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Welcome to as the Pokemon Ball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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We are here with part two of the Enter the Dragon Stand Podcast.
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A podcast primarily focused on covering so arena factions.
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Factions are a team-based competitive Pokemon Go PVP league, introduced by the self arena.
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Where competitors work together to prove their skills on various battlefield.
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In spite of the recent announcement of the Silver Road ceasing operations in August, the idea of organized team play for Pokemon Go PVP is far from dead.
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And with the recent announcement of Project Cigar, I think it's safe to say that the future of Pokemon Go factions and grassroots PVP is still alive and well.
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My guest is the co-host of Enter the Dragonair's Den podcast.
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Here is his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is TacoDog8! Today I'm joined by one of the co-hosts for Enter the Dragonair's Den, TacoDog8!.
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Welcome to the show.
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It's a pleasure to be here.
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Definitely, and I would be very biased to say that you're one of my favorite of the two.
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Don't tell Jet this,
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It's okay.
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which is honestly true.
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It's honestly true.
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You have two things I love about your name.
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You have the tacos and you have the dogs.
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The eight you can leave out.
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I actually do have a little bit of a story with that one.
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I have had a little dots and chihuahua mix.
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She was my editing partner for a very long time.
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We would sometimes call her the immortal dog.
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one day when I was in high school, I went to go pick up my little brother and I made some tacos and I left the tacos on the table and I made sure that before anything, there was no way my little dog, Maddie, was just going to steal my food and eat it while was gone, I was gone for maybe 10 minutes.
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I come home and she's sitting there on the table looking at me like, Hey, those are some really good tacos." I said, Maddie, You're just a taco dog now.
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And then the eight, when I was like in sports and stuff, I would always wear the number eight, whether it was football, basketball, cross country, the eight was like my lucky number.
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When I decided to go into content creation and do YouTube, a very long time ago, I had coined TacoDog8 as like my in-game name.
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And when Pokemon Go came out, I was still trying to do content creation on YouTube, but failing miserably.
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So I stuck with using Tacodog8 and it's been with me ever since.
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Hey, that's fair enough.
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Trust me, I tried YouTube for one week and couldn't do it, so it's not for everybody.
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But I gotta ask the pressing question though.
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First, what is your ideal taco?
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Okay, so my ideal taco is you've gotta have fajitas in it.
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I like, beef fajitas with lettuce and tomato.
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And depending on if I'm, quote unquote spicy enough, I will put in some cilantro or some like lime in it.
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If I'm doing it on like a corn tortilla, I'll put some salt and lime on it and just make it like really good.
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A man after my own heart.
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Normally what I'll do is I'll do beef fajita, I'll do some guacamole, and then I'll add some kind of a spice to it, I don't know, I've been getting really into habaneros recently, so I think I'd probably do like a small habanero just to spice it up As long as I'm at home.
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If I'm out in public, I don't do spice.
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Right on.
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yeah, cuz sometimes some places when they have like spicy stuff, it's not quote unquote good spicy stuff and I'm not gonna throw shade at like the mom and pop Mexican restaurants.
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I love y'all's food, but sometimes it's just not for me.
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When I used to live down in Texas, my grandpa would always come with like little chile's and plant them and then just go outside and pick Chile when it was done and we'd make our own little spice at home.
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I would say homegrown spice is probably the best spice.
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I've always heard that cause I have some very spice chefs.
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There's probably a better word I'm thinking of, but that's the best I got to where they actually try to plant their own, they even try to, I cross pollinate'em or breed'em or whatever to make their kind of own peppers.
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time I've tried'em, they're like some of the most spiciest peppers I've ever tried in my entire life.
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Now granted I'm not very deep into this spice level by all any means of stretch of imagination, but these guys are very hardcore, for them, like eating habaneros, like breakfast for them or whatever, you know?
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oh my goodness.
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gonna be a fun one.
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Last question though.
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Do you have any dogs?
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And if so, what kind do you have?
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So I used to have three dogs.
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Like I had said before, Maddie was like my first real dog.
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Unfortunately, she did pass away in December.
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I had taken some time off podcasting to process it cause she was 15 years old and I love, still love her to death, we have a nice little box, cuz we got her cremated and stuff.
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And it's right next to My editing software and my computer, so she used to curl up at a ball right next to me while I'm editing.
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It's like she never left my side.
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So now I do have two other dogs.
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We have Molina, which is an Australian cattle dog mix.
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She is a rescue and she is five years old now.
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We had rescued her from the pound and nobody wanted her because when she used to herd cattle, one of the cattle had fallen on her and it broke her leg, and so she had problems walking.
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At least that's what the story goes.
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And so we said, yeah, we love this dog, nobody wants this dog, we want this dog.
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She's just been that giant teddy bear, but it sucks if you pet her because she will throw her 60 pound weight on you and just like, yep, I fall over.
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On the complete opposite spectrum, we have a border Colly, Siberian Husky mix by the name of Aries.
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She is six years old and she can't go five seconds without running around or getting a case of the Zoomies.
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That's so adorable.
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I always loved dogs growing up.
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I had a chihuahua, name was Crystal, loved that dog to death.
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She was always just very, cuddly dog.
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She always wanted, she's a chihuahua so she always wanted to be with the owner, which was me.
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It was unfortunate cause I grew up in a household to where one of my parents didn't want pets inside.
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So she always had to be an outside dog.
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That was always the difficult part cuz I always wanted her to snuggle up next to me, just playing video games or even on the bed.
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Fast forward to now I've got two dogs on my own.
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I've got two basenjis.
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For those who don't know what they are, don't worry, you're not the only one.
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It's basically a dog from the Congo.
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I always call it like a chihuahua on legs because they're hairless just like Chihuahuas I'm sorry, fur looks like chihuahuas and they don't bark, but they can yodel.
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And for them they're very stubborn to where It's this, for that kind of relationship, for a basenji to where they've gotta have, it's gotta be their idea to want to do it.
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So they won't do things they're forced to do.
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You have to reward'em in this way, bribe'em, quote unquote.
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The one thing I always love about dogs is that they come to this world to be with their owner, to love their owner no matter what.
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And that's always some of the heartbreaking things that you can have the most shittiest owner ever, and that dog will still love him.
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hard to explain
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You're honestly not wrong on that.
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I'll be the first to say that, as a teenager, we had got Maddie when I was, 12.
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So when I became a teenager and all the things that teenagers, Don't worry, I never did anything that was considered animal cruelty, thankfully, I had that much self-control.
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But I, I loved that dog and there were some days where I just did not want to put up with Maddie.
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She ended up staying down with my mom in Texas when I went to college.
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And then I said, Maddie's getting up there in age,"mom, give me Maddie for her final year", or at least for, we thought it was only gonna be three months and ended up being a whole year before she unfortunately had, passed away due to old age.
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Whenever she saw snow, she became this youthful dog and would try to run through the snow and then say, oh my gosh, I forgot, I'm old.
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I'm cold.
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Take me back inside please!"
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Oh, that's so cute, man.
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I could probably talk about dogs all day I'm sure my listeners won't, but we have to get to talking about Pokemon,
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Oh yeah, that's why I'm here.
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know, right.
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So let's start with the first question.
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When did you first start playing Pokemon Go?
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Thankfully, I was one of the day one starters.
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July 6th, 2016.
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I had got a text message from one of my buddies saying that the game had released and I just texted back, shut up, no way!" And so I look up on the Google Play store and there it was, so I instantly downloaded it.
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I had just got off of a double shift at work and I told my brother, I'm like, Hey, Pokemon goes out, download it And so we had just got off work, downloaded the game, started playing it.
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We were there on South Padre Island down in Texas.
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and we played all night stupidly.
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We were out from 11 o'clock at night to about three, four o'clock in the morning, just catching as much Pokemon as we could.
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My brother and I would try to race to collect them all.
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He unfortunately caught a Gengar and I had, the same one run away from me, but I beat him back by catching a snorlax that ended up being perfect before perfection was a thing, and his ran away, sadly.
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We were just out there every night playing Pokemon Go, messing up our sleep schedules and just having a ball with it.
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We got our friends or we got my coworkers to all play it and the police officers were wondering like, why is everybody out and about on South Potter Island?
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And I would say, one, it's a tourist town, two, it's July and three we're not doing anything, we're just playing Pokemon Go.
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We could be getting into trouble or doing things we're not supposed to, but we're just on our phones doing Pokemon trainer things, And that was the funny part.
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And then I ended up moving to Iowa to start my third year of college in August.
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I could not find a community to save my life because I wasn't a very social person.
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So I had put the game down until raids came out and I joined a Facebook group that said, Hey, there's a Tyranitar here.
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And so my brother and I he's continued to play.
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I had picked up, I was still higher level than him, which was pretty funny.
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At the time I was 34 when I put the game down, he was 31.
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He had a six month gap and I still had more XP than him, which was, I thought was hilarious.
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burrito Cat, if you're out there listening.
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Yes, I know.
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He wasn't Burrito cat at the time.
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He changed it just to troll me.
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and so we went out there and I was that guy that would just try to make jokes about it.
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Hey, what's a good Pokemon for this?
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Is this a good Pokemon to use?
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Knowing that if it's ceramic tar, it's dark and rock types.
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And I was going in with CP 10 Pidgey.
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And they're like, no, no, use this type.
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Some people eventually saw me as the Birdman just cuz I would always, I would always want use piggy.
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It was a joke.
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But then I, I started actually trying by throwing Blisses in because of course, And I know that some people are like, why would you use a bliss look?
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In 2017 there was a bug where you didn't get all the damage if you wiped.
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So people would just put Blisses in the back.
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I would use three Pokemon and three blisses and I would still get all three of the damage balls.
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Yes, because basically just give some context back then, like he said, if you fainted out of the raid lobby, the damage reset, and you would lose basically, I think three to four balls as a chance to just get the raid boss.
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So you'd basically be trying to catch a raid boss with maybe eight, if you're lucky.
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You're also counting if you had the gym control bonus, which was not fun cuz back then, we didn't have the best friend bonus.
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I remember there used to be a chart, like a breakdown of which team did the most damage and I think that might have helped.
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I'm showing my age in Pokemon Go by talking about all of these features that don't exist.
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I am too.
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That's why I'm giving some context for maybe people who weren't there back then.
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That's fair.
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And then PVP came out and I said, okay, here's my niche.
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Burrito! We must fight and I must establish dominance by being the ultimate trainer.
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What was it about PVP that really like why PVP of all things.
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So this kind of goes back to my time in the main series games.
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I played a lot.
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My first game was gold.
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And on my soccer team, I hated playing soccer, but I still played because a lot of the teammates they played, Pokemon games.
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So we would be there with our Game Boy advances and Game Boy colors and our link cables and just, we're just fighting each other, trying to be the best.
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And I was the absolute worst trainer on the team.
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Oh really?
00:13:05.730 --> 00:13:05.950
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Yeah, I had no idea what tight matchups are.
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Well, that still hasn't changed because I still, will mess up my tight matchups every now and then.
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And so what ended up happening was when fire ed and Leaf Green came out, I had, a Game Boy, a advance sp and I made it my mission to just go around and if they played, I'll challenge people to battles if they want it and I would do everything that I could to win.
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I wasn't like IV breeding or EV training, I had no idea what that was back then.
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I just wanted to be the best.
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when the DSS came out with Diamond and Pearl, and I think I was in middle school at this time, a lot of my classmates had DSS and we would all host multiple day tournaments, like at recess, just fighting each other.
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I was still not the best, but I would try to work my way up to be the best.
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And so when Pokemon Go came out with pvp, I said, look, I'm a hyper-competitive person.
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I need something like I beat my brother to 40.
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I got more shinies than him.
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I had more xp.
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A lot of players in my other community were leaps and bounds higher than me.
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I was like just finding ways to make Pokemon go fun for me cuz I, I didn't care for shiny hunting.
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Once I got one shiny, that's it.
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I will be that guy that transfers all his community day shinies and I know some people are going, oh, he transfers unironically.
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Look, I don't have a lot of backspace.
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I only have 6,000, but a lot of it is reserved for PVP months.
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If the shiny is not a Hundo, if the shiny is not PVP relevant or if the shiny is just not cool or gonna be used in a raffle in our local community, it goes in the garbage bin.
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You can only hold so many shiny Bulbasaurs before you just look at it like, why am I still holding these?
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You never dreamed of having a full room, of Bulbasaur.
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Look Bulbasaur is not really my favorite.
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depends on the generation.
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Oh, I see.
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You don't even have a specific one.
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You have one for each generation?
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Well, okay, so I make a joke, like right now my profile picture on discord is Flygon, and you hear me hype up Flygon like Flygon is just the greatest Pokemon of all time.
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It is so perfect in its design.
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It didn't even need a mega, it was just that beautiful like, mm, chef's kiss.
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I love using Flagon because it's the first Speedy boy I used on my Hoenn team and slash fire red team, I guess.
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It has just stuck with me since essentially day one of my journey, even though I know my journey was Pokemon Gold and Crystal.
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I go through phases of like favorite Pokemon.
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Sometimes I'm like, oh, I really like Umbreon because it's shiny looks really cool and then I found out it's an absolute wall.
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Right now I'm on a Lechonk Kick, which for those that play Scarlet and Violet, it's a meme.
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It's the new Bidoof.
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Bidoof is second tier now, it's all about the Lechonk all hail the Lechonk army, it's spherical, you mess with Lechonk, you get Le Bonk.
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just rolls off the tongue.
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Oh my gosh.
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Lechonk is so awesome, it's definitely one of my favorites.
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I just don't like its evolution, that's my only issue with Lechonk.
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It has an evolution?
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So yeah, I don't have an ultimate favorite one, it's just more of a, which one do I think is the neatest right now?
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Like right now I'm really liking Bax caliber in Scarlet and Violet, which is like my favorite Gen nine Pokemon.
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But I also like the Applejack Man that just came to Pokemon Go in Gholdengo or Gholdengo.
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Oh, yes, yes.
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whenever I see it come out, I'm just like, here I am Mayman.
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And I know a bunch of two, I know a bunch of two thousands kids just went.
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I remember that!
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Oh my gosh.
00:16:22.778 --> 00:16:23.707
That's so awesome.
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Well, what's it like playing in your area though?
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It is honestly a lot of fun.
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The community days.
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so I'm in a college town and you've got the college kids that kind of do their own thing.
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You've got just a bunch of like random people, like an older crowd that kinda like walks around in the pedestrian mall, which I didn't know was a thing until I moved up here.
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And then we've got the Pokemon Go players and like in community days, there are so many Pokestops and you can just walk around and hit'em all.
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We have this little lapping system I think there's five or six different, combinations you can do.
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if it's cold, we're gonna take this lap, if it's hot, we're gonna take the long lap, if we're lazy, we're gonna do this lap.
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And it just maximizes all the spawns and stops so that you could set your gotcha to just catch Pokemon and just spin all the stops and you'll never run outta Pokeballs.
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So I also like to commute and I ride a bicycle a lot.
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And so on the bike I'm seeing more and more stops show up, like from bike paths about some really neat stuff that you really don't need a car as much as a lot of, I know a lot of communities like to use cars and there's nothing wrong with that cuz I know that we're all secretly passengers and our self-driving Teslas.
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Oh yeah, we're not driving and playing at the same time, of course not.
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And so when I'm thinking about that, I'm like, oh my goodness, my home community.
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And I come from a place of privilege of saying this.
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My home community is so nice that I don't need a vehicle to have a great experience with this game.
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So you talked about how you like to ride your bike.
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that kind of how you play?
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you just ride your bike and you have your Gotcha going?
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00:17:52.153 --> 00:17:58.472
So I have my bicycle and I like to differentiate myself from some other Pokemon Go players.
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Whereas I know we had talked about some people use their cars to get from point A to b.
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I don't have a car, I just use my bicycle to get around town and to play Pokemon Go.