Jan. 3, 2025

TRAINER'S EYE #122 - "Ampharos Had A Little Shrimp" ft. Glowl


In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Glowl, A Pokemon Trainer who leads the Fried Shrimp community and hunts for Shiny Pokemon on Twitch.

Glowl's Pokemon Journey begins with Pokemon Sapphire where he traveled the Hoenn region. He continues to play Pokemon and starts to gain an interest in Shiny Pokemon. Due to the rarity, Glowl is dedicated to catch all Shiny Pokemon!

However, Glowl expresses the biggest impact on his Pokemon journey came from the Pokemon creators he would watch on Youtube and Twitch. It led to him becoming a Pokemon content creator, specifically Twitch. Pokemon has given him a lot of opportunities, including a visit to NAIC, Worlds 2024, and GO Fest in NYC.

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

Connect with Glowl: Twitch | Instagram | Twitter

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.669
I'm Glowl, and this is my Pokemon story.

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Welcome to As the Pokéball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokémon.

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My name is David Hernandez.

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I'm joined by Glau, leader of the Fried Champ, a Shiny Hunter, and content creator on Twitch, where you can catch him trying to determine if that Poltergeist is a Shiny or not.

00:01:01.067 --> 00:01:03.406
Glau, welcome to As the Pokéball Turns.

00:01:03.792 --> 00:01:04.481
How's it going?

00:01:04.492 --> 00:01:05.522
Hope you're having a great day.

00:01:05.581 --> 00:01:07.341
I just quick update to your intro.

00:01:07.451 --> 00:01:09.361
The Poltergeist is probably not shiny.

00:01:09.382 --> 00:01:10.281
I never find them.

00:01:10.621 --> 00:01:11.391
I can never find him.

00:01:11.501 --> 00:01:12.322
My luck is so bad.

00:01:13.427 --> 00:01:14.936
I mean It's just awful.

00:01:14.936 --> 00:01:15.367
Oh my gosh.

00:01:15.376 --> 00:01:19.697
Well, I mean like it's just so close of a shiny And that's what bugs me the most is whenever you see shiny pokemon.

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They just don't look different compared to the

00:01:21.962 --> 00:01:24.042
Sometimes they really don't know, yeah.

00:01:24.177 --> 00:01:33.186
No, but you know, I appreciate you coming on the show and i'm looking forward to kind of diving into your experience with pokemon But before we dive into the pokemon side, I gotta ask a question

00:01:33.361 --> 00:01:34.132
Yeah, go for it.

00:01:34.376 --> 00:01:42.581
so on your bio It says that originally you got into gaming because of your grandparents playing legend of zelda and super mario on the n64 Mhm.

00:01:42.742 --> 00:01:42.751

00:01:43.602 --> 00:01:57.376
That is wild to me and I gotta say like were your grandparents like just more accepting of kind of like that kind of culture Cuz me my mom was she called a computer a brain She thought that nerdy stuff was just you know She had a lot of stereotypes.

00:01:57.376 --> 00:01:59.646
I'm gonna go into but like what were your grandparents like for

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00:02:00.210 --> 00:02:07.551
So I feel like I was very lucky in that aspect because, you know, growing up, my grandpa would like code games onto like floppy disks.

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I don't know how this works.

00:02:08.501 --> 00:02:12.271
I'm not old enough to understand any of that, but he would do all that kind of stuff.

00:02:12.271 --> 00:02:17.481
So he kind of like had like a general idea of like gaming and they would play like Mario together, Zelda, whatnot.

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And so I got to like, grow up watching that happen.

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And then it was really cool to just be like able to play some of those games with them as I grew up.

00:02:25.126 --> 00:02:32.306
That's awesome So y'all would just like spend time and would you like kind of watch them or would they kind of play and they would kind Of guide you like how would that work?

00:02:32.366 --> 00:02:32.984

00:02:33.140 --> 00:02:39.031
like, until I was old enough to figure out what the heck I was doing, I did just watch them and I was like, Oh, this looks really fun.

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You know, it's like a story, but you get to control kind of what happens a little bit.

00:02:43.381 --> 00:02:50.191
And so I thought that was like really interesting as far as like, you know, cause I, I would watch shows or whatever, but I was never able to control those characters.

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00:02:50.420 --> 00:02:56.665
So being able to play as Link, sorry, this is a Pokemon podcast, but If you're gonna play as Link

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00:02:57.725 --> 00:03:00.955
It's so cool to be able to like, Oh, I'm doing this, you know, it's, it's me.

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That's taking, so I was like, that's really cool.

00:03:02.575 --> 00:03:09.388
So as I got older, you know, I would, I would play some more, you know, I got like a GameCube and that was, you know, big start, big start to everything.

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We would play Mario Kart, double dash together a lot.

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that game.

00:03:13.018 --> 00:03:13.948
is so good.

00:03:14.228 --> 00:03:18.038
Uh, then like, yeah, there's a bunch of other ones, like Croc, legend of the gobos, which is having a remake soon.

00:03:18.038 --> 00:03:18.668
Very excited.

00:03:18.668 --> 00:03:22.617
And yeah, I don't know, just stuff like that really got me into like gaming in general at the start.

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My very first Pokemon game was Pokemon Sapphire.

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And I got into it because I had a neighbor at the time who was a bit older than me, but he had like the Pokemon cards and he had a couple of games.

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And I think he had like some of the VHS tapes or whatever for the, for the episodes.

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And so when I would like go over there to like hang out or whatever, and he would like have his Pokemon cards out playing with his friends, I was like, these little creatures are so cool.

00:03:53.862 --> 00:03:55.703
What, tell me about this kind of stuff.

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00:03:56.293 --> 00:04:01.143
And so eventually like, uh, I started watching the show, but yeah, my first, my first game was Sapphire.

00:04:01.651 --> 00:04:08.455
he gave me some Pokemon cards, and then I was like telling my grandparents about it, and they were like, well, how about we just get you the, the new one that came out?

00:04:08.695 --> 00:04:10.635
And it was Sapphire at the time, so Ruby and

00:04:11.316 --> 00:04:11.795
That's awesome.

00:04:11.795 --> 00:04:14.105
Did you try to play the TCG at all when your

00:04:14.225 --> 00:04:15.596
No, absolutely not.

00:04:15.596 --> 00:04:16.865
I just looked at the cards.

00:04:17.076 --> 00:04:18.625
I looked at them and I'm like, well, this is cool.

00:04:19.266 --> 00:04:20.446
pretty cardboard goes a long way.

00:04:20.446 --> 00:04:20.776

00:04:20.786 --> 00:04:21.755
Exactly, yeah.

00:04:22.725 --> 00:04:23.576
Cool pictures.

00:04:23.894 --> 00:04:26.451
Well, your grandparents, you know, again, they had that video game background.

00:04:26.451 --> 00:04:28.903
They were already Did they ever try diving into Pokemon at all?

00:04:28.903 --> 00:04:30.923
Or was it kind of, they didn't understand it.

00:04:30.923 --> 00:04:31.072

00:04:31.274 --> 00:04:33.194
no, I don't think they were super interested in it.

00:04:33.324 --> 00:04:37.016
I'm not really sure what it was, maybe just because it seemed like a kid's game.

00:04:37.547 --> 00:04:47.093
I don't know, I guess maybe the, the stereotype of like being like for kids maybe might have shied them away, but my grandma's actually really big into Pokemon Go right now, so she plays a lot.

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she plays a lot, so that's really fun.

00:04:49.254 --> 00:04:57.223
but yeah, back when I was, when I was growing up as like a little, little tot, you know, didn't really uh, pick up Pokemon for them, they were more Mario and Zelda.

00:04:57.613 --> 00:05:04.713
So when you played Pokemon Sapphire, what were some of your most memorable moments playing that game.

00:05:04.817 --> 00:05:05.418
It was really cool.

00:05:05.418 --> 00:05:08.298
I, okay, I was not very s I'm still not very smart, right?

00:05:08.327 --> 00:05:17.511
But, it's tricky to figure out sometimes, so like, oh, actually, I remember, my grandma would have to any ice puzzle ever, or strength puzzle, she would have to do it for me.

00:05:17.641 --> 00:05:21.600
Never, I could never figure it out growing up, so I guess I did play a little bit to help me out.

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but yeah, I remember I chose Mudkip, that was my very first Pokemon ever.

00:05:25.413 --> 00:05:38.983
So shout out the Mudkip something about like the, the actual monsters, you know, the pocket monsters is kind of what drew me into it, I don't know, maybe because I don't know, I just like animals and stuff.

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00:05:39.204 --> 00:05:44.644
So I would like go outside and like try, Oh, when I was growing up, I would like go outside and try to catch bugs and stuff.

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And so being able to like catch stuff and like be able to grow them and like, Teach them certain moves or whatever.

00:05:51.769 --> 00:05:55.759
I think that was kind of like the, the appeal after I got into playing that kept me coming back.

00:05:55.759 --> 00:05:57.778
Be like, Oh, I haven't tried it with this one yet.

00:05:57.778 --> 00:05:59.528
Let me see what happens when I level this one up,

00:05:59.983 --> 00:06:02.894
Yeah, I was going to say you picked a bad generation for strength puzzles.

00:06:02.894 --> 00:06:08.173
I there was a lot of strength puzzles for, the team Magma hideouts or something like

00:06:08.269 --> 00:06:12.408
yeah, I could never like the, sometimes I'll get so lost surfing around too.

00:06:12.478 --> 00:06:15.209
I'd be like, I know I got to go somewhere, but I have no clue how to get there.

00:06:15.415 --> 00:06:16.125
I don't know if you remember this.

00:06:16.134 --> 00:06:19.154
How'd you deal with the currents on the west side of Pacific log?

00:06:19.220 --> 00:06:21.470
I, I don't know how I got through there.

00:06:21.480 --> 00:06:23.519
I, if I had to guess it wasn't me.

00:06:23.839 --> 00:06:26.319
If I had to guess, I would say somebody did it for me.

00:06:26.404 --> 00:06:26.894
Oh, okay.

00:06:26.894 --> 00:06:28.824
I thought it was like a different cloud, a different dimension.

00:06:29.139 --> 00:06:29.795
I don't think so.

00:06:29.795 --> 00:06:31.180
Well, maybe, maybe it was FutureGlitch.

00:06:31.180 --> 00:06:33.319
I don't know if I could do it now if I tried.

00:06:33.968 --> 00:06:35.848
When it comes to like just playing Pokemon.

00:06:35.848 --> 00:06:37.019
So you started with gen three.

00:06:37.528 --> 00:06:41.809
What's your like favorite generation or what's your core games is gen three or is it a different generation?

00:06:41.894 --> 00:06:51.483
tricky because since Gen 3 was my very first game, the Hoenn region, Kind of always has like that home feel to me, you know, it's like this is where I started.

00:06:51.483 --> 00:06:58.244
This is where I, you know, my journey starts, but, as we went on, I think black and white, those generations are some of my all time favorites.

00:06:58.543 --> 00:07:04.603
I love how they look, which it might be controversial, but I don't know the pixelated like animated pixels are so good.

00:07:04.934 --> 00:07:06.434
black, white two is really nice.

00:07:06.507 --> 00:07:10.286
but then as like more recently sword and shield might be my favorites.

00:07:11.067 --> 00:07:11.697
Oh, really?

00:07:11.726 --> 00:07:11.846

00:07:11.906 --> 00:07:13.497
Orange is just real good.

00:07:13.557 --> 00:07:15.536
Yeah, but don't forget about Emerald, you know.

00:07:15.576 --> 00:07:18.737
I am just kinda grouping Gen 3 together to put in Emerald, but.

00:07:20.286 --> 00:07:25.096
But yeah, those are all, those are my top three, would I say, those three generations.

00:07:25.252 --> 00:07:31.372
I mean, you can like him for each different reason because, I mean, the pixel Pokemon, I think they're kind of either or either like him or you don't.

00:07:31.812 --> 00:07:38.091
For some people, they said like, Oh, this is beyond, they should have switched over to, models, because that's what people were really clamoring back there in those generations.

00:07:38.872 --> 00:07:39.211
you know,

00:07:39.276 --> 00:07:40.836
was big when they added the models.

00:07:40.836 --> 00:07:43.326
I remember everybody was, was so excited about it.

00:07:43.552 --> 00:07:51.521
It worked, but then the thing is that for me, I even love those pixels because I, you know, sometimes I have to use it for my own content and I'm like, these pixels are actually pretty cool.

00:07:51.521 --> 00:07:53.752
They still they still came kind of realistic.

00:07:53.752 --> 00:07:57.072
And I feel like when they switch from those pixels to the models.

00:07:57.216 --> 00:07:57.656
Mm hmm.

00:07:57.872 --> 00:07:58.922
They lost something, you

00:07:59.187 --> 00:08:03.031
Yeah, something about the way that they're able to, put the pixels together.

00:08:03.060 --> 00:08:07.764
Like they give the Pokemon so much life I feel like a lot of the 3d models are, is missing.

00:08:07.875 --> 00:08:08.295

00:08:08.560 --> 00:08:10.449
And then I know for you,'cause you're a shiny hunter.

00:08:10.774 --> 00:08:18.024
so the one thing that really bugs me is shiny Regice and shiny Skarmory because for me, I feel like I could see.

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The darker blue with Regice back in those

00:08:21.139 --> 00:08:22.098

00:08:22.278 --> 00:08:22.639

00:08:22.809 --> 00:08:23.959
it looks almost the same

00:08:24.048 --> 00:08:25.108
You can't tell.

00:08:25.149 --> 00:08:26.069
Yeah, you can't tell

00:08:26.178 --> 00:08:27.389
It's so hard to tell.

00:08:27.678 --> 00:08:29.928
Yeah, I guess that's just because the models I guess I don't know.

00:08:29.928 --> 00:08:32.139
I don't know why skarmory looks still more metallic I

00:08:32.249 --> 00:08:47.965
Yeah, I'm not sure, like, I don't know the modeling or whatever lingo that you would use to, like, describe it, but something about the way that they are, maybe it's the lighting could be possible, but yeah, it just doesn't, I feel like a lot of them don't pop as much as they used to.

00:08:48.554 --> 00:08:53.644
You know when we're back going back to black and white, you know for me I love the story was that did you enjoy the end

00:08:53.684 --> 00:08:54.705
you're so good.

00:08:54.705 --> 00:08:55.965
so good.

00:08:55.965 --> 00:09:00.759
I think, up until Arvin, N might have been my all time favorite Pokemon character.

00:09:01.100 --> 00:09:01.899
Why N?

00:09:02.716 --> 00:09:04.116
I don't know, there was something about him.

00:09:04.136 --> 00:09:05.657
First of all, he looks cool.

00:09:05.697 --> 00:09:06.986
I would say that's probably the first one.

00:09:06.986 --> 00:09:13.517
But I think, like, he had some kind of, like, love for the Pokemon that you don't see with a lot of trainers.

00:09:13.596 --> 00:09:21.496
You know, a lot of them, like, gym leaders, maybe just the their story wasn't as fleshed out as N's was because he was a main part of, like, pretty much the entire game, right?

00:09:21.496 --> 00:09:30.942
But I feel like, there was something like, the way that he interacted with the Pokemon that felt Something that I feel like would be more a realistic view if Pokemon were real, I think.

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00:09:41.892 --> 00:09:42.552
Well, yeah.

00:09:46.361 --> 00:09:47.101
Yeah, that's fair.

00:09:48.044 --> 00:09:52.335
but then like you get characters like Arvin who, uh, that storyline's just so sad.

00:09:52.554 --> 00:09:55.424
You know, I'll cry every single time I play through that.

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00:09:59.904 --> 00:10:05.764
If not top 5, at least number 1 most tragic Pokemon character of all time.

00:10:06.044 --> 00:10:07.054
For Pokemon, I mean.

00:10:07.065 --> 00:10:07.644
I know.

00:10:08.215 --> 00:10:10.705
Kind of a good ending, I think, maybe, a little bit.

00:10:11.524 --> 00:10:12.304
Is it really?

00:10:12.304 --> 00:10:12.404

00:10:12.585 --> 00:10:13.085
I don't know.

00:10:13.085 --> 00:10:13.394
I don't know.

00:10:13.745 --> 00:10:14.205
I don't know.

00:10:14.205 --> 00:10:14.924
if it's a good ending.

00:10:14.924 --> 00:10:16.274
I feel like it could have been maybe worse.

00:10:16.404 --> 00:10:19.164
I don't know how it would have gotten worse, but I don't know.

00:10:19.195 --> 00:10:20.835
He's got friends at the end of the day, I guess.

00:10:20.835 --> 00:10:21.554

00:10:21.825 --> 00:10:24.184
but he's an I mean, he's Harry Potter, basically.

00:10:24.554 --> 00:10:25.384
But, um,

00:10:25.455 --> 00:10:25.725

00:10:26.769 --> 00:10:29.038
but also, you know, you talked about the gym leaders.

00:10:29.749 --> 00:10:34.129
one thing I loved about Black and White is they kind of felt more fleshed out because they come in at

00:10:34.269 --> 00:10:35.288
Yeah, they help you out.

00:10:35.369 --> 00:10:35.479

00:10:35.619 --> 00:10:38.889
Yeah, like, when do you see that again of maybe Scarlet and Violet, I

00:10:39.198 --> 00:10:43.999
A lot of times, like, the gym leaders show up, they're hanging out in their room, and you never hear or see them again.

00:10:44.269 --> 00:10:50.210
and I feel like at least for the game sense, like there's such a big part of what makes that region.

00:10:50.639 --> 00:11:02.259
And so to like have them kind of disappear after you beat them is, is a little bit weird, you know, that's why in gen five, when they come and help you out and there's this big moment of all of them showing up, you know, it's like the Avengers, you know, they're all here.

00:11:02.480 --> 00:11:03.179
It was so cool.

00:11:03.340 --> 00:11:03.720
So cool.

00:11:04.044 --> 00:11:07.164
all I was missing was, well, I think it had some music, but I can't remember what it was.

00:11:07.480 --> 00:11:07.740
I don't know.

00:11:07.820 --> 00:11:08.379
I'm going to be honest.

00:11:08.379 --> 00:11:08.820
I don't remember.

00:11:08.855 --> 00:11:10.215
been a long time, yeah, I'm too old.

00:11:11.261 --> 00:11:14.672
But also, you know, another game that you said you liked was Pokemon Sword and Shield.

00:11:14.947 --> 00:11:16.667
Why is that one in your list?

00:11:16.667 --> 00:11:18.216
Like what about that game brings it

00:11:18.466 --> 00:11:23.866
I, I don't know if it would be here if it wasn't for Dynamax adventures.

00:11:24.315 --> 00:11:37.904
I think the amount of times, because it's like, you know, you have four people together, the amount of like streams I've been able to do with friends where we just hang out and do Dynamax adventures together, because like you can shiny hunt adjacent with each other, but not really ever together up until that point.

00:11:38.274 --> 00:11:41.914
And so to be able to like, Oh, we're going to work together to beat this legendary.

00:11:42.154 --> 00:11:43.595
And then we're all like, Oh, shiny check.

00:11:43.664 --> 00:11:47.904
Let's see if anybody got one, you know, I don't know something about that was really what made it fun.

00:11:47.914 --> 00:11:52.845
And plus, I feel like the big part of like my streaming journey, you know, started with Sword and Shield, right?

00:11:53.065 --> 00:11:57.835
And.so I think that game just will hold a special place because of that, right?

00:11:58.412 --> 00:12:10.095
I felt like Pokemon really nailed it home to kind of bring multiplayer'cause the only way you could really multiplayer in the other games they were trying to figure out Pokemon contest they were doing battling, which, you know, battlings fun, but it's not people a lot, a lot of people don't.

00:12:10.725 --> 00:13:18.650
Enjoy it or they don't mind that they'll tolerate it this was like the first time to where you can actually group together and come together to kind of go through an adventure and see If y'all could shine it was like, of course, you know Dynamax raids were Pokemon go Better, you know go raids better, but I can kind of see that how you know, you had that connection so you mentioned how, your content creation started with Pokemon Sword and

00:13:18.895 --> 00:13:19.346

00:13:19.971 --> 00:13:22.730
I know you started on Twitch, is that correct?

00:13:22.846 --> 00:13:24.206
that was actually incorrect.

00:13:24.225 --> 00:13:24.635

00:13:24.655 --> 00:13:24.916

00:13:25.321 --> 00:13:25.850
dang, I need to do my

00:13:26.066 --> 00:13:33.076
technically, if we want to get super real about this, I've been uploading on my YouTube channel for roughly 12 years.

00:13:33.221 --> 00:13:34.571
Oh, man, happy anniversary.

00:13:34.785 --> 00:13:35.355

00:13:35.365 --> 00:13:35.885

00:13:36.065 --> 00:13:44.955
But I would upload that, but it was never anything like serious, you know, if I would like find something or, cause I, when I was growing up, I would watch so many Pokemon content creators.

00:13:44.955 --> 00:13:45.235

00:13:45.524 --> 00:13:48.184
And it was like, was like, Oh, I think that'd be so much fun to try.

00:13:48.184 --> 00:13:48.514

00:13:48.695 --> 00:13:53.274
And so me growing up, I'm, I'm super young, you know, I'm starting uploading when I'm like 13, 14.

00:13:53.274 --> 00:13:53.495

00:13:53.495 --> 00:13:54.774
So I don't really know what I'm doing.

00:13:54.774 --> 00:13:55.115
So I'll just.

00:13:55.272 --> 00:13:58.042
Put a camera up, record something and upload it and hope for the best.

00:13:58.317 --> 00:14:05.057
it wasn't really until, the sword and shield games came out where I was like, okay, I'm actually gonna like put effort into this and see what can happen.

00:14:05.352 --> 00:14:08.013
so I started uploading my, my play through that on YouTube.

00:14:08.312 --> 00:14:11.243
And then eventually I was like, oh, I can like stream like shiny hunting and stuff.

00:14:11.253 --> 00:14:11.942
That could be fun.

00:14:12.163 --> 00:14:16.124
And so I started streaming that was a big stepping stone, I think, to where I'm at right now.

00:14:16.308 --> 00:14:16.859
That's awesome.

00:14:16.869 --> 00:14:25.639
Like initially when you initially started were you of course nervous and like intimidated of like being live stream because you don't really have a chance to like and stuff like that.

00:14:25.782 --> 00:14:30.201
you know, going back and like watching some of the VODs like from from my first couple streams.

00:14:30.201 --> 00:14:38.437
They're rough They're not good and you can tell like I'm nervous awkward I'm not fully like comfortable with you know, cuz I think growing up in school.

00:14:38.437 --> 00:14:40.927
I was super like Introverted right?

00:14:40.927 --> 00:14:50.136
I didn't have a lot of people I went to to talk with I didn't have a lot of like, Friends growing up which is whatever So I think like trying to go out and like talking and knowing that people could be watching me right now It was very intimate.

00:14:50.147 --> 00:14:51.366
It was so scary at first.

00:14:51.657 --> 00:14:55.500
But I think the, the more you do this kind of stuff, you do just kind of get used to it, right?

00:14:55.500 --> 00:14:58.211
And I feel like you come out of your shell a bit more and, and just grow.

00:14:58.951 --> 00:15:00.280
That's so true because for.

00:15:00.301 --> 00:15:01.620
me, I started podcasting.

00:15:01.801 --> 00:15:04.921
I was so nervous'cause I don't know what I'm doing.

00:15:05.191 --> 00:15:08.071
I was I'm in a room by myself and I had nobody to talk to.

00:15:08.071 --> 00:15:11.640
I'm doing this solo before I did the interviews and it's just so weird.

00:15:11.961 --> 00:15:22.193
it's just, I guess something we don't do naturally and you kinda have to develop your own voice and learn to bring your own personality, not like change yourself, but bring your personality in a way that people can kind of connect with you in a different

00:15:22.464 --> 00:15:22.994
Yeah, of course.

00:15:23.004 --> 00:15:26.727
It's almost like you're, putting out your aura more than you normally would, right?

00:15:26.727 --> 00:15:34.008
Cause if I'm just like at the grocery store, I'm not going to be like talking like this, but you know, this isn't a fake voice or a fake like personality.

00:15:34.008 --> 00:15:38.658
This is definitely like showcased more because we're.

00:15:38.708 --> 00:15:41.158
Putting ourself out there to try to entertain or whatever, right?

00:15:41.673 --> 00:15:45.994
So, I know that for you, you said you looked up to content creators growing up, the Pokemon ones.

00:15:46.173 --> 00:15:49.403
What some that stuck out, or ones that really left an impression on

00:15:49.489 --> 00:15:49.859
All right.

00:15:49.969 --> 00:15:53.339
So shout out We got Gameboy Luke shady penguin.

00:15:53.339 --> 00:15:54.619
I one of the first creators.

00:15:54.769 --> 00:15:59.019
I don't know if you know Maryland or Super sparmory was one of the first ones.

00:15:59.019 --> 00:16:04.109
I started watching GCP 11 Pimp night.

00:16:04.119 --> 00:16:04.663
There was a lot.

00:16:04.663 --> 00:16:05.269
I feel like there was

00:16:05.333 --> 00:16:05.943
I love pimp

00:16:06.198 --> 00:16:07.168
I could go on.

00:16:07.389 --> 00:16:09.849
There is so many that like I just started watching from there.

00:16:09.849 --> 00:16:14.706
Like I think I would be watching Maryland Let's Play videos on like the family computer at the time.

00:16:14.916 --> 00:16:16.556
And I just have the speakers turned up.

00:16:16.586 --> 00:16:18.605
Everybody'd have to listen to Maryland the whole time.

00:16:19.931 --> 00:16:27.431
For me I was always big on pimp night He was probably my favorite out of the ones you mentioned love because I think he would always make teams and he Tried to make it work

00:16:27.716 --> 00:16:28.096

00:16:28.166 --> 00:16:28.556

00:16:28.691 --> 00:16:30.100
and I was just so interesting Like

00:16:30.863 --> 00:16:40.110
like The Shuckle sweeps and stuff like his sweep videos where he would just like to try to like beat this entire team by like Setting up one Pokemon to make it really strong and just yeah, it was so cool.

00:16:40.291 --> 00:16:42.850
And then he would eventually show I think bloopers at the end.

00:16:42.850 --> 00:16:52.221
He didn't start right away, but I think At some point he transitioned to showing like when it almost worked or when something hilariously never would have happened.

00:16:52.221 --> 00:16:58.030
so cool I I have no clue what I'm doing VGC wise but I enjoy watching it I think it's so cool

00:16:58.600 --> 00:17:01.760
How important was it for you to be able to watch these content creators when it comes to

00:17:01.821 --> 00:17:02.390
Oh my gosh.

00:17:02.801 --> 00:17:09.050
You know, it's one of those things where like, I don't know if I would be doing this stuff if it wasn't for them.

00:17:09.480 --> 00:17:14.104
I've always like, been more of like, an entertainer kind of feeling, I feel like.

00:17:14.104 --> 00:17:22.673
Like I'm not great with like a lot of math error, like that kind of like smart stuff, but I feel like the artsy side is kind of more where I Excel in life or whatever.

00:17:23.094 --> 00:17:27.807
And so like being able to like see these people and being like, Oh, that's something I could definitely do.

00:17:28.117 --> 00:17:29.968
You know, that, I think that was a big, so yeah.

00:17:29.978 --> 00:17:33.798
I don't know if I would be doing this if I wasn't watching content creators from the get go.

00:17:33.798 --> 00:17:34.198

00:17:34.643 --> 00:17:41.042
I mean, it makes sense because, you know, for us, you know, I grew up with, uh, you know, some of the ones you mentioned also grew up with Jade wits, Tamahiro

00:17:41.317 --> 00:17:41.788
Oh my gosh.

00:17:41.798 --> 00:17:42.208

00:17:42.238 --> 00:17:42.587

00:17:42.597 --> 00:17:42.907
Thank you.

00:17:42.962 --> 00:17:43.853
then, yeah, it's okay.

00:17:43.863 --> 00:17:44.313
I got you.

00:17:44.502 --> 00:17:49.502
So I grew up with them and I don't think I would have the passion I do for Pokemon if it wasn't for them.

00:17:49.502 --> 00:17:50.913
Cause I loved like the deep dive.

00:17:50.932 --> 00:17:52.613
Oh, the Dex was one of my favorites.

00:17:52.923 --> 00:17:54.762
I love kind of the deep dives in the Pokemon lore.

00:17:54.762 --> 00:17:57.982
That's always been kind of my little, It's one of my little hobbies.

00:17:57.982 --> 00:18:04.522
I like to dive into, I like to dive into stuff with Pokemon, but anyway, if it wasn't for them, I don't think I'd still be invested in the franchise.

00:18:04.603 --> 00:18:09.363
And I think especially for us, because we are content creators or anybody who's listening, who is a content creator.

00:18:09.363 --> 00:18:13.333
It's like, we kind of have a role to pass it on and to kind of inspire the next generation.

00:18:13.333 --> 00:18:13.413

00:18:13.548 --> 00:18:14.057
of course.

00:18:14.443 --> 00:18:21.213
Yeah, I think like one of the, one of the most incredible things about doing this stuff is the community, right?

00:18:21.223 --> 00:18:36.988
There's so many cool people I've met through doing this stuff that I would have never met otherwise, And so like, because of that, it's so cool to be like, you know, if you ever get to meet somebody that was an inspiration to you, or knowing that maybe, you know, somebody's like, Hey, you inspired me to do this.

00:18:36.998 --> 00:18:39.157
It's such a, it's such a heartwarming feeling.

00:18:39.373 --> 00:18:42.042
it is, it is like, I felt, uh, weird.

00:18:42.042 --> 00:18:44.563
It was the first time I ever came out as the podcast host.

00:18:44.893 --> 00:18:46.633
'cause people had never seen my face before.

00:18:46.698 --> 00:18:46.718

00:18:47.202 --> 00:18:49.542
And people would come and tell me, oh, enjoy your podcast.

00:18:49.603 --> 00:18:51.222
I so weird.

00:18:51.222 --> 00:18:51.913
I kid you not.

00:18:52.242 --> 00:18:53.262
like, how do you respond to that?

00:18:53.262 --> 00:18:53.623
I don't know.

00:18:53.623 --> 00:18:54.373
I didn't prepare for

00:18:54.538 --> 00:19:09.067
yeah, yeah, it's because you know cuz sorry to I don't maybe break the fourth wall a bit But when you when you showed up when I when I met you at GoFest I was like so nervous cuz I was like, oh my gosh, like this doesn't happen, you know What am I supposed to say?

00:19:10.863 --> 00:19:11.563
I was like, oh, thanks.

00:19:12.303 --> 00:19:12.932
Oh my gosh.

00:19:12.932 --> 00:19:13.262

00:19:13.657 --> 00:19:17.458
But no, I mean, like I said, cause at the time, you know, I was, you know, I still watch your content.

00:19:17.458 --> 00:19:18.518
I was like, he's pretty entertaining.

00:19:18.518 --> 00:19:20.478
So I just, I didn't recognize you immediately.

00:19:20.478 --> 00:19:20.928
I think, I

00:19:20.982 --> 00:19:21.692
Yeah, that's fair.

00:19:21.938 --> 00:19:22.758
So yeah.

00:19:23.138 --> 00:19:34.628
No, I, I mean, I'm still, I'm still fairly small in the grand scheme of things, you know, I'm not going to try to hype myself up too much, but, you know, it's really cool that like, yeah, I mean, it's happened, you know, where people have recognized me and that's so cool.

00:19:34.689 --> 00:19:35.659
I never would have thought.

00:19:36.111 --> 00:19:45.921
The one thing about your content is it's built around shiny hunting and, you know, we're going to dive into like the different shiny hunts in a minute, but what is about the shiny Pokemon that first interested you?

00:19:46.536 --> 00:19:54.548
I think it's just the rarity, I think just like, knowing that there's like a rarer version of this thing that I could have, you know, might be what it is.

00:19:55.104 --> 00:20:05.394
Well, the Red Guerrillas was my first SHINee.

00:20:06.229 --> 00:20:15.296
I didn't get a shiny until well, the Red Gyarados was my first one, but that was the Red Gyarados in Heart Gold and Soul Silver.

00:20:15.718 --> 00:20:20.060
But my first, ever found Shiny was a Gligar in Heartgold.

00:20:20.111 --> 00:20:24.520
It was on that route going up to, like, Claire, and also, like, down to the main hometown.

00:20:24.711 --> 00:20:25.871
Yeah, Blackthorn City and

00:20:26.121 --> 00:20:26.691
Yeah, there you go.

00:20:27.141 --> 00:20:31.310
Yeah, but I mean, like, other than that, yeah, I had no clue, really, what was going on.

00:20:31.320 --> 00:20:38.010
And then once the Red Gyarados was a thing, and because I was watching, like, content creators, I was lucky enough to know what was going on to not release it.

00:20:38.040 --> 00:20:40.391
God, I've heard so many bad stories that people just didn't know.

00:20:40.520 --> 00:20:41.820
Which is totally valid, right?

00:20:42.161 --> 00:20:50.590
And so, it's just one of those things where it's, like, yeah, I Yeah, my luck is so bad that until I started actively looking for them, I was not finding any.

00:20:51.030 --> 00:20:52.500
Do you still have that Gligar by chance?

00:20:52.500 --> 00:20:54.340
No, unfortunately, I do not.

00:20:55.080 --> 00:20:55.451
to it?

00:20:56.191 --> 00:20:56.820
don't even know.

00:20:56.820 --> 00:21:00.421
I feel like I might have just lost a game cartridge.

00:21:00.621 --> 00:21:01.461
Oh, okay, that's fair, that's

00:21:01.601 --> 00:21:02.770
Yeah, I don't know where it's at.

00:21:03.020 --> 00:21:05.681
I mean, I was gonna think, like, maybe he restarted a game and he just happened to

00:21:05.721 --> 00:21:07.250
No, no, no, no.

00:21:07.830 --> 00:21:08.461
Yeah, I don't know where it's at

00:21:08.961 --> 00:21:10.760
Okay, it's somewhere, somebody enjoined Gligar.

00:21:10.810 --> 00:21:12.891
Somebody, hopefully, might have the Gligar.

00:21:12.891 --> 00:21:13.871
Yeah, it could be out there.

00:21:13.881 --> 00:21:14.760
Any viewers out there?

00:21:14.760 --> 00:21:16.441
Any listeners have the Gligar, maybe?

00:21:16.486 --> 00:21:18.395
Did you find a that had a Gligar?

00:21:18.405 --> 00:21:18.875
Let us know.

00:21:18.875 --> 00:21:20.266
You probably have Glauzo Gligar.

00:21:20.661 --> 00:21:21.381
That's gonna be mine.

00:21:23.355 --> 00:21:32.365
So also I want to ask, since you are just such a shiny aficionado or shiny expert, what do you think is the most underrated shiny Pokemon out there?

00:21:32.421 --> 00:21:33.126

00:21:33.431 --> 00:21:33.911

00:21:34.141 --> 00:21:35.971
Okay, this is one I wasn't prepared for.

00:21:36.090 --> 00:21:37.050

00:21:37.708 --> 00:21:40.867
I do think the green shinies get A little bit too much hate.

00:21:40.998 --> 00:21:42.698
I don't think a lot of them are really good.

00:21:43.478 --> 00:21:44.688
We got Ursaring.

00:21:44.698 --> 00:21:46.028
You've got, Espeon.

00:21:46.028 --> 00:21:48.857
I feel like everybody A lot of people don't like Espeon, but it's so good.

00:21:48.857 --> 00:21:50.097
I think Espeon's real good.

00:21:50.587 --> 00:21:53.837
Um Yeah, yeah, yeah, alien.

00:21:54.327 --> 00:21:57.417
But maybe, I guess maybe my answer to this might be, like, Giraffe Rig.

00:21:57.428 --> 00:22:03.407
I don't know if it's, like, underrated, but that's one that maybe I don't see a lot of love for, that I really like, is the Giraffe Rig shiny.

00:22:03.417 --> 00:22:08.778
It pretty much just has a blue nose, you know, not much different than Diglett, but I like Giraffe Rigs, so that's my answer.

00:22:12.117 --> 00:22:12.907
Yeah, I don't know.

00:22:13.548 --> 00:22:17.557
Although, to be fair, though, with Firigiraffe, I feel like it might have come back a little bit, maybe.

00:22:19.508 --> 00:22:21.327
But I still guess I haven't really seen too many.

00:22:21.596 --> 00:22:23.576
for me, it's always been the Lotet family.

00:22:23.695 --> 00:22:24.185
I've always

00:22:24.221 --> 00:22:25.590
Oh, that one's so good.

00:22:25.590 --> 00:22:25.971
It's so good.

00:22:26.355 --> 00:22:33.836
I feel like it gets so underappreciated for it I don't get why but to me that's such a very good I just becomes a very darker blue and green.

00:22:33.986 --> 00:22:35.145
I Yeah

00:22:35.540 --> 00:22:36.711
Yeah, that one's really good.

00:22:36.730 --> 00:22:42.074
I'm trying to think of some other ones that I like a lot that maybe I mean, you've got Pokemon, like, I think Wingull's really good.

00:22:42.074 --> 00:22:47.723
I think a lot of the ones that, like, are maybe subtle a bit fly under the radar, but there's some that are really good.

00:22:47.723 --> 00:22:48.923
Like, I like Tropius's shiny.

00:22:48.993 --> 00:22:50.354
It's not really that much different.

00:22:50.601 --> 00:22:52.351
like, Leafeon's got a good one.

00:22:52.566 --> 00:22:54.586
I love Zangoose because it has that red and blue on

00:22:54.596 --> 00:22:58.625
Yes, yeah, the blue, Yeah I think my favorite are, like, the blue shinies.

00:22:58.665 --> 00:23:00.326
Like, Porygon's one of my favorites.

00:23:00.705 --> 00:23:02.395
Unknown is one of my favorites, too.

00:23:02.465 --> 00:23:04.516
Yeah, the blue shinies really pop out for me.

00:23:05.094 --> 00:23:07.144
what's a shiny you would change?

00:23:07.726 --> 00:23:11.195
I mean, I think the answer's gotta be like Garchomp, right?

00:23:11.381 --> 00:23:11.540

00:23:13.016 --> 00:23:15.316
Like, I think that, I think that is the answer.

00:23:15.638 --> 00:23:17.509
but if I really had to pick, maybe?

00:23:17.588 --> 00:23:24.709
I have, okay, a lot of like, my friends will make fun of me for liking Ladeon so much, but Ledian's one of my all time favorite Pokemon.

00:23:24.729 --> 00:23:27.709
I don't have a reason why, I just really like it.

00:23:27.969 --> 00:23:30.828
But I think Ledian could have a maybe, a shiny update.

00:23:31.144 --> 00:23:35.834
I think it could've been like, instead of, I think, I can't remember what it's called right now, but I think it would've been if they just inverted

00:23:35.898 --> 00:23:36.398
like an orange.

00:23:36.884 --> 00:23:39.493
I feel like they could've just inverted it, just make it black with the red on it.

00:23:39.993 --> 00:23:40.614
That would be cool.

00:23:40.653 --> 00:23:41.243
That'd be cool.

00:23:41.263 --> 00:23:42.723
Yeah, I mean, I'm a little biased.

00:23:42.723 --> 00:23:43.973
I'd say just make it blue.

00:23:44.798 --> 00:23:45.588
He just wanted blue.

00:23:45.894 --> 00:23:46.503
Just make it blue?

00:23:46.979 --> 00:23:48.749
Uh, paint the whole world blue or that song

00:23:49.354 --> 00:23:49.574

00:23:51.483 --> 00:23:52.304
Leave the town blue.

00:23:52.453 --> 00:23:55.503
Yep, the one I would change is obviously the mouse hold family.

00:23:55.503 --> 00:23:56.013
It bugs the

00:23:56.054 --> 00:23:56.923
Oh, yeah.

00:23:56.983 --> 00:23:57.624
Yeah, okay.

00:23:57.834 --> 00:23:59.874
I would change it actually to brown.

00:23:59.983 --> 00:24:02.104
I've always thought just change it to a brown color

00:24:02.344 --> 00:24:04.634
I mean, other color mice out there than white mice.

00:24:04.644 --> 00:24:05.973
You could just pick one of those.

00:24:06.153 --> 00:24:08.753
but instead they just do the shirt and pants you can't tell the difference

00:24:08.818 --> 00:24:09.808
it's so small too.

00:24:09.808 --> 00:24:11.929
Yeah, that's, that's a much better answer than what I gave.

00:24:11.929 --> 00:24:12.719

00:24:12.933 --> 00:24:14.413
I mean guard job is still pretty good though.

00:24:14.423 --> 00:24:20.084
Cuz gosh, I'm sure I mean guard job some iconic Pokemon How do you not give it a better, you know shiny form than that?

00:24:20.288 --> 00:24:21.249
yeah, it's so cool.

00:24:21.249 --> 00:24:23.028
And shiny is just not great.

00:24:23.788 --> 00:24:29.959
I think Gible's shiny is not, I think Gible's shiny is good, for some reason when it evolves into Garchomp, it's just not good at all.

00:24:30.159 --> 00:24:31.439
Gible and Gibite are pretty good.

00:24:31.469 --> 00:24:34.118
It's the Garchomp that, for some reason, they just fell flat on.

00:24:34.118 --> 00:24:35.689
I think they're just Oh, we kind of give up.

00:24:35.689 --> 00:24:36.788
You'll still like it no matter what.

00:24:36.788 --> 00:24:37.098
Or something

00:24:37.219 --> 00:24:37.568

00:24:37.628 --> 00:24:48.608
I think like another one that a lot of people would say is like Gengar, but I don't, I don't mind that one as much, especially because like, it's well, I guess Gengar or sorry, Garchomp's mega is really good.

00:24:48.608 --> 00:24:49.489
It like turns pink.

00:24:49.803 --> 00:24:50.823
Gengar turns white.

00:24:51.159 --> 00:25:00.959
Yeah, Gengar turns white, Garchomp turns pink, so it's, I think those actually, I guess they did kind of fix it retroactively a little bit, but they didn't like change the actual Pokemon, just the mega form, but,

00:25:01.328 --> 00:25:07.239
so you've seen Pokemon try to change Shinies a little bit, you know, they add the marks of course, recently Scarlet and Violet.

00:25:07.239 --> 00:25:09.778
And then I think the prior generation did the squares.

00:25:10.568 --> 00:25:11.638
think of those kinds of changes?

00:25:11.638 --> 00:25:15.209
Do you like them or do you kind of wish Pokemon would do something different when it comes to shiny Pokemon?

00:25:15.469 --> 00:25:16.159
they're cool.

00:25:16.467 --> 00:25:20.866
I didn't care too much for the, the square star shiny thing in Sword and Shield.

00:25:20.866 --> 00:25:22.717
I was just interested in finding the shinies.

00:25:23.067 --> 00:25:26.866
But, uh, now in Scarlet and Violet, I'm actively looking for the marked shinies.

00:25:26.896 --> 00:25:28.267
If it doesn't have a mark, I don't want it.

00:25:28.616 --> 00:25:29.186
I don't want it.

00:25:29.386 --> 00:25:34.017
What, uh, what is it about the mark that you preferred over the square shinies?

00:25:34.410 --> 00:25:39.539
I don't know if this is the right thing to say, but I feel like shiny hunting is easier in Scarlet Violet.

00:25:39.549 --> 00:25:42.420
There are ways that you could challenge yourself to make it harder, right?

00:25:42.420 --> 00:25:45.180
You don't have to use a sandwich, you don't have to do outbreaks, right?

00:25:45.460 --> 00:25:52.289
But I do think just finding the shiny in Scarlet Violet is just a bit easier, so it feels more impactful when you get a cool mark on one.

00:25:52.349 --> 00:25:55.180
I think that you wouldn't have that feeling otherwise.

00:25:55.230 --> 00:25:56.990
And plus it gives them like a personality, right?

00:25:57.075 --> 00:26:01.234
like a, like a jaw.

00:26:01.430 --> 00:26:02.630
it gives them more character.

00:26:16.604 --> 00:26:22.144
it was sort of a, something I had just kind of figured out on the way I liked when I was watching streams.

00:26:22.263 --> 00:26:32.773
You know, my first couple of Twitch streamers that I got into, they like did a bunch of shiny hunting and, that's sort of what, yeah, once again, I'm just, you know, other content creators have inspired me to do this and now I'm, I'm doing it right.

00:26:32.773 --> 00:26:41.366
But yeah, I don't know if you know who Razokin is, but he was one of the ones that I first started watching on Twitch that did a bunch of shiny hunting and I was like, Oh, that's so cool.

00:26:41.727 --> 00:26:42.467
there's something about it.

00:26:42.467 --> 00:26:51.007
I think another thing that I like is, uh, shiny hunting streams feel very much like a just chatting stream where something cool happens every once in a while.

00:26:51.027 --> 00:26:58.207
So I could just, I could just sit there and yap, you know, we could just have a long con Cause I, I like to talk a lot with my chat when I'm streaming.

00:26:58.554 --> 00:27:00.104
I know there's a lot of people that don't, that's fine too.

00:27:00.104 --> 00:27:10.334
You know, if you're more focused on the game or whatnot, but, but a lot of like, I think what makes my stream cool is I try to make sure like I read every chat message, you know, we can have long conversations about literally anything really.

00:27:10.334 --> 00:27:16.230
And then if we find a shiny, it's like, oh my gosh, you know, it's a good like couple minutes where we have that big hit of dopamine.

00:27:17.894 --> 00:27:31.734
I mean, that's what I've always enjoyed whenever I've watched shiny hunters or people who are just like, you know On the hunts compared to other people who are doing VGC or if they're doing what's the other popular nuzlockes nuzlockes aren't too bad Actually, I don't mind those as much but you know people who are shiny hunting.

00:27:31.734 --> 00:27:39.585
They're definitely more engaged with the audience with people who are in chat and I've noticed that with you when you stream You're like y'all going some random whatever's going on in the

00:27:39.634 --> 00:27:41.694
Yeah, sometimes talking about whatever.

00:27:41.829 --> 00:27:42.309
Right, right.

00:27:42.319 --> 00:27:48.140
It could be whatever, but that's kind of what makes it kind of, you know, your own space and Twitch to where, you know, you do shiny huntings.

00:27:48.140 --> 00:27:51.039
And if you happen to find the one you're looking for, it's like, oh my gosh.

00:27:51.214 --> 00:27:51.585
it is.

00:27:51.615 --> 00:27:52.234
We got it.

00:27:53.009 --> 00:27:56.089
what's your most like a memorable shiny hunt that you've done?

00:27:56.484 --> 00:28:04.380
I think it's probably gotta be Okay, one of the first ones I've ever done was Toxel in Sword and Shield.

00:28:04.380 --> 00:28:06.299
The first live streams I've done was Toxel.

00:28:06.650 --> 00:28:10.180
and that was cool because it was egg 666.

00:28:10.190 --> 00:28:13.000
So, you know, whoo, scary, scary.

00:28:13.150 --> 00:28:15.980
I feel like it was kind of fitting for Toxel a little bit, you know, he's a little mischievous.

00:28:16.299 --> 00:28:22.329
Um, but then like there's ones that like Darkrai, I feel like that went on forever.

00:28:22.680 --> 00:28:26.319
I think my longest hunt so far has only been in like the 4000s.

00:28:26.849 --> 00:28:29.690
Which is rough, but it could be a lot worse.

00:28:30.078 --> 00:28:31.489
So I'm grateful for that.

00:28:31.489 --> 00:28:34.939
But yeah, dark Cry was one of the ones that was really high up there that felt really good to get,

00:28:35.489 --> 00:28:38.388
Do you ever feel discouraged whenever the hunt does go for that kind of

00:28:38.394 --> 00:28:38.723
oh yeah.

00:28:38.963 --> 00:28:39.564

00:28:39.564 --> 00:28:40.703
Sometimes I'm like, yeah, okay.

00:28:40.703 --> 00:28:42.894
We could, you know, pivot and do something else for a little bit.

00:28:44.114 --> 00:28:46.634
let's take a little break and maybe we'll come back to it.

00:28:47.028 --> 00:28:54.598
Well, that's the dedication I've always appreciated by you shiny hunters cuz for me I don't have the patience for it if I within like the first couple of times That's just not my thing.

00:28:54.598 --> 00:28:59.269
But for you guys y'all be in the thousands some people get into ten thousands God forbid than that

00:28:59.858 --> 00:29:00.443
I don't know.

00:29:00.443 --> 00:29:00.864
I don't know.

00:29:00.864 --> 00:29:03.084
I've never got that far, but we'll see.

00:29:03.084 --> 00:29:03.384
We'll see.

00:29:03.384 --> 00:29:06.203
Eventually, I feel like there definitely will be a time where that happens,

00:29:06.757 --> 00:29:16.003
You know, the one thing that I enjoyed about you, after you became a content creator and because of your passion for shiny Pokemon, you actually were co partnered with a song called Shiny Shiny Shinx.

00:29:16.048 --> 00:29:16.338

00:29:16.983 --> 00:29:17.344

00:29:17.344 --> 00:29:17.584

00:29:17.584 --> 00:29:18.334
Real good one.

00:29:18.644 --> 00:29:19.354
a catchy song.

00:29:19.354 --> 00:29:20.713
Like, how did about?

00:29:21.423 --> 00:29:27.777
So I was shiny hunting for shanks and you know growing up in high school I used to like write music write songs or whatever.

00:29:27.777 --> 00:29:30.277
I can't really play an instrument, but I could play like ukulele, right?

00:29:30.277 --> 00:29:41.874
So a little little music talk here I was like really into 21 pilots still am but um, and so I would like write little songs and whatnot And so sometimes when we're shiny hunting, I'll just try to come up with a little jingle.

00:29:42.173 --> 00:30:08.037
So like this most recent one was like we were shiny hunting heat more and it was like H E H E M O R like hot to go all right get it but anyway so i'm just making up something for shanks you know i'm like maybe if i sing you a song you'll you'll shine then my friend azure potato was you know viewing and watching the stream and they were like hey i'm working let's make a song let's actually like put this together and do something with it and that yeah we wrote the song we sang it and there it is

00:30:08.614 --> 00:30:11.124
so y'all both wrote it and who produced it, you or?

00:30:11.199 --> 00:30:12.558
no, Ozzy did, not me.

00:30:12.739 --> 00:30:14.328
I don't got that kind of talent.

00:30:15.003 --> 00:30:15.854
But you wrote it though.

00:30:16.179 --> 00:30:18.019
I wrote, uh, my parts.

00:30:18.019 --> 00:30:22.689
I wrote, like, the the chorus and, uh, one of the verses and whatnot, but Ozzy filled in the rest.

00:30:23.057 --> 00:30:24.696
Do you ever go back and listen to it or is it

00:30:24.856 --> 00:30:26.606
Oh yeah, oh yeah, no, that's really good.

00:30:26.606 --> 00:30:33.817
I have a channel point redeem where you can play it on stream for a couple channel points, and so every once in a while it'll just pop on and we'll have a little, a little sing along.

00:32:51.009 --> 00:32:55.669
When it comes to just, you know, your content creation journey continuing, you eventually became a partner with Pokemon.

00:32:55.989 --> 00:33:00.259
What was it like to get to that level as a content creator with the franchise up with?

00:33:00.855 --> 00:33:06.786
this is maybe just because, I don't know, not trying to, like, talk down on myself, I don't really think I deserve it.

00:33:07.151 --> 00:33:12.676
You know, I think there's a lot of creators out there that do it better than I do that haven't had that opportunity yet.

00:33:12.980 --> 00:33:15.361
but it was definitely like, uh, I don't know.

00:33:15.361 --> 00:33:20.040
It was a really weird feeling knowing that like when they reached out and was like, Hey, can we send you this?

00:33:20.040 --> 00:33:22.020
And I was like, Oh my gosh, yes.

00:33:22.030 --> 00:33:23.040
So what kind of question is that?

00:33:23.040 --> 00:33:24.131
Of course you can.

00:33:24.701 --> 00:33:31.230
I was gonna say you kind of deserve to kind of brag for it because not everybody does get partner, especially with a franchise they grew up with.

00:33:31.371 --> 00:33:31.621
I know.

00:33:31.621 --> 00:33:32.270
It's so wild.

00:33:32.391 --> 00:33:37.951
yeah, it's amazing that you were able to both, you know, partner with Pokemon for you to be a co streamer for worlds like that's a big deal.

00:33:37.990 --> 00:33:38.520
Yeah, that's so

00:33:38.951 --> 00:33:43.580
And then you were able to go to NIC and what was it like to kind of go for that to go as a content creator?

00:33:44.027 --> 00:33:44.616
It was fun.

00:33:44.636 --> 00:33:48.916
I definitely like, I would try to like, make sure I'm like showcasing what the event's about, right?

00:33:48.916 --> 00:33:52.855
Because there was no requirement, I still wanted to be like, Hey, this is like the kind of event that this is.

00:33:53.125 --> 00:33:53.674
It's so cool.

00:33:53.674 --> 00:33:56.355
If you have the opportunity, definitely come to one right there.

00:33:56.904 --> 00:34:02.275
The live in person events, I've only been to a handful, but every single one I've been to has been phenomenal.

00:34:02.494 --> 00:34:08.625
And that's what I mean earlier, like, I think the community is such an incredible aspect, knowing that everybody's there for Pokémon.

00:34:08.864 --> 00:34:14.034
Something that we can all agree on, You know, there's a lot of people that maybe I would've never talked to if, you know, we weren't there in person.

00:34:14.103 --> 00:34:16.483
You know, and we would get to hang out and chat and whatnot.

00:34:16.887 --> 00:34:24.358
that's the one thing I enjoy about the Pokemon franchise is that, you know, it's very diverse I feel the same way to where I've got a chance to meet people and talk with people.

00:34:24.547 --> 00:34:29.188
Had I not been more invested into this franchise as I am now, I never would have met these guys.

00:34:29.208 --> 00:34:30.367
It would have never happened.

00:34:30.378 --> 00:34:38.538
And of the beautiful part about how, no matter where you come from, the main series, TCG, Go, whatever have you, we all get connected because of Pokemon.

00:34:39.134 --> 00:34:39.443

00:34:39.443 --> 00:34:42.954
I've never said this out loud before, but I'm going to say it.

00:34:42.963 --> 00:34:47.293
So if this person's watching, there's a chance that this is a person's watching, this is for you.

00:34:47.693 --> 00:34:56.590
I don't know if I'd have had any of these opportunities, at least nowhere near this early, if it wasn't for Pokemon cast, you know, for gravitation, it's like a stream team.

00:34:56.771 --> 00:34:57.860
I got added to that.

00:34:57.891 --> 00:35:00.740
And I think that kind of like really helped out a lot.

00:35:01.021 --> 00:35:01.291

00:35:01.311 --> 00:35:06.442
That's important to kind of give credit to the people who've helped you on the not one journey's not done by one person.

00:35:07.186 --> 00:35:08.077
true, very true.

00:35:08.572 --> 00:35:13.882
And then what's amazing is, you know, eventually you get to become a partner for Pokemon Masters Ex, which is I think the phone app, right?

00:35:13.891 --> 00:35:15.842
Yeah, yeah, it's a little gacha game.

00:35:16.052 --> 00:35:19.041
You get to collect the characters and do some battles.

00:35:19.606 --> 00:35:23.817
And you know, what was it like to kind of become a part of just actual whole game of a Pokemon

00:35:23.931 --> 00:35:25.641
It's, it's, it's weird.

00:35:25.652 --> 00:35:26.202
I don't know.

00:35:26.402 --> 00:35:36.952
I'm still so little in this space, and so it feels like, once again, I don't know if I deserve it, but it's so cool to know that like, these people at least like, feel like I deserve it, I guess.

00:35:37.402 --> 00:35:38.817

00:35:39.007 --> 00:35:42.418
it's not like not like they give it to everybody That's

00:35:42.541 --> 00:35:50.284
cool because the game is super fun and, uh, to be able to like, showcase that and, you know, tell people about maybe a game that they wouldn't because, you know, it's a gotcha game.

00:35:50.284 --> 00:35:55.414
It's not quite the same as what you would normally play if you're playing Pokemon go or the TCG games or whatnot.

00:35:55.644 --> 00:35:59.532
It is a little bit different, but, no, it's definitely, that's how I love collecting the characters in that game.

00:35:59.818 --> 00:36:00.768
I'm always interested.

00:36:01.347 --> 00:36:10.518
Last thing I want to touch on is you know how we met or how I met you you talked and go fest in New York City, was it like to go to go fest in New York?

00:36:11.097 --> 00:36:16.068
as far as like the actual Pokemon experience goes, like going there for the game, incredible.

00:36:16.358 --> 00:36:22.347
there was only one part in Grand Central Park, I believe you were probably there, where like the service was down.

00:36:22.407 --> 00:36:24.007
We couldn't do nothing.

00:36:24.217 --> 00:36:24.577

00:36:24.577 --> 00:36:27.418
I uh, it was like where everybody was conjugated

00:36:27.623 --> 00:36:42.809
yeah, we were like running into another raid train group and so that was like the only downside But I definitely felt worth it, you know, I got the the ticket to the park on Saturday morning I took the ferry there I was just trying to make the most out of it as I could because I don't get to go to these events a whole Lot.

00:36:43.199 --> 00:36:45.739
Um, so when I was there, I was like, okay, I'm like, I'm gonna do everything, right?

00:36:45.739 --> 00:36:48.219
I'm gonna do everything I can as far as like Pokemon stuff goes

00:36:48.797 --> 00:36:52.036
when you're on that ferry, did you have like flashbacks of Pokemon black and white when, you

00:36:52.112 --> 00:36:58.052
Yes, yes, actually yes We're going under the bridge and it's like, wait, this is, this is just like the game.

00:36:58.286 --> 00:36:58.717

00:36:58.717 --> 00:36:58.967

00:36:59.498 --> 00:37:00.788
Yeah, that was so cool.

00:37:00.983 --> 00:37:02.083
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, but I had to

00:37:02.228 --> 00:37:04.228
No, no, that's, that's a perfect like thing to say.

00:37:04.228 --> 00:37:12.637
I don't know if I would've thought about saying that, cause you know, the universe based a bit off New York and you know, to be there in where that region would be, it was so cool.

00:37:12.833 --> 00:37:16.583
I think that was the interesting part for me because, you know, I love black and white as well.

00:37:16.643 --> 00:37:22.063
And like, I literally would like my mind would just go between Pokemon black and white in New York city.

00:37:22.753 --> 00:37:25.762
I get this reference, especially I think Castelia city.

00:37:25.762 --> 00:37:26.652
You think this is a big one.

00:37:27.103 --> 00:37:29.552
see a lot of the references from New York in that city.

00:37:29.552 --> 00:37:30.413
It's great.

00:37:30.413 --> 00:37:32.313

00:37:32.463 --> 00:37:35.382
like, the little, like, carts where you could buy, like, Castellia cones and stuff.

00:37:35.643 --> 00:37:40.663
I remember walking at, for GoFest, and they'd have these little carts with, like, this, I don't know if it, what was it, ice cream?

00:37:40.672 --> 00:37:42.713
It was, like, some kind of, like, ice something.

00:37:42.932 --> 00:37:44.322
They were, it was, like, fruit ice something.

00:37:44.322 --> 00:37:44.972
It was so good.

00:37:45.253 --> 00:37:48.322
That was, like, one of the best things, this, uh, this little ice fruit cup.

00:37:48.648 --> 00:37:53.018
Yeah, it's different for me too because you know here in Texas we don't got that and I'm going there I'm like dude, this is awesome.

00:37:53.018 --> 00:37:53.137

00:37:53.188 --> 00:37:54.748
Yeah, there was so fun stuff.

00:37:55.188 --> 00:37:57.501
that's great Oh, man, we kind of geeked out on that

00:37:58.371 --> 00:38:00.840
I mean, it was so much fun though, how could you not?

00:38:00.920 --> 00:38:02.311
I know it's great, man

00:38:02.400 --> 00:38:06.601
Listeners, if you've not been to a GoFest yet, try your best to get to one, they're so cool.

00:38:06.681 --> 00:38:08.251
Yeah, or just any uh live

00:38:08.561 --> 00:38:09.771
Yeah, any pokemon event.

00:38:09.891 --> 00:38:11.621
zone or uh, the tour.

00:38:11.621 --> 00:38:19.081
So if you can go to like the tours, if you can go to like a safari zone, go fest, whatever, have, you can go to any Pokemon, even a, any IC or regionals.

00:38:19.101 --> 00:38:20.041
It's always worth it.

00:38:20.041 --> 00:38:27.172
If you're a huge Pokemon fan, because you're around people who are just like you, because if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably a Pokemon fan to

00:38:27.277 --> 00:38:29.036
You probably like Pokemon, yeah, yeah.

00:38:29.351 --> 00:38:29.791
I hope so.

00:38:29.791 --> 00:38:32.572
If you're blogging for my voice, then, Hey, uh, for listening.

00:38:33.641 --> 00:38:39.952
If you've made it this far and you're not a Pokemon fan, you might as well just go get one of the games and start playing, because I think you like it.

00:38:40.311 --> 00:38:41.302
I think into it.

00:38:41.431 --> 00:38:43.481
I think we're on a hunch, you know, just saying.

00:38:44.697 --> 00:38:46.436
Well, Glow, thank you for coming on the show.

00:38:46.728 --> 00:38:48.358
I want to finish on this last question.

00:38:48.402 --> 00:38:49.302
Okay, all right, we

00:38:49.797 --> 00:38:51.878
If you had a, team of shiny Pokemon,

00:38:52.563 --> 00:38:54.463
Okay, got it, got it, got it.

00:38:54.532 --> 00:39:00.353
All right, Porygon Z, I would like Palossand, Politoed, Giraffarig.

00:39:00.688 --> 00:39:02.329
Um, now we're getting a little bit tricky here.

00:39:02.378 --> 00:39:04.309
Let's do, oh, I mean, you know what?

00:39:04.309 --> 00:39:05.969
Let's go with Ampharos and Breloom.

00:39:06.954 --> 00:39:07.324

00:39:07.394 --> 00:39:08.744
Any of those your favorite by chance?

00:39:09.570 --> 00:39:12.559
It's like really tie up between Ampharos and Breloom as my favorite Pokemon.

00:39:12.710 --> 00:39:13.927
why either or?

00:39:14.552 --> 00:39:20.612
Uh, I don't know, I have like weird, I don't really know if I have great reasons for why I like certain Pokemon.

00:39:20.833 --> 00:39:23.003
Sometimes I just see one and I'm like, yep, that's one.

00:39:23.043 --> 00:39:24.172
That's one I like a lot.

00:39:25.643 --> 00:39:28.193
Sometimes there's a story behind it, but with these two there really isn't.

00:39:28.353 --> 00:39:30.422
There really no, I just think they look good.

00:39:30.838 --> 00:39:31.487
Hey, that's fair.

00:39:31.487 --> 00:39:35.072
For me, I always, love Ampharos because of Pokemon Silver with Jasmine.

00:39:35.338 --> 00:39:37.838
yeah, you gotta make it help, help it feel better.

00:39:38.737 --> 00:39:39.487
Maybe that's it.

00:39:39.487 --> 00:39:40.237
Maybe that is what it is.

00:39:40.237 --> 00:39:40.507

00:39:40.762 --> 00:39:41.853
could be, you never know, man.

00:39:42.463 --> 00:39:44.913
But Glau, thank you for coming on as the Pokeball turns.

00:39:44.913 --> 00:39:48.713
Before you go, if people want to check out your content, if they want to connect with you, where can they go?

00:39:48.713 --> 00:39:50.233
By all means, please plug away.

00:39:50.588 --> 00:39:57.347
you can find me live on Twitch tv slash glo, every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday around 11:00 PM est.

00:39:57.347 --> 00:39:58.666
Sometimes earlier, sometimes later.

00:39:58.666 --> 00:40:00.436
Depends on how my, how busy I am.

00:40:00.748 --> 00:40:06.664
Instagram, at it's glo you know, we got blue sky, we got threads pretty much at its cloud.

00:40:06.755 --> 00:40:09.364
You know, if you want watch some YouTube content Cloud.

00:40:09.485 --> 00:40:09.724

00:40:09.815 --> 00:40:10.295
That's about it.

00:40:10.295 --> 00:40:12.614
Which TV is the place you can find the most though?

00:40:12.800 --> 00:40:16.690
Yeah, go check out his old 10 year old video when he's like little camcorder on the

00:40:16.945 --> 00:40:18.144
There's some of them up there.

00:40:18.144 --> 00:40:18.864
They're still up there.

00:40:18.864 --> 00:40:19.675
I left them up there.

00:40:19.800 --> 00:40:20.480
I can testify.

00:40:20.489 --> 00:40:21.739
I just watched him before this interview

00:40:24.025 --> 00:40:24.875
Yeah, they're there.