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hey, hi, hello.
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I'm Ada Angelata and this is my Pokemon story.
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Welcome to as the pokeball turns where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez Today, I'm joined by Ada, the enchilada, here to tell us all about What makes an enchilada the best?
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Ada, welcome to As the Pokeball Turns.
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Hey, thank you.
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Thank you.
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And actually, it's the salsa event.
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No, no, no, no.
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I'm just kidding.
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No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
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But yeah, thank you for having me.
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Ha ha
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Is it the Salsa Vida?
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We need to start an argument.
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Is it the Salsa Vida or the red one?
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don't know.
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The funny thing is, every time, like, so, of course, I love Pokémon, but, you know, in my down time, I play a lot of pew pew games.
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Let's say, like, Valorant.
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time I start in a match, the first thing people usually ask in, like, the chat, Red or green?
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Gotta know, red or green.
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like, guys, it's apparently these topics.
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This is the thing we need to know.
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What kind of taste do you have?
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Is it red or green?
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People think it started with red and blue.
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It's actually red and green.
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It really is.
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I mean, you know, they just never released, you know, green.
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They only chose red and blue for USA.
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I know they canceled Bulbasaur's seed before it even can crawl.
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Man, how dare they?
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I know, right?
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a girl character, too.
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Uh, no, that's a
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Oh, yeah, yeah, they didn't, they canceled leaf too.
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They canceled the entire group of people.
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Goddamn! World wasn't ready for a woman! No.
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still aren't.
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It's too real, it's too real.
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I'm sorry.
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I'm sorry, but continue continue.
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I think you're good.
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It's like, it's too true, but you're too real.
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I, I would say, I'm, I love me some spice and I know that you get more spice with the red, but the flavors I like more in the very thing.
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not because it's Bulbasaur color, but it's actually because I prefer the taste of it.
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like, I mean, I'm a sucker for spicy, but like, the flavors always will outwin that for me, so.
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but I know we were talking earlier about like how this name came about and actually wasn't because the food is actually For different reason if you don't mind, you know letting people know
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so funny if people were like, Yeah, I'm actually highly allergic.
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So I, you know, just to like hate on myself, I name myself something I can't eat.
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Yeah, yeah, you know, I just go straight to the ER.
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But no, um, so like, of course, like my actual name is Adriana or Adriana, if you want to say it in the Spanish way.
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but, growing up, I think since like fifth grade, I just remember like, it was like my sister's, like, friend was just like I'm gonna call you Aiden.
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I'm like, okay my name's just too long um, and I basically stuck with that nickname for who knows how long?
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and this was before I had like any like social media handles to get like a username and stuff don't think I made like a twitter handle till Sometime in, maybe late school, I believe.
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Oh nine, sometime around that time.
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but during, you know, back in the day when we were, you know, we didn't have them cell phones.
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We had to go and pick up that telephone, you know, and call beep, beep, beep, beep to our friends.
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Uh, be like, got to call that landline, you know?
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to use a payphone
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Imagine, like, the rotary.
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Yeah, yup.
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Like, I'm gonna be side tangent.
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I don't know if you ever played the tribute, like, Murder Mystery from, like,
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Love that.
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usually, like, Oh, there's like a murder one where you have to do, like do the like Ringphone thing too quickly to to survive.
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I'm like
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I'm ready.
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I was born in this era.
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I'm like first one done.
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I'm like hell.
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Yeah You guys don't know how to use a rotary phone You're right But, I would call my friend, and they had caller ID, and usually shows only like the last name, and so my best friend's mom.
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Would just like read like the the name and just like butchered it hardcore.
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It was just like And Honestly that that that that has like stuck with us Till as you can tell now and the time that I was trying to think of a username.
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I was like You know what works properly, you know, it's like odda Enchilada also kind of has Otta in it, so, and it's like a little homage to my last name, but very bad homage.
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So, Otta Enchilada was born.
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And she's been rolling on your Twitch screens ever since.
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I just slapped it on everything.
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I was like, nobody's taking this!
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It must be kind of cool though, cause you kind of acknowledge, you know, you growing up with Ada Angelotta to now doing Twitch stream.
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It's like people kind of get to kind of grow up and kind of see, you know, you get, it's like your own childhood goes with you on your Twitch journey.
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Mm hmm.
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Oh gosh, at the beginning of February, just celebrated, uh, six years of, like, streaming.
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Oh, wow.
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What is it?
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What, what, what, what went to your mind when you hit the six years?
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God, I'm old.
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No, dude.
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to prove it.
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I've got like, this is why we wear the beanies actually.
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You know?
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That's the hide it.
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the top.
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You don't see the top of the head where the grey hairs or silver hairs are coming.
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You know, it actually reminded me of I don't know if you ever watch edit and Eddie.
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Oh my god, of
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You like your double D to where the head just kind of
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Yeah, yeah.
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Where does the head start and the hat
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right, right, right.
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but yeah, no, it's kind of crazy to think, like, I don't know.
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further I go in, at least like once it's past certain milestones, I'm just like, Just kind of happy to just be able to be here and just like I didn't do anything super crazy I just wanted to be with the community that like has been along with the journey do what I we've been doing for these several years and which is just making each other smile and give good positivity that we need in this world.
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So, that be Rage Karting and Mario Kart, trying to find a shiny, I've been in such a drought recently, um,
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Her shiny box is drowning.
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It's been hit by Grudon.
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Somebody bring the key ogres.
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Oh, no.
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so hard to get a target shiny this week, it's hurting my soul.
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but yeah, or like even just playing like few, few games.
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Cause I know a lot of like my community also loves playing like different games, like Fortnite and stuff like that.
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You know, I just like, being able to, to, to be there.
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It's always a good time.
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Is that why you went into streaming initially just to try to be kind of that influence?
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Like what made you want to dive into Twitch or to whatever you're doing now?
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Loved being creative like I think that was always I've always had the creative bug, you know, they always say I don't think it's true, but you know what I'm gonna use it I'm a lefty and they say usually lefties tend to be more on the artistic
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Look, y'all don't know the struggle.
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We're forced to be right handed.
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The cars in America are right handed.
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I feel so much joy when I meet somebody who's another lefty.
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Shout out to all the lefties out there.
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and then you come out of it It's just like
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just darkened from the pencil
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you got all the, it's like a badge of honor on the side.
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And then what ticks me off the most because I'm a guy, we have to wear ties.
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All the tie instruction videos are right handed.
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They all say the same thing.
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Just do it in reverse.
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The other way that has not helped me.
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I'm a visual person, or like, hands on, like, what do you mean?
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right, right.
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Dude, or like, the people who take the, like, the few left handed desks, it's like, you're right, why?
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Yeah, you took away my accessibility here.
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it's it's such a real struggle, man.
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um, yeah, I've always, um, loved being, like, I don't know, comedic relief, also loved being, um, Like, I loved being a goofball, just like trying to lighten the mood or like make people like, happy.
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also loved being creative, like When I was younger, I just loved trying to like take pictures and still love doing that too, but God damn, this is so expensive to get like a newer camera to like be a photographer and stuff.
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Cause, uh, at one point I just wanted to do photography.
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trying to show people what I envisioned through my POV is always something that I've always wanted to do.
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And at one point it went from like photography to which we were Growing up in the YouTube realm and seeing people be creative back in our time.
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It was just like anime music videos or people doing AMVs or people like doing their own music videos to certain songs.
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And I have a friend at the time she wasn't, uh, my friend yet, but, She's actually one of my inspirations, Strawberry17.
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she started a long time ago on YouTube, but now it's like on, more on Twitch now.
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And I would just see her doing this creativity and I'm just like, man, that'd be cool.
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I want to be creative making videos too.
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And you know, I would try doing some cute little videos in like high school.
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I literally made this whole, like, story behind this, like, Puppet.
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parrot from like one of my science teachers and made music videos with him.
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was a whole time.
00:10:46.349 --> 00:10:46.849
Mm hmm.
00:10:46.859 --> 00:10:47.198
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Pedro the parrot.
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People who don't know him
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Right, right,
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uh, shout out to my teacher, uh, also like my big sis, uh, Mrs.
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Let's go.
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this is Greco
00:11:01.433 --> 00:11:08.474
Yeah, she, she, she really like, allowed me to like just kind of Just to put myself out there.
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Cause I mean, you probably also think that I'm like, from knowing me, like, like pretty extroverted.
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I didn't think I was growing up.
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I was very like in like work or school settings, I was very introverted.
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I don't like putting myself out for out in the, in front,
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is so not the usual characteristic of an extrovert.
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but, I'm more of the one where it's like I like to include people, gather people, try to like connect people together and stuff like that.
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but once, like when I'm out of those settings, yeah, I thrive basically.
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so I would do all those, do making little videos, but at the time I also didn't have like really a job or money to get stuff like when they first were coming out with like Adobe Premiere or other things, you
00:11:55.243 --> 00:11:56.253
makes it a little difficult.
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I'm trying to make like these little videos, but it's so hard, you
00:12:01.023 --> 00:12:01.493
Mm hmm.
00:12:01.682 --> 00:12:10.788
and at some point I had to like put that a little bit behind, you know, once you get, get into like college, got to focus it, you know, your ideas a little bit.
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Oh, your, your, what you want to do, So I still did like some photography just for funsies during that time, but I was hardcore struggling in college cause god damn I am so not good with, with, with learning.
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but I was still like, you know, always fascinated with that, with that side, with that realm, with being creative.
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and it wasn't until.
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after college when I kind of got back into that realm, including gaming.
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Gaming was always a part of my, my life, before thinking of creativity and stuff, you know, I was a tomboy.
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I never really liked playing with Barbies and stuff like that, you know, Mom loved plushies.
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for the longest time, my family tried to, you know, Not to have us go too much with the gamings, but
00:13:01.202 --> 00:13:03.023
I'll say they're trying to keep you away a little bit.
00:13:03.263 --> 00:13:03.582
00:13:03.643 --> 00:13:04.003
00:13:04.620 --> 00:13:16.326
my aunt's probably one of the main reasons why I actually got into Pokemon Or at least the games Because I definitely got cards growing up, the, like, I watched the shows growing up.
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I remember having little, like pictures of just like me with like little, like plushies actually, even though you guys, you can't, you guys can't see this.
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I wanna show David.
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You can see it if you check out or stream on twitch.
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tv slash out of enchilada, by the way
00:13:30.405 --> 00:13:34.409
let's go This is a nineties Pikachu.
00:13:34.500 --> 00:13:37.080
That's a 90s Pikachu Wow Wow
00:13:37.090 --> 00:13:38.610
from back in the day,
00:13:38.820 --> 00:13:40.210
taken care of that big boy.
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See, you got the original Pikachu when he was fat and thick and lovely.
00:13:43.019 --> 00:13:43.500
See now I'm
00:13:44.330 --> 00:13:47.330
Yeah, he's, he's got a little bit of chonk.
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He's been in my life for a very, very long time.
00:13:50.929 --> 00:13:51.399
Oh, yeah.
00:13:51.399 --> 00:13:52.220
See, we got.
00:13:52.220 --> 00:13:56.139
Yeah, I don't know
00:13:56.240 --> 00:13:56.490
00:13:57.220 --> 00:13:57.929
is for.
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We'll ignore the SP.
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I don't know.
00:14:00.809 --> 00:14:01.129
00:14:01.404 --> 00:14:05.335
But yeah, he's been in my life since I was a little lad.
00:14:05.419 --> 00:14:16.320
So is that what your aunt gave you or Oh,
00:14:16.345 --> 00:14:16.674
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But like there is one time where I got pretty sick.