Nov. 30, 2022

TRAINER'S EYE #14 - "It's A Charizard Life" ft. ShadowPrime34 from The Round Table Chat(ot)


In this Pokemon interview, my guest ShadowPrime34, co-host of The Round Table Chat(ot), shares his experience with Pokemon GO, his journey to becoming a skilled PVP player, and how he joined the B.T.W Part Deaux Faction within the Silph Arena.

ShadowPrime34 also shares how he and his friend OleJonnyOneBall met and started their podcast together.

Trainer's Eye is a series where the stories are real and people still play this game. From PVP to Shiny Hunting, each person's Pokemon GO journey is unique and we dive into each journey here on As The Pokeball Turns!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

Connect with ShadowPrime34: Twitter | Discord | Website |The Round Table Chat(ot) Twitter

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00:45 - Introduction

01:58 - Interview with ShadowPrime34

36:05 - Thank You For Listening! :)


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:56.984
My name is David Hernandez and you're listening to As The Pokeball Turns! On another world known as Cybertron Auto Bots and Decepticons raged war against each other in a classic doubt of good versus evil.

00:00:57.524 --> 00:01:07.873
When the war subsided what remained was a cold metal world engulfed by pillars of smoke as reminders of the barren wasteland their world has become.

00:01:07.873 --> 00:01:18.823
But in the mind of an eighth grader, rusty winds blew life toward the cold metal world of Cybertron.

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In a past life, he was known as Sidewire, but he was now walking in the shadow of primes before him, and with this new found power, a new hope poured color onto the metallic world.

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The New Hope was a podcast known as The Round Table Chat(ot).

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Here is his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.

00:01:44.164 --> 00:01:50.414
A member of the BTW Part Deux faction and co-host of the Round Table Chat(ot).

00:01:50.433 --> 00:01:53.194
This is Shadow Prime 34.

00:01:58.081 --> 00:02:08.431
Today I'm joined by JT, who will not only be sharing his Pokemon GO story, but he will also give insight to his love for the Avatar the Last Airbender live action movie.

00:02:08.728 --> 00:02:10.198
Jt, welcome to the show.

00:02:10.798 --> 00:02:19.700
Oh no, not the live action movie, we don't talk about that I'm doing well, David.

00:02:19.700 --> 00:02:20.591
How are you doing?

00:02:21.177 --> 00:02:24.927
Not too bad, my friend, I'm really looking forward to, I'm glad you can make it to the show today.

00:02:25.230 --> 00:02:26.221
Let's just go in rock and roll.

00:02:26.221 --> 00:02:26.700
How about it?

00:02:27.001 --> 00:02:27.691
Sounds good.

00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:32.230
Before we do get started, how about you tell people who you are, where you're from, and what team you're on.

00:02:32.829 --> 00:02:36.818
My name is JT, hailing from the Denver, Colorado region of the world.

00:02:37.116 --> 00:02:40.756
my in-game name is ShadowPrime34, and I'm on Team Valor.

00:02:41.353 --> 00:02:44.413
How about we start with Shadow Prime 34, so apparently it's like a little story behind it.

00:02:44.413 --> 00:02:44.953
Is that true?

00:02:45.556 --> 00:02:46.006
Oh yeah.

00:02:46.302 --> 00:02:49.902
I was in, middle school and I would make fan fictions for my favorite movies.

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So after I would take a test, I would start writing while everyone else is finishing.

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When I got done with one of my science tests, I was like, I'm gonna write a Transformers one cuz Optus Prime is cool.

00:02:59.968 --> 00:03:08.579
So I was like,"well, something that's like, not optimist, but kind of optimist." So basically there's a robot that follows an optimist prime shadow.

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So I was like,"oh wait, shadow Prime!" 34 is my, basketball number.

00:03:13.346 --> 00:03:18.400
So here we are years later and that's my best story I've got for it.

00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:19.629
That's very interesting.

00:03:19.634 --> 00:03:24.099
So you made this story from scratch, like this isn't a lore officially from Transformers, right?

00:03:24.715 --> 00:03:26.759
Yeah, this was completely all from my brain.

00:03:27.062 --> 00:03:28.233
We hop all over the place.

00:03:28.532 --> 00:03:36.272
At one point you're at Cave and then at another point you're in a field and then you're at a dig site, so you can definitely tell it's from my brain but it's good.

00:03:37.443 --> 00:03:38.733
Sounds very interesting.

00:03:39.030 --> 00:03:41.759
How about we start with the other question I ask everybody else that comes on the show?

00:03:42.062 --> 00:03:43.682
How did your journey in Pokemon Go start?

00:03:44.280 --> 00:03:47.580
I remember seeing like ads for it, like day one.

00:03:47.876 --> 00:03:56.031
I immediately downloaded it and uh, I was like, okay, let's figure out what this is" and I couldn't get into it because the servers like couldn't handle it back then.

00:03:56.330 --> 00:04:00.001
So we got that, that nice little like,"oh, please try again later," screen.

00:04:00.330 --> 00:04:11.586
And I got into it and Professor Willow popped up and was like,"Hey, choose your three." And I was like,"oh, Charmander all day." And I kind of played it like kind of off and on and took a bit of a six month hiatus.

00:04:11.885 --> 00:04:17.586
It was actually, John, kind of peer pressured me back into the game and I fell in love with it all over again.

00:04:18.182 --> 00:04:24.932
So you started out playing, you said, so I'm assuming the six months came, like right after the game came out, or was there like a little bit of a gap or?

00:04:25.536 --> 00:04:28.451
So I played for about a year or so.

00:04:28.750 --> 00:04:31.641
This is right when they were like kind of dropping Gen 2.

00:04:31.944 --> 00:04:35.214
I would do just barely enough to make sure I got all the Pokemon.

00:04:35.511 --> 00:04:37.011
Then I was like, eh, whatever.

00:04:37.011 --> 00:04:44.050
I haven't opened the app in about a week or so, like, just kind of like casually playing like aggressively casually as simply casual.

00:04:45.050 --> 00:04:45.591

00:04:46.175 --> 00:04:46.581
What's that?

00:04:46.771 --> 00:04:46.971

00:04:46.971 --> 00:04:48.920
Like Yeah.

00:04:48.920 --> 00:04:51.321
It's just like,"oh wait, I forgot I have this app.

00:04:51.350 --> 00:05:01.130
I'm, I'm walking somewhere, let's open it up and see what it's like." So yeah, and I did that and it was good, like I would get a shiny every once in a while, but like I'm not the collector of the two of us.

00:05:01.427 --> 00:05:07.300
I stopped playing and I got into Jurassic World game, which was an experience to say

00:05:07.300 --> 00:05:08.201
Is that good or bad thing?

00:05:08.595 --> 00:05:10.045
A little bit of both.

00:05:10.348 --> 00:05:15.468
It's definitely a Pokemon go clone, but I think Pokemon Go is definitely better.

00:05:15.771 --> 00:05:18.350
but I realized that I can only have room for one.

00:05:18.350 --> 00:05:21.290
in real life, hunting game, like Pokemon Go.

00:05:21.591 --> 00:05:25.687
So I had to give Jurassic World the old, pink slip and let'em know that they're terminated.

00:05:26.737 --> 00:05:30.427
Sounds like you realized the error of your ways and you came back to Pokemon Go.

00:05:30.908 --> 00:05:31.447
Oh yeah.

00:05:33.218 --> 00:05:33.427
Oh yeah.

00:05:33.427 --> 00:05:33.817

00:05:33.817 --> 00:05:37.237
So what was it about Pokemon Go that made you wanna take a brief hiatus?

00:05:37.543 --> 00:05:40.208
Were you just bored of it, or was it just not much for you to do?

00:05:40.807 --> 00:05:47.077
Yeah, I kind of got bored with it because they, at this point, they hadn't really introduced raids and there weren't too many events that went on.

00:05:47.375 --> 00:05:53.620
At that point, I didn't have my obsession with like, my unrealistic goals I'm all about now, but I was just kinda like, eh, I'm, I'm good.

00:05:53.889 --> 00:05:54.459
No, thanks.

00:05:54.490 --> 00:05:54.850

00:05:55.149 --> 00:05:55.930
I love being realistic.

00:05:55.990 --> 00:05:57.819
I love unrealistic goals.

00:05:58.127 --> 00:05:59.682
How about you tell me a little bit about them?

00:06:00.283 --> 00:06:09.492
So, they're, they're absolutely ridiculous, like, I'll text John at 11 o'clock at night and I'm like,"Hey, do you think I can get 5 million experience in two weeks?

00:06:09.793 --> 00:06:11.293
He's like, are you, are you kidding me?

00:06:14.112 --> 00:06:22.675
And he's like,"if you play like a madman, sure" and I was like, okay, I'm gonna try it." I put my nose to the grindstone and just see like what I can get and how close I can get to that goal.

00:06:22.975 --> 00:06:30.516
And like honestly that's, what's brought fire back to the game for me, which has been pretty fun, even though I don't necessarily have like a special research story or anything to do.

00:06:30.812 --> 00:06:34.622
I make my own goals and see how close I can get to attending them, so that's always fun.

00:06:35.432 --> 00:06:39.572
You know, from one mad man to another, I have mad respect for something like that.

00:06:39.812 --> 00:06:40.302

00:06:40.307 --> 00:06:43.713
So, real quick, I'm gonna go on a little bit of a detour.

00:06:44.009 --> 00:06:53.050
One of my goals that I tried to do, I got pretty close, I wanted to get, I think it was a hundred million XP in three months and a hundred million.

00:06:53.050 --> 00:06:54.699
Cuz I was trying to see how fast I could get.

00:06:54.699 --> 00:06:56.259
I just wanted to see, I never cared about xp.

00:06:56.264 --> 00:06:59.139
I just wanted to see if I could do it, you know, like, you, like can I do it?

00:06:59.442 --> 00:07:09.642
And the way I had to map it out and I had to average like a million or a million a half XP per day, I think to get to that point And

00:07:09.642 --> 00:07:10.543
that is incredible.

00:07:10.543 --> 00:07:10.812

00:07:10.812 --> 00:07:14.233
I made it to I think I made it past one month and a couple weeks after.

00:07:14.538 --> 00:07:16.367
And at that point I was like, I can't do it.

00:07:16.668 --> 00:07:21.108
I love Pokemon Go, but it's also that part to where like, I needed a break at that point.

00:07:21.408 --> 00:07:24.048
I was playing like nonstop when I wasn't working.

00:07:24.048 --> 00:07:28.278
I was playing Pokemon Go and we, even, while I was working, I was playing Pokemon Go

00:07:30.577 --> 00:07:36.918
Exactly! And it's just, it's like, all right, like I'm a little Pokemon out right now, so I'm, I'm gonna take, take a step back.

00:07:37.487 --> 00:07:39.048
You know, we just, we need a little bit of a break.

00:07:39.048 --> 00:07:41.778
It's like if you ever watched a friends episode, you know, we just need a break.

00:07:41.778 --> 00:07:43.398
It's not you, it's me, we need a break!

00:07:44.387 --> 00:07:45.348

00:07:46.187 --> 00:07:46.757
That's very awesome.

00:07:46.757 --> 00:07:49.877
Do you have any other kind of goals that you come in mind besides just the XP one?

00:07:50.177 --> 00:07:52.427
Right now my big one is xp.

00:07:52.728 --> 00:07:59.278
My next one I'm actually trying to see if I could hit 150,000 Pokemon caught before I hit level 50.

00:07:59.882 --> 00:08:02.492
I think that's a little bit more attainable compared to your XP grind.

00:08:02.791 --> 00:08:03.266

00:08:03.266 --> 00:08:04.586
I'm like, I think I can do this.

00:08:04.889 --> 00:08:10.199
I've been just trying to like, see how well I can do and if I can do it, so just taking it one day at a time.

00:08:10.798 --> 00:08:13.199
Did you have any experience with Pokemon before Pokemon Go?

00:08:13.949 --> 00:08:17.843
I did, actually as, a, we crouton in a world full of big croutons.

00:08:18.144 --> 00:08:21.353
My first experience was actually with one of my buddies in third grade.

00:08:21.653 --> 00:08:27.803
I went over to his house and he had the Pokemon show on and he was playing on his red cartridge and he had an extra blue cartridge.

00:08:27.803 --> 00:08:45.520
And I was like,"oh, I wanna play." They were just pixel blobs back then, but in your imagination it was just like these awesome fights like, I'm watching Charizard on the television, but I'm like using my little Charmeleon and like I fell in love with the series then I was like,"this is so cool!" And then I played, the series as they came out.

00:08:45.860 --> 00:08:49.890
I remember whatever game it was where you could like, put the Pokemon in the daycare.

00:08:50.193 --> 00:08:59.238
I remember playing that game and like I stuck a Dragonite and a Charizard in the daycare and I was like,"okay, maybe I can make a dragonite with fire on its tail!" Every single time.

00:08:59.263 --> 00:09:02.592
It was just a Dratini that would pop out and I was like,"oh, no! Okay, okay.

00:09:02.592 --> 00:09:15.763
I'll get rid of this one maybe this time," and I will like, okay, if I get my Charizard to Level a hundred, then maybe I'll get a flaming Dragonite!" My poor ignorant me was wasted so many hours hatching eggs for no reason

00:09:16.663 --> 00:09:19.663
but that's how it was back in the day, cuz you know, nowadays everything's online.

00:09:19.712 --> 00:09:19.802

00:09:19.807 --> 00:09:21.062
We didn't have that back in the day.

00:09:21.062 --> 00:09:28.682
Like we had rumors between friends and maybe a magazine that usually gave you a bunch of, you know what, that wasn't true.

00:09:28.985 --> 00:09:32.855
One thing I did, so in gen one, I read this from a magazine, that's why I said magazine.

00:09:33.153 --> 00:09:37.863
They talked about getting the poke gods and I was like, what's the poke gods?" This is gen one.

00:09:38.822 --> 00:09:43.562
And they gave you a list of, options to say like, which one's, the way you get to the poke gods.

00:09:43.692 --> 00:09:44.133

00:09:44.138 --> 00:09:50.192
And one of them was like beat the elite four a hundred times, without healing, with one Pokemon or something like that, I don't remember.

00:09:50.495 --> 00:09:57.395
And I was like,"well, I've gotta find out what these Pokegods are like,"what are they?" So I used my Alakazam because that was one of my favorite Psychic types at the time.

00:09:57.698 --> 00:10:02.633
And I didn't make it like, after a while you run out of Elixirs and Ethers and there's no way to get more once you run out.

00:10:03.052 --> 00:10:03.923

00:10:04.023 --> 00:10:06.092
Oh my gosh.

00:10:06.263 --> 00:10:07.673
But that's the fun nostalgia.

00:10:07.673 --> 00:10:19.013
You don't really, I mean, there's probably it nowadays, I'm not that young anymore, we're a little bit older, but I do miss those kind of times where the game was just more simplified, it was a little bit naivety when it came to figuring stuff out like that.

00:10:19.615 --> 00:10:25.046
Yeah, it was, and then like all those, myths like you were saying, like with friends, like,"oh Mew is under the truck", or like,

00:10:25.046 --> 00:10:25.135

00:10:25.826 --> 00:10:30.745
That little grassy patch in Pallet Town like if you could get back there, you could get a bunch of rare Pokemon.

00:10:31.046 --> 00:10:38.395
I swear that grass on the east side of Pallet Town is the most famous grass out of the entire region that we never get a chance to explore for whatever reason.

00:10:38.400 --> 00:10:39.355
A hundred percent.

00:10:39.655 --> 00:10:42.926
Who knows what's just lurking in that grass and we'll never know.

00:10:43.765 --> 00:10:46.135
We never know, it's just left up to the imagination.

00:10:46.135 --> 00:10:46.436

00:10:47.966 --> 00:10:52.605
So I gotta ask you, so did you play Pokemon as the generations progressed or did you ever take like a break at some point?

00:10:53.202 --> 00:10:58.758
So I played all of them up until Black and White and I took a little bit of a break there.

00:10:59.062 --> 00:11:05.633
And then I got back into it right around I believe X and Y because I saw the Mega evolutions.

00:11:05.932 --> 00:11:09.682
And then I saw Mega Charizard X and I was like,"oh, welcome back.

00:11:09.682 --> 00:11:13.220
I'm home." So I played that one and continued to play.

00:11:13.519 --> 00:11:17.149
I never finished Sun and Moon and I never played Ultra Sun and Moon.

00:11:17.754 --> 00:11:22.254
So out of all the Pokemon you've played, do you have any favorite Pokemon specifically or maybe favorites?

00:11:22.855 --> 00:11:25.225
I'm a huge sucker for fire types.

00:11:25.528 --> 00:11:32.759
Fire types all day like almost in every single game I've chosen a fire type except for X and Y, which I chose Greninja.

00:11:32.759 --> 00:11:33.119

00:11:33.119 --> 00:11:35.158
You betrayed your fire brethren.

00:11:35.158 --> 00:11:35.759

00:11:35.759 --> 00:11:36.538
For a frog.

00:11:36.538 --> 00:11:40.798
For a frog, but when Arceus came out, I had to go back to my fire types.

00:11:41.402 --> 00:11:47.759
It was really rough for gen three to five, I don't know if you were online, do you remember the memes because we got three straight Fire-Fighting Pokemon.

00:11:47.759 --> 00:11:48.089

00:11:48.149 --> 00:11:49.889
And people thought that was gonna last forever.

00:11:50.369 --> 00:11:52.499
No more firefighting types, yeah.

00:11:53.188 --> 00:11:56.788
For the 89th generation, we have another Fire-Fighting type.

00:11:57.958 --> 00:12:00.688
It was a time to be alive for be a Pokemon fan in that moment.

00:12:00.693 --> 00:12:01.249

00:12:01.668 --> 00:12:05.278
and then they, pulled the fast one on us and gave us a Fire-Dark type with Incineroar.

00:12:05.575 --> 00:12:07.865
I always thought that should have been a pure fire, in my opinion.

00:12:07.865 --> 00:12:08.424
Yeah, I agree.

00:12:08.721 --> 00:12:12.736
Fennekin one of my favorite fire types and I really never liked its final evolution.

00:12:13.033 --> 00:12:15.333
Yeah, that's actually why I chose Greninja.

00:12:15.639 --> 00:12:16.809
I saw the final evolution.

00:12:16.809 --> 00:12:20.409
I was like, ah, let's check out water type this go around?

00:12:20.716 --> 00:12:22.696
It was definitely fun, I enjoyed that piece.

00:12:22.995 --> 00:12:26.446
For the older games, I'd beat the Elite four and I'm like,"nice, okay.

00:12:26.446 --> 00:12:30.436
I got all the Pokemon" and I didn't realize that Shiny's were a thing.

00:12:30.738 --> 00:12:34.602
I saw a shiny, I'm not sure if it's gen three or not, but it was a Dunsparce.

00:12:34.929 --> 00:12:42.559
I was walking the grass and a shiny Dunsparce popped up and I was like,"oh, well, this clearly means that I get more XP so if I kill it, I'll get double the xp."

00:12:42.559 --> 00:12:43.129
Oh, no,

00:12:43.129 --> 00:12:47.929
I did And uh, I was like, oh, just the normal amount of xp.

00:12:47.929 --> 00:12:48.889
What, what's going on?

00:12:49.190 --> 00:12:58.373
And I was like asking my friends like,"no, dude, that was a shiny," like, what was a shiny?" And, that is the unfortunate experience of how I ran into my first shiny in the main series.

00:12:58.974 --> 00:13:03.058
So we transitioned back to Pokemon Go and, you took your break and you came back.

00:13:03.357 --> 00:13:06.298
You told me that you're not much of the collector between you and, John.

00:13:06.302 --> 00:13:06.357

00:13:06.447 --> 00:13:08.937
So like what is your style to play Pokemon Go?

00:13:08.937 --> 00:13:09.807
Like how do you play?

00:13:10.268 --> 00:13:18.692
When I started getting into my unrealistic goal setting, I was like,"okay, how is it that these people are catching so many Pokemon?" They've got all these things maxed out.

00:13:18.990 --> 00:13:28.575
There was a local resident grinder that I ran into, and he was like, you literally just have to catch everything." That's how you get stardust, that's how you get candy, and I was like,"okay, let's do it.

00:13:28.870 --> 00:13:37.355
So I started doing that and then, the PVP side of things, I remember I was going through my friend's list and someone had a weird pose that I didn't have access to.

00:13:37.649 --> 00:13:46.224
I was like,"whoa, where'd you get that?" And they were like,"oh, yeah, I, reached legend rank." So I started putting together teams and that's honestly been my drive for PVP ever since.

00:13:47.033 --> 00:13:49.158
So I'm, the battler as the Roundtable crew.

00:13:49.221 --> 00:13:51.412
and we're, we're slowly converting John but yeah.

00:13:52.220 --> 00:13:54.649
He told me he's more of a collector of the side between y'all two.

00:13:54.649 --> 00:14:01.474
Yeah cause like he's all about the shiny costumes and I've tried and I cannot care any less for the shiny costumes,

00:14:02.078 --> 00:14:03.489
Well, we know costumes not your thing.

00:14:03.489 --> 00:14:04.658
So what is it about pvp?

00:14:04.658 --> 00:14:07.308
Is it just the pose that you missed out on, or is it something more?

00:14:07.905 --> 00:14:17.056
I fell in love with it because I started playing it and I got the basic gist and then I started doing my own thing and I would make it to ace rank every season.

00:14:17.355 --> 00:14:19.005
And I would just plateau from there.

00:14:19.365 --> 00:14:22.926
And I was like, I want more, I need more, I wanna be better.

00:14:23.231 --> 00:14:32.772
So through the course of our podcast and like explorations through other things, I fell into the world of like the community of Pokemon Go, which was so much bigger and better than I had imagined.

00:14:33.067 --> 00:14:38.947
I've learned so much, which has made me a better battler and like made battling that much more fun for me.

00:14:39.547 --> 00:14:42.604
Do you have like a favorite league you like to participate in or anything like that?

00:14:43.203 --> 00:14:47.708
It's been rotating with all these like move shakeups that they've been doing as of late.

00:14:48.011 --> 00:14:52.871
Master League was my favorite, I was building everything for Master league, I wouldn't touch the other two.

00:14:53.172 --> 00:14:58.812
But then I was working with some people at the B T W podcast and kind of fell in love with Great League.

00:14:59.111 --> 00:15:01.392
As of right now, I think my favorites probably Great League.

00:15:01.989 --> 00:15:04.749
So you're from Denver, Colorado, what is it like playing out there?

00:15:04.749 --> 00:15:06.038
It's a little sparse.

00:15:06.089 --> 00:15:07.288
Don't you need D sparse?

00:15:07.288 --> 00:15:08.308
Ah, yes.

00:15:08.788 --> 00:15:10.198
I there

00:15:10.803 --> 00:15:12.058
I had to try for this one.

00:15:12.749 --> 00:15:13.984
That, was impressive.

00:15:14.494 --> 00:15:16.024
That's a 10 outta 10 right there.

00:15:16.504 --> 00:15:16.894
Thank you.

00:15:16.894 --> 00:15:17.553
Chef's kiss.

00:15:18.303 --> 00:15:18.724

00:15:18.724 --> 00:15:19.114

00:15:20.344 --> 00:15:25.019
That's awesome! But yeah, the closer you get to the foot hills, the Pokestops would get a little bit more spread out.

00:15:25.320 --> 00:15:28.590
It's okay, we, usually do a lot of our playing in a city called Golden.

00:15:28.889 --> 00:15:32.830
You got a nice little river, you can walk right there, dip your feet in it if it's super hot.

00:15:33.129 --> 00:15:35.529
When we're hungry we can hit the little shops right there.

00:15:35.826 --> 00:15:42.000
If we are feeling the city vibes, we usually go hit downtown Denver on 16 Street Mall.

00:15:42.605 --> 00:15:46.980
Well, what about during, when it gets a little colder for y'all, do y'all play less or how does that work?

00:15:47.581 --> 00:15:51.821
So for me, Especially like on my grind sessions, I try to walk around the mall.

00:15:52.120 --> 00:16:02.758
So that way, like I'm still getting like the movement in and I'm still like hitting like unique stops, but not necessarily having to be out in the snow or where it's less than a negative a billion degrees outside.

00:16:05.128 --> 00:16:07.888
The winters can be, I think they're just aggravating.

00:16:08.184 --> 00:16:12.235
So I drive there, do do my laps around the mall, then call it a day.

00:16:12.837 --> 00:16:17.548
As we move forward, have you had a chance to go to any past live events by Niantic for Pokemon Go?

00:16:18.148 --> 00:16:22.253
So the first one that we ever went to was actually this past year in Seattle.

00:16:22.557 --> 00:16:24.057
It was absolutely incredible.

00:16:24.357 --> 00:16:33.827
The friends, the spawns, the Pokemon, the Shiny's, and just getting to meet people that I listened to their voice like once a week for like an hour and meeting them in person was super cool.

00:16:34.130 --> 00:16:36.561
That was probably my favorite part of that experience.

00:16:37.164 --> 00:16:37.554

00:16:37.554 --> 00:16:39.475
And do you remember who you met while you were in Seattle?

00:16:40.076 --> 00:16:42.381
We met the crew from Go Cast, Chris and Kyle.

00:16:42.678 --> 00:16:46.333
Met Ken Pescatore and Adam Tuttle from, the Lured Up podcast.

00:16:46.333 --> 00:16:55.884
got to meet, PVPSteve, JTValor, Trainer Tips, so a lot of kind of like big names in the Pokemon Go community that I like to call them the Titans in the Pokemon Go community.

00:16:56.183 --> 00:17:02.928
Kind of like, wow, I watch your videos", your voice is in my ears for an hour," this is awesome, I'm sitting down having a drink with you, this is great!

00:17:03.529 --> 00:17:07.940
I saw y'all's photos that y'all posted, on y'alls website and y'all just look genuinely happy.

00:17:08.237 --> 00:17:16.817
it's not like that, YouTube thumbnail kind of smile, it looks like y'all are generally enjoying yourself at Go Fest and it shows so much through your photos on your website.

00:17:17.207 --> 00:17:19.696
Yeah, I was fanboying like all weekend.

00:17:20.000 --> 00:17:22.035
They had a PVP tent, which was awesome.

00:17:22.332 --> 00:17:26.711
It was like a stadium and as you walk in, they're playing the Pokemon Go Battle music.

00:17:27.015 --> 00:17:27.384
So you're like, oh,

00:17:27.384 --> 00:17:28.194
It was epic!.

00:17:28.365 --> 00:17:30.194
I feel like it, it was, yeah.

00:17:30.491 --> 00:17:36.007
You walk in and I was standing in line working on it and I'm like, oh man, I like, I need to figure out my team.

00:17:36.299 --> 00:17:38.910
And John calls me and he's like,"Hey look JT.

00:17:39.315 --> 00:17:44.058
That's Caleb Pang." I'm like,"wait, what?" And like, I hopped outta line and I was like,"oh my gosh.

00:17:44.058 --> 00:17:44.568
Oh my gosh.

00:17:44.598 --> 00:17:44.808

00:17:44.868 --> 00:17:46.669
Okay, I need to breathe in out.

00:17:46.699 --> 00:17:47.058

00:17:47.269 --> 00:17:48.078
'Hi Caleb.

00:17:48.138 --> 00:17:51.318
My name's Ja.' Like, it was just like the speediest chief was there.

00:17:51.324 --> 00:17:58.479
Like I'm battling, I beat my first opponent, waiting for my next opponent, and it's, SimplyGabby and she shout casts for the Pokemon plays.

00:17:58.479 --> 00:18:05.979
I'm like, this is incredible! So it, it was, it was really cool just to like experience that piece and just meeting so many like big names.

00:18:06.999 --> 00:18:07.148

00:18:07.451 --> 00:18:08.261
Your co-host.

00:18:08.261 --> 00:18:13.511
So he actually told me to ask you about Caleb Peng, which you already shared, but he also told me to ask you about FleeceKing?

00:18:15.132 --> 00:18:15.342

00:18:15.342 --> 00:18:19.146
So I was, walking back, I was coming down from the Caleb Peng high, and I was like,"oh my gosh.

00:18:19.146 --> 00:18:24.523
I met Caleb Ping." I was walking and I saw Lachlan who's part of the Wayspotters podcast with Jamal.

00:18:24.824 --> 00:18:25.923
So I saw Lachlan.

00:18:25.923 --> 00:18:31.856
I was like,"oh, hey, Lachlan, good to see you." And I look over at FleeceKing and my brain doesn't process that's FleeceKing.

00:18:32.156 --> 00:18:48.779
I go back in line then John's like, dude, that's FleeceKing." And I was like, wait a second." And then like the whole loading bar happened in my brain and like ran back over, I was like,"oh my gosh! You're FleeceKing! I'm so sorry, I saw you, recognized you, but it didn't process" and I was like that the entire weekend.

00:18:49.084 --> 00:18:55.499
They were like,"oh, I'm fanboying so hard right now.""Well it looks like you're controlling yourself.""Well, no, I can hear my blood like, this is great.

00:18:55.528 --> 00:18:56.308
I'm so excited.

00:19:00.673 --> 00:19:01.844
That's how it is like!

00:19:01.844 --> 00:19:02.023

00:19:02.023 --> 00:19:09.723
I remember when I first met Trainer Tips and Mystic7, when I went to Chicago in 2017, I was literally like all over the place like, dude, they're right there in front of me.

00:19:09.723 --> 00:19:10.124

00:19:10.124 --> 00:19:11.324
And they're so chill and everything.

00:19:11.328 --> 00:19:19.963
It's like hard not to sometimes, especially when you've grown up just seeing'em on the video or listening through the ears, like you said, like it's surreal when you're real fan of these guys.

00:19:19.963 --> 00:19:20.173

00:19:20.173 --> 00:19:21.074
And it's awesome.

00:19:21.074 --> 00:19:25.733
And they're so cool, they're just like,"Hey, yeah, how's it going?" And it's just like I'm over the moon.

00:19:25.763 --> 00:19:26.034

00:19:26.094 --> 00:19:26.634
This is it.

00:19:26.634 --> 00:19:27.148
I'm good.

00:19:28.048 --> 00:19:28.828
Well that's very good.

00:19:28.828 --> 00:19:39.239
I'm glad y'all enjoyed Selves during GoFest, but I need to ask you this for the listeners who may be on the fence about going to GoFest, if somebody is on the fence about going to a Go Fest or even a Safari zone, what would you tell them?

00:19:39.838 --> 00:19:41.189
Absolutely go.

00:19:41.486 --> 00:19:43.316
Just give it one, shot.

00:19:43.612 --> 00:19:50.112
When you're talking to people in the discord, like you're sending meme, sending gifts, and doing battles with them, like that's fun, but it's just a name.

00:19:50.442 --> 00:20:02.291
But you actually get to spend time with that human, we're both catching these imaginary monsters, like it's so much fun, like the connections that we got to make, the laughs, the stories like the itty bitty Airbnb that we were splitting.

00:20:02.628 --> 00:20:07.499
I honestly thought that was a 15 outta 10 chefs kiss for me, so if anyone is on the fence,

00:20:07.503 --> 00:20:08.189
off the charts.

00:20:08.189 --> 00:20:09.749
Yeah, absolutely off the charts.

00:20:10.048 --> 00:20:13.398
If anyone is on the fence, give it a shot, it is definitely worth it.

00:20:13.699 --> 00:20:19.398
When we walked into Seattle Center Park, the Space Needle, which is actually on earth, not in space.

00:20:19.398 --> 00:20:19.669

00:20:19.729 --> 00:20:20.358
And fascinating.

00:20:20.358 --> 00:20:20.568

00:20:20.568 --> 00:20:20.659

00:20:20.659 --> 00:20:21.618
It sounds so deceptive.

00:20:21.628 --> 00:20:21.989

00:20:22.689 --> 00:20:41.449
But yeah, we walk into the park and like you, you walk in, it's just hundreds of people like in their pogo gear and like all their stuff ready to go and all the chargers, and then you like see this giant jiggly puff and you walk through, you have all the, team tents, like the Valor, Instinct and Mystic, and then like you see a snorlax sleeping, it was just like cool to experience that.

00:20:41.751 --> 00:20:44.582
I would absolutely recommend it for anyone that's on the fence.

00:20:45.182 --> 00:20:48.731
So you're part of the faction for the B.T.W Part Deux or part two.

00:20:48.731 --> 00:20:49.061

00:20:49.061 --> 00:20:50.946
How's your experience in factions been so far?

00:20:51.250 --> 00:20:51.930
What is your role?

00:20:52.529 --> 00:20:53.740
So it's a lot of fun.

00:20:54.044 --> 00:21:00.854
I hadn't really done any faction stuff before, I had been a few months deep into Silph doing the monthly battles.

00:21:01.150 --> 00:21:06.453
I kept hearing all the news about the factions and I was toying with the thought of starting a Round Table one.

00:21:06.757 --> 00:21:17.346
And then, the B.T.W, they were like,"Hey, we're gonna make a second one." So I hopped in and honestly I like it as much as regular Silph, but it's like a different version of it because you're going in as a team.

00:21:17.648 --> 00:21:23.608
So like it was really cool just cuz you can battle with your team and some really good battlers are in the faction as well.

00:21:23.912 --> 00:21:38.755
So they'd message me,"Hey, let's do some practice." And like we would build my team and then we would face our opponents and like, okay, I know how to handle this because I was practicing with this person" and it was really cool just to put the battle skills that I worked with my other team members to the test and see how well I could fair in battle.

00:21:39.352 --> 00:21:42.021
Now I need to confirm some rumor that I heard.

00:21:42.352 --> 00:21:44.511
Ooh, so this is about between you and your co-host.

00:21:44.811 --> 00:21:47.392
I heard that you're not the best batter between the two.

00:21:47.694 --> 00:21:50.335
Um, so that's not a rumor, that's a lie.

00:21:51.595 --> 00:21:52.045

00:21:52.045 --> 00:21:54.744
You're calling your co-host to lie on this podcast!

00:21:55.348 --> 00:21:59.608
Well, he is really good at coming up with some really spicy teams.

00:21:59.909 --> 00:22:05.003
Pokemon that you don't really expect or they have move sets that completely catch you off guard.

00:22:05.297 --> 00:22:08.836
I'm pretty decent at running meta teams and knowing how to use those.

00:22:09.140 --> 00:22:13.309
When it comes to PVP, we're kind of like polar opposites with our battle styles.

00:22:13.609 --> 00:22:15.440
I knew he was gonna set up a prank in here.

00:22:15.440 --> 00:22:16.039
I knew it!

00:22:16.880 --> 00:22:17.269

00:22:17.329 --> 00:22:20.750
So he told me that he has, between y'all two, he has the longest win streak.

00:22:21.650 --> 00:22:22.670
Yeah, that's true.

00:22:23.599 --> 00:22:29.819
So yeah, that piece is true but yeah, he, I just found,

00:22:29.825 --> 00:22:31.279
I found the tease for this episode.

00:22:31.279 --> 00:22:33.680
I'm gonna put that in the tease for people to listen to.

00:22:34.039 --> 00:22:40.275
Yeah, he does, because what he would do is especially when I was on like my, P V P kicks, like I'm in the thick of it.

00:22:40.575 --> 00:22:45.704
I would be like fighting for expert rank and he was like, I don't care about pvp.

00:22:46.005 --> 00:22:58.541
And then as time went on, like we're like a month and a half, two months into the season and he is like,"okay, I'm gonna start my battles now." He would battle all the people that weren't really sure about PVP or not sure certain mechanics and he would just walk through them.

00:22:58.838 --> 00:23:03.308
So yeah, he got a 32 win streak and I was like,"oh, huh, must be nice."

00:23:03.909 --> 00:23:04.989
He said 37.

00:23:04.989 --> 00:23:05.709
Oh, 37.

00:23:05.709 --> 00:23:05.979

00:23:05.979 --> 00:23:11.469
Forgot about, yeah, the extra five Originally it was 32 and he's just like absolutely killing it.

00:23:11.771 --> 00:23:13.902
I'm like,"Hey, I just broke 13.

00:23:15.701 --> 00:23:17.561
So yeah, he's, yeah.

00:23:18.561 --> 00:23:22.432
But speaking of John, you and John have such good chemistry on your podcast.

00:23:22.734 --> 00:23:30.184
Whenever I listen to you guys, y'all have such a good chemistry, I think that's why y'all are so interesting to listen to because you can sense that whenever we listen,

00:23:30.184 --> 00:23:30.575

00:23:30.575 --> 00:23:33.454
And we gotta know the origin story behind how y'all two met.

00:23:33.454 --> 00:23:35.224
So like how did y'all two meet each other?

00:23:35.828 --> 00:23:42.169
We went to the same school in our sophomore year, like they put us in like a bigger house, not house, a bigger apartment.

00:23:42.348 --> 00:23:43.338
And it was just kind of like,

00:23:43.338 --> 00:23:43.638

00:23:43.719 --> 00:23:44.519
Yeah, I know, right?

00:23:44.519 --> 00:23:45.949
I was like a house?

00:23:45.949 --> 00:23:46.179

00:23:46.179 --> 00:23:47.028
What college did you go to?

00:23:47.449 --> 00:23:48.318
Must to be nice.

00:23:48.528 --> 00:23:49.308
All kinds of money.

00:23:49.398 --> 00:23:49.669

00:23:50.088 --> 00:23:57.439
But yeah, they put us in a bigger apartment cuz the freshman had four people to a room and then the sophomores and up had six people to a room.

00:23:57.743 --> 00:24:07.484
It was much bigger, a lot more spacious and my roommate from freshman year, I was like,"oh, I definitely wanna live with you again, whoever else we get, it's whatever." And we got matched with John.

00:24:07.789 --> 00:24:14.085
I was saying a pun as we were like moving in and everyone else just kinda looked at me inside and John like chuckled.

00:24:14.382 --> 00:24:29.174
I was like, Okay, there might be something there, okay, this is good! As we would talk, like he would like say the same puns or I'm about to say a pun, and he beats me to it and I'm just like, oh, okay, this is, yeah, this is good stuff." We became best friends and ever since then.

00:24:29.771 --> 00:24:32.981
John upgraded from a whatever to a lifelong friend, it sounds like.

00:24:32.981 --> 00:24:33.672

00:24:33.672 --> 00:24:34.811
Definitely one of my best friends.

00:24:35.409 --> 00:24:40.422
Y'all eventually moved outside of college, but y'all kept in contact and at some point y'all started a podcast,

00:24:40.422 --> 00:24:40.781

00:24:40.781 --> 00:24:42.251
The old round table.

00:24:42.251 --> 00:24:42.642

00:24:43.182 --> 00:24:46.692
The old round table where the table's not around one, but we believe it is.

00:24:46.721 --> 00:24:47.622
Yeah, it's square.

00:24:47.622 --> 00:24:49.511
But that's a, that's insider secret.

00:24:52.872 --> 00:24:55.301
Well, so what made y'all wanna like start a podcast?

00:24:55.904 --> 00:25:00.525
One day he was picking me up, because we would go and do Pokemon Days and Community Days and stuff.

00:25:00.821 --> 00:25:05.082
He picked me up and I opened up the car door and I heard people talking about Pokemon.

00:25:05.384 --> 00:25:11.654
Before this time last year, if you had have told me anything about podcasts, I was like,"no, I don't want anything to do with podcasts.

00:25:11.954 --> 00:25:13.275
I don't wanna listen to people talk.

00:25:13.279 --> 00:25:22.061
Like, no." But I opened up the door and he was listening to Pokemon Go Radio, and they were talking about Pokemon Go and I was like,"wait, this is actually really cool.

00:25:22.365 --> 00:25:23.654
I love Pokemon Go.

00:25:23.654 --> 00:25:27.757
this is awesome!" After that kind of like exposure, I was like, I wanna listen to more.

00:25:28.054 --> 00:25:30.753
So I started listening to them every Sunday and I was like, this is great.

00:25:31.049 --> 00:25:34.559
I stumbled across, GoCast podcast, started checking them out.

00:25:34.559 --> 00:25:37.075
And then from there I was like, I need more.

00:25:37.075 --> 00:25:40.914
I kind of felt like Guzzlord in that sense, where I was like, give me more podcasts.

00:25:41.605 --> 00:25:48.684
more, more So, um, more, that's exactly it.

00:25:48.971 --> 00:25:55.545
So I was talking with John, I was like,"wait, what if we did that?" And he was like,"yeah, that, that'd be funny." So I mentioned it to a few people.

00:25:55.842 --> 00:26:01.422
We were like in an international group chat thing and one of our friends in there, I was like,"Hey, what if we did that?

00:26:01.422 --> 00:26:03.402
That'd be funny." And she was like,"no.

00:26:03.402 --> 00:26:06.011
you should absolutely do that, like do it."

00:26:06.041 --> 00:26:06.521

00:26:06.521 --> 00:26:09.876
So we mull over it a couple of months and then I was like,"you know what?

00:26:09.876 --> 00:26:11.557
Do it, like, let's, let's pull the trigger.

00:26:11.859 --> 00:26:12.279
Why not?

00:26:12.285 --> 00:26:15.727
Let's go." So, my wife actually made our logo for us.

00:26:16.029 --> 00:26:19.089
We took all the steps that we needed to take to get it going.

00:26:19.394 --> 00:26:27.523
And I was like, John, let's get some names." So we actually went out to dinner and got IHOP cuz you can never go wrong with IHOP but

00:26:27.523 --> 00:26:27.943
That's true.

00:26:27.943 --> 00:26:28.064

00:26:28.064 --> 00:26:29.084
Just breakfast food for

00:26:29.144 --> 00:26:30.374
open 24 hours, by the way.

00:26:30.374 --> 00:26:30.824

00:26:30.824 --> 00:26:31.213

00:26:31.219 --> 00:26:31.314

00:26:31.423 --> 00:26:32.233
Like Yeah.

00:26:32.233 --> 00:26:32.804
You get it.

00:26:32.804 --> 00:26:37.615
Yeah, So we, we went there and he kind of came up with pretty much all the names of our segments.

00:26:37.919 --> 00:26:41.744
And he was like,"oh, like we can do a peak of the week." And I was like, that's genius.

00:26:42.048 --> 00:26:43.249
And he was like, studs and duds.

00:26:43.545 --> 00:26:44.984
And I'm like, that's even genius, sir.

00:26:44.984 --> 00:26:45.944
Like this is great.

00:26:46.255 --> 00:26:55.744
So so like we just put together like a rough skeleton of what the show would look like, and we were like, all right, let's do this, The Round Table Chat(ot).

00:26:56.044 --> 00:27:03.558
And then we did our first episode and"Huey, episode zero is definitely a, Treat So yeah,

00:27:03.558 --> 00:27:04.939
There's a reason why it's called Episode Zero.

00:27:04.939 --> 00:27:05.509

00:27:05.509 --> 00:27:05.648
Oh yeah.

00:27:06.739 --> 00:27:08.148
So really rough

00:27:09.528 --> 00:27:13.128
So there's a lot to unpack in what you just said, so I'm gonna try to do it piece by piece.

00:27:13.159 --> 00:27:13.278

00:27:13.338 --> 00:27:18.828
So you and John, met to talk about a podcast and it sounds like at first you were hesitant about the idea.

00:27:19.429 --> 00:27:26.689
Yeah, we had just toyed with it and I was like, I'm not sure if he would actually wanna do that, I'm not sure I have the attention span to do that, I don't know.

00:27:27.290 --> 00:27:32.750
Were y'all just not sure about if y'all were really wanting to do it committed wise or was just more like the jitters of doing it?

00:27:33.352 --> 00:27:42.652
Yeah, it was just really kind of like committed, but I was also like comparing what we would do compared to like GoCast or B.T.W like all these other podcasts are like established and ready to go.

00:27:42.951 --> 00:27:50.301
And I was like, I'm not sure if we can do that, but I, I don't know." But people are like,"no, I've seen you guys talk, you guys are both incredibly annoying and super funny.

00:27:50.597 --> 00:27:52.907
So just talking to a mic and record that."

00:27:54.079 --> 00:27:56.000
So y'all eventually decided to do the podcast.

00:27:56.303 --> 00:27:58.732
At the time y'all were trying to plan the name of the logo.

00:27:58.732 --> 00:28:00.413
So you said your wife made the logo?

00:28:01.013 --> 00:28:04.078
My wife is actually a teacher, so she's was like,"oh, I got this.

00:28:04.078 --> 00:28:28.935
what are you looking for?" And I was like,"okay, let's do like a Pokeball, but it's like a table, and then let's put three chairs at the bottom, so it's like a table." And she like threw it together for us and I was like,"yeah, this is great." And then we just took it and then like played with some colors and everything and we're like, we have a logo, let's do this." I'm super thankful that she did that for us, cuz I was gonna attempt it, but I was like, okay, how am I gonna be like in case like legal stuff, like I don't wanna like copyright infringement and all that good stuff.

00:28:29.232 --> 00:28:31.063
She saw me struggling and stepped in.

00:28:32.259 --> 00:28:34.128
How did y'all decide the Round Table Chat(ot)?

00:28:34.452 --> 00:28:36.847
Did y'all have different names by chance y'all were considering it all?

00:28:37.448 --> 00:28:39.278
John is like, the naming like guru.

00:28:39.574 --> 00:28:41.163
He is so good at it.

00:28:41.463 --> 00:28:42.544
And I was like, right.

00:28:42.844 --> 00:28:43.983
And we called each other huge.

00:28:43.989 --> 00:28:44.763
I was like, right, huge.

00:28:44.763 --> 00:28:45.753
come up with names.

00:28:45.874 --> 00:28:51.663
So he would just like shotgun names at me throughout the day and I would like Google them to see if they already were podcasts.

00:28:51.961 --> 00:28:57.330
We were looking at like the meta podcast and that one was taken, and he came up with a bunch of'em.

00:28:57.330 --> 00:28:59.760
I'm like, ah, that one's already, a YouTube series.

00:28:59.760 --> 00:29:01.230
Like this is that, this is that.

00:29:01.471 --> 00:29:12.295
And finally he sent the Round Table Chat(ot) and I was like,"oh, I really like that actually." So then we were playing with our slogans and as we evolved, we were like,"yes, let's do the Round Table Chat(ot), this is it.

00:29:12.888 --> 00:29:15.505
So now we're at the point to where, you know, y'all released.

00:29:15.505 --> 00:29:16.674
Yeah, I've already done episode zero.

00:29:16.674 --> 00:29:17.694
You know, you did it on the iPad.

00:29:17.994 --> 00:29:20.724
Do you remember how your very official first episode went?

00:29:21.115 --> 00:29:22.285
Oh, it was, it.

00:29:22.285 --> 00:29:22.644

00:29:23.454 --> 00:29:36.865
It was super rough, I was super nervous cause, I was like,"okay, people are gonna listen to this." I'm tripping over my words and I was like stuttering over myself and I was like, what are my opinions?" So it was a lot of nerves, like with like first time anything right?

00:29:37.165 --> 00:29:42.296
We sound like we recorded this inside of a gymnasium using tomato soup cans.

00:29:42.596 --> 00:29:44.931
So we definitely got things cleaned up a lot

00:29:45.528 --> 00:29:49.218
And then one of my favorite recent segments y'all are doing, it's the color thing y'all are doing.

00:29:49.513 --> 00:29:49.993
What is it called?

00:29:49.993 --> 00:29:50.324
Do you remember?

00:29:50.324 --> 00:29:51.584
A Rating Rainbow!

00:29:52.634 --> 00:29:53.413
Rating Rainbow.

00:29:53.413 --> 00:29:54.463
Another one right there.

00:29:54.760 --> 00:29:59.645
I need to tell you this directly like your voice literally sounds like the guy who used to do the original Poke Rap.

00:29:59.645 --> 00:30:00.006
Oh, really?

00:30:00.006 --> 00:30:00.336

00:30:01.115 --> 00:30:03.016
Yeah the, come on back for the Poke Rap.

00:30:03.016 --> 00:30:10.980
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey, Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey, Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly, Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree!

00:30:10.996 --> 00:30:17.087
That's awesome! Oh, that's amazing! You just gave me hardcore nostalgia vibes and, oh, that, that feels good.

00:30:18.647 --> 00:30:19.758
I prepared that on the side.

00:30:19.807 --> 00:30:21.002
I was like, I gotta do this when he does it.

00:30:21.137 --> 00:30:22.157
So it was perfect.

00:30:22.218 --> 00:30:22.698
Well, good.

00:30:22.907 --> 00:30:25.397
Come on next week for the next part of the Poke Rap!

00:30:26.508 --> 00:30:27.107
Gotta catch em all.

00:30:27.113 --> 00:30:30.198
Gotta catch em all, all, all.

00:30:33.008 --> 00:30:34.627
Oh man,, so good.

00:30:35.702 --> 00:30:36.212
It is.

00:30:36.212 --> 00:30:36.813
They tried to do.

00:30:38.403 --> 00:30:39.692
Yeah, I just wanted to throw that.

00:30:39.692 --> 00:30:42.002
I was hoping to get you to do that so that way I could throw it on you.

00:30:42.002 --> 00:30:42.363
Oh yeah.

00:30:42.363 --> 00:30:44.452
It, I'm smiling ear to ear right now.

00:30:44.458 --> 00:30:45.143
This is great.

00:30:47.123 --> 00:30:48.262
Oh, that was awesome.

00:30:49.432 --> 00:30:50.843
That's the highlight of the night for sure.

00:30:50.843 --> 00:30:51.623
Yeah, definitely!

00:30:51.867 --> 00:31:00.143
So, so, you talked about how you already had the name started, y'all already had Episode Zero passed out, You eventually, apparently created a room to record.

00:31:00.147 --> 00:31:00.532
Is that true?

00:31:00.532 --> 00:31:02.242
Oh, yeah, Yep.

00:31:02.603 --> 00:31:05.212
our studio is a room in John's basement.

00:31:05.509 --> 00:31:14.508
He had an extra room and he's like,"we just record here, come over." We got our equipment, we got things, the table set up and it was like a table that was about a foot off the ground.

00:31:14.804 --> 00:31:18.644
So we're both sitting in chairs that just kinda like leaned forward talking to the iPad.

00:31:18.943 --> 00:31:31.961
And after that episode we're like,"okay, we need to get mics and stuff." We got a pod track, we got our mics, and everything, and headphones, and it started to evolve a little bit better than we put some soundproofing up as like episodes went on.

00:31:32.263 --> 00:31:34.483
So now we're, semi-professional

00:31:36.074 --> 00:31:36.193

00:31:36.304 --> 00:31:38.203
And I think y'all are the only podcasts.

00:31:38.443 --> 00:31:43.483
Well, I can't say that, y'all are one of the few podcasts who, both people are in the same room together.

00:31:43.574 --> 00:31:43.753

00:31:43.804 --> 00:31:48.334
I'm sure that probably helps in regards to just both the creative prize and also just being able to produce the podcast.

00:31:48.338 --> 00:31:48.513

00:31:48.513 --> 00:31:48.753

00:31:48.759 --> 00:31:55.003
It's, really nice because lots of times we don't type out what we're gonna say typically, we just kind of like, whatever my brain says.

00:31:55.028 --> 00:31:56.199
I'm just gonna say it."

00:31:57.249 --> 00:32:01.808
Wait, y'all don't have anything written ahead of time When y'all produce these episodes?

00:32:01.808 --> 00:32:02.378
Not too much.

00:32:02.378 --> 00:32:15.308
We have like bare bones, so we'll do like, we need to do studs and duds" and like make sure we talk about the news or I'll congratulate the winner of this tournament, but we'll do basic bullet points and we just fill everything else in with our brain words.

00:32:16.538 --> 00:32:22.358
Incredible! Like I have to plan my episodes out and I have to detail a little bit what I'm saying like I said, I'm not good at puns.

00:32:22.659 --> 00:32:32.949
I have to usually look up stuff and try to figure things out, but the fact that you're telling me that it's bare bones to where y'all have a list of topics, but all the interactions you'll have between each other, it's not planned, it's just remarkable.

00:32:33.548 --> 00:32:33.818

00:32:33.818 --> 00:32:38.999
It's, definitely a lot of fun and that's typically about 90% of our conversation like every day.

00:32:39.298 --> 00:32:44.489
It's just like we're talking and then he'll say a pun and I'm like, it's so bad and I just like collapse on the ground.

00:32:44.788 --> 00:32:46.558
And I was like, I'm just gonna lay here for a second.

00:32:46.558 --> 00:32:47.909
I need to recover from the pun.

00:32:47.909 --> 00:32:48.148

00:32:48.358 --> 00:32:49.019
I'll say one.

00:32:49.019 --> 00:32:49.648
And it's so bad.

00:32:49.648 --> 00:32:50.909
And he's like, get outta my house.

00:32:51.925 --> 00:32:52.286

00:32:52.286 --> 00:32:53.516
I fallen and I can't get up.

00:32:53.965 --> 00:32:54.776

00:32:54.776 --> 00:32:57.296
yeah, that's, that's a lot of our, our, our pun world.

00:32:57.895 --> 00:33:03.766
So my last question in regards to just the podcast in general, if somebody had any interest in starting a podcast, what would you tell them?

00:33:04.368 --> 00:33:11.864
So I would absolutely say just do it because like especially with ours, we noodled on it, I think it was the end of October.

00:33:12.161 --> 00:33:17.230
We were like, we could totally start a podcast and we just sat and just were on the fence and we were like, you know what?

00:33:17.530 --> 00:33:18.461
Let's just do it.

00:33:18.760 --> 00:33:20.171
That's the only way it's gonna happen.

00:33:20.471 --> 00:33:22.780
If we don't like take a step, it's not gonna happen.

00:33:23.080 --> 00:33:31.951
I know a lot of people are like,"I want this like beautiful, crisp product, right away," Like, you learn from mistakes, you learn from messing up, trial by fire, trial by error.

00:33:32.250 --> 00:33:36.361
So it is just like a lot of like, okay, what is the next thing I can do right now?

00:33:36.663 --> 00:33:39.034
Some of the advice that, Wildcat from B.T.W.

00:33:39.034 --> 00:33:43.138
actually gave me was, lots of times he forgets that they're even talking to people.

00:33:43.442 --> 00:33:48.272
I'm like, yeah, just talk about the thing that you love and like your enjoyment will bring people in.

00:33:48.566 --> 00:33:58.435
And I was like, okay, I'm not too worried about numbers, but this is good, like, just talking about those imaginary monsters that we catch every Community Day and get the poke ball plus in catching those.

00:33:58.736 --> 00:34:01.865
So just, just do it, and have fun while you do it, that's what I would say.

00:34:02.462 --> 00:34:04.917
I don't know about imaginary but this Pikachu next to me is real.

00:34:04.917 --> 00:34:05.278

00:34:06.228 --> 00:34:08.987
Hey, sometimes you just gotta, catch real Pikachu

00:34:11.170 --> 00:34:15.373
So we got one last question, the el finale, the, I don't know what else.

00:34:15.373 --> 00:34:16.184
The cherry on top.

00:34:16.333 --> 00:34:16.393

00:34:17.273 --> 00:34:24.804
So with everything that's going on from when you started Pokemon Go in 2016 to going to go fest to doing stuff with John, with the podcast.

00:34:25.103 --> 00:34:29.423
In your opinion, what has been your greatest accomplishment when it comes to Pokemon Go?

00:34:29.423 --> 00:34:31.737
Ooh, that is a good question.

00:34:32.034 --> 00:34:37.128
So I would say the fact that we, took the chance and made a podcast.

00:34:37.128 --> 00:34:41.949
and that we stuck with it cause knowing me sometimes I'm just like, oh, okay, I'm done with this.

00:34:41.949 --> 00:34:46.266
Moving on." But this one we set aside Tuesday nights, we get together, we record.

00:34:46.567 --> 00:34:55.467
Wednesday, I edit, and then Thursday we release and it's been that like pretty consistent schedule, which has been nice for me cuz sometimes I'm all over the place.

00:34:55.766 --> 00:34:59.126
Before I used to be like,"oh yeah, I play Pokemon Go." Now.

00:34:59.126 --> 00:35:07.280
I'm just like,"yeah, I play Pokemon Go, I have the Pokemon Go podcast." And people are like,"what?" Like I used to kind of be like, I'm keep that under wraps." But now I'm just like,"oh yeah, yeah.

00:35:07.280 --> 00:35:07.940
I play Pokemon.

00:35:07.945 --> 00:35:09.440
Check it out, check out my podcast."

00:35:10.039 --> 00:35:10.668
Well, very cool.

00:35:10.668 --> 00:35:12.438
Jt, thank you for coming on the show.

00:35:12.735 --> 00:35:18.195
Before you do go, if people want to check out your podcast or anything, how can they contact you, please plug away.

00:35:18.195 --> 00:35:18.706

00:35:18.706 --> 00:35:21.900
So be sure to follow us on Twitter@RTChatot.

00:35:22.201 --> 00:35:24.931
You can also go to our crisp new website.

00:35:25.233 --> 00:35:28.233
That's one of the new crisps in Hollywood Crisp new website.

00:35:29.143 --> 00:35:30.744
Crisp with a K, by the way.

00:35:30.744 --> 00:35:31.983
Yeah, crisp new website.

00:35:32.284 --> 00:35:35.164
So that is actually

00:35:35.463 --> 00:35:40.954
We have a bunch of competitions and tournaments going on right now, so you can win some RTC swag.

00:35:41.257 --> 00:35:46.927
We also have our Discord link, which is absolutely free, so if anyone is interested, just come on in.

00:35:47.224 --> 00:35:48.719
Great place with even better people.

00:35:49.021 --> 00:35:54.657
We also have our email if you just wanna do some, good old fashioned email,

00:35:54.954 --> 00:35:56.693
And then I believe that's just about it.

00:35:57.300 --> 00:36:02.610
I'll make sure to include all links to the Discord, website, and Twitter in the description notes for today's episode.

00:36:05.610 --> 00:36:08.849
Thank you for listening to another episode of As The Pokeball Turns.

00:36:09.269 --> 00:36:14.340
You can subscribe to this podcast on Apple, Spotify, or your podcast streamer of choice.

00:36:14.940 --> 00:36:22.679
If you wanna support the show, consider becoming a Patreon by going to turns, or by sharing the podcast with your friends and family.

00:36:22.976 --> 00:36:34.570
Feel free to follow me on all my socials by clicking the link in the description of today's show and I'll see you next time! On the next episode of Trainer's Eyes.