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My name is David Hernandez and you're listening to As The Pokeball Turns! Welcome to as the Pokeball Turns! Where we interview people around the community on how their Pokemon Go journey started, where it has been and where it is currently going.
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When Pokemon Red and Green were first released, it wasn't long before our card game was developed around the increasingly popular franchise.
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The card game back then was rather aggressive with both Haymaker and RainDance being the most dominant decks, and no, the prize Charizard that made kids popular was not viable outside of casual decks.
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It didn't help that powerful training cards existed, such as Bill, which lets you draw two cards, Professor Oak, that lets you toss your hand and draw seven cards, Energy and Super Energy Removal that allowed you to remove energies from any Pokemon and disrupt your opponent.
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And, Oh yeah, none of these cards were once per turn.
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The cards back then were designed as arguably more collectibles rather than focused on the competitive aspect of the TCG many players enjoy today.
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Over time, the card game has evolved along with the video games to include the new types of Dark, Steel, and Fairy, the introduction of Baby Pokemon, and whenever a new region or Pokemon is introduced, like Johto or Iron Bundle.
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And parallel to the main series games, the card game also included statuses or special conditions as it's known in the TCG, like poison, confusion, burn paralysis, and sleep.
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With that in mind, one must remember that whenever you're affected by a special condition, don't forget to use a Full Heal.
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My guest has an immense passion for both the TCG and Pokemon.
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He's the co-host of Gotta watch'em All, Special Conditions, and the Lured Up Podcast.
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From New Hampshire, here's his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is Adam Tuttle.
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Today I'm joined by the one and only Adam Tuttle.
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Adam, welcome to the show.
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Hey, how's it going?
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It's going pretty good.
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You know, I'm excited to finally have you on the show and eventually I'll have Ken and I'm looking forward to diving into this, I always have a soft spot for card game enthusiast.
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Ooh, I love that.
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Awesome, man.
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Well, before we get to diving into that, let's start where it all begins.
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Like, when did you first start playing Pokemon Go?
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I started back in 2016, right when it started.
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I remember downloading the game, and I believe I had downloaded it on, I wanna say like another phone that just, didn't hold up, so like I had downloaded it, whatever, scraped that and then went into another account the following day.
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Honestly, I played a bunch at the beginning and then kind of tapered off.
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I have like pictures of a Parasect in my dishes and a Pidgey on a plate that my son was eating off of cuz the old AR was absolutely ridiculous, but I absolutely loved the fact that they had our trainer names at the bottom.
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That is something I do miss, cuz then you know it's mine.
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It was like an authenticity of the photo to be
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Exactly, exactly.
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Nowadays you have to put your own like little signature in there in order to make it yours.
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Otherwise it could just be a random Pidgey.
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You can make your own symbol with a Delibird.
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How about that?
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And then you just,
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yeah, exactly.
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That's, that's what could happen now.
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Was there a particular place a lot of people went in your area?
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Honestly, the day before it came out, I was hiking with my dad and my son I just remember it being not as overtaking as I thought it would be.
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It didn't take control of my life, it wasn't so big of a part of my life until the following year.
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I played definitely off and on and as far as places to play, I just kind of opened my phone every once in a while and just dabbled in the game wherever I was.
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I didn't have a destination ever, if that makes any sense.
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It does.
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So you said that it was a year later when the game kind of became more involved, like what changed?
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I believe it was when I changed jobs.
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I started working at the mall at sales and I had more time to not be cooking, cuz I used to, I used to be a cook for a restaurant called Boloco Stands for Boston Local Company.
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Love that place.
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Great Nutella Milkshakes.
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Ooh, I'm sold.
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Honestly, it's so good.
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Better than Chipotle.
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That's not hard to beat, but
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No, I know, I know.
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What was your approach to playing the game?
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Like do you collect, do you shiny hunt, pvp?
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I collect a hundred percents!
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That's kind of like my goal.
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So I don't know.
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It was, it was crazy to find a hundred percent, let alone like have multiples.
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Seeing so many people shouting out on discord, like where they were.
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I know we have discussed it on Lured Up as far as like cheating and using maps and all that stuff, but I was getting it secondhand.
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So it's like all of those, like they feel kind of dirty, but also I never really went after so many of them.
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It was just once in a while I'd see it and I'd be like, oh, I'm gonna go get it, but that would be because somebody in the Discord let me know where it was.
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They were like,"here's the location exactly, here's the coordinates, longitude latitude, the notification.
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You were getting secondhand information.
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So I will admit to that because it stinks not being truthful and it is the truth.
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Some of them were through that, so that kind of stinks, but I have so many that I've hatched like my favorite is my Shiny Nidoran that I hatched.
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It's a hundred percent.
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No, that was my first shun do.
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How, close are you to completing your Hundo collection?
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very far away.
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So about a couple hundred, you still gotta go?
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Yeah, I am a collector, but I go the slow and steady route.
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Honestly, I got a Bellsprout from a research task and I was over the moon excited about it.
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I know it's a bell sprout, but that's one that like I've really wanted.
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No particular reason, I just really wanted it.
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Hey, we all got our favorites.
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It says, when I look at my Dex, it says 227 Hundos, but that could mean that there's doubles of them and I don't wanna sit here and bore you with going through them all.
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No, it's all good.
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So before Pokemon Go, what was your experience with Pokemon in general?
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I used to play the T C G.
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I used to play the video games.
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Started with Blue version as all the cool kids did.
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Team Blastoise, I assume?
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Team Blastoise forever, that got left in a, I I'm, I, I know I've told this story a million times, but to any of your listeners that haven't heard the story, I left it in the back of a limousine at my Aunt Jen's wedding, and by the time I realized it after I got home, I was able to, you know, cry enough to have my parents and grandparents do something about it to get it back.
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By the time I got it, the game had been started over and they must have gotten rid of whatever the starter Pokemon was cuz they just had Rattata.
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A level four Rattata.
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I remember it like it was yesterday.
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It still scarred you to the light.
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And, and since then I have had the hardest time sitting down and completing a Pokemon game.
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So that literally, so you've never completed another Pokemon game since?
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I wanna say I completed Sword and Shield, but then there's the, the downloadable content like I bought that, I have that, but I haven't finished that.
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I haven't even started it.
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Well I haven't either to be honest, but that's just a part of growing up, unfortunately.
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Yeah, it's just time.
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You don't have, you don't have all the time that you had as a kid and even like slowing down and like, oh, I'm gonna play a little bit here and there." Again, finding that time is even hard cuz there's other things that you want to do that take up that time.
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So you've played all the other games though, you just never completed em?
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I think the only one, I, I mean, I did play, Sapphire.
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I didn't play Emerald.
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Some of like the middle games I didn't play like black and white two, I don't think I played.
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You know, the remakes of Shining Diamond and Pearl, I didn't buy, nah, I'm missing much other, oh.
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Like, let's go! Bought that! Was so excited for that.
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That was such a good re-entry into the video games.
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Do you have a particular favorite region at all?
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Like one you enjoyed...
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Johto, do, do, do, do, do, do.
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I know people are gonna take that the wrong way, but the song just hits my brain and I'm like, all right, everybody wants to be a master.
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Let's go.
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Everyone wants to show their skill.
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Everyone wants to be a master.
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Make their way to the top of the hill.
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Each time, each time we tried.
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You try or we try.
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I don't know all the words, but it's so good! That's my favorite because I'm sure it'll come up later, but my favorite Pokemon world to see with a brand new attitude, new
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world, with a brand new attitude.
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But we still gotta
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catch, catch'em all and be the best you can beat.
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It's so good.
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It's so, Ken absolutely hates it.
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Anytime we record, we record an episode of Gotta watch'em all.
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he's like, Ugh, I hate that song.
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I'm like, it's so good.
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It's such a classic.
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Johto and Hoenn had some of the best opening themes, in my opinion for Yes, yeah, anyway, Johto, was your favorite region so just cause of the song or was it just cuz of the region?
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It's cuz of the Pokemon.
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What's your favorite Pokemon?
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Delibird! So naturally this is gonna be where Delibird came to be and I've loved him ever since.
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Was it just, was there an appearance in anime or just
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Not that I can recall.
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I don't ever remember seeing Delibird like in the anime except for, oh wait, wait, it was the Christmas winter vacation one, I think.
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I'm not sure.
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All I know is I, I saw it for some Christmas special thing and I caught him in the game and I was like, wow, this thing looks like Santa and from that moment on, I was like, that's my favorite Pokemon."
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That's your Pokemon, that's the,
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Yeah, it's like the embodiment of Christmas, like the holiday spirit, like it's just happy.
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It's just always happy, even though it's presence could be good or bad.
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It's always happy.
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What's your thoughts on iron bundle real quick?
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I'm warming up to it.
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It's gonna be the first quote unquote Delibird card that gets a EX, so I'm very excited to be able to play a Delibird in a deck, finally.
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Even though it's Iron Bundle, it is definitely a future Delibird.
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It should have just been a Paldean Delibird.
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I don't understand the whole past and future forms, like it doesn't sit with me very well.
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So obviously, you're familiar with the games.
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When did you start playing the TCG or start collecting the cards?
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The cards were as soon as they came out.
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I remember my parents giving me enough money for a pack, running down to my friend's house, which is the house I live in right now, and I hand her the money.
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I say, here, get me a pack." Leaves, comes back and goes, look what I got!" And shows the holographic Blastoise.
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Ooh, the base set?
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This, these are base set packs.
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And I was like, no way.
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And then she goes, this is what you got.
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And pulls like my pack and like had already opened my cards.
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That is literally like the one rule you cannot break is opening somebody else's pack.
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She did that, hands me it, it was a holo Chansey at the time, but I was so devastated cause I was like, that Blastoise was most likely mine." And I ran home and like hid in one of those big plastic tubs.
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I don't know how I did it myself, but I clipped myself back in and I was like, I'm hiding in here.
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No, my mom's not gonna find me, nobody's gonna find me.
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I'm so upset.
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And I just like ran away.
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I was so upset.
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But yes, I've been playing since the beginning.
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I had the overgrowth starter deck with Gyarados and like Ivysaur.
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I went to local leagues and played for as long as I was around in that area.
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We then moved to where I am now in New Hampshire and I kind of lost touch with the league because it was like, you know, it was towns over.
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So it was a lot harder to get to being a 10 or 11 year old kid.
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I don't have a car, you know, I can't drive in itself anywhere
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A little bit hard.
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I just kept collecting.
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I, I got jungle, I got fossil, Base Set 2, and then Neo came out.
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I was so excited.
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cuz I found like there was another league in Summersworth that I started going to Paperback Bazaar, which was super old.
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I was playing and everybody had those, those gold Johto sheets, so they were all a collection that had all the starters evolutions and it was one of the coolest things, but, I didn't have one and everybody else did.
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I was very jealous.
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I know you still play the Pokemon TCG, So What is it like now to play if somebody was to ever step into it?
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There's a lot going on as far as different rule boxes, quote unquote for things.
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I don't think there's been a time where there's so many different, i, I don't know, mechanics is the proper word to say.
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Because you have like the lost zone.
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And then you have Exs, which just means, you know, your Charmander has to evolve into Charmeleon and then your Charizard-EX you have to evolve into it.
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First playing a Charizard-V, which is already a basic.
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But that V can also go into a V star, which has its own set of rules, which has a V Star ability, which is it's attack, and you can only use one of those per game.
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And then you have Charizard V-Max, which is another set of rules, because if that gets knocked out, you lose three prize cards.
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First, the V or the V star, which is two prize cards, to your opponent when they knock you out, instead of taking the one prize card.
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If you have a V or an EX, it's two prize cards.
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If you have a V max, it's three prize cards.
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So there's a lot that's like, yeah, it sounds like it sounds like it.
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Break card in the game right now.
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It sounds like it breaks off from the final evolution to different phases, that's kind of what's going on in my head at the moment.
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Yeah, no, honestly, that's what some of the decks are, you have, like there's Xora V and then V Star and Vmax.
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People are playing the V but you don't know if they're gonna evolve into the V Star or the Vmax.
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VMAXs typically have more hit points and bigger attacks because the drawback is that if it gets knocked out, you lose three prize cards.
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So one of my questions I wanna ask was like, how do they determine which cards are eligible at that set time?
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Like magic, I know they have a rotation to where they have a set rotation of cards eligible.
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Yu-gi-Oh is its own thing.
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Like how does Pokemon do it?
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It's everything from the e regulation mark and on, I believe.
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There's little letters now, which this is not how they used to do it.
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This is, I'd say, very new, but I think they're trying really hard to get us on the same page as Japan or at least trying to merge us so it's closer together instead of a gap being so far apart.
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They're even now putting silver borders so we can match the Japanese cards instead of the yellow borders that we've all known for years.
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The regulation is how they determine standard format.
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And the standard format is basically all the new stuff that's eligible for use until the next rotation, which is typically once every year.
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Trying to get back into the game has been difficult cuz right now my work, I work on Thursdays.
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So I don't ever really get to go to league.
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So it makes it difficult, it's like I really want to play and right now I don't even care about championship points or anything like that.
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I just want to play and have fun.
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And that's ultimately what this game is all about is having fun.
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Say for example, somebody's just collecting right and they wanted to get into maybe playing the Pokemon TCG.
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Where would you recommend they start to be able to get more familiar with the game?
00:15:07.039 --> 00:15:09.200
So I would definitely hit up your local league.
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That's the number one resource cuz people are so nice at leagues, people are so generous.
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If you go and you're like, I'm just learning, this is the deck I have and you show up with like four Squirtles in your deck and then 56 water energies, somebody there is gonna give you some cards to make your deck better than just a Squirtle with one energy doing water gun for 10 damage, you know.
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And honestly, they can listen to Special Conditions too.
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Not a plug, but a plug at the same time.
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Once you understand the game mechanics and how to play, then you're good.
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Just shuffle up your 60 card deck and you're good.
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Now I guess we can go ahead and talk about like, where does the name Special Conditions come from?
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Like how did that name come about?
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So in, in the Pokemon T C G.
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I mean honestly in the games themselves, you can be affected by a special condition and that would be frozen, like burn, confused, paralyzed, poison, asleep?
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Each of the conditions that you can inflict in the Pokemon TCG, like, I just thought that was like super cool.
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Special conditions is all of the things that can affect you effectively.
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So you've got, poison in between the checkup or in between turns.
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Your Pokemon takes 10 damage, if it's poisoned.
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If it's burned, you'll take 20 damage during the checkup or in between turns, but you also flip a coin, and if heads, you're not burnt anymore, and if your tails, you're still burnt.
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if you're confused, you flip your card upside down, and then if you attack, you flip coin, and if heads your attack succeeds.
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If tails you hurt yourself, you take 30 damage.
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And then if you are asleep, I always say left like a left asleep, cuz you gotta turn your card to the left.
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If you're asleep.