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Hey everybody, my name is KnifeLaughLove, and this is my Pokémon story.
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Welcome to, as the Pokeball turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez.
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Today, I'm joined by the community ambassador from DTC Pokemon Go, KnifeLaughLove.
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Welcome to the show.
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Yo, what's up?
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Thanks for having me, I'm super appreciative and excited to be here.
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Absolutely, and you know, you're DTC standard for downtown Chicago, which you'll get into in a little bit, but I kind of asked like, What's the meaning behind Knife Laugh Love because it's the most unique name I've had from any of my guests so
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It's so funny.
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So obviously when you're, doing an online game, you just sort of get to pick whatever name or persona you want.
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And, you know, I wanted to be a little edgy without being too punny.
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but I wanted it to be short and succinct.
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And so I thought Knife was there from Chicago.
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And obviously there's the tropes about violence and, unsafety here.
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So I wanted that to be there.
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I look a little, you know, rough around the edges, but I'm a big sweetheart.
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So I wanted that also to be a little bit in there too.
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And so there's the play on Live Laugh Love, which is, you know, every Midwestern mom's graphics in their kitchen.
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But I put the Knife Laugh Love in there.
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I tried really hard to get the username knife, but it was taken during the beta, I'm sure.
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So Knife Laugh Love was what I decided.
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I feel like it'd be some kind of decoration when I first heard it.
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It'd be some decoration off the Joker and he would just have it in his kitchen.
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of decoration.
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I don't know, right?
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But you know, as you said, you're from Chicago and the one thing I've loved is I love the culture of Chicago.
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I loved when I went there for GoFest, which we'll dive in later.
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For just the start, you know, what is it like to kind of play in Chicago for those who may not be familiar?
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Chicago's really cool.
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So Chicago, has a lot of area.
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there's generally the north side, the south side, the west side, and then the loop, um, which is sort of the spot in between it all.
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That's where all kind of the business, end of Chicago is.
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Um, but we have Lake Michigan that butts up to our east side.
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so we really have that kind of keystone, for Chicago.
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each area, each neighborhood within Chicago almost has their own little community, which I'm sure, a lot of wider ranging places have as well too.
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So that's probably not super exclusive, but Chicago has a ton of parks, which means we have unique nests all over the place.
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We have a lot of people who are dedicated to Wayfarer and making sure that every unique aspect and art component and church and place in Chicago is highlighted on the map.
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And when new things pop up, because that happens in an artistic city like Chicago, we get new stops.
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You know, we have a lot of dedicated trainers to the game.
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People who have been coming since day one, and new people who have moved here because it's a major metropolitan.
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So it's really cool to see the community kind of ebb and flow as, as time goes on.
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It brings me back to when I first went to Chicago in 2017.
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And for me that was my first time traveling outside of Texas.
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Oh wow.
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So for me, I always expected like downtown Dallas was like huge like a huge area and massive.
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I go to Chicago.
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I'm like, where the hell am I
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Yeah, it's, it can be a little overwhelming.
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It is, you got the spread out area.
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Y'all's downtown is way bigger than ours, obviously, but you got the big skyscrapers and it was just so much to take in.
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And then when I come back to Dallas, I'm like, dang, our downtown small compared to what Chicago's got.
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Yeah, I mean, comparison's always the thief of joy.
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That's what they, that's what they say.
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I think that Chicago has a bad rap on the news all, you know, that's going to be a given because everybody from a local place who decides to live there is always going to think that it's totally fine.
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And it's not, it's not perfect, but it's also not as bad as everyone else thinks it is.
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you mentioned GoFest when GoFest happened in 2017, that was really their first event that I think they had maybe done one or two little small kind of city street walk kind of things.
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but GoFest was like a huge thing, right?
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For Pokemon go.
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for Pokemon Go.
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but The history is the thing that, continues to come up about 2017's GoFest.
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And I know from being able to work with some of them later in 2018 and 2019, that, that was all, that was all just.
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They wanted sell on wheels, or cows, C O Ws, cows, they wanted those there.
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And all of the carriers said no.
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I think Sprint was the only one, because they were a partner of Niantic at the time, but all the carriers said, look, we, we have Lollapalooza there.
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That's a huge event, and there's way more people, and we don't need sell on wheels there.
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So we don't need it for your game.
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Neglecting to think.
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Not everybody at Lollapalooza, especially in 2017, was live streaming it or playing a video game that requires connection, so that is famously, a little bit of a black spot on their career, but I think they recovered from it.
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when they opened the whole city up, it was so much better, and they learned from that.
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And playing in the city was like, That was, that was easily the best part of GoFest, not getting my a hundred dollars back, not getting a free Lugia, thank you John Hanke, but being able to, you know, explore the city and have others understand, you know, what it's like to walk the streets of Chicago, especially on the weekend in the business area when it's not as busy.
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that was the magic, that was cool.
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And you said, like, you got to help 2019, so were you, like, really directly involved or were you kind of more behind the scenes?
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think it was a little bit, I mean, obviously I wasn't like, on a poster or anything, you know, I wasn't, I wasn't trainer tips getting, getting signees, which is totally fun.
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Cause that's not what I want.
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but yeah, so 2018, the week before go fast, this was in Lincoln park.
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They said, you know, we're not doing, grant park right now.
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We're going to go to Lincoln park cause it's a larger area.
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they had contacted me and said, Hey, like we are interested like flooding the area.
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We want to stress test the network.
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so are you able to get people there?
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And early Pokemon Go days, you know, 2017, 2018, at least in Chicago, there are some turf wars happening.
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There are some big egos that are owning these, communities that are sort of rivals in ways.
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Um, and so Niantic coming and saying, Hey, can you get people here?
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It was.
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Almost a, colossal task, at least
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you prepared for Civil War kind of thing,
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no, I wasn't, it's hard.
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It's hard to, it's, I think more than anything, it was like, Hey, I need to be, you said civil war, but I think if you take the war part out of it, I think that's kind of the synopsis here is that can we work together and be civil with one another in order to help the greater good?
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Because we can look past our little scuffles that we have in our disagreements and say, Can we, like, be a larger community while the world of Pokemon Go has a microscope on our city, right?
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The first year was maybe a miss for them.
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And so they were really trying to win back, favor, from folks.
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And I think they understood, especially after that next year of the events team coming together that they needed to really.
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prove that they could do that.
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And I think that they've gone on since then and done a great job.
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But, the gathering was the weekend before it was Squirtle Community Day and famously it had sunglasses, maybe not the sunglasses we were expecting, but they had sunglasses and It was awesome to be able to, Not only meet people from Niantic, people like, Liz, who used to be their community ambassador.
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but people like Brandon and Michael Steranka, who have continued to work with Niantic since.
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So they are obviously day one buy ins for that company.
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And it's great to see that sort of longevity continue through.
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And, they really care about that message.
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I'm sure some people will listen to me say this right now and think, you know, what a, what a, what a scrub.
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He's, he's vying
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You're a foot licker?
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Yeah, exactly.
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But I, I do think that, some things are out of their hands.
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Some things are maybe, you know, from the Pokemon company, or, coming from up top and not everybody agrees with that.
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And I think if you work at any company, you'll understand that it's not just one big cog that turns the whole machine.
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It's, you know, 70 to 700 different little cogs and all of them have different lubrication and different parts that they need to replace.
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So it's not so easy to just summarize it, you know?
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You bring an interesting perspective, and, for those who just didn't live through it, 2017 was just such a disaster that.
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It really left a sour taste for people to attend these events.
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you're going back to Chicago and you're like, in that moment, you're like, Oh no, we're going to relive history.
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Like, is that game actually going to work?
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Like, these are legitimate
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not talking glitches.
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We're talking like actually getting to the game.
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yeah, you can't, you couldn't open you know,
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but just for you to kind of say that, that they kind of asked you to kind of help to make sure that, Hey, we need this event to go well.
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Kind of shows that they were putting effort in compared to like people who just say they don't know what they're doing
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yeah, and I, and I felt that as well too.
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And obviously when This company that's pretty new, right?
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Mind you, like they had, ingress.
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They had ingress before this.
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And then, the, April fool's joke churned into this thing that we dedicate so much of our time to, 2018 came around and they were, they said, Hey, like.
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Can we get on the floor support?
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This is back when SILF was still around, right?
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So SILF was kind of our in between between Niantic and communities all over the world.
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and so for them to reach out direct and have direct contact was like, a real game changer for us in Chicago.
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and we were super thankful, to have that, all every community was, you know, there was that sort of civility between all these communities as well, in 2018 and things got better.
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I think after that, because of it.
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You know, I gotta ask this because people are coming and you're a leader, We obviously have some kind of influence within Pokemon go and you've got all these people flying in to Chicago Was it kind of stressful for you to kind of make sure people had a good time?
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Not just in regards to the game, but just in general of like going to see the sites and make sure they're sure they're safe because Chicago does have that reputation.
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Unfortunately that, bad things happen.
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it was.
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for you?
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Like, what was that like?
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think it was stressful is maybe not the word that I would use, but I certainly think that my team and I took it upon ourselves to be that like Midwestern hospitality.
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Welcome to our city.
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Here is the best of what we have to offer.
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We spent a lot of time.
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putting together, two resources.
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We put together a PDF guide, which was kind of the magnum opus of what we wanted to offer.
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It was a quick, easy, to digest guide on the best ways to get around the city.
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You know, if you flew in to Midway or to O'Hare, our two major airports, what lines could you take to get into the city?
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And how much would it cost to get from one place to another?
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And while you're here, what food should you get?
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This is the best.
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Pizza, these are the best burgers.
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This is the best, tacos, right?
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This is the best desserts.
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We wanted to make sure that we had every thing for Pokemon at the time.
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We had highlighted a few great AR spots, and give some examples.
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We highlighted, the best places to play with like the best spawns, because it wasn't just going to be.
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Go fast.
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Some people like you mentioned, we're flying in from a long ways away and maybe got here the Wednesday, Thursday before, and maybe they stayed after until a few days.
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So be able to experience the city for the first time.
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That's like the it's, it's hard to say the coolest, but I think it's such a interesting opportunity to create travel.
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when Niantic puts together these events, GoFests, you know, tour in LA, you know, Singapore, Indonesia, all the safari zones, right?
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it's funky because I don't think I would ever Think to go to Indonesia.
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That's maybe not my first like place on my travel list to check off.
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But when Pikachu is wearing a new costume and there's a Lapras that's there and I can have a picture there, it's like, okay.
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Is this game really like changing my worldview?
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There's this component of would I ever go there?
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Maybe, maybe if the, if, if the situation's right, but.
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Would I go there for Pokemon and then also get to enjoy these cool things?
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Like it's a really, it's a really funky and fun, aspect of Pokemon Go is that travel part.
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I think there was, gosh, 20, it might've been late 2016, but 2017, there was like someone who was trying to complete, Their Pokedex.
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And they got some sort of like sponsor.
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I don't remember if it was an airline sponsor or they like won the opportunity to, and they flew them to like Australia so they could catch Kangaskhan and to Europe somewhere.
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So they could catch Mr.
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Mime and then they were the first person to complete their Pokedex.
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And it was like, that's, that's like such a cool thing.
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it's maybe not thought about too often with Pokemon Go, just because you sort of travel locally and Partake in your own small community that's around you, but there's that part where you could see the world with Pokemon Go as like a, as a vessel for travel and for having a great time.
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it's a really cool thing that not everybody gets to participate in.
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It's not, Inexpensive to buy a plane ticket and a hotel and food out every day.
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but for people to be able to come to Chicago to see my city, I grew up in the suburbs and I've lived here my whole life for people to come here.
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It wasn't a stress component, but component, like you mentioned, but I think it was like a sense of pride.
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Like I want to show off the best parts my city.
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and so we made that PDF guide and then we also made a video.
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Component to it too, where we sort of took everybody around the Lincoln park area where we were playing and got everybody a bit of a heads up, you know, it's not just a Google street view.
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It's, you know, here's some nice slow mo shots of bees and the flowers and what it looks like to walk along the zoo area.
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And so it was really cool.
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I had, I had a ton of fun blocking out all those shots and waking up early to see the sunrise for those.
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And we did another one in 2019.
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And I'm super proud of the team that was able to put that together.
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Susan and Tony and Nick and me put a lot of effort into that and it was fantastic.
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I still think about
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So what got you into Pokemon Go?
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What, before you even, you know, built the community, before GoFest, like when did this whole crazy story happened?
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mean, Pokemon's been, just in general, Pokemon's been a thing since, uh, Red and Blue.
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I have a picture of me, sitting on my plaid couch.
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In 1998, wearing who knows what from Kohl's and having, an Arctic purple Game Boy color it might've been a gold pocket, but I had Pokemon red and there's a, Prima, guide in my lap and you can tell I'm just enveloped in it ever since Pokemon came out, it's been like an obsession of Not to the point where like it's an issue, but like I've just been enamored with the franchise.
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it's so cool to meet other people that have that same feeling.
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Grew up at the same time and saw Mewtwo for the first time and their jaw hit the floor and, you know, read the Nintendo power where, oh my God, there's 151st Pokemon.
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Like, oh my God, there are more than what's on this game.
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It's, it's, it's.
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It's a memory that I'll always cherish and I hope I can pass on to others and, other children, other, my kids in the, in the future, you know, it's a really cool thing to be able to do that.
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but Go in specific, you know, I mentioned the April Fool's joke.
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which is famously where Pokemon Go kind of got its legs.
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I was doing that.
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I probably have screenshots in my photo reel somewhere of, you know, in Brazil, finding a Machoke and going to New York city and finding a Rattata, like screenshotting that and, you know, enjoying that on April 1st.
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And when Pokemon Go was, first announced that like that teaser trailer and Mewtwo in downtown, New York city and Times Square, it was just one of those, like, Oh, it's, my like, my passion for this is like, coming.
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Into real life, into some aspect, you know?
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It's not just playing the games in the back of the car or going to a movie It's like I can do this and catch an Eevee like at the Euroshop You know, I can go on the train to downtown and find a Dragonite like Dragonite's on the map That's crazy.
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I can go explore that and End.
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all those 2016, you know, was the last time the world was perfect when Pokemon Go came out memes, like, it really is, an amazing memory, a really cool time to be around, and be alive, and be playing this game actively.
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I opened my game on 6th of July, when it came out.
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I looked around and all the gyms around my area were red.
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And so I said, well, I guess I'm going to be red with all my neighbors.
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And so I chose Valor.
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I chose my strong melanin leader.
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And, I woke up the next morning and nothing was red.
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I'm It was like, oh, we're in a turf war now, you know, so it's, but that idea of, you know, competition but also working together, it's like, the heart and the core of what Pokemon Go is.
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And it's one of the, the most fun parts about it, you know, ribbing your, best friend because they chose the wrong team, you know,
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that's also what Pokemon is, right?
00:17:19.251 --> 00:17:22.862
Cause Pokemon is, you know, trying to compete to try to be the very best.
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That's in the mantra.
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That's what the most memorable line from the very first song from the anime is about.
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00:17:27.846 --> 00:17:28.987
like no one ever was.
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00:17:29.997 --> 00:17:38.653
And then just to kind of see Pokemon Go come to life to where you can actually travel and walk around, even just your own neighborhood and find Pokemon just so
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it's a nostalgic dream come true in so many ways.
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It was, it was really cool when it first came out and it still is in its own way.
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I did want to touch on something real quick.
00:17:47.854 --> 00:17:52.854
Cause you talked about how, you know, we found out back in the early days when Mew was the 151, right?
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We still get that with Pokemon Go to the degree to where, you know, Some people just make up these myths.
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Cause I remember if you were back in the raids, people believed if you don't press the okay button, that everybody would catch the raid boss.
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remember like if you, people were trying to find Ditto because Ditto wasn't available and they thought that if you press the buttons on the main screen in a certain direction, Ditto may pop up.
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So there still is that kind of mystery from Pokemon that is kind of a lost art at this point with, you know, technology and internet and access information, but Pokemon go still kind of catches that to a degree.
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Yeah, it's really cool.
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It's, I love those little things and, even thinking about how Niantic is, Purposeful.
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And when they release new stuff, obviously they need to sort of like.
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They can't just release Gen 2 like they did, for Gen 8, you know, they have to trickle these things out a bit.