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I am Rocket Clare and this is my Pokémon story.
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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez, and today, I'm joined by a wonderful leader within the Pokemon Go community, Rocket Clare.
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Clare, welcome to the podcast.
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Oh, thank you so much for having me, David.
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I was happy that you decided to come on the show.
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I look forward to kind of diving into your experience with Pokemon Go, which doesn't start with the main series.
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It actually just starts with Pokemon Go.
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you did a recent, world's trip.
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You also are very involved within the PVP community with girls at PVP.
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And I want to highlight all that stuff.
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And I'm excited to kind of hear that kind of all unfold.
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Oh yeah, look, I'm really excited to be able to talk about it.
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This is one of my favourite topics and, I don't think there can be enough discussion, particularly about, how we promote women and the things that they're doing in PVP, and just all the fun stuff, all the things that make it such a great game to play.
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But let's start with the origin story.
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Let's start with the beginning.
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Like what's the chapter one, where does this journey start off?
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So, back in 2016 when the game launched, I think It had been out for about a week.
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I think I started about a week late.
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I'd heard a bit in the news about this game called Pokemon Go.
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I had very young children at the time and I thought, I think that would be something that my kids would really enjoy playing.
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So I have three daughters.
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they're now 17, 15 and but obviously back then they were more of an age where I thought this could be something fun to do outside with them, which, When you've got three kids it's always a challenge to try and think of something that gets them out and about and that they enjoy doing.
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So, uh, I downloaded the game.
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And I took a little while to figure out what was going on because I, like you said, haven't played the main games.
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And when I started playing Pokemon Go, I didn't really get the concept of even trying to catch them in the ball.
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I do remember, uh, the first Pokemon I tried to catch trying to work out how you even threw the ball.
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Which is pretty embarrassing.
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I don't think I've ever admitted that to anybody.
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But, uh, it was just, um, a whole new, a whole new experience to me.
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it went from there.
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I sort of, I'm lucky in that I live Right near a park that has a lot of Pokestop and I could see, you know, when the game first started, it was just crazy, right?
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So people were out playing until 3am in the morning.
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I could see from my house, lawyers going all night, at these Pokestops.
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And, I'm sure that wasn't just in Australia.
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I'm sure that was, worldwide.
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There was, there was news stories about, you know, people chasing Snorlax spawns and.
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all sorts of fun and exciting stuff.
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It was just such a novelty and very, very, addictive when you see everyone else doing something and having so much fun with it and then you're having fun with it, it kind of builds momentum, I think.
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So you started because you had your daughters.
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You were trying to find a way to get them out.
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And kind of, I guess, do a family kind of event.
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Did your daughters also get hooked into the game when y'all were starting?
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Like, were y'all going, like, on family outings to the park that, uh, where you stayed at and stuff like that?
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I have to be completely honest.
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I think for me, I started doing it and I thought I'd play first so that I could teach them what to do.
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And then I just got completely hooked and definitely did, I definitely started accounts for them.
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But, I don't know, they just weren't as interested as me.
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They'd be a little bit interested, but then they'd get bored really quickly and go and want to play.
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Or whatever, which is also fine.
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because, I was enjoying being out while they were playing, like I had something to do as well and it was in the park.
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So, yeah, it kind of worked really well for me that first, first year or so and definitely started to meet a lot of players.
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It was kind of weird to start off with.
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we didn't have established, well certainly here where I'm from, which is, you know, I should probably say a small country town in Tasmania, which is the smallest, or sort of the lowest population area of Australia, the southernmost point.
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so a bit remote, and it took a while to get any sort of chats established or discords or anything like that.
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So initially everyone was just playing, um, independently, um, I think there were a couple of Facebook groups start up, but when the game started it was such an individual game as well.
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Everyone was sort of battling gyms and trying to kick each other out of gyms, and it was very much about, I think there were brag posts in the, in the Facebook chat, but it was more about, Look at this fantastic Pokemon I caught, or look how much, my CP is now, and, you know, trying to impress people, or, or intimidate people, or, or all of that sort of thing.
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It was very much, valor versus mystic versus instinct, and, and all of that sort of thing, and not so much collaboration or working together.
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So, I've definitely seen a huge evolution of the game.
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as a lot of people who've played since the beginning have.
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and yeah, my kids kind of lost interest pretty early on and I started to want to meet and play with other players and started to just chat to people if I saw them out and thought that they looked like they were playing Pokemon Go and catching Pokemon, which you can kind of tell.
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I would start a, strike up a conversation.
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So Got to know a few people, and particularly I'm in Team Mystic, so we, in my area, yeah, in my area, we, uh, we were a bit outnumbered by Valor and, definitely had a lot of issues holding gyms, so that became a bit of a, I'm pretty competitive, so that became a bit of a, a focus for me initially, trying to get the Mystic players to band together and hold some gyms and get the coins that you could get at the time much more readily from gyms if you managed to hold them.
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So, that was more my focus then.
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I think one of the most exciting and, and one of the things about this game that has endured for me and has been the most wonderful part of it has been, I initially in that first year met so many people locally who I'd never met before, even though it's only a population of 15, 000 people in my town and I'd sort of grown up nearby and lived here most of my life.
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there were just so many people.
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Probably more of a younger generation than me because they were people who played the main games and naturally sort of just progressed to Pokemon Go.
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but I don't know just all different walks of life.
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There was a lot of families playing as well but they were just people I hadn't come across or met before and probably wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the game.
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And I've made some really wonderful friends through that.
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People who I now, you know, would happily go and have a coffee with, or, you know, we've done stuff to help each other out, you know, with our kids, or, or whatever else.
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Community days have become really wonderful for us.
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It's an opportunity for us to book out, you know, the local barbecue shelter, and, make it a real celebration, and, and all chat about what we're catching, and chat to each other's kids as well, and, walk around together and have a really fun time.
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So that community side of it for me.
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was an added bonus that I probably didn't appreciate as much to start off with because I was so focused on playing the game.
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But, as time wore on and I started to realize that I've met all these wonderful people, I really started to appreciate that a lot.
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So, yeah, that was sort of what really got me in at the start.
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It sounds like even early on, you know, before you even get to the PVP side of things, that you really valued connection.
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And I imagine, you know, you have, you said you had three girls, you know, your hands are probably full, plus I'm assuming you probably work and stuff like that, whatever commitments that come with, you know, being a mother.
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So it seems like that you value just being able to go out, trying to rally the mystic people together, and you found a way to connect with people through Pokemon, both older, younger, through all different ages and stages of life.
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And anyone who knows me knows that I am a connector.
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Like, I value my personal time and my private quiet time, but I also really enjoy social connections with people.
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And I have to say as well, the game started at a time that was significant for me because my youngest daughter was at home.
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She was only one and I'd been through a particularly difficult period.
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I'd lost my mother, when something like that happens, it's, it's terrible enough.
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But I also had a baby and I was sort of stuck at home, not working at the time.
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I had had a break from work.
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So, um, I can't tell you how isolating that can feel, particularly if you are someone who really enjoys making connections and interacting with people.
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So, I really feel like my story was one of it was definitely right time, right place.
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I could get out with the pram.
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I could have the phone running on Pokemon Go.
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It's so important to be able to feel like you're not trapped and not, sort of, you can't leave the house.
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So to be able to get out, walk around, get that very important exercise, which is so good to lift your spirits, get some sunshine, fresh air, all of those things.
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I really do believe that was life changing for me and it came at a really good time.
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Particularly as, when you talk about connections and meeting new people, I'd sort of lost a lot of connections that I had before.
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through my workplace at the time, and I was feeling, like I said, you know, pretty isolated.
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So, yeah, meeting new people at that time was great.
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You know, it makes a huge difference, especially when you go through that kind of trauma, because for me, I lost my dad that same year.
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I lost him early 2016.
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And you know, I was young on the youngest side.
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I was like 25, 26, and nobody else around me had ever, at least my friend wise, had lost a parent before.
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So it
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I reckon.
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isolating in that fact because it was like.
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I mean, it's hard for me to kind of connect with people who something you've never experienced before.
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That's not what just lost, but that's, it's anything.
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And, you know, I felt like I was kind of very on my own to a way.
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And, you know, I was trying to, you know, wrap up with the effect of not having your parent at that age.
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And then, you know, Pokemon go comes out and.
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At the time I was still mourning what is, you know, in a way, but it helped me kind of get out to kind of connect with old friends, new friends, because everybody was playing Pokemon, right?
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And like you, it allowed me to kind of step out and just connect with the franchise that I've grown up with.
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So I'm more of a Pokemon from gen one guy, but it allowed me to kind of reconnect with the franchise that, you know, I've loved really for a long time.
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I just love hearing that you were so young as well, and I'm so glad for you that it was there at that time.
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Again, another story of the timing couldn't have been more perfect.
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Well, I never even thought about that.
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I'm like, wait, I lost my dad that same year.
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That makes actually a lot of sense that she says that.
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I've never connected before until you came on the podcast.
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So it was great.
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I, I had a friend that I made through, through the game as well who suffered from, chronic anxiety and she had told me that she was at a point where She just couldn't bear to be around anyone.
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She'd had some really bad experiences in her life, and she would just stay home and not want to leave the house.
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And again, it got her out of the house.
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But not only that, like, she was Team Mystic.
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So I was onto her.
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And I managed to tap into something in her that was super competitive.
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So despite the fact that she was too shy to even speak to me, But we would be in the chat and I'd be like, Come on, come on, we've got to get out there and get these gyms back.
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And it kind of egged her on because she, she was quite a competitive person inside well.
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And it, She said to me so many times over the following years how much it changed her life.
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So, over the next two years, she actually managed to get out of a bad relationship, go back to school, and do some pre course subjects that meant she could then, Do a course in um, uh, it was caring for people with disabilities.
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And she's now working in that field.
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And she had been at a point where since she'd left school, she'd left school early because of the issues she'd had at home.
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And she hadn't been working that whole time.
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So, I truly believe, and she, she believes that the, the game was the starting point, for her to be able to make some of those connections, to feel confident.
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myself and a couple of other friends were able be referees for her when she was looking for work.
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Like, it was just a massive turnaround for her and just such a good news story.
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So, I'm sure there's many stories like this about the game.
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I believe there would be.
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Eventually you know, the game progresses.
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Were you able to stick with the game throughout, or did you take any breaks before the PVP side?
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I am such a, I never give up.
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Like, there were times when it frustrated me so much, particularly early days, when there were so many glitches for the first, I think it was pretty bad first, I know it was terrible the first few months and there were so many issues, but I think that went on for quite some time, didn't it?
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I can't actually recall it's going back so far, but I just, I just stuck with it anyway.
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Like, I'm very kind of focused, I think I hyper focused on which says a lot about me, but, uh, it was just one of those where.
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I don't know, it was my escape, and, you When I went back to work after having Kira, I could do my work and I could do my stuff around the house.
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I could do my stuff with the kids, but this was for me.
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And think as a working mum, a lot would relate.
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you need some stuff for yourself.
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And I'd played competitive sport as well, All my life and the last one that I was still sticking with was hockey.
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but that's very hard on your body.
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And I think I had my last season of hockey.
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Well, I think it was my last season a couple of years ago.
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I may still go back I don't know, play masters or something.
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But at this stage I'm having a rest from that cause it's just so hard on the body.
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but I've I still need that outlet and I need something that's for me.
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And I need something that I can compete in and feel like I'm achieving something.
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That's just, I know that's who I am.
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So, what a great way to be able to.
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Continue to do that without needing a wheelchair the next day to be able to play it on your phone.
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It's still good.
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hockey's violent sport.
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Well, I'm talking field hockey, not ice hockey.
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I should probably clarify.
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I mean, that's even worse.
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Ice hockey.
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What I've seen looks pretty crazy.
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I don't think I could manage that.
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I think that would be so, like, it's hard enough without having to do it on ice skates.
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I don't know, I feel like field hockey has more of a no rules bar, almost, basically.
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At least we got some referees.
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Oh, I kind of like that.
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I didn't
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you've got be uh, keep, keep your, uh, speed up.
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And, if you can sort of muscle someone off, that's better than skills sometimes.
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I've had my share bruises and black eyes out of it.
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But, yeah, you do get to an age where you're like, Oh, yeah, I don't think I can go to work a black eye on Monday morning.
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That wouldn't Ha,
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It's like, what, are you okay at home?
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Like, yeah.
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Yeah, that's true, actually.
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I never thought of that.
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but you know, diving into the competitive side with you getting the PVP, it seems like it's like a natural fit your competitor and you know, PVPs, you know, competitions, one against one, you got into it because from my understanding, your community is very active, right?
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That's right.
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Oh, I was super lucky in this sense.
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There's a couple of guys in particular that kept saying, probably six months before PvP came out, because it was teased for a long time, and they kept saying, we can't wait for PvP.
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And I'd be like, what's this PvP?
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What are they even talking about?
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I've never done anything like that.
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I didn't realise that that was such a key part of the Pokémon games.
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I just really learnt, you know, what I needed to know about, about raiding, and that sort of thing.
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And actually, I should say, raiding really changed the game as well, because we went from a community that was divided amongst the three teams, to a community that, if we were going to be able to beat any of the raids, because in early days they were so tough.
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We had to band together and we had to start joining our chats together.
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So you didn't just have a Mystic chat and a Valor chat or an Instinct chat.
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Like everyone was in the same chat and helping each other and getting to know each other.
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And that was a big part.
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That was a huge turning point.
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I'm actually so glad that the game changed like that because it changed from sort of dividing the community to us all working together.
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And, you know, we became a really close knit group here in Ulverston.
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and then, yeah, further to that, Two of the local guys loved PvP and, you know, as soon as it became apparent that that was going to be something that we could do and we could battle each other, they were saying, come on, Clare, let's battle.
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And I would like, oh, know what to do.
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I'm pretty sure I just did auto rec the first few times they sent me invites because know.
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Anything about what Pokemon to choose or what my best Pokemon were.
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I'm sure they, it would be hilarious see, if I could see a video of that now.
00:15:23.380 --> 00:15:27.270
I do have some really old battle videos actually, but maybe not from quite that far back.
00:15:27.850 --> 00:15:33.671
Um, but yeah, and then something in me would be like, I get beaten all the time, but I hate that.
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I hate losing.
00:15:34.687 --> 00:15:38.350
And I just think, well, I've got to try and figure out how I can, you know, win.
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how win and would continue to practice because I'm very determined.
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And like I said, I've got a never give up attitude.
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So we would just send each other battle invites because this is before there was even grassroots tournaments or anything.
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So it was just send someone an invite.
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and play them.
00:15:55.294 --> 00:15:57.327
Um, but, oh
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even before like there was tips or those even before metas.
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people were really trying to figure out what was good at PvP.
00:16:03.389 --> 00:16:07.620
So you didn't have any, you really just went with kind of rumors of the playground in a way, right?
00:16:08.245 --> 00:16:09.554
yeah, absolutely.
00:16:09.554 --> 00:16:10.475
I had no idea.
00:16:10.475 --> 00:16:14.125
People who'd played the main games definitely had more idea.
00:16:14.235 --> 00:16:20.077
but it was still, I mean the mechanics were all pretty unknown and IVs were unknown still at that stage I believe.
00:16:20.457 --> 00:16:29.081
I think IVs but didn't really know how that translated into gameplay or, Or advantages or disadvantages.
00:16:29.091 --> 00:16:30.927
So yeah, fun times.
00:16:30.927 --> 00:16:40.008
I haven't thought about that while, but, the next thing that happened was, Silph did that wonderful thing they did, which was to start up, um, Silph tournaments and measures, which.
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the beginning of making it really fun for me and for a lot of people, I think, because it meant that our local community could hold our own tournaments in person and everyone could join, you know, kids joined, whole families, we'd get a really good turnout and I've got to say, the guy that, was our first, I guess, tournament organiser.
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Did an amazing job, like he provided prizes.
00:17:03.605 --> 00:17:10.795
He provided prizes not just for the people who won but, also for the people with the most unique team or the most spicy team.
00:17:11.204 --> 00:17:19.310
Which kind of encouraged the fun of it because it meant that even if someone thought, well I don't think I'm going to be able to do any good, they'd still join because they could maybe win the spicy team prize.
00:17:19.310 --> 00:17:29.690
So that, I think, really fun and helped to make sure everyone just It didn't become too much like ship stations and people would still participate, which good.
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And, I think I did okay in my first couple of tournaments, but not great.
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Like, obviously, had a lot to learn, and the more experienced players would take those out.
00:17:40.675 --> 00:18:00.351
I did start listening to, around then, when there were actual metas and themes for the cups, people started making, content that you could watch to learn about what to use and some of the first videos that I watched to try and understand what was going on and what I should be trying to use and what was good against what was Purple Kyogre actually.
00:18:00.760 --> 00:18:03.931
Um, yeah, so I watched a heap videos.
00:18:03.941 --> 00:18:05.365
so shout out to him.