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I am Hurricane Kaz, and this is my Pokémon story.
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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez.
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Today I'm joined by Hurricane Kaz.
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Kaz, welcome to the show.
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Hi, hello, thank you so much for having me.
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Absolutely, and I know by the hurricane I've always heard that you have a very fond, loving of bird Pokemon.
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Is that true?
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That is so true and accurate, 100%.
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When did that start, like, was it just like initially you just saw a bird Pokemon, and you're like, I love bird Pokemon, or did it kind of grow over time?
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Well, actually, I'm a very big bird fan in real life.
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I've always loved birds, and my parents really encouraged that when I was a kid.
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We would always, like, go on nature walks.
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you know, they bought me binoculars, so we'd go out and look at birds together.
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when I was a kid, I actually had this little like coloring journal where I could keep track of all the birds that I saw, which I still have, my parents kept, and I still have on my bookshelf with all my other nerdy bird books.
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so yeah, it's always been a passion of mine.
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I got back into it.
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during the COVID pandemic, like many other people got into birding for the first time and I was kind of coming back to it.
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I found a friend here where I live in Atlanta who also was into birds as a kid and, you know, hadn't really kept up with it.
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And so we were like, let's just go, let's start going out and looking at birds together.
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it became a really great pastime for us, like every weekend to just kind of go out early and.
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See what we could see and keep track.
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and yeah, now my life list of real life birds is up to 300 species.
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Oh wow, just real life birds.
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you know, I, I really love the connection between Pokemon and the natural world, like our, Living world.
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So seeing bird Pokemon, it's just kind of like the same way I feel when I see real life birds.
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It's just, it's fun.
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The diversity of species I see and like the adaptability of bird Pokemon.
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I feel like there are some of the more flexible, playable monsters in the game, so I just, I really enjoy them very much.
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Bringing it back to Pokemon.
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So, you know, there's a lot of bird Pokemon in the Pokemon franchise.
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What are some of your favorite ones when it comes to like, Oh, we're going to be here for an hour.
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I'm here for it.
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maybe cause I could literally talk all day.
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So, my all time favorites, it's always just a 50 percent dead heat tie between Pidgeot and Articuno.
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are my all time favorite Pokemon, like no matter what new birds come out and how cool they are.
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And they are very cool.
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I still always come back to those two as kind of my favorite.
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They're just, the first time I saw them playing the games as a kid, I was just like, these are the most beautiful creatures that I've ever seen.
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and I love them so much.
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So those are, those are going to be my favorites for, for all time.
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But as the series has like expanded and we've gotten so, so many more Pokemon.
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I also love the idea that there are bird Pokemon out there that aren't the flying types.
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So, Empoleon is one of my other top favorites because penguins are amazing, right?
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it is not a flying type, but it is definitely a bird and it's a very cool Pokemon.
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Like, it just looks so sturdy and strong.
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and again, it's so flexible.
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That typing of water and steel makes it absolutely incredible to use.
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So it isn't just the Pokemon that just had the flying type that you, are drawn to.
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It's also just Pokemon that have.
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That bird like appearance, like you mentioned Napoleon's a prime example.
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I would think maybe Blaziken, because it's based off a chicken would be another one,
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Yes, yes, that is correct.
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I actually have a whitelist, like tag, it's saved in my Pokemon Go game of bird Pokemon.
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Like it's just called birb and that's just the tag that I give all the birds so that I have all my favorites in one place.
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The one that I love that came recently from Scarlet Violet.
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I think it's called Flamingo.
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just a basic Flamingo with the fighting symbol, but it's so cool to see and use.
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I love it.
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It looks like a swim, like a swim floaty, you know, like it's just, it's so round.
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And when I, when I found out it was fighting type, cause the thing, the thing with the newer games is I don't, I used to, when games would come out, I would kind of like keep my eye on the news and like look at new Pokemon that were revealed, but I don't do that as much now.
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So everything, when I start playing is kind of a surprise.
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So when I caught one and I saw like the fighting type symbol, I was like, what?
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I was so, taken aback.
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It was, it was very strange.
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You remember Articuno and Pidgeot when you were younger, playing the games.
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When did this experience with Pokemon start?
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Did you start with the original games, or
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I have been playing Pokemon games basically since they came to the United States in 1998.
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I, yeah, we don't need to talk about how long.
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I'll leave the listeners to do the math on that one.
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I'm not going to say it.
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I can't, can't stomach it.
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So, I started out with a copy of Pokemon blue I believe I played it actually on a Game Boy color.
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I think I played it on a Game Boy color.
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I just have a memory of like a lime green Game Boy.
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And I feel like they didn't do that until the color release.
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but yeah, my parent, like I remember sharing a Game Boy with my brother.
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But since me and my brother successfully argued that the games were different enough, we each got, you know, a copy.
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So he picked red and I picked blue because I thought Blastoise looked so cool.
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Ooh, shots fired.
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that's a controversial opinion sometimes.
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I know.
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my brother didn't really stay with it.
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Like he didn't really, like he played the game, but he didn't really play any other ones.
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But I was, you know, I was but I didn't play, I didn't always get like the newest thing, like right when it came out, like I didn't actually get a Game Boy Advance, which I believe the next, you know, few games came out on.
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so I didn't play them immediately, but I did play them later.
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I think I was in high school when I found a friend who had loaned me their Game Boy Advance so I could play, Pokemon Sapphire.
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Yeah, well, again, I just, you know, blue and green are like also tied for kind of my favorite colors.
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Like I'm a real teal fan.
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So yeah, blue tends to be, if that's like the cool color family that they've chosen to go with, that's like the one that I'll go with.
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Cause I just like those colors better.
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And when I was in college, I think, Pokemon, Diamond and Pearl came out followed by And loved Pokemon.
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Those games, it just like renewed, like a whole sense of how much I loved the games.
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The story in those games is still one of my favorite, stories told in the Pokemon games, which are not always known for their very strong stories, but I felt like that one really stuck the landing.
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I could see that because, with Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, it's teamed Galactic.
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Mm hmm.
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I think he's trying to start a brand new world depending on whether you're doing Diago or Palkia.
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Mm hmm.
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And it's just a very, I'll say ambitious, because we're so used to like criminal organizations with Team Rocket.
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I think the closest we got to world ending was maybe Team Magma and Team Rocket because they were trying to add either more land or more ocean, but Team Galactic was on a vengeance to try to really destroy the world for the first time in the Pokemon franchise.
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it felt very threatening, like, even when I was playing through it.
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and this idea that like, yeah, we don't want to just change the world.
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Like we want to break it and start a new one.
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I was like me and my Pokemon were like, well, we won't stand for that.
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And my, I think the, final team that I had the first time I played through, And I remember this because I found some sketchbooks that had like some original drawings.
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I just,
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team that I went with was the three final, like final versions of the starters.
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So Empoleon, Infernape, and Torterra.
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And then I also had Drapion, Luxray, and Staraptor.
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Because of course.
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of course.
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You gotta have two birds in there.
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Yeah, exactly.
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because I just thought like those designs just seem so cool to me and like Diamond and Pearl also had like a lot of really good typings, like Empolium with that water steel type that I already mentioned, Firefighting was not unheard of, but still pretty strong, you know, and the Grass Ground, like it brings in double weakness, but I mean, it also covers a lot, so.
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the three starters by themselves.
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I was like, this is amazing.
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Also, like, I know I love birds, but I thought Drapion looked so sick.
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I was like, this is the scariest demon Pokemon I've ever seen.
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This giant scorpion.
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And I want to bring it with me everywhere.
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No, I agree, because I remember when I first faced Drapion, you know, Skorupi's a bug poison type when it starts out.
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And I think it was on one of the Elite Four, the bug type Elite Four guy, I can't remember his name.
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He brought it in, but it was a poison dark type.
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And I'm like, why is his fire attack not super effective?
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didn't know it loses its bug typing.
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yeah, exactly.
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It just breaks your whole world.
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what you did there.
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did there.
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Mm hmm.
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And then, the champion for that game, Cynthia, like, I really loved her design and her team as well, like, and honestly, so hard.
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Like, that is one of the most difficult, like, champion battles that I remember from my early time playing the games.
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and I think a lot of people have that memory because I feel like there was a post recently where, like, Like just shared her theme music and they were like, Cynthia, that's it.
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That's the post.
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And I'm like, Oh my God.
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Get goosebumps in your hair, it's just going up when you hear the music.
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Core memory unlocked.
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But it's true though, because, first A, that's the first female champion.
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And B, it's one of the hardest ones in the entire franchise.
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People still talk about it to this day, and then the games are already, how old, I think, 15 years old at this point?
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Again, we don't need to talk too much about the
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Yeah, true, true, true, true.
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Oh my god! That Garchomp!.
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It just was so, Difficult.
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And it seemed like, even though it has, again, a double weakness, it seemed like no matter what you threw at it, it was just like, oh, you know, that was okay.
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That was, you know, hurt a little bit, I guess.
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Mm hmm.
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And then the rest of
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happening now?
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I know, but then the rest of our team is not as easy.
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You got Milotic back in the day with the high special defense.
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You got Roserade.
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You have, Lucario, which is fighting steel type.
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That's a solid team even for back then.
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Yeah, it was so difficult.
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I think I might have lost, like, the first several times I tried, and it took me a while to, like, find the right combination.
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And especially since the main series games, there are a lot of different, you know, even in the older ones, there are a lot of different, rules.
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You know, you gotta consider your abilities, and you gotta consider your items, and the order your Pokémon can make a huge difference, like setting things up for your later team.
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Oh yeah.
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And unfortunately, Dunperl, the only thing I don't like about it is the slow gameplay, but it was definitely very changing for the Pokemon because it added the new typings you mentioned.
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champion, the story.
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It really had a lot of good things going for it.
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I just remember, like, that was kind of the first Pokemon I had picked back up in a while, even though I always had a special place in my heart for the franchise, and I remember playing it and being like, oh yeah.
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I'm gonna play this, like, I can play this forever.
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laughs And lo and behold, like I still continued to play every single game as it came out.
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I didn't play like the mystery dungeon series.
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That actually was one that I never really touched.
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but I did enjoy like the stadium games and I also very much enjoy like the Pokemon snap games, like the old one and the latest one that they released, Those are just real, so chill by comparison.
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I'm like, yeah, let me live my wildlife photographer dreams.
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Thank you.
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real, in the virtual world.
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I have a friend, I had a friend who lived, uh, used to live here by me.
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And whenever it came out, one of us would go pick up Boba and then go to the other one's house.
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And we would like play through the same levels together, trying to like unlock all the secrets and get all the different levels of, for every Pokemon, like you can get like kind of a basic photo and a good photo and like an excellent photo, that sort of thing.
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and you have to like do things to entice the Pokemon to like act certain ways.
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so we would always kind of like sit and do the same levels and try and figure them out together.
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It also goes back to your hobby of birdwatching.
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Cause get to kind of, cause you get kind of the Pokemon.
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You get to experience Pokemon in their habitat.
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You get to see how they interact with out human interaction, I guess, to a degree.
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And that's what I've always enjoyed about the snap series is that.
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what do Pokemon do when people aren't around?
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It's like the old question.
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If a tree falls in the forest, does it, nobody hears it, it actually fall.
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And it kind of allowed us to kind of live that dream out and see what, what they do when we're not around, you know,
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and for as much fun as like the battling is, you know And especially like the community that has come from that both, you know for the main series and for Pokemon Go It's also fun to have a part of the series where it's not about that You know, you're just kind of like you said experiencing nature and seeing you know What Pokemon are up to what their lives are like?
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It's just it's very fascinating and again, I I feel like it's A very chill experience compared to the way that I play some of the other games.
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I was going to say in Pokemon go, you're more of the competitive side.
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You do a lot of battling, you're involved in that side.
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When did you transition to start playing Pokemon go?
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So I started playing Go when it first came out.
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That was, what, the summer of 16?
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We don't talk about it.
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I mean, I'm just guessing.
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Um, so I started playing it when it came out because, of course, it's a Pokemon game.
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I love Pokemon.
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and like many other people have said, you know, I feel in the meme, like that's as close to world peace as we'll ever get,
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We need T-shirt.
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We need a T-shirt of that.
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we do, because like, I just remember I was living in Savannah, Georgia at the time.
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Which if you've never visited, it's a great place to play.
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So many stops because of the historic nature of the city.
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Very walkable everywhere in the downtown area.
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So I just remember being, you know, downtown walking around and everyone, it's also a very tourist heavy city.
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So it's not just like locals.
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It's, you know, there are a lot of people there from all sorts of walks of life.
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And I remember walking around downtown and basically seeing everyone play.
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Which was so strange to me because I always felt like I'm a grown woman and you know, people don't expect me play Pokemon.
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And a lot of people, you know, even my age don't play Pokemon anymore.
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But now everyone is playing it and everyone is talking about it.
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Everyone's like walking up to strangers and talking about what they're seeing like on their phones, and it was just such a like, surreal, magical moment.
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and it was, and it was really incredible.
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Of course, that like kind of faded pretty quickly for most people who weren't Pokemon fans.
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but I did find a community of other people that played, but unfortunately, like at first the game was a little stale, you know, for a long time.
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It was just the first 150 Pokemon.
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There wasn't really much to do with them except kind of put them in gyms.
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So, I took a break for maybe a year, I think it was until they introduced raiding.
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They announced that they had this new concept they were going to introduce to the game of raiding for legendaries, and the first one that they did was Articuno.