March 8, 2023

TRAINER'S EYE #28 - "Over-whale-ming Battles Under Pikachu's Hat" ft. R2theOldy from The Wailordz Podcast


In this Pokemon interview, R2theOldy, a Pokemon GO Trainer and co-host of the Wailordz Podcast, shares his experience with Pokemon GO, including his passion for PVP battles.

We also delve into the origins of the Wailordz Podcast, where R2theOldy and his co-hosts itslikecrackyo share their love of Pokemon GO and discuss various aspects of the game. R2theOldy talks about how his students were instrumental in getting the podcast off the ground through both their artistic talents.

Trainer's Eye is a series where the stories are real and people still play this game. From PVP to Shiny Hunting, each person's Pokemon GO journey is unique and we dive into each journey here on As The Pokeball Turns!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

Connect with R2theOldy: Twitter | Website | OnlyFans | The Wailordz Twitter

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00:00 - Introduction

03:27 - Interview with R2theOldy

39:33 - Thank You For Listening! :)


00:00:01.145 --> 00:00:05.225
I fucking love all of you, tony, Brendan.

00:00:05.225 --> 00:00:06.136
Fuck all that.

00:00:06.456 --> 00:00:08.016
That's how I, sir.

00:00:08.855 --> 00:00:11.736
I'm gonna have to cut you and your friends off.

00:00:12.226 --> 00:00:14.676
Uh, but we're not done yet.

00:00:16.385 --> 00:00:18.185
This is part two.

00:00:19.356 --> 00:00:22.896
But you each have had 28 shots.

00:00:23.646 --> 00:00:24.486
I know.

00:00:25.166 --> 00:00:27.486
I know, I know.

00:00:28.405 --> 00:00:28.986
I know.

00:00:30.065 --> 00:00:41.015
But the podcast keeps saying Pokemon, and we have to take a shot every time they say Pokemon shot.

00:00:42.426 --> 00:00:44.106
Sir, I can't.

00:00:45.246 --> 00:00:46.685
Richard said Pokemon.

00:00:47.225 --> 00:00:49.085
I did say Pokemon.

00:00:50.286 --> 00:00:52.805
That's two more right there.

00:00:53.136 --> 00:00:54.066
Oh, shit.

00:00:54.396 --> 00:00:56.195
Quit saying Pokemon.

00:00:56.856 --> 00:00:57.246

00:00:57.246 --> 00:00:58.265
Say it again.

00:00:58.790 --> 00:00:59.871
Oh fuck.

00:01:01.521 --> 00:01:04.070
I'm not giving you any more to drink.

00:01:04.971 --> 00:01:05.840

00:01:07.281 --> 00:01:09.081
The podcast must continue.

00:01:10.131 --> 00:01:12.891
Hey, David, I think rollie's dead.

00:01:13.700 --> 00:01:15.531
Don't be stupid.

00:01:17.391 --> 00:01:21.790
If he was dead, he'd be a, he'd be a skeleton.

00:01:24.186 --> 00:01:25.926
But he doesn't moves.

00:01:26.256 --> 00:01:29.855
I'm gonna have to ask you and your friends to leave now.

00:01:29.915 --> 00:01:32.156
Wake, are you alive?

00:01:32.156 --> 00:01:32.275

00:01:34.686 --> 00:01:35.036

00:01:35.036 --> 00:01:35.635
Roll eight.

00:01:37.066 --> 00:01:37.796
Roll eight.

00:01:38.736 --> 00:01:39.635
Wake up.

00:01:39.926 --> 00:01:40.275

00:01:42.436 --> 00:01:43.775
Hey, wake up.

00:01:44.945 --> 00:01:45.575
I'm sober.

00:01:45.581 --> 00:01:46.176
I'm sober.

00:01:46.176 --> 00:01:46.715
I'm sober.

00:01:46.715 --> 00:01:47.135
I'm sober.

00:01:49.865 --> 00:01:51.176
Oh, I love this song.

00:02:04.686 --> 00:02:17.325
How dry I am, how dry I, how dry.

00:02:22.355 --> 00:02:26.406
Nobody knows how dry I am.

00:02:29.661 --> 00:02:30.411
Round two.

00:02:30.411 --> 00:02:32.020
Baby narrat.

00:02:32.811 --> 00:02:34.371
Play my shit.

00:02:37.670 --> 00:02:37.971

00:02:37.971 --> 00:02:38.811
Play my shit.

00:02:41.931 --> 00:02:42.681
My shit.

00:02:43.760 --> 00:02:44.510
My shit.

00:02:45.621 --> 00:02:46.700
My shits.

00:02:46.911 --> 00:02:48.110
He's my co-host.

00:02:48.711 --> 00:02:50.001
It's my show.

00:02:50.330 --> 00:02:52.700
It was your show, but you got replaced.

00:02:53.121 --> 00:02:53.860
Oh yeah.

00:02:54.735 --> 00:02:55.216

00:02:55.276 --> 00:02:56.716
The Way Lord's podcast.

00:02:56.716 --> 00:02:57.466
That's who

00:02:57.556 --> 00:02:58.665
your co-host is.

00:02:58.665 --> 00:02:59.355

00:02:59.475 --> 00:03:00.376
not chill.

00:03:00.376 --> 00:03:01.366
He's asleep.

00:03:06.045 --> 00:03:07.816
He could have just asked us nicely.

00:03:07.936 --> 00:03:08.235

00:03:09.466 --> 00:03:13.936
Welcome to another episode of the Whaler's Podcast of richard and Rollie, where we talk t p Pokemon Go.

00:03:13.996 --> 00:03:15.436
Whatever shenanigans we are up to.

00:03:15.436 --> 00:03:18.256
This is as the Pokemon Ball turns.

00:03:27.612 --> 00:03:32.332
Today I'm joined by the other half of the Wailordz Podcast, Roldy.

00:03:32.629 --> 00:03:34.159
Roldy, welcome to the show.

00:03:34.159 --> 00:03:34.969

00:03:34.969 --> 00:03:35.900
What's up David?

00:03:36.199 --> 00:03:37.129
Can I call you David?

00:03:37.432 --> 00:03:38.152
What do I call you?

00:03:38.152 --> 00:03:38.872
Yeah, you can call me David.

00:03:38.877 --> 00:03:39.203
That's fine.

00:03:39.501 --> 00:03:41.420
Or do they call you As the Pokeball Turns?

00:03:41.527 --> 00:03:43.268
David would probably be a little bit more easier.

00:03:44.587 --> 00:03:45.157

00:03:45.277 --> 00:03:47.258
But then your Twitter name is something else.

00:03:47.563 --> 00:03:47.804

00:03:47.804 --> 00:03:49.213
So there's a story behind that.

00:03:49.213 --> 00:03:49.604

00:03:50.834 --> 00:03:51.723
Let's get into that.

00:03:52.026 --> 00:03:53.287
That's me interviewing you now.

00:03:53.287 --> 00:03:53.836
I know, right?

00:03:54.137 --> 00:03:59.100
So when I first, basically it was a discord admin, he hated Hamtaro, so I'm a bit of a troll.

00:03:59.401 --> 00:04:01.913
So I decided to change my profile pic to Hamtaro.

00:04:02.217 --> 00:04:06.100
And then he played along and he made my name Ham taro and it stuck ever since.

00:04:06.705 --> 00:04:07.140
Got it.

00:04:07.459 --> 00:04:08.508
What is Hamtaro?

00:04:08.528 --> 00:04:09.368
I don't know what that is.

00:04:09.968 --> 00:04:12.519
It's an anime that came out back in the nineties.

00:04:12.818 --> 00:04:13.829
It's like about a hamster.

00:04:13.829 --> 00:04:15.829
Oh! That's what your profile picture is?

00:04:15.829 --> 00:04:16.158

00:04:16.158 --> 00:04:16.499
That one.

00:04:16.499 --> 00:04:18.199
I thought it was, I thought it was a Pokemon.

00:04:19.711 --> 00:04:21.812
That's how little I know about Pokemon.

00:04:21.971 --> 00:04:26.115
That was, I was like, I don't know which Pokemon that is, but that's interesting.

00:04:26.411 --> 00:04:28.601
No wonder man, you have too many aliases.

00:04:29.199 --> 00:04:32.500
I know! That's why I stuck with my main name now like it's the easiest thing for me to do.

00:04:33.103 --> 00:04:40.273
For the longest time I didn't know that you were the guy that hosted this podcast cuz I would see your tweets cause you're an avid tweeter.

00:04:40.569 --> 00:04:41.403
I think you tweet a lot.

00:04:41.702 --> 00:04:46.245
Not you tweet too much, but you're very active in Twitter, so I never put two and two together.

00:04:46.552 --> 00:04:54.480
I think until like, maybe Richard mentioned it or something, and I was like,"oh!" Cause I had came across your podcast just from searching Pokemon Go podcast on the podcast app.

00:04:55.083 --> 00:04:57.752
Hopefully it's not the earlier episodes, the earlier episodes were way rough.

00:04:57.752 --> 00:04:59.463
Definitely the earlier episodes.

00:04:59.759 --> 00:05:03.209
I like that, um, you're very scripted, it felt like at the beginning.

00:05:03.209 --> 00:05:03.509

00:05:03.810 --> 00:05:06.850
I was completely nervous as hell and didn't know how to talk to the mic.

00:05:07.463 --> 00:05:11.747
But no, I liked it because it felt like you prepared, unlike...

00:05:12.346 --> 00:05:12.918

00:05:13.278 --> 00:05:14.327
We don't prepare anything.

00:05:14.447 --> 00:05:15.978
I good.

00:05:15.983 --> 00:05:16.127

00:05:17.807 --> 00:05:19.398
So I was like, he's well prepared.

00:05:19.398 --> 00:05:26.307
This is like, it's almost like hearing an audiobook it felt like, which is nice cuz like the news was easy to digest that way.

00:05:26.307 --> 00:05:26.548

00:05:26.548 --> 00:05:35.024
And it's not just someone off the cuff fucking regurgitating something they saw on Twitter or like on some blog thing, which is what we tend to do.

00:05:35.322 --> 00:05:37.031
So I, I, I actually enjoyed it.

00:05:37.031 --> 00:05:38.141
I didn't know that that was you though.

00:05:38.141 --> 00:05:39.942
I did listen to episodes here and there.

00:05:40.245 --> 00:05:48.444
I don't listen to as many Pokemon Go podcasts as I used to anymore, but I did follow you for a while, never knowing that you're the a little hamster guy Hamtaro.

00:05:49.098 --> 00:05:50.625
What kind of podcast would you listen to?

00:05:51.225 --> 00:05:52.516
The Pokemon Go ones.

00:05:52.516 --> 00:05:52.882

00:05:53.482 --> 00:06:00.338
I started off with Pokemon Go Radio, which doesn't exist anymore or they started doing something else.

00:06:00.636 --> 00:06:03.149
And then I came across GoCast.

00:06:03.451 --> 00:06:05.922
So I still check out Gocast periodically.

00:06:06.218 --> 00:06:11.499
I've been listening to Battlecatz since the beginning and that's probably the only one I consistently listen to now.

00:06:11.795 --> 00:06:13.725
That's a straight PVP.

00:06:14.028 --> 00:06:17.908
It used to be with Zyonik and Caleb Pang, but now it's Caleb Pang with SpeediestChief.

00:06:18.206 --> 00:06:21.985
There was also the stadium go cast I used to listen to, but they stopped doing that one.

00:06:22.286 --> 00:06:23.788
And Lured Up.

00:06:24.088 --> 00:06:25.475
I used to listen to a lot of Lured Up.

00:06:26.076 --> 00:06:27.605
Don't as much anymore.

00:06:27.906 --> 00:06:28.505
Sorry, Ken.

00:06:31.355 --> 00:06:37.196
But yeah, those are some of the ones I've listened to in the past and I've always checked out episodes of all the podcasts.

00:06:37.492 --> 00:06:42.682
I think I've listened to at least a few episodes, a handful of every podcast that are Pokemon Go related.

00:06:42.985 --> 00:06:51.802
Sometimes it's good as just to hear like other perspectives and hear production value compared to your own and see like, how can I improve this and that even like yours is like really well written.

00:06:51.802 --> 00:06:59.728
I mean, the first time I heard yours was like, damn it, maybe we should like really start spending some time scripting stuff because everything is off the cuff.

00:07:00.026 --> 00:07:02.665
I've always wanted to start a podcast even before Pokemon Go.

00:07:02.665 --> 00:07:03.956
I just didn't know about what.

00:07:04.254 --> 00:07:10.737
Almost started one about punk rock music with my friend like we would always joke about it cause he went to UCLA and he had UCLA radio.

00:07:11.040 --> 00:07:18.930
So we would go, he would invite me over, we would just go and talk about punk rock stuff and then play music and then talk about punk and then play music and then take calls.

00:07:19.232 --> 00:07:25.411
We always joked about starting a pod, and then we became educators, so we were talking about having a teacher podcast, what kind of angle will we take?

00:07:25.713 --> 00:07:27.178
So it's interesting and not boring.

00:07:27.475 --> 00:07:28.795
Never got it off the ground.

00:07:29.096 --> 00:07:36.367
And then Pokemon Go, obviously that's something that I spent a lot of time doing and learning and where's all this useless knowledge gonna go?

00:07:38.497 --> 00:07:46.026
Podcast! So that's kind of how it transitioned that way, but yeah, I've been in the podcast game for a long time, since the Blackberry days.

00:07:46.627 --> 00:07:50.853
So The Wailordz podcast eventually allowed you to start your own podcast.

00:07:50.853 --> 00:08:05.264
Yeah and it was because it just almost felt like I had to with Richard cuz we would spend a lot of time talking about Pokemon Go, cuz his partner and my partner, we would all go on a lot of double dates, usually Pokemon related, cuz his partner plays.

00:08:05.567 --> 00:08:11.406
Then my girlfriend at the time played, but she wasn't like super like, obsessed with it and his partner was like really into it.

00:08:11.711 --> 00:08:17.473
But then we would be so into it and talk about it so much that we annoyed our respective partners.

00:08:17.774 --> 00:08:19.423
We would geek out as soon as I saw Richard.

00:08:19.423 --> 00:08:23.084
I was always, because I was originally friends with his partner David.

00:08:23.380 --> 00:08:33.221
Every time we hung out I was obviously talk to David but then I would be excited to see Richard cause I was like, I want to hear everything Richard has to whatever take he has on the certain event.

00:08:33.524 --> 00:08:42.826
And Richard used to be like really into going on Reddit and learning everything through Reddit and I used to learn everything, through YouTube watching, you know, like Trainer TIps, Mystic7.

00:08:43.131 --> 00:08:47.349
I don't like watching his content anymore, but I used to watch Trainer Tips like every episode.

00:08:47.652 --> 00:08:57.562
So I used to get all my information from him and Richard would get it all from Reddit, and then we would always spend too much time talking about Pokemon Go events and geeking out about like random raid stuff.

00:08:57.859 --> 00:09:03.708
It wasn't until PVP came out that, you know, that's when I think I was the first one to get really into it.

00:09:04.011 --> 00:09:08.206
My first GBL battle or my first PVP battle was with Richard.

00:09:08.505 --> 00:09:14.442
He texted me, it's about to drop" or something like that cuz he is like, he always has pulse on all the news cuz of Reddit.

00:09:14.741 --> 00:09:19.121
So once it dropped, you know, we tested it out, sent me a battle request.

00:09:19.418 --> 00:09:25.119
I don't remember who won, but I wanna say that I won I wanna say that I beat him, but I don't remember.

00:09:25.418 --> 00:09:30.966
And then I was hooked and I started like really getting into PVP and he wasn't at first.

00:09:31.269 --> 00:09:35.619
He was still like heavy in on Raiding, he loved to Raid and geek out about that stuff.

00:09:35.922 --> 00:09:44.471
And eventually when I got him into it, cause I started a YouTube channel before the podcast because I needed to have some outlet for how, like, obsessed I became with PVP at the time.

00:09:44.772 --> 00:09:58.451
I had a YouTube channel started making videos and then all my absorption of content changed to PVP content, but eventually, once Richard got into it, he got really like nerdy and obsessive over it too and I was just like,"Hey, we should start a podcast cuz I'm tired of editing YouTube videos, takes too long.

00:09:58.751 --> 00:09:59.831
Let's do a podcast!"

00:10:00.432 --> 00:10:00.851

00:10:03.822 --> 00:10:07.495
Little did I know though, that editing a podcast is actually more work.

00:10:07.495 --> 00:10:07.916

00:10:07.916 --> 00:10:08.491
You think so?

00:10:09.091 --> 00:10:11.046
When you're trying to edit Richard's audio, yeah.

00:10:11.961 --> 00:10:12.596

00:10:12.926 --> 00:10:15.495
If it was just my own audio, it'd probably be a lot easier.

00:10:15.792 --> 00:10:31.308
No, it was funny our first episodes, they are tough to listen to cuz his audio is so bad and I tell him all the time anyways, and it was a mic that I gave him that I bought for my YouTube channel, when I started my YouTube channel, it was like a$40 mic on Amazon and then I gave it to him and I was like, wait, this mic sounds even worse when you're only recording audio.

00:10:31.609 --> 00:10:33.855
Sounds like you're inside of a Pringles can.

00:10:34.155 --> 00:10:43.572
Anyways, yeah, I used to spend a lot of time editing because I also didn't know how to edit audio, but I kind of learned some tricks in how to improve it, so it's a lot smoother and easier now.

00:10:43.871 --> 00:10:49.841
And I also don't care as much as I used to cause I used to be like really obsessed with making sure it sounded really good.

00:10:50.139 --> 00:11:01.089
I would cut out little pauses and spend hours, hours editing, which I think the guys at the Incensed podcast still do, they spend a lot of time editing, but there's like four of them, so it's a lot of work.

00:11:01.392 --> 00:11:02.442
I still shout out to them.

00:11:02.745 --> 00:11:05.836
I do, listen to them periodically, Richard listens to every single episode.

00:11:06.134 --> 00:11:09.673
I just sometimes don't care about Pokemon sometimes to be honest.

00:11:09.673 --> 00:11:10.293
I guess

00:11:10.573 --> 00:11:12.283
You went from a Best to Burn out.

00:11:12.474 --> 00:11:12.964

00:11:13.073 --> 00:11:13.563

00:11:13.604 --> 00:11:14.803
I'm like burned out sometimes.

00:11:14.803 --> 00:11:17.780
I'm like, when you get outta work, I'm like, I don't care about Pokemon right now.

00:11:17.780 --> 00:11:19.041
Let me listen to something else.

00:11:19.041 --> 00:11:19.480

00:11:20.081 --> 00:11:23.801
What was it about Pokemon Go early on that got you hooks as much as you were playing?

00:11:24.397 --> 00:11:25.447
I didn't wanna play it.

00:11:25.451 --> 00:11:31.224
I, I think I was anti hype when it came out, so I was like, this is dumb and it's gonna go away soon.

00:11:31.527 --> 00:11:35.787
And my little brother, who is 10 years younger than me, cause at the time, he was still in high school.

00:11:36.083 --> 00:11:40.451
He got really into it and then, you know, I think it was a good way for him and I to bond.

00:11:40.749 --> 00:11:47.269
He was trying to convince me to take him to the Exposition Park, which is by USC, which is a place to play around here where we grew up.

00:11:47.568 --> 00:11:53.219
And it was the middle of the night too, or it was like 10:00 PM I'm like,"dude, I'm not taking him to the Rose Garden right now.

00:11:53.219 --> 00:12:13.833
It's super late." And he is like,"come on like everyone's gonna be there." So I was like,"all right, well if I'm gonna go with you, I might as well just download the app and play cause I'm not gonna be bored watching you catch Pokemon." So that's how I started and actually it was a lot of fun and we went to the Rose Garden, we had to like sneak into it, but there was actually people there playing at night, luring up the Pokestops there.

00:12:14.130 --> 00:12:17.400
They don't let people go at night anymore because of Pokemon Go.

00:12:17.701 --> 00:12:19.500
It would get crowded with people.

00:12:19.797 --> 00:12:24.866
It's really easy to break into it cause you really just have to hop a little small fence or little, concrete thing.

00:12:25.171 --> 00:12:29.671
But yeah, that's kind of how I started and then I got really into hatching eggs to be honest.

00:12:29.974 --> 00:12:43.171
Like hatching eggs became an addiction cuz I was a runner, I enjoyed the fact that it like,"okay, I gotta hatch this five kilometer egg", and then the excitement of seeing what you're gonna hatch, even though it was usually 10 times outta 10, it was a disappointment.

00:12:43.466 --> 00:12:47.486
And then by September of that year, I started like dwindling down.

00:12:47.791 --> 00:12:52.801
The hype had calmed down since that summer and then I stopped playing altogether, and I got a girlfriend at the time.

00:12:53.104 --> 00:13:01.660
So other girl that I was talking about earlier, but I met her like towards the end of that summer into the fall and then she didn't play, so then I didn't play and then my brother stopped playing.

00:13:01.956 --> 00:13:06.397
I just stopped playing and I picked it up again in 2018, because I started running a lot, I forgot.

00:13:06.397 --> 00:13:25.947
I remember something happened, I read about something and then made me like think like,"maybe I should redownload the app?" So I did and then, same thing, I got obsessed with running and hatching eggs, but then it was Raiding was already out and I didn't really know what Raiding was and then I met a bunch of people at my college that were Raiding and then that became like its own like exciting part of the game.

00:13:26.244 --> 00:13:31.369
Ever since then, I had never stopped playing and I had to make a new account cause I couldn't figure out how to log into my old account.

00:13:31.672 --> 00:13:35.422
So I started from scratch and that was exciting kind of to start all over from the beginning.

00:13:35.422 --> 00:13:37.552
Everything was new and fresh quite literally.

00:13:37.552 --> 00:13:38.542
New and fresh.

00:13:38.839 --> 00:13:44.849
I think the first time I played with David, Richard's partner, was Zapdos Raid Day.

00:13:45.149 --> 00:13:52.505
The first one they ever did in 2018 and he was level 37 at the time and I was level 27.

00:13:52.802 --> 00:13:57.121
And I had been going pretty hard trying to like rank up as fast as I could.

00:13:57.422 --> 00:14:05.302
And he's like,"oh, what level are you?" And I was like,"oh, 27." He's like,"haha, that's cute." And then that's what tr triggered me to be like, I'm like, you know what?

00:14:05.532 --> 00:14:07.121
I'm gonna fucking surpass you.

00:14:07.701 --> 00:14:09.772
You just, you don't know how competitive I am.

00:14:10.076 --> 00:14:19.140
And then that ignited some grind in me and I literally flew through all the levels I surpassed Richard, Richard's been playing since the beginning, same account, and I got to level 50.

00:14:19.445 --> 00:14:20.884
I was like a hardcore grinder.

00:14:21.187 --> 00:14:30.431
A lot of raids, a lot of egg hatching, and that's kind of where the Wailordz name came from cuz I thought that I was a whale, but then once I got on Twitter, I saw that I'm not really a whale.

00:14:30.750 --> 00:14:34.466
Not spending anywhere near as much as a lot of other people, but the grind was real, man.

00:14:35.062 --> 00:14:37.341
Who's the bigger whale between you and your co-host?

00:14:37.341 --> 00:14:38.422
Now it's Richard.

00:14:38.721 --> 00:14:40.456
At that time it was myself.

00:14:40.751 --> 00:14:43.121
Richard he used to not even remote raid.

00:14:43.426 --> 00:14:52.619
During the pandemic, I was Remote Raiding 24/7, PVP-ing, I was going ham, but not so much anymore like I try to give myself little mini goals of not spending money in the game anymore.

00:14:52.922 --> 00:14:56.184
I definitely have chilled out on how much money I give Niantic.

00:14:56.484 --> 00:15:01.783
Part of it was also just, losing the excitement, like the Raiding not as exciting as it used to be.

00:15:02.091 --> 00:15:08.264
I think I used to like that grind of going in person and coordinating with people like that was always exciting and fun.

00:15:08.563 --> 00:15:13.043
Where now like remote rating is just, do I wanna spend a dollar on a Terrakion?"

00:15:13.648 --> 00:15:15.577
Would you do speed Raiding over where you live?

00:15:16.173 --> 00:15:22.530
Oh no, I didn't know that many people, like, the people that I knew were like nothing compared to the people that Richard hung out with.

00:15:22.530 --> 00:15:25.880
So I was always excited to go to Richard's area.

00:15:26.181 --> 00:15:29.740
We had HMLondon on and he was one of the coordinators of that group.

00:15:30.043 --> 00:15:44.798
They would do like real WAFU Raiding where my group was embarrassingly pathetic compared to them, so, I remember once time I invited Richard over for, I forgot what Raid day it was, might have been Suicune and he was like really annoyed of how slow we were Raiding.

00:15:45.096 --> 00:16:03.793
I thought we were like really efficient and he's like,"okay, why are we still standing here catching like, let's go to the next Raid already." And I'm just like,"oh, well we're all gonna walk there." He's like,"you guys are not gonna drive there?" And I was like,"well, we didn't, we didn't know you should do that." So, definitely, like what we did was not as crazy as a lot of other people.

00:16:04.094 --> 00:16:13.423
So that's why I said like I thought I was a whale, but there was nothing compared to like people that are just gonna spend all day at wahoo Raiding or WAFU Raiding, whatever it was called when you spend all day going raid to raid.

00:16:13.724 --> 00:16:17.594
You don't even catch the Pokemon, sometimes we would spend time catching it and he's like,"why are you guys gonna' catch it?

00:16:17.594 --> 00:16:19.317
It's not a hundo!" That was Richard.

00:16:19.620 --> 00:16:21.750
He was very elitist at the beginning.

00:16:23.410 --> 00:16:26.041
And I'm like, well, I want the, I want the candy.

00:16:26.610 --> 00:16:35.591
So, yeah, it wasn't as hardcore and it was just like the few people when I used to live in East Los Angeles, like a group of like 10 core members and then maybe 20 people total sometimes.

00:16:35.892 --> 00:16:39.269
That would be it, but we would walk everywhere, which I actually enjoyed.

00:16:39.565 --> 00:16:41.044
We just walked, talked, and Raid.

00:16:41.345 --> 00:16:42.034
It was always fun.

00:16:42.634 --> 00:16:53.831
We had somebody who used to do walking raids here in Downtown Dallas and I did it once and it was a different experience cause I'm used to driving around, but it was nice to be able to walk, be able to get the fresh air, chat with on the way.

00:16:53.831 --> 00:16:56.942
Yeah, I never liked the, I liked the drivings.

00:16:57.241 --> 00:17:01.052
It would be exciting during those three hour Raid Days, like it was always exciting.

00:17:01.349 --> 00:17:06.148
But I really enjoyed just the walking, like we would always coordinate for raid hour.

00:17:06.449 --> 00:17:10.618
We would meet at a certain park and then we would just hit like the five, six gyms that we could hit.

00:17:10.922 --> 00:17:14.009
Same thing at my, my university where I used to go to, at the time.

00:17:14.311 --> 00:17:18.152
We had a group of people, oh I was in the Instinct group.

00:17:18.449 --> 00:17:29.788
So we had a group chat and we would always meet at the same Raid and we'll do like the five, six gyms at the university campus and it'll take an hour if you're walking to do the whole thing, so that was always so fun too cause I met a lot of cool people.

00:17:30.094 --> 00:17:34.804
It was always cool to meet people through the game, through the app, and I think that's what I used to like really enjoy.

00:17:35.104 --> 00:17:42.234
Where now yeah, it's fine, it is kind of evolved like everything's digital and we'll meet people through the podcast scene and stuff like that.

00:17:42.837 --> 00:17:45.028
Before Pokemon Go, what was your experience with Pokemon?

00:17:45.329 --> 00:17:46.950
Did you used to play the main series games at all?

00:17:47.555 --> 00:17:49.394
Well, no, actually I didn't.

00:17:49.699 --> 00:17:57.064
I played Pokemon yellow when I was in fourth, fifth grade and I had Pokemon Red and I played those religiously.

00:17:57.367 --> 00:18:01.627
I used to even trade with my friends in class when had to connect your Game Boys.

00:18:01.924 --> 00:18:03.994
I remember my teacher took away my game boy once.

00:18:03.994 --> 00:18:04.622
Oh no.

00:18:04.622 --> 00:18:06.146
I was super upset about that.

00:18:06.450 --> 00:18:08.250
I don't remember how I got into it.

00:18:08.547 --> 00:18:09.686
I dunno if it was the cartoon.

00:18:09.686 --> 00:18:13.747
I was also really into the cartoon when I was a kid and then I got really into the cards.

00:18:14.047 --> 00:18:18.307
All of elementary school, when Gen one was out, I was all Pokemon Gungho.

00:18:18.603 --> 00:18:24.452
By the time Gen two came out, I was completely out of it and I think the last game I remember playing was Pokemon Stadium

00:18:24.452 --> 00:18:24.769

00:18:24.769 --> 00:18:26.819
which was actually cool, I enjoyed that one a lot.

00:18:27.116 --> 00:18:29.666
And I played Pokemon Snap.

00:18:29.666 --> 00:18:29.997

00:18:29.997 --> 00:18:34.327
So the answer is probably no, I didn't play any real main series after that.

00:18:34.625 --> 00:18:36.875
Pokemon GO brought me back into Pokemon

00:18:36.875 --> 00:18:37.170

00:18:37.170 --> 00:18:44.839
And now like everyone, knows me as a Pokemon guy like they'll gimme gifts and stuff cause they think I've been obsessed with Pokemon my whole life, but it was really just Pokemon Go.

00:18:45.471 --> 00:18:47.113
I heard That you like to collect Pikachu.

00:18:47.113 --> 00:18:47.623
Is that true?

00:18:47.623 --> 00:18:48.462
I do.

00:18:48.759 --> 00:19:02.593
See Niantic knows, like they know their audience, like they know like little trickle things that they do to bring back some of the people like that just kind of trickle off for a while, so they throw in a new Pikachu with a hat, most people are annoyed by it, I'm like, fuck, now I gotta get that Pikachu

00:19:04.002 --> 00:19:06.267
What about the Pikachu that entices you like?

00:19:06.267 --> 00:19:15.992
I don't know, I think it's now like become like an OCD obsession that I have to have every Pikachu with a hat shiny, even though I don't have that impressive of a collection cuz I don't get them all.

00:19:16.289 --> 00:19:20.759
But I will be like,"all right, I can't, this will never come out again, so I gotta go out and get it.

00:19:21.356 --> 00:19:26.067
Now is it just a Pikachu with the hat or is it also the costume Pokemon as well that we've seen over the years?

00:19:26.096 --> 00:19:28.196
Just the Pikachu with the costumes.

00:19:28.500 --> 00:19:29.579
It's only Pikachu.

00:19:29.880 --> 00:19:38.777
I cannot, get my brain to fall into the same trap with all the other costume Pokemons or I'll lose my mind and never, never be happy again.

00:19:39.336 --> 00:19:45.267
So, yeah, I'm similar to Gengar too, if Gengar has a hat, I like, I go kind of ham for it.

00:19:45.567 --> 00:19:50.900
I spent like over$50 Raiding that thing to get the shiny and I never got the shiny of the witch hat one.

00:19:51.196 --> 00:19:53.146
I got the hundo, but I didn't get this shiny.

00:19:53.146 --> 00:19:53.537
Oh man.

00:19:53.537 --> 00:19:59.336
So, Gengar I'll go ham for; Pikachu bring me back outside so I can catch more of those things.

00:19:59.633 --> 00:20:06.772
I get kind of obsessive over catching them, and if anybody wants to trade me any, I'm always happy to spend a million Stardust for one I don't have.

00:20:07.076 --> 00:20:16.039
I'm missing one more of the, you know, there was the Rayquaza, then there was the Lucario, and then the Umbreon, oh, wait, no, I need two then.

00:20:16.336 --> 00:20:18.446
I only have Rayquaza and Umbreon.

00:20:18.747 --> 00:20:21.416
The Umbreon, A student traded it to me.

00:20:21.720 --> 00:20:26.173
I felt like I ripped him off, but he insisted I gave him a shiny Rayquaza.

00:20:26.173 --> 00:20:41.416
We had a, we had a lucky trade and he really wanted shiny Rayquaza and I was looking through just shinies and I was like,"oh wow, you have the Pikachu with the Umbreon hat", which I caught, but it ran away from,me or I found, but it ran away from me, so I was devastated that day.

00:20:41.596 --> 00:20:41.896
Oh my God.

00:20:41.896 --> 00:20:44.207
And I was like, I cannot believe this happened.

00:20:44.502 --> 00:20:48.373
Like ruined my whole day, cause I was so excited to catch it and it ran away from me.

00:20:48.676 --> 00:20:52.123
But then he had it and he was like,"oh, you, can have it." And I was like,"no, I don't want this.

00:20:52.123 --> 00:20:55.173
It's really rare." He's like,"no, I really don't care for it.

00:20:55.173 --> 00:20:55.863
You can have it.

00:20:56.163 --> 00:20:58.742
Just gimme the rayquaza." And I was like, okay."

00:20:59.345 --> 00:21:01.325
How much do your students know you play Pokemon Go?

00:21:01.924 --> 00:21:07.028
So when I was a teacher, I would only tell the kids that also played and I could trust them.

00:21:07.330 --> 00:21:16.951
Now as an administrator, only one kid, cause I was a special ed teacher, so I like gravitate towards students with special needs and become like a lot more friendly here with them.

00:21:17.255 --> 00:21:20.549
There's one that plays and I was trying to give him tips.

00:21:20.853 --> 00:21:35.455
He was there PVP-ing and I was like, and I was like, Hey, you're using the wrong move man cause he was doing, he was, he was using a Whiscash, opponent had a Trevenant, he's using Whiscash and he's throwing Mud Bombs.

00:21:35.752 --> 00:21:38.383
First of all, you don't wanna Whiscash not wanna see Trevenant.

00:21:38.679 --> 00:21:42.128
Second of all, you don't wanna throw mud bombs at it, so you wanna go for Blizzard.

00:21:42.432 --> 00:21:44.712
He's like, not even trying to bait, he's just gonna straight Mud Bomb.

00:21:46.182 --> 00:21:48.613
So I was like, so he, yeah, he's a great kid.

00:21:48.909 --> 00:21:54.578
But anyways, he's the only kid I've added and he's not gonna tell anybody that I play, so I keep it low key now my new job.

00:21:54.578 --> 00:21:54.788

00:21:54.788 --> 00:21:56.838
Especially cuz you're now more in a higher position

00:21:56.838 --> 00:21:57.648
Right, right, right.

00:21:57.648 --> 00:22:04.518
Yeah, definitely a higher position too, so I definitely don't want word getting out, especially that I have a podcast where I curse and drink the entire time.

00:22:05.117 --> 00:22:07.968
So, speaking of PVP, how did you first get involved with PVP?

00:22:07.998 --> 00:22:09.468
Like what enticed you about it?

00:22:10.070 --> 00:22:16.222
I've always been like really into mathematics and I didn't even mention, I listened to a lot of like space podcasts about astronomy.

00:22:16.522 --> 00:22:22.839
So I've always just liked numbers and stuff, So PVP was very numbery and learning all that stuff was just a lot of fun.

00:22:23.136 --> 00:22:26.910
I got really into typings, I didn't really care about typings that much.

00:22:27.212 --> 00:22:37.595
You didn't really need to be so savvy at it before PVP, you just needed to know that Rock is weak to Water and Grass and then you wanna max out your Pokemon in order to take down the Raid boss.

00:22:37.894 --> 00:22:41.420
But with PVP you gotta know what's neutral, you gotta know what's resisted.

00:22:41.717 --> 00:22:47.942
So like that extra challenge and depth of the game really I think what drew me in to getting really into PVP.

00:22:48.247 --> 00:22:50.798
And I also tried Silph Tournaments.

00:22:51.093 --> 00:22:53.702
I went to one and I got destroyed.

00:22:54.002 --> 00:23:14.048
The Jungle Cup was my first one and I remember like having, making flashcards to learn typings, like I had that girlfriend quiz me cause I was trying to learn all the typings that, I don't think anything prepared you for that unless you were playing competitively prior, you didn't really need to know a lot of that stuff, so I got really into it, so I was like, I gotta learn, I gotta be good at this.

00:23:14.654 --> 00:23:20.373
I heard there was a tournament you tried to attend that they wouldn't let you attend cuz they thought you were a spoofers cuz they would only allow Pokemon within that area.

00:23:20.373 --> 00:23:20.853
Oh yeah.

00:23:20.853 --> 00:23:28.865
This was a tournament put together by my local East LA community and I used to always give'em a shit about it later cuz they were very anti spoofing.

00:23:29.170 --> 00:23:33.220
The only rules to the tournament where you have to use Pokemon caught in Los Angeles.

00:23:33.519 --> 00:23:36.039
So they would have to have the Los Angeles tag.

00:23:36.336 --> 00:23:44.865
The stupid thing about it is where we lived in East LA, any Pokemon you caught didn't say Los Angeles, it said Commerce, California, which is like those little city next over.

00:23:45.170 --> 00:23:47.119
So none of those even said Los Angeles.

00:23:47.420 --> 00:23:53.539
But then I had stuff that I would catch in Santa Monica, which is Los Angeles, Santa Monica Pier.

00:23:53.836 --> 00:23:57.076
Even to this day, there's some bug with the Santa Monica Pokemon.

00:23:57.195 --> 00:23:59.685
All it does is say, it just says California.

00:23:59.982 --> 00:24:02.490
It doesn't even say the city, it just says California.

00:24:02.782 --> 00:24:05.460
So they were like checking all this stuff and I'm like, what the fuck?

00:24:05.460 --> 00:24:08.519
You guys should have been explicit that it has to say Los Angeles.

00:24:08.823 --> 00:24:15.289
Also any Pokemon we catch here at the tournament are not even eligible cause none of them say Los Angeles, they all say Commerce, California.

00:24:15.589 --> 00:24:19.799
So I argued my way into allowing me to use whatever the, whatever I wanted.

00:24:19.799 --> 00:24:20.970
So they actually let you play?

00:24:20.970 --> 00:24:21.509

00:24:21.509 --> 00:24:23.069
They were not gonna not let me play.

00:24:23.069 --> 00:24:32.279
They were just like, oh, you can't use this specific Pokemon because it doesn't say Los Angeles, or you can't use, I think at that time, I was really excited, my fight was because I wanted to use my Medicham.

00:24:32.605 --> 00:24:37.404
I think my Medicham said, Pico Rivera or something, which is a city in Los.

00:24:37.585 --> 00:24:39.865
I'm like, these aren't cities I'm gonna spoof to.

00:24:39.865 --> 00:24:42.565
If I'm spoofing, I'm gonna fucking spoof to the other side of the world.

00:24:42.565 --> 00:24:46.434
I'm gonna spoof to the next town that's only like two miles away.

00:24:47.214 --> 00:24:51.654
you know, you know, these are all within Los Angeles County per se.

00:24:51.958 --> 00:24:55.468
And if I'm really spoofing, I'm gonna actually get something cool.

00:24:55.765 --> 00:25:05.266
I'm gonna spoof to Germany and go to those spots with all those Pokestops everywhere, but anyways, I think, cuz I was like, I spent so much time grinding for this Medicham that I was not gonna not use it.

00:25:05.355 --> 00:25:06.346
I was like, I'm gonna use it.

00:25:06.645 --> 00:25:16.165
Anyways, I didn't win the tournament, but I think I got top four or whatever and yeah, that was a story behind that and I always gave them shit after that cuz I became like much better at PVP than all those guys.

00:25:16.462 --> 00:25:21.500
And you guys are all fools for trying to stop me.

00:25:23.133 --> 00:25:28.682
With your experience with PVP, what's your biggest concern moving forward with it outside of Niantic glitches?

00:25:29.282 --> 00:25:36.303
Well, right now it's looking, I think what we were looking for for a while, we have like tournaments regularly, which is kind of cool.

00:25:36.303 --> 00:25:38.173
It's now like an official eSport.

00:25:38.173 --> 00:25:40.383
which is kind of wild, you know, to think about.

00:25:40.681 --> 00:25:49.601
My concern, what I really don't like about G B L currently is just how much emphasis there is on XL Pokemon, or how necessary they are.

00:25:49.904 --> 00:25:56.008
Realistically, you can't really battle in Master League unless you have XL Pokemon, obviously that comes at a cost.

00:25:56.307 --> 00:26:00.028
Even Ultra League, you can't do well unless you have XL Pokemon.

00:26:00.330 --> 00:26:04.260
Those you can probably get for free, but you gotta grind it out, right?

00:26:04.260 --> 00:26:05.755
And then same with Great League.

00:26:06.050 --> 00:26:10.760
You know, Medicham is it's always as good as it's always been, but now you need an XL Medicham.

00:26:11.065 --> 00:26:19.256
So my biggest concern is just like how necessary XL Pokemon are because that just creates a bigger barrier of entry for a lot of new people...

00:26:19.256 --> 00:26:19.915

00:26:19.915 --> 00:26:22.536
and will just make new people not play at all.

00:26:22.836 --> 00:26:29.625
Whereas it's just gonna get stuck with the people that already have been grinding out for years cause also on top of that, you need a lot of Stardust.

00:26:29.925 --> 00:26:39.557
So it is just really hard to just start playing the game and then get into PVP and I think that's something that might never get figured out by Niantic cause it doesn't align with the rest of the games.

00:26:39.557 --> 00:26:46.738
I mean, you can play the video game, you know, everybody can buy the video game and just spend your 60 bucks, grind it out, build your Pokemon, and you can go to tournaments.

00:26:47.038 --> 00:26:50.907
As opposed to us, we're gonna spend 60 bucks on one Pokemon.

00:26:51.209 --> 00:26:55.172
I just don't want it to be a thing where people need money because very pay to win.

00:26:55.769 --> 00:26:58.554
Something I meant to share with you and I forgot to tell your co-host this.

00:26:58.733 --> 00:27:01.763
So y'all were actually the first Pokemon Go podcast I listened to.

00:27:01.763 --> 00:27:02.488
No way!

00:27:02.488 --> 00:27:04.147
Yes, so I had to look through my history.

00:27:04.451 --> 00:27:08.320
The reason why is because of y'all's artwork, because Wailord is one of my favorite Pokemon.

00:27:08.320 --> 00:27:08.810

00:27:08.810 --> 00:27:16.778
And my type of Pokemon Go, you know, I was scrolling through all of'em, I saw the two Wailords, and I'm like,"oh, I gotta listen to this, it has a Wailord!" Just cause I love Wailord so much.

00:27:16.778 --> 00:27:18.038
That's wild, man.

00:27:18.038 --> 00:27:25.319
Yeah and I don't know what episode it was, I'd have to look through it again, but I know the Whalers podcast was the first one I ever listened to and it's pretty casual and very chill.

00:27:25.920 --> 00:27:27.237
Very casual and chill.

00:27:27.539 --> 00:27:29.940
That artwork was done by one of my students.

00:27:29.940 --> 00:27:30.604

00:27:30.604 --> 00:27:30.977

00:27:30.977 --> 00:27:32.442
Did he know that you were doing a podcast?

00:27:32.442 --> 00:27:33.281
Or how did that happen?

00:27:33.281 --> 00:27:33.852
He did.

00:27:33.852 --> 00:27:36.355
he's a really good artist, that kid's a, that kid's a trip.

00:27:36.660 --> 00:27:39.124
You know, people draw with their iPad and the pencil?

00:27:39.423 --> 00:27:40.232
He did all that.

00:27:40.532 --> 00:27:45.751
He would do it with his finger on like some shitty ass Samsung phone, like some old Galaxy phone.

00:27:45.751 --> 00:27:48.721
He did the artwork y'all had on the Samsung phone with his finger.

00:27:48.721 --> 00:27:49.892
You gotta be kidding me.

00:27:49.892 --> 00:27:50.612
I'm not kidding.

00:27:50.612 --> 00:27:50.912

00:27:51.349 --> 00:27:51.682

00:27:51.978 --> 00:28:00.070
I eventually convinced his parents to buy him an iPad with a pencil and like he's doing these fucking incredible art pieces like that kid's amazing.

00:28:00.371 --> 00:28:04.877
But I was like,"Hey, can you make me something, but you cannot tell anybody what it's for?

00:28:05.179 --> 00:28:13.009
And he is just like,"okay." You know, he is just a sweet kid and I knew he wouldn't tell anybody, but he was really excited about the fact that he did this top secret art project for me.

00:28:13.305 --> 00:28:19.474
And, you know, I bought him, I don't know, I think I gave him a gift card for something and I bought him lunch a few times, so I think we called it even.

00:28:19.770 --> 00:28:21.451
But yeah, it was one of my students that made that.

00:28:21.752 --> 00:28:38.786
I still think like I want to redo some of the artwork or if I ever wanna want a better print of it, I would have to like reach out to him and be like, can you update it or can you sent me, I don't even think he has the original file anymore cause he did it on, like I said, on this really old phone like he would zoom in all the way and be like scratching away with his finger and that's how he drew it.

00:28:39.398 --> 00:28:43.643
That's crazy! Like, I thought y'all hired somebody to make that like, I did not expect this

00:28:44.313 --> 00:28:48.135
No, it was a high school kid with a busted phone and just his fingers.

00:28:48.135 --> 00:28:50.145
He is really, really, a true artist.

00:28:50.451 --> 00:28:52.759
I'm glad the artwork brought you to the podcast.

00:28:52.759 --> 00:28:55.127
I was very, I'm very proud of that artwork, I think it's cool.

00:28:55.430 --> 00:28:59.271
He did the artwork for my Twitter guy, which is me with a Drifloon.

00:28:59.575 --> 00:29:00.355
He did that too.

00:29:00.954 --> 00:29:02.035
That guy's going places, man.

00:29:02.035 --> 00:29:03.265
That's some amazing art.

00:29:03.265 --> 00:29:03.744

00:29:04.044 --> 00:29:05.364
He did all that on his phone.

00:29:05.662 --> 00:29:06.951
This is all pre iPad.

00:29:07.250 --> 00:29:09.079
The iPad stuff he made was pretty crazy.

00:29:09.682 --> 00:29:14.303
How long did it take y'all to do the podcast from when y'all thought about it to actually starting it?

00:29:14.598 --> 00:29:16.519
Like was there a delay or did y'all just do it right away?

00:29:16.519 --> 00:29:18.558
Nah, it took, uh, it took a while.

00:29:18.558 --> 00:29:23.749
I would always jokingly tell'em that we should start a podcast cuz we just spent too much time talking about Pokemon.

00:29:24.045 --> 00:29:27.765
I would say it still took like a year before we actually sat down and recorded.

00:29:28.067 --> 00:29:32.086
I had the idea for the podcast before I started making YouTube videos.

00:29:32.388 --> 00:29:38.767
So I started making YouTube videos and then I would ask Richard to send me footage and I would like shoutcast his footage on my YouTube channel.

00:29:39.067 --> 00:29:48.537
Then I was like, we should just make a podcast, I wanna start a podcast, I think you would be the perfect co-host because you know about Pokemon and I don't, so I need someone that knows about Pokemon

00:29:50.757 --> 00:29:52.366
and it works so well, it's crazy.

00:29:52.386 --> 00:30:00.494
Uh, you would think that both of y'all know about Pokemon, but then you hear your story and it's like, oh, you don't know as much because of course you left after Gen one and he's played the entire time.

00:30:00.934 --> 00:30:02.505
Y'all compliment Each other pretty well.

00:30:02.505 --> 00:30:06.751
Yeah, like I'm the PVP nerd and he is just a Pokemon in general nerd.

00:30:06.751 --> 00:30:08.444
Who gets frustrated with pvp.

00:30:08.444 --> 00:30:08.694
He gets frustrated.

00:30:09.164 --> 00:30:12.494
I used to spend a lot of time, like unofficially coaching him.

00:30:12.791 --> 00:30:20.231
He doesn't ask me for tips anymore, but he used to ask me for a lot of tips back in the day but, uh, yeah, now I think he's gotten the hang of it now.

00:30:20.528 --> 00:30:23.493
We used to get on Zoom and I would coach him as he did his battles.

00:30:24.103 --> 00:30:36.709
You've had a lot of guests like JRE, Battlebill, Pokedaxi, Incensed, of course, FishonaHeater, so many, Do you have a favorite guest out of all that you've had on the show that you would like to maybe have on the show again, or just in general?

00:30:37.306 --> 00:30:41.251
You had this person on, you had BirdPower, I really enjoyed having BirdPower on the show.

00:30:41.556 --> 00:30:47.328
It was just her innocence about everything was just so genuine and she's so into the game, she was great.

00:30:47.625 --> 00:30:58.036
I would like to have ChillisFM back on because I felt like he was on an episode with just me and no Richard and I was off my game, I didn't know how to be a one man co-host.

00:30:58.334 --> 00:31:12.095
So I felt like I needed to bring em back on and add some of that Richard charm and spontaneous venting that Richard does, so I would like to have Chillis FM back on, but everyone's great, we've always talked about bringing everyone back on at some point like JRE.

00:31:12.391 --> 00:31:18.560
He's always someone you would've liked to have back on just for the fact that he's an expert of all things PVP at this point.

00:31:18.861 --> 00:31:19.730
Who else?

00:31:20.330 --> 00:31:26.240
I would like to have Lachlan on whenever the hell he wants at this point but again, it doesn't work with time zones all the time.

00:31:26.540 --> 00:31:52.259
But I, I, I think the most, to this day, the most exciting, like the most nervous I'm always having guests on and most excited was when we had the Incensed guys on because, well, what I was nervous was just so many of them when I was like, and they're British and I don't, uh, but I was excited cause I knew Richard would be really excited cause I remember booking that without telling him.

00:31:52.868 --> 00:31:55.053
Did he know before the recording happened or did he find out?

00:31:55.053 --> 00:31:55.712
Yeah, yeah.

00:31:55.712 --> 00:32:01.113
Yeah, because I was like, we're, yeah we have to record it in fucking at noon to adjust to their time zone.

00:32:01.413 --> 00:32:03.490
I eventually told him, but he was super stoked.

00:32:03.789 --> 00:32:11.500
But at the time of, I didn't listen to their podcast either like I had listened to maybe two episodes just to prepare, but that's the only Pokemon podcast I think he listens to still.

00:32:11.803 --> 00:32:17.130
Obviously it worked out cause they became kind of our buddies and then they had us on theirs for a while and then we met them at Seattle.

00:32:17.430 --> 00:32:18.839
They're always cool lads.

00:32:19.135 --> 00:32:23.395
I would like to have them on any, anytime, have those blokes on anytime.

00:32:25.796 --> 00:32:26.276

00:32:26.576 --> 00:32:29.006
Who's somebody you want on this show that you haven't had yet?

00:32:29.603 --> 00:32:32.153
Yeah, they forgot who asked us this question.

00:32:32.153 --> 00:32:33.952
I think the Incensed guys has asked this question.

00:32:33.952 --> 00:32:38.843
I still think to this day, it's the same person I would like to have PokeAK on.

00:32:38.843 --> 00:32:40.762
Oh, good luck.

00:32:40.762 --> 00:32:44.640
Yeah, I've actually tried messaging him, he hasn't responded, but I, I'll figure it out.

00:32:44.640 --> 00:32:47.303
He's gonna be in Arizona, maybe I'll go find him.

00:32:47.303 --> 00:32:47.583

00:32:47.583 --> 00:32:48.722
Go find the guy in Arizona?

00:32:48.982 --> 00:32:49.782
Go find him.

00:32:51.482 --> 00:33:09.925
Yeah, I know he's a controversial figure, but I would like to just sit and talk to him and I also was like, in the beginning of Pokemon, like I forgot to mention this, but watching, I used to watch TrainerTips and PokeAK, like I watched all his content before it was PVP content like I would get all my news from him.

00:33:10.226 --> 00:33:12.296
So it would just be cool to like talk to him.

00:33:12.597 --> 00:33:19.270
He would be an interesting person to talk to, I would like to, to see what's up with PokeAK, and no one's really had'em on a podcast, so I think it would be hype.

00:33:19.875 --> 00:33:22.365
I agree and I don't think you can shy away from the controversy.

00:33:22.365 --> 00:33:28.065
Sometimes the controversy's there for a reason and that's kind the fun part to have'em on the show to kind of dig more deep into why.

00:33:28.065 --> 00:33:28.875
For sure.

00:33:29.171 --> 00:33:34.320
I, uh, I try not to shy away from just asking the things that might be uncomfortable or, not.

00:33:34.320 --> 00:33:34.651

00:33:34.830 --> 00:33:38.371
I think that comes from like listening to so much WTF with Mark Marinn.

00:33:38.671 --> 00:33:40.165
Mark Maron's really good at that.

00:33:40.465 --> 00:33:42.101
It's like,"Hey, let's just hash it out.

00:33:42.101 --> 00:33:46.885
Let's talk about this." In a way that doesn't feel like aggressive or offensive in any way.

00:33:47.182 --> 00:33:54.465
But yeah, PokeAK probably still the guest that I would eventually get on the Wailordz and that will hopefully be his first podcast debut.

00:33:55.069 --> 00:33:56.029
Hey, that'd be awesome, dude.

00:33:56.029 --> 00:33:57.740
I'm pretty sure a lot of people be hyped to hear that.

00:33:58.460 --> 00:33:59.809
Hopefully I wish you the best of luck.

00:34:00.980 --> 00:34:08.630
Yeah, I knew Lured Up, booked them once and then I heard the story that they didn't end up recording the episode with him cuz I guess his audio sounded bad.

00:34:08.929 --> 00:34:13.159
I mean, I don't care, I mean, I've recorded with Richard, he's, his audio sounds terrible so it's just

00:34:15.349 --> 00:34:17.059
I don't think it's that bad.

00:34:17.059 --> 00:34:18.239
I've heard worse.

00:34:18.588 --> 00:34:19.278
It's good now.

00:34:19.278 --> 00:34:23.155
It's good now, but uh, our first episode is god damn, that was bad.

00:34:23.456 --> 00:34:26.722
I preferred him to just call in from his phone at that point.

00:34:29.061 --> 00:34:30.442
like you said, we all start somewhere.

00:34:30.442 --> 00:34:42.405
I was scared of my shits and you had bad audio, so Oh, so one thing I told him, y'alls first theme song, not the one y'all have now, I told your co-host that it sounds like a novella that's about to play

00:34:43.005 --> 00:34:44.326
Shit, do you know what?

00:34:44.326 --> 00:34:45.856
I don't remember what it was.

00:34:46.152 --> 00:34:48.911
Let me try to remember what the first theme song was.

00:34:49.215 --> 00:34:51.585
That's funny, like a, like a Spanish novella.

00:34:51.590 --> 00:34:51.706

00:34:51.706 --> 00:34:53.938
Yeah, that's what I got when I first listened to it.

00:34:53.938 --> 00:34:55.349
That's hilarious.

00:34:55.652 --> 00:34:56.552
I actually liked it.

00:34:56.552 --> 00:34:57.961
I forgot about that song.

00:34:58.264 --> 00:34:59.248
My buddy made it.

00:34:59.552 --> 00:35:09.282
The one I used to have the radio show with, he's a musician too, we used to actually be in a band together, but he made it, off the cuff real quick, I just asked him like, can you make me something by tomorrow?

00:35:09.581 --> 00:35:15.347
And he just like, put it together on his keyboard or something and then his little brother is the one that made the current theme song.

00:35:15.347 --> 00:35:16.217
Oh, okay.

00:35:16.257 --> 00:35:17.418
And that's the one y'all play right now?

00:35:18.021 --> 00:35:19.581
Yeah, with the outro too.

00:35:20.181 --> 00:35:21.561
Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

00:35:21.561 --> 00:35:22.130

00:35:22.431 --> 00:35:23.092

00:35:23.387 --> 00:35:23.956
I'm wrong.

00:35:23.956 --> 00:35:24.617

00:35:24.916 --> 00:35:30.016
My friend, the one I'm talking about is the one that made the current one, his little brother made the outro song.

00:35:30.315 --> 00:35:33.045
That original song was made by one of my students.

00:35:33.349 --> 00:35:42.717
He made it on his fucking computer, but he didn't know that I used, he never knew that I took it to use for the, I just needed a clip, there he did it for a project for some class.

00:35:42.717 --> 00:35:43.092

00:35:43.092 --> 00:35:51.581
And I was like, all right, let me take a snippet of this song, it was like a 10 minute long song that he made and I used that as the intro, so that's what that was.

00:35:51.882 --> 00:35:56.021
So the whole thing was like created by my students at the beginning, the song and the...

00:35:57.041 --> 00:35:59.322
Your students have been the free labor of this podcast.

00:35:59.327 --> 00:36:00.431
Yeah, exactly.

00:36:01.242 --> 00:36:01.481

00:36:01.722 --> 00:36:05.739
I gotta figure out how to exploit them a little bit more now where we are.

00:36:06.849 --> 00:36:10.909
Need you guys out there promoting this, but yeah, that's, that's what that song was, now I remember.

00:36:10.909 --> 00:36:12.528
Potential marketing options maybe?

00:36:12.534 --> 00:36:13.559
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:36:13.998 --> 00:36:16.248
Flash cards like go pass this out to people, be good.

00:36:17.449 --> 00:36:21.349
No, the current theme time is my buddy Melvin, he did it on his guitar.

00:36:21.952 --> 00:36:27.293
It's very catchy and then you have the voiceover and then smooth on into the whole conversation, it's perfect.

00:36:27.896 --> 00:36:30.266
Right, it was his idea the way it was supposed to go.

00:36:30.266 --> 00:36:34.286
He's like, here, you're gonna talk and give your intro, then there's gonna be a pause, and then there's hell.

00:36:34.291 --> 00:36:34.646
All right.

00:36:34.945 --> 00:36:35.454
Let's do it.

00:36:36.057 --> 00:36:40.643
Now your podcast is coming on two years did you ever expect to make it past two years?

00:36:40.643 --> 00:36:40.974
Or make...

00:36:40.974 --> 00:36:41.784
not at all.

00:36:42.143 --> 00:36:43.074
No, no way.

00:36:43.074 --> 00:36:43.704
No way.

00:36:43.974 --> 00:36:47.353
Especially how much me and Richard fight, I was like, we're only gonna make it past two episode.

00:36:52.704 --> 00:36:53.034

00:36:53.153 --> 00:36:56.003
No, I, no, I didn't think we'd be keep doing this, you know?

00:36:56.003 --> 00:36:56.784
But you never know.

00:36:56.784 --> 00:36:58.284
And then this game lasts forever.

00:36:58.284 --> 00:37:04.523
We've been playing it now stop now for at least me for the last four years, and Richard for the last, you know, six years.

00:37:04.822 --> 00:37:08.427
So, as long as we're still playing, there's always something to talk about.

00:37:08.728 --> 00:37:10.626
As long as you have the, passion's still there.

00:37:10.927 --> 00:37:16.677
You know, always trying to figure out ways to make it exciting again and how do we reinvent what we have and make it better?

00:37:17.007 --> 00:37:23.943
So I think that's part of the conversation we'll have like here's what we accomplished Because it's either we, make it better or we stop doing it all together.

00:37:24.244 --> 00:37:30.217
That's how I think about things that you're either trying to improve or you shouldn't do it cuz at that point that means that the passion might be dead.

00:37:30.516 --> 00:37:32.911
But yeah, I didn't think so, I didn't think we'd be doing it this long.

00:37:33.516 --> 00:37:35.376
What was it that y'all were trying to improve for this year?

00:37:35.376 --> 00:37:35.916
Do you remember?

00:37:36.518 --> 00:37:37.869
I think audio quality.

00:37:38.559 --> 00:37:41.199
So I think we're there a little bit better now.

00:37:41.496 --> 00:37:43.806
Not drinking as much, so that's not working.

00:37:44.885 --> 00:37:45.965
That's the best part though.

00:37:50.195 --> 00:37:52.235
I'll say I've been sober this whole time.

00:37:52.532 --> 00:37:59.079
This is probably why I'm talking so much, I think when I drink I'm like a lot more slow, obviously, and I'm not as talkative.

00:37:59.380 --> 00:38:02.681
What else did we tr we wanted to get guests on, that was the thing too.

00:38:02.983 --> 00:38:04.663
We didn't have guests for a long time.

00:38:04.969 --> 00:38:06.588
I think for a long time it was just me and Richard.

00:38:06.887 --> 00:38:13.788
So that was like something that we wanted is to have more guests on to help us just like increase our audience more, which we semi accomplished.

00:38:13.788 --> 00:38:24.018
I still don't think we had as many guesses we wanted to cuz it takes a lot of preparation and all that stuff and coordinating and sometimes we're just like, Hey, we haven't done a episode, can you record today?

00:38:24.315 --> 00:38:25.094
And then that'll be it.

00:38:25.994 --> 00:38:27.255
That's how we get a new episode out.

00:38:27.552 --> 00:38:29.711
I would say we need to be a little bit more consistent.

00:38:30.009 --> 00:38:34.239
We used to also drop episodes always on a Friday and then that fell apart.

00:38:34.534 --> 00:38:42.472
So we would record on Thursday, I would stay up all Thursday night, drop it Friday morning, go to work, super sleepy, but that was like our routine for a while.

00:38:42.773 --> 00:38:44.572
So there are things that we used to do better at the beginning.

00:38:44.873 --> 00:38:49.324
There's a lot of things that we do better now, and it's improving on those things together to make it better

00:38:49.925 --> 00:38:54.576
Definitely I look forward to seeing what y'all make and what y'all podcast evolves into, but That's the episode my friend.

00:38:54.876 --> 00:38:57.275
If people wanted to check out your content, where could they go?

00:38:57.275 --> 00:38:58.775
Like by means, please plug away.

00:38:59.378 --> 00:38:59.798

00:38:59.798 --> 00:39:03.445
You can follow me on Twitter@R2theOldy.

00:39:03.748 --> 00:39:16.891
You can follow our podcast@TheWailordz with a Z and you'll find our links on there for how to download the podcast, but we are on pretty much all podcast platforms, The Wailordz with a Z.

00:39:17.492 --> 00:39:21.128
And I'll make sure to include all the links he mentioned with Twitter, in the description of today's show.

00:39:21.128 --> 00:39:23.409
And our OnlyFans, make sure you put that on there too.

00:39:24.099 --> 00:39:26.485
And his only fans cause how much is it to subscribe?

00:39:27.088 --> 00:39:28.798
It might change by the time this comes out.

00:39:28.798 --> 00:39:29.309
Oh, that's right.

00:39:29.398 --> 00:39:29.719

00:39:33.079 --> 00:39:36.440
Thank you for listening to another episode of As The Pokeball Turns.

00:39:36.744 --> 00:39:41.423
You can subscribe to this podcast on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.

00:39:41.719 --> 00:39:48.146
Feel free to follow me on all my socials by clicking the link in the description of this episode, and I'll see you next time.

00:39:48.744 --> 00:39:51.994
Here's the sneak peek for the next episode of As The Pokeball Turns.