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I am OutOfContextPokemon and this is my Pokemon story.
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welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon My name is David Hernandez I'm joined by OutOfContextPokemon, here to step out of the scenes of Twitterverse And share the Pokemon story.
00:00:59.351 --> 00:01:01.311
Oh, Oh, see, welcome to the podcast.
00:01:01.542 --> 00:01:03.101
Ah, thank you, thank you.
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Though, uh, I guess for, uh, simplicity's sake, you can refer to me as Kazuhira.
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So, you know, before we dive into things, for those who don't know, you have an X or Twitter account that posts Pokemon content that kind of mixes with like, I guess we're world or maybe past experiences.
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What made you kind of want to start this content,
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Well, funny story, actually.
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I am, actually not the original owner, but the original owner themselves, which I'm not going to name out of, you know, privacy, they wanted out because they were so tired, or rather they feel personally tired of running the account and they just wanted to give it away to someone who's willing to take over.
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And Yeah, that would be me and my co owner, Sammy.
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since you took it over, did you have like a connection with them at the time?
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And what made you kind of want to step up into this role?
00:02:00.185 --> 00:02:09.572
Well No, I did not have any connection, but I was one of the people who messaged out of, you know, interest to keep the page alive.
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And I guess what made me want to step up with it is because before that announcement was made, I was already running One or two Pokemon Twitter pages at the time, but as a moderator, I don't own them.
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That would be Pokemon World Tweets and Miju with Pokemon Music.
00:02:29.426 --> 00:02:30.097
Oh, that's awesome.
00:02:30.097 --> 00:02:30.967
I didn't know you did that one.
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Yeah, unfortunately the first, unfortunately the first one got hacked last year, so, you know, that's, that's pretty much history.
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No, I was going to say, it's kind of cool how you kind of had different avenues, I guess, to kind of express the Pokemon interest.
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Yeah, funny thing about that, cause it used to have like, less than 2, 000 followers, but by the time I signed up to be a mod, well, look at it now, it's almost at 32, 000 followers, but yeah, tangent aside, yeah, I just wanted to keep the page alive.
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And, uh, I guess Sammy was the, you know, The original guy who was given the keys and then we had the third guy coming with us, which I'm not going to also name because, you know, they want to be private, but there were three of us.
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We had a bit of a fumbling about because we were trying to, I guess get a feel for what the content was.
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And, uh, I guess after some personal disagreements with the original owner, me and Sammy just took it upon ourselves to run it on our own.
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Uh, except, Sammy prefers to, you know, I guess stick as an advisor of sorts.
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And that gives me being the quote unquote main owner and practically the public face of this page.
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So we'll dive into more of the Twitter side of things later, but I kind of want to start like, When did you first became interested in this franchise?
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Where does it all start?
00:04:02.127 --> 00:04:21.086
Huh, I guess even before I turned like two years old I guess like because I was born at the time when the anime series, the original one, They, you know, they released the 4Kids dub on our country's, broadcasting scheduling.
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And I still remember watching, the Indigo League on that, you know, one of those old TVs those square ones that if you try to carry you definitely have to be careful otherwise you'll, uh, crush your fingers underneath.
00:04:36.077 --> 00:04:37.543
Heh heh heh.
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We call that a box TVs over here where I'm from.
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And they'd be like the one giant ones where you'd be like sometimes two or three people to carry.
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Yeah, that one.
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It was a Japanese TV too, so definitely one of the top of the line TVs at the time.
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So you said you started an anime, so you were watching Ash Ketchum trying to go through his journey with Misty and Brock and going through the Indigo League, I assume,
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Yes, I was there since the beginning, so anyone who, anyone who dares say that I wasn't there since the beginning, well, I can send them photos of, you know, myself, or rather, my one year old self watching the anime series, like I have it here, actually, under my bed.
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You the old VHS tabs and stuff like that.
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Nah, no photos.
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We're, you know, I guess, you know, you know, we're, know, you know, you know our parents.
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They, they always want to take photos of us when we were kids.
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Even when we're not doing anything.
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So, yeah, one of those photos is me watching the TV and apparently Ash is in that TV.
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So for me, when I grew up, you know, they had the Polaroids and the like one time cameras or Kodak's.
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Did you have those?
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Or is it kind of more you had to go digital at that point?
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No, no, it was still at the time when Kodaks were still the, you know, the dominating force in, uh, cameras.
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that's what I remember because I would always take photos because back in the day when selfies were becoming a thing and my mom would get on to me, but like, why are you wasting all this film taking selfies?
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She didn't understand it, but I was using her Kodak camera to try to take a selfie because I didn't have a phone back then,
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Yeah, but yeah, that's the very first, uh, exposure to the series, which is funny because most of the experiences that kids in America have something to relate to are the games, you know, Pokemon Red and Blue, but not me, not me, not me.
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You know, my parents never entertained the idea of giving me a Gameboy since, well, I'm one year old.
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I mean, who, who, who would even give a one year old a Gameboy, let alone a cartridge?
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That's fair.
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So, because, you know, you didn't play with red and blue, you're basically washing ash through his journey for the longest time.
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When did you kind of, I guess, dive into maybe the trading cards or the video game side of
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Well, I guess video game, it really all started in 2003 with Pokemon Ruby, when it was still brand new and the cartridge just cost like 30 bucks with the original box and everything.
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Oh, I miss those
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Yeah, though it wasn't my copy.
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It was my cousin's actually.
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you know, because we, we always do these, family visits on occasions.
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And one of those occasions, they, you know, my cousins, they came in with their flashy Game Boy Advance SPs at the time.
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And you know back then if you owned a Gameboy Advance SP you're practically a walking rich kid.
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Yeah, so they asked me like, do you like Pokemon?
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You know, you want to try it?
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And you know, being the, impressionable child I was, I, I, you know, I tried it and I still remember that my first, partner is Torchic actually.
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Torchic, and I still have vivid memories of them making fun of my other cousin for choosing Trico.
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Oh, why'd they make fun of them?
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I have no idea, but I'm going to take a wild assumption that it's because of its
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Uh, that makes sense.
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00:08:25.204 --> 00:08:26.680
Yeah, but
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00:08:27.021 --> 00:08:28.860
They always get the made fun of all the
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I know, right?
00:08:30.670 --> 00:08:31.711
But that's with the games.
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TCG, I am, well, super, super late.
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I have never collected TCGs in those years.
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So, I guess you can say that I missed out on the real golden age of trading cards for the Pokemon series.
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it all started in December 2021 when I ordered, singles from a local shopping site.
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One of those, cards was a trainer card of Hop.
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And I guess, I just got dragged in, cause I really love the idea of collecting cards and, my first set, real set, proper set would be, uh, Sword and Shield Lost Origins.
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And my very first, you know, what they call a hit or slash chase card is the Aerodactyl actually.
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and I only found out because someone mentioned that I practically, regained my one time in quote unquote investment.
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00:09:32.375 --> 00:09:33.025
Oh my gosh.
00:09:33.025 --> 00:09:35.635
He's like, Oh, you made all your money back from this arid actopole.
00:09:36.370 --> 00:09:44.841
Yeah, I mean, I had no idea at the time, but I knew that, you know, it was going to be a very interesting hobby.
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do you still collect the TCG nowadays?
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Or is it kind of something you just dabble in sometimes?
00:09:50.368 --> 00:09:52.258
I recently went back actually.
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In fact, I've been actively, publicly humiliating scalpers left and right Cause, uh, you know, they made it personal with me when they, uh, flooded the site when I was about to check out one box.
00:10:06.307 --> 00:10:08.085
Uh, yeah.
00:10:08.105 --> 00:10:14.298
Oh, man, that's why I'm grateful that I'm not that deep in the TCG right now, because that all would just ruin it for me.
00:10:14.298 --> 00:10:15.337
I think, you know,
00:10:15.827 --> 00:10:23.408
Yeah, but thankfully I have, friends and partners that I can rely on should I really want a box or two.
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really, it's not a huge loss for me, unlike most people.
00:10:29.291 --> 00:10:33.188
So, when you first started diving into the video game silos, Rubin's half was your first game.
00:10:33.578 --> 00:10:35.509
Were you still keeping up with the anime at that point?
00:10:35.538 --> 00:10:38.438
Like, were you just watching the anime like every day up to access journey?
00:10:38.519 --> 00:10:55.225
Mm hmm, yes, but I guess by the time Black and White rolled out I, kind of stopped and diverged from there because Funny story, because you you don't hear this often but There was another series competing for my favorite.
00:10:55.255 --> 00:10:56.355
That was Digimon
00:10:56.711 --> 00:10:57.871
Oh, yes,
00:10:58.491 --> 00:11:05.359
And you know, of course I loved it as well in fact Jason Page's intro is really iconic.
00:11:05.379 --> 00:11:07.869
I still, still know the lyrics from heart.
00:11:07.869 --> 00:11:12.594
But, if we're talking about endings, Digimon takes the cake.
00:11:13.025 --> 00:11:19.649
especially the original ending for Season 1, which is, uh, you know, I Wish by Ai Maeda.
00:11:19.649 --> 00:11:20.503
00:11:20.975 --> 00:11:27.182
So going back to playing Ruby Pokemon, Ruby and Sapphire, what do you remember most about playing those first Pokemon games?
00:11:27.182 --> 00:11:31.503
Did you feel like you were kind of living the anime world at that point, or did you kind of feel like it was a different adventure?
00:11:31.663 --> 00:11:34.212
It was a totally different adventure.
00:11:34.743 --> 00:11:39.302
And I guess the most memorable part of the games really was the music.
00:11:39.822 --> 00:11:40.495
00:11:40.586 --> 00:11:41.606
music that sticks out
00:11:42.046 --> 00:11:43.105
Petalburg City.
00:11:43.525 --> 00:11:44.605
Oh, yes.
00:11:45.038 --> 00:11:53.207
that's one of the most memorable like, themes for me in that game and, The Starting Town, I forgot its name actually.
00:11:53.524 --> 00:11:54.537
Uh, little Root
00:11:54.601 --> 00:11:58.052
Little Road Town, yeah, that's forever etched in my memory.
00:11:58.384 --> 00:12:03.203
And, it wasn't, it was an entirely different experience compared to watching the anime.
00:12:03.599 --> 00:12:06.707
but, you know, but it's still as memorable.
00:12:06.707 --> 00:12:08.677
as it was when I first started it.
00:12:08.993 --> 00:12:09.952
for me.
00:12:09.982 --> 00:12:11.393
The songs that stick to my head.
00:12:11.764 --> 00:12:13.364
Is one for tree city.
00:12:13.677 --> 00:12:15.288
00:12:15.383 --> 00:12:15.663
00:12:15.692 --> 00:12:17.263
I love that song the most.
00:12:17.562 --> 00:12:20.432
And I always loved the second one was the underwater theme.
00:12:21.898 --> 00:12:24.057
the, what's his face, the dive team.
00:12:24.365 --> 00:12:25.395
Yes, yes
00:12:25.697 --> 00:12:32.486
Yeah, I mean, it's funny, unless you're, I guess, IGN, which, you know, they're gonna stay away from it.
00:12:32.910 --> 00:12:43.144
well IGN doesn't have good taste, but that's me But I've always wanted like the underwater theme as like a lullaby because it's just so soothing I could literally fall asleep to it.
00:12:43.153 --> 00:12:44.514
That's how good it is for me.
00:12:44.793 --> 00:12:51.474
So I play gen 1, but I'm a gen 3, baby I love the gen 3 games the music was one of the most appealing parts besides the whole world, of course
00:12:51.769 --> 00:12:57.466
Oh yeah, I mean story wise and game mechanics, it's really the music that sets it apart for me.
00:12:57.775 --> 00:13:02.385
they never fail to, you know, amaze me with the music every single time.
00:13:02.982 --> 00:13:04.722
What did you think of the remakes?
00:13:04.722 --> 00:13:06.163
You know, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
00:13:06.163 --> 00:13:08.283
Did you get a chance to experience those games?
00:13:08.508 --> 00:13:20.856
Ah, unfortunately, I am one of those people who have never experienced the 3DS era because I was in college at the time and, you know, being a, college kid, I have no money.
00:13:25.159 --> 00:13:25.960
Oh my gosh.
00:13:26.642 --> 00:13:27.552
I mean, it's true though.
00:13:27.552 --> 00:13:28.361
I mean, we're in college.
00:13:28.361 --> 00:13:29.032
We're kind of broke.
00:13:29.032 --> 00:13:31.841
So we don't really got the kind of money to put out for those kind of games.
00:13:31.876 --> 00:13:38.961
Yeah, but I was actively hearing about talks of sun and moon around 2016.
00:13:39.294 --> 00:14:06.179
And, that's, uh, when it started to up slowly but surely because around the time Sword and Shield was announced, and I, I really wanted it because, you know, they evolved from what I used to play in a Game Boy to the Switch, it was really impressive for me, so, you know, back then I wasn't aware that behind the scenes fans were actively, you know, fighting each other over a damn tree.
00:14:07.596 --> 00:14:09.535
Yeah, it's pathetic, really.
00:14:09.686 --> 00:14:12.865
Like, really, out of all the things you could argue about.
00:14:12.936 --> 00:14:15.344
00:14:15.344 --> 00:14:17.649
But, it took a while for me to get a Switch.
00:14:17.940 --> 00:14:25.246
In fact, I guess it's meant to be, because around January 2020, I bought my first Switch.
00:14:26.057 --> 00:14:30.076
And, funny enough, it's the Sword and Shield Lite Edition.
00:14:30.466 --> 00:14:30.995
00:14:30.995 --> 00:14:33.525
You really dived into all of sword and shield.
00:14:33.525 --> 00:14:36.696
Like that really hooked you back in fully into Pokemon.
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and I guess a few days later, my friend gifted me a gift card to basically buy shield and I guess that's how it all started again.
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Now I've got to ask you, cause you know, it's two different legendaries.
00:14:51.301 --> 00:14:52.081
Which did you prefer?
00:14:52.081 --> 00:14:53.875
Did you prefer Zamazenta or Zacian?
00:14:54.456 --> 00:14:55.456
00:14:55.868 --> 00:14:57.008
Oh, the shield dog.
00:14:57.765 --> 00:14:59.155
Hey, all right.
00:14:59.155 --> 00:15:01.875
You're the only other person I've ever met who prefers Zamazenta.
00:15:01.905 --> 00:15:03.635
00:15:03.635 --> 00:15:17.304
I made sure Zacian is useful for Singles and double battles, but Zamazenta is my personal pick always it just looks, you know, it just Appeals to me really and A dog wearing a shield.
00:15:17.355 --> 00:15:18.825
It looks funny to me
00:15:19.405 --> 00:15:25.186
So you said, you know, you skipped out of all of the 3ds era because you just, you know, broke college kid, right?
00:15:25.975 --> 00:15:31.216
What was it like to kind of return to Pokemon's experience sword and shield after your last Pokemon game before that?
00:15:31.931 --> 00:15:41.895
Ah amazing it's like I guess it's like jumping from the PS1 and immediately to the PS4 or 3.
00:15:42.596 --> 00:15:48.515
You know like everything about it was amazing and again as always the music is what sets it apart for me.
00:15:49.115 --> 00:15:53.335
was it kind of overwhelming to kind of be open world to kind of see the graphics and everything?
00:15:53.722 --> 00:16:08.253
no, but it was definitely something that I did not expect from Pokemon, cause It was linear when back in the days, but you know for you to freely explore things and unlock Routes as you go.
00:16:08.273 --> 00:16:17.003
It was amazing I guess the only thing I didn't like was the story because what's his face here you do know solar power is a thing, right?
00:16:18.518 --> 00:16:18.918
00:16:18.937 --> 00:16:19.337
00:16:19.768 --> 00:16:20.518
00:16:20.648 --> 00:16:21.398
in the Pokemon world.
00:16:21.398 --> 00:16:22.298
It already does exist.
00:16:22.298 --> 00:16:23.388
It was ahead of its time.
00:16:24.442 --> 00:16:37.111
Yeah, and, you know, this is more of a personal vendetta than a criticism of the game, but I vehemently hate the Sword and Shield twins, Swordbert and Shieldbert.
00:16:37.261 --> 00:16:38.381
God, I hate them.
00:16:38.381 --> 00:16:40.701
I hope they, I hope they die very soon.
00:16:41.100 --> 00:16:41.710
00:16:41.899 --> 00:16:43.860
He really does not like these people.
00:16:43.860 --> 00:16:44.340
00:16:44.789 --> 00:16:57.089
Like, you know, the moment they op they started speaking, I just, I when they start when they started to open their mouth, I was like, oh my god, shut the fuck up and die already!
00:16:59.905 --> 00:17:00.566
00:17:00.596 --> 00:17:02.645
So they just annoyed you from the get go.
00:17:02.885 --> 00:17:15.076
Yeah, like, before Sword and Shield, the last character that did this for me was, uh, and I mean this with no, you know, toxic intent, Sans, from Undertale.
00:17:15.820 --> 00:17:21.441
Like, you know, like, not the boss battle, but, you know, just simply his existence irritates the hell out of me.
00:17:21.881 --> 00:17:28.050
But, you know, Swordbird and Shieldbird were, you know, were pretty much experts at this more than sans.
00:17:28.050 --> 00:17:35.869
So, yeah, they're, you know, they're still my, you know, my most hated characters in pretty much out of every franchise.
00:17:36.519 --> 00:17:43.140
And, you know, I still hope That in in that world they die a horrible and painful death
00:17:43.553 --> 00:17:47.363
that's the third version where you get a chance to torture him however you want, okay?
00:17:47.593 --> 00:17:50.073
It'll be Pokemon guillotine for you.
00:17:51.597 --> 00:18:15.987
Yeah but yeah, It really is a wonderful experience to play shield when all when all the games you played on pokemon was Practically just on a game boy really so Personally, I feel like, you know, I mean, and I mean no disrespect, but, I feel like Pokemon fans generally just, come off as rude and ungrateful, really.
00:18:16.442 --> 00:18:17.292
In what way?
00:18:17.448 --> 00:18:30.405
I guess, you know, like, like, sure, no game is perfect, but to actively, nitpick every single thing, and worst of all, harassing other fans for simply loving the game.
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It's just, you know, insanity, really.
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I think that's kind of something more recent for example, people nowadays, they want the voice acting.
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They want a more grittier plot.
00:18:40.958 --> 00:18:44.157
Pokemon's never been either of those things.
00:18:44.178 --> 00:18:47.567
You know, the grittiest plot we ever get is Pokemon Colosseum back in GameCube days.
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If you know, you know, and even then it's kind of tame.
00:18:51.147 --> 00:19:00.909
And even, you know, voice acting, I know that's huge, but for me growing up, a lot of people wanted the 3d graphics, which we have now, people were like, why are y'all still using the bit graphics?
00:19:00.909 --> 00:19:06.977
You know, Pokemon black and white was the last one where they felt like, Oh, it's beyond, you know, they should have gone to what we got that now the models.
00:19:07.416 --> 00:19:10.356
And for me, I look at it, I'm like, I kind of missed the graphics, but.
00:19:10.711 --> 00:19:12.791
You know, I've been in Pokemon a long time since day one.
00:19:12.791 --> 00:19:15.882
So, well, not day one, but at least, you know, early days,
00:19:17.065 --> 00:19:26.499
Yeah, good, good, good, yeah, cause, I guess I wasn't active in the community until 2000 and late 2022.
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So, you know, basically to start off in 2023.
00:19:31.201 --> 00:19:32.561
No, no, no, correction, correction.
00:19:32.582 --> 00:19:41.021
It was late 2021 because by the time March 2022 rolled out, I already joined the World Tweets account as a mod.
00:19:42.076 --> 00:19:42.696
Oh my gosh.
00:19:42.696 --> 00:19:43.156
I'm sorry.
00:19:43.156 --> 00:19:44.247
That's where your sanity went.
00:19:46.261 --> 00:19:54.650
So, you know, back then, I, uh, witnessed a lot of dramatic stuff, especially when Scarlet and Violet came out.
00:19:54.650 --> 00:19:56.329
00:19:56.515 --> 00:19:59.765
still like people for some reason, still dog on those games.
00:19:59.765 --> 00:20:08.352
I'm like, yo, yeah, there's some graphical issues, but that game's honestly on at least top five, almost to me, maybe even top two.
00:20:08.352 --> 00:20:10.112
It's that high that I love those games.
00:20:10.397 --> 00:20:12.407
But like you said, a lot of people look more towards.
00:20:12.847 --> 00:20:15.847
What they didn't do right than what they did right, if that makes sense.
00:20:15.932 --> 00:20:16.462
00:20:16.843 --> 00:20:22.903
I guess the only weird decision for me that I still don't understand to this day was, why Ed Sheeran?
00:20:23.123 --> 00:20:25.212
Like, what's, what's, what's the reasoning, you know?
00:20:25.664 --> 00:20:27.521
I thought he was, I thought he grew up a Pokemon fan.
00:20:27.934 --> 00:20:47.801
I mean, aside from that, like, you know, on, uh, I guess I'm just trying to understand, out of all the things they could do, why Ed Sheeran, of all people, do a credit song, cause it, I, I, you know, like, yeah, I just finished, you know, the Area Zero story, happy ending, and then Ed Sheeran just pops up and like, huh?
00:20:48.031 --> 00:20:49.011
What's going on?
00:20:51.146 --> 00:20:54.896
Hey, I'll tell you what, when I have Ed Sheeran on the podcast, I'll ask him that question for you.
00:20:57.186 --> 00:21:00.166
If I ever, okay, I don't think I'll ever get him, but still, you know, I can dream.
00:21:01.772 --> 00:21:02.863
Who would you want though?
00:21:02.873 --> 00:21:06.472
Who would you, if it wasn't for Ed Sheeran, who would you have wanted to sing a song instead?
00:21:06.906 --> 00:21:12.876
Uh, well, he's dead now, but if he was still alive, I guess Michael Jackson.
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or if, we're talking about artists that are still active in any way, Rick Astley.