's Bow" ft. Trainer Mystic


In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Trainer Mystic, a Pokemon Trainer from North Carolina here to celebrate our 100th Pokemon interview episode!

Trainer Mystic shares his experience with Pokemon starting with the anime. He would go into his room to binge watch all the episodes of Pokemon XY and Pokemon XYZ. Eventually his interest in Pokemon led him to playing the video games and Pokemon GO.

Trainer Mystic touches on what he enjoys about playing Pokemon GO as well as attending his first GO Fest in NYC. Listen as he shares his GO Fest story and his motivation to create content thanks to many Pokemon GO content creators!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.686
Hey, this is Trainer Mystic, and this is my Pokémon story.

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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.

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My name is David Hernandez, and this is the 100th episode of Trainer's Eyes.

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I searched far and wide for the appropriate guest to have on this show.

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I wanted a guest who can teach us to understand the power that's inside.

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And I couldn't think of a better way than to have a guest who is a fan of not only of this podcast, But one of the biggest fans of all the different content creators within the Pokemon Go space Trainer Mystic Welcome to the show and thank you for being the 100th guest of as the pokeball turns

00:01:23.849 --> 00:01:24.539
what's up guys?

00:01:24.599 --> 00:01:26.879
Yeah, thank you, uh, an honor.

00:01:27.138 --> 00:01:30.569
An honor to, uh, come on the podcast for the 100th episode.

00:01:30.569 --> 00:01:33.376
Congratulations, making it this far and everything.

00:01:33.980 --> 00:01:37.753
Definitely and you know, I always appreciate because you have just such a cool Natural innocence.

00:01:38.153 --> 00:01:49.033
You know, you talk about all of what we do in the space and it's always appreciative for us to as content creators, to be able to hear feedback, such as yours, one of the questions I want to ask is, you know, what do you like about the content creators?

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Like, why do you look up to him so much?

00:01:51.465 --> 00:01:54.295
basically, so I can, learn from them.

00:01:54.344 --> 00:01:57.245
So I, to see how they do their content creation.

00:01:57.245 --> 00:02:01.259
Um, so I can build up from that, like I just had this.

00:02:01.527 --> 00:02:21.425
One, friend of mine named Tony, who obviously inspires me and stuff, and I just bought, the same tripod that he uses, I'm gonna try to record my first actual vlog with the gameplay and my facecam side by side and it'll be my first like legit vlog because all my other vlogs are just me screen recording my phone when I'm not live streaming.

00:02:21.544 --> 00:02:31.997
So I kind of wanna, basically, build up a little bit and actually do vlogs how everyone else does, where it's my face cam on the left side and the game plan on the right side.

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So it's gonna take a little bit, but I have a little bit of editing skills, so it shouldn't be too hard.

00:02:37.453 --> 00:02:39.953
I know you've had a chance to speak with other content creators.

00:02:40.282 --> 00:02:47.487
What advice have you received that you think has helped you the most, a longer journey to try to become a content creator?

00:02:48.110 --> 00:02:50.811
honestly Probably like have fun.

00:02:50.811 --> 00:02:55.014
Don't worry about sub count like have fun keep learning.

00:02:55.352 --> 00:03:02.538
a quote that I found I was watching someone's stream and in the background of their stream Or yeah in the background of their stream.

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I heard this person say, we should inspire before we expire so

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00:03:08.245 --> 00:03:20.908
I kind of go off of that and I actually I I go off of that and I should also start that to people as well because I think it's very good to go off because you don't know when you're going to expire.

00:03:20.908 --> 00:03:39.189
So now is your time inspire other people so that they can also do the same once you, the individual expires, so that they can, learn from you and go tell that to all the other content creators that, they've inspired and stuff from them being that person being inspired by me expire.

00:03:39.250 --> 00:03:39.599

00:03:39.921 --> 00:03:46.602
So you hope to be eventually become an inspiration just like the other content creators to people maybe who are earlier in the journey.

00:03:47.322 --> 00:03:48.211
That's awesome, dude.

00:03:48.211 --> 00:03:49.542
I love quotes like that.

00:03:49.782 --> 00:03:59.872
One of my favorite ones is if uh nobody comes to stop you from the future, how bad of a decision it is because I always have the trepidation of like, oh, is this the right thing to do or oh, am I making the right choice?

00:03:59.872 --> 00:04:01.822
I'm like, is it not world ending?

00:04:01.822 --> 00:04:02.901
I think I'm doing okay.

00:04:02.977 --> 00:04:11.686
I think, the person that I actually heard it from, so, like I said, it was on a livestream of someone, by the name of OmniSec, I he was doing the stream.

00:04:12.007 --> 00:04:19.732
And some bodybuilder that, said in the, uh, him in background, because he was doing some tug of war thing and that's what he said to OmniSec.

00:04:19.732 --> 00:04:21.062
And so I heard, overheard that.

00:04:21.091 --> 00:04:23.971
And so I kind of been trying to adapt to that as well.

00:04:24.569 --> 00:04:31.449
Speaking on the topic of New York City, you've had a chance to go to, I think your first GO Fest was last and then even this year, both in New York

00:04:32.004 --> 00:04:32.834
and the Hohentor.

00:04:32.855 --> 00:04:33.584
So last year

00:04:34.100 --> 00:04:34.850
Oh, and Hohentorf.

00:04:34.975 --> 00:04:36.324
first time ever.

00:04:36.745 --> 00:04:39.485
Hoentoro was my first time going to an in person event.

00:04:39.485 --> 00:04:47.432
and then this, it was just crazy that I could do a back to back event my first time ever, following GoFest, in New York.

00:04:47.735 --> 00:04:55.466
I'm lucky that I've met, Lured Up, podcasts like Jamal and stuff, who also lives in North Carolina, that I've been able.

00:04:55.507 --> 00:05:02.517
To go with so big shout out to him one of the main reasons i was able to go to new york Both this year last year.

00:05:02.517 --> 00:05:02.908

00:05:03.500 --> 00:05:06.060
How important was it for Jamal to be able to go with you?

00:05:06.141 --> 00:05:08.471
Because y'all are both from North Carolina, both from, I guess, similar

00:05:08.661 --> 00:05:23.447
Yeah, he's um half an hour away from me and um I think it was pretty important for him because when I told him that i've always wanted to go to new york city for pokemon go we all know pokemon go in New city is like top tier I think he was pretty excited.

00:05:23.767 --> 00:05:26.545
When I asked him if I was able to, go with him.

00:05:26.545 --> 00:05:30.754
and was pretty excited said, that he'll be fine if I catch a flight with him.

00:05:31.091 --> 00:05:34.625
So I think, he was excited that, he was able to fulfill that for me.

00:05:34.675 --> 00:05:35.064

00:05:35.375 --> 00:05:39.805
what expectations do you have going to New York City for going for your first GO Fest?

00:05:40.401 --> 00:06:04.437
well, definitely a lot pokey stops, but for me, Going to in person events in general, as much as I love playing Pokemon Go for me it's more of just, um, seeing people because you get to play Go every single day, but unless you live in the same city as your close friends, It's only once every year or depending on how many events both you and your friend go to it.

00:06:04.745 --> 00:06:08.365
for Go Fest it's only once a year that you get to see that person.

00:06:09.026 --> 00:06:16.451
In a way, because these were your first events, you were able to not only meet friends, for the first time, people you were on zoom and stuff like that.

00:06:16.740 --> 00:06:18.180
You also got to meet the content creators.

00:06:18.180 --> 00:06:21.031
You looked up to what was going through your mind.

00:06:21.031 --> 00:06:25.860
Whenever you did meet the content creators that you looked up to design a video in real life.

00:06:26.447 --> 00:06:38.303
honestly, I think the biggest thing is, like, I've always told them, I've always been watching a lot of these content creators since I was probably 16 or 17, like, before COVID and stuff.

00:06:38.601 --> 00:06:55.351
I feel like, between watching them, in a video and meeting them in real life, it's just a totally different vibe, meeting them in real life rather than seeing them in the video even though them in the video is, obviously change about them real life.

00:06:55.351 --> 00:06:59.002
they're still the same person in the video as they are in real life.

00:06:59.327 --> 00:07:03.281
but I feel like you perceive them differently, in real life than in the video

00:07:03.867 --> 00:07:09.404
when you went to New York city, besides seeing the content creators, what else did you get a chance to do while you were in the

00:07:09.802 --> 00:07:16.017
I got to see Hamilton twice in New York I also went to the Central Park Zoo.

00:07:16.267 --> 00:07:22.267
I also got very hot, uh, uh, but that's like, a whole different story.

00:07:22.327 --> 00:07:23.904
We all, we don't, we don't, we don't

00:07:24.110 --> 00:07:24.860
It was humid.

00:07:25.024 --> 00:07:25.514
that part.

00:07:25.545 --> 00:07:27.995
Um, a lot of walking, I think.

00:07:28.028 --> 00:07:31.858
I've walked more in New York City this year and last year.

00:07:31.858 --> 00:07:37.391
then I did in Vegas for the Hoenn tour and I felt like I didn't really get do too much.

00:07:37.432 --> 00:07:49.095
in Vegas, I mean it was crazy because When I went to Vegas last year, I actually had some other discord friends from a totally different community that were also in Vegas that same weekend for a convention.

00:07:49.115 --> 00:07:51.041
And then, we met and everything.

00:07:51.041 --> 00:07:53.822
And then we went to like the M& M store and everything.

00:07:53.822 --> 00:07:58.523
And then, now we on meeting each other at conventions this year, in Ohio.

00:07:58.839 --> 00:08:06.033
And hopefully if they do it again in New York last year, if it's not during 4th July, Niantic, weekend, hopefully.

00:08:06.033 --> 00:08:10.362
Jamal and I can show up maybe a couple of days earlier, work schedules.

00:08:10.362 --> 00:08:15.170
Cause I know the rest of you guys showed up a couple of days, before like 4th of July and stuff.

00:08:15.180 --> 00:08:17.550
And then Jamal and I showed up on like Friday morning.

00:08:17.779 --> 00:08:29.223
So I definitely would like to have like four five days before GoFest New York, if they do it in New York again, to be able to actually tour the city more not about Pokemon Go too much.

00:08:29.242 --> 00:08:29.733
Cause like, I didn't.

00:08:29.954 --> 00:08:37.326
Really, I didn't get to go to the Statue of Liberty or I didn't see, even from a distance, didn't get to go inside, Empire State.

00:08:37.645 --> 00:08:38.966
and then, the 9 11

00:08:40.327 --> 00:08:43.427
when it comes to GO Fest, you were there for Pokemon GO primarily.

00:08:43.888 --> 00:08:45.548
When did you first start playing the game?

00:08:45.548 --> 00:08:47.327

00:08:47.427 --> 00:08:54.538
2016, on my previous account, but then when Hoopa came out some side mishaps happened with that account.

00:08:54.902 --> 00:08:57.846
And so I went a couple weeks without doing content and stuff.

00:08:57.846 --> 00:09:04.294
And then maybe in 2022, one of my friends, gave me a new account.

00:09:04.594 --> 00:09:16.447
But, I've technically been playing since 2016 a little mishap, and then got a new account, and I've been grinding ever since, and now I'm level 44 Team Mystic all the way because my name ChainerMystic, so.

00:09:17.028 --> 00:09:22.748
Well, what aspects about Pokemon Go that you enjoy compared to maybe say another type of video game or a console?

00:09:23.138 --> 00:09:48.734
it's the only game that gets me outside Yeah, because if I wasn't playing game, then I mean I might still go on walks But this actually pushes me to go outside, do live make videos and stuff And I'll go for two mile Like, I remember a back in June, I was in Uptown Charlotte, cause I went to that, uh, cemetery that Jamal talks about a lot.

00:09:49.018 --> 00:09:51.738
and then I couldn't find my way back to the big bus stop.

00:09:51.738 --> 00:09:54.587
so I ended up, walking 10 miles all the way.

00:09:54.640 --> 00:09:58.990
back to this other, park that, I also, play at during the weekend.

00:09:59.051 --> 00:10:01.931
Not, the one that goes to, not Hornet's Nest.

00:10:02.010 --> 00:10:02.980
It's a different one.

00:10:03.586 --> 00:10:05.056
Do you like to catch Pokemon?

00:10:05.056 --> 00:10:07.166
Are you like a shiny hunter, PvP?

00:10:07.446 --> 00:10:09.725
In what ways do you enjoy playing Pokemon Go?

00:10:10.312 --> 00:10:11.972
I like hunting shinies and stuff.

00:10:12.270 --> 00:10:20.490
so something that I actually do is however many shinies I get from that event, I like to tag shiny name of the event.

00:10:20.495 --> 00:10:27.649
So like Whenever someone asks me, Oh, what shinies did you get during the adventure week Or what did you get during the eighth anniversary?

00:10:27.649 --> 00:10:31.429
Instead of scrolling down, I can just swipe over to tag section and scroll down.

00:10:31.429 --> 00:10:39.469
And I have that tagged section with all the, shinies that I got instead of having to scroll down and pinpoint which, shinies I got.

00:10:39.964 --> 00:10:42.124
Do you have any experience with Pokemon before Pokemon Go?

00:10:42.668 --> 00:10:44.827
I up watching anime.

00:10:45.152 --> 00:10:57.044
I also like Pokemon cards, but I'm not I Collect them, but I don't play the game as one of our fellow podcast groups of PPN does I'm not too big into the game portion of it.

00:10:57.075 --> 00:10:58.578
I'm more into collecting.

00:10:58.884 --> 00:11:02.433
and I'm very stagnant about what cards I keep.

00:11:02.474 --> 00:11:05.216
I don't really keep, common cards and stuff.

00:11:05.586 --> 00:11:07.557
I like to keep, better quality cards.

00:11:07.557 --> 00:11:09.947
Like me, I'm quality quantity.

00:11:09.947 --> 00:11:13.600
So even though my room is a mess right now, cause I just got a drum set.

00:11:13.760 --> 00:11:15.630
like to make sure, everything.

00:11:15.630 --> 00:11:58.383
looks nice, so I really keep the best looking Pokemon cards, unless it's like a Japanese card or something then I'll keep it just because it's Japanese card, but if it's just a normal common Pikachu card, then I'll most likely throw it away because it doesn't really mean anything to me because I'm not too experienced with TCG Beyond just collecting cards and then the show I watched the shows TV shows growing up, like, I would, come in here in the morning at like 8am and I would, have Pokemon XY or XYZ and a pre recorded episode of Phineas and Ferb on my TV I would come in my room in the morning, sit on my beanbag right over here and then binge watch Pokemon and Phineas and Ferb all Saturday morning...

00:11:58.682 --> 00:11:59.602
that's an awesome way to spend a

00:11:59.748 --> 00:12:10.738
have of the games too, like I have Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Legends Arceus, and Sword, and then, Let's Go Eevee and Pikachu.

00:12:10.738 --> 00:12:14.488
And then I have a couple of, 3DS games, like I think and stuff.

00:12:14.799 --> 00:12:22.667
I think Pokemon Go is probably my the most active Pokemon game I play because it's the switch games.

00:12:22.687 --> 00:12:36.182
I love the switch games all the shiny honing even though I only have like two shinies but it just very hard for me to keep along with uh storyline games so like I have not ventured more into Zelda Legends of Zelda Chairs of the Kingdom.

00:12:36.182 --> 00:12:41.647
I'm not too far in many of the Pokemon games because it's hard for me to keep up with.

00:12:41.695 --> 00:12:46.764
Those games, but very easy me to keep up and active with go.

00:12:47.357 --> 00:12:52.758
It sounds like because it's more of a commitment to play the main game, cause you have to focus on the story and all that other stuff.

00:12:52.918 --> 00:12:54.307
It's easier to play Pokemon Go.

00:12:54.418 --> 00:12:56.697
pokemon go doesn't really have a storyline

00:12:57.293 --> 00:12:59.764
Out of all the Pokemon, do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?

00:12:59.813 --> 00:13:00.214

00:13:00.274 --> 00:13:01.774
It is the eevee squad.

00:13:02.114 --> 00:13:03.460
I love eeveelutions.

00:13:03.769 --> 00:13:05.190
I gotta ask since you're

00:13:05.455 --> 00:13:05.725

00:13:06.139 --> 00:13:08.990
you know, you like all the Eevee evolutions How about we rank them?

00:13:09.009 --> 00:13:11.669
So How would you rank the Eevee evolutions based on?

00:13:11.669 --> 00:13:15.320

00:13:15.504 --> 00:13:16.315
Glaceon second.

00:13:16.424 --> 00:13:19.774
My favorite color also blue, so I have lot of blue stuff my room.

00:13:19.774 --> 00:13:32.903
So first is Sylveon and then second is Glaceon 3rd is Leafeon, 4th is Umbreon, and then, 6th, 7th are Jolteon, and, Flareon.

00:13:32.932 --> 00:13:42.653
And then in terms of Shinies, Eeveelutions, Soveon still first, and then 2nd, Glaceon, 3rd, Umbreon, 4th would be Leafeon.

00:13:43.445 --> 00:13:46.554
Fifth would be, and then the last two are Vaporeon.

00:13:46.585 --> 00:13:52.465
Well, I think Vaporeon would probably be, after Umbreon and then the last be Flareon.

00:13:52.794 --> 00:13:56.945
I mean, I know Leafeon and Glaceon don't have the best shinies, but I, I like them.

00:13:57.246 --> 00:14:12.860
I like them more than The evolutions, mine Evolutions minus Sion, simply because it doesn't take too long to evolve them in Pokemon Go because you just have to have enough candies and then have the rainy and grasser modules stuff.

00:14:13.147 --> 00:14:15.914
i'm trying to build my shiny evie army.

00:14:16.355 --> 00:14:17.644
Michael, you've been a wonderful guest.

00:14:17.995 --> 00:14:20.634
I have to ask the last question before we close this show down.

00:14:21.253 --> 00:14:25.432
Say somebody's gonna come to North Carolina to battle you in a Pokemon battle six on six.

00:14:26.029 --> 00:14:28.289
What six Pokemon would you bring to the battle?

00:14:30.139 --> 00:14:46.629
that's a good question probably any strong pseudo type pokemon uh pseudo i mean pseudo legendary pokemon So like, Garchomp, Garchomp, Gyarados, Tyranitar, uh, Rhyperior, and maybe even a Sylveon.

00:14:47.149 --> 00:14:50.289
And, uh, uh, uh, uh, wait, wait, wait.

00:14:50.289 --> 00:14:54.200
What's the zigzagoon's final evolution?

00:14:55.309 --> 00:14:56.159
Yeah, Obstagoon.

00:14:56.269 --> 00:14:57.429
Yeah, Obstagoon.

00:14:57.840 --> 00:14:58.210

00:14:58.842 --> 00:15:01.482
Thank you for listening to as the Poke Ball Turns.

00:15:01.811 --> 00:15:06.100
we are officially at 100 episodes, and this wouldn't be possible without listeners like you.

00:15:06.451 --> 00:15:09.691
so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for listening to this podcast.

00:15:10.145 --> 00:15:16.864
if you wanna financially support the podcast considering becoming a Patreon, by going to patreon.com/as the pokeball turns.

00:15:17.312 --> 00:15:21.513
I'll see you next time with more people, more stories, and more Pokemon.