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My name is David Hernandez and you're listening to As The Pokeball Turns!.
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Welcome to As The Pokeball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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Women have played an important role within the Pokemon franchise.
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In spite of women unable to select a female avatar in Gen one, their role has increased over time within the Pokemon franchise.
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The voice of Ash has been voiced by a woman during his entire existence in both the English and Japanese versions of the anime.
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For the English version, it started with Veronica Taylor and transitioned over to Sarah Natochenny.
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For the Japanese version, the series started with Rica Matsumoto Before transitioning to Hana Takeda.
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In Pokemon Crystal, Game Freak finally added a female avatar, and with it came Whitney, a normal type trainer who gave plenty of players PTSD with her Miltank.
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We jump over to gen four where we have our very first woman champion, Cynthia, who would beat us senselessly with her Garchomp.
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We then have Professor Juniper, who was the first female professor in the main series games when she debuted in the Unova region.
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Finally, with Riko as the new female protagonist for the Pokemon franchise, one thing is certain, the journey for women within Pokemon has only begun as they continue to leave their mark in Pokemon history.
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My guest for this episode is not only a caster for play Pokemon.
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Just like the woman I've mentioned before, she's blazing the trail for women everywhere as the first woman caster for Pokemon Go.
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She's the co-host of the PVP Corner at the Go Cast podcast.
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Here is her origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is DPhiE250! Welcome to As The Pokeball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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I'm your host David Hernandez, and before we dive into today's guest, if you have any Pokemon Go stories, send'em to my email.
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I would love to read'em.
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You can send them at
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Again, it's
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Your story might be recreated into a skit, or you may even be invited onto the show.
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Now today I'm joined by a very familiar name.
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You may know her as the co-host of PVP Corner at the Go Cast podcast.
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Others may know her as the caster on the play Pokemon Circuit and her involvement with the PVP scene.
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Let me welcome DPhiE250! Welcome to the show.
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Thank you so much for having me on, i appreciate it.
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Definitely, and I'm excited to finally have you on the show, but before we dive into, you know, your story and everything, right now, you're raising money for St.
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Can you talk a little bit about it and just let'em know what you're doing.
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Yeah, for sure! So St.
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Jude has a project that is called St.
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Jude Play Live, and it's a big fundraising campaign, there are a lot of people involved, specifically, there's a group of women in the Pokemon space called the Lass Project.
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They work a lot to do fundraising throughout the year together, just women who play Pokemon in general, not just Pokemon Go.
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I can't do their big three day live event this year, but I really wanted to help out with the fundraising and supporting their Tilt five campaign because as I've been saying on a lot of my Twitch streams recently, the world kind of sucks sometimes, like the world can have a lot of bad things in it, and we should work hard as people to try to lead the world better than we found it.
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Try to put good into the world, and I think St.
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Jude is a fantastic organization that deserves that support that makes the world a little bit of a better place and fighting childhood cancer is definitely something you know near and dear to my heart, as someone who works with kids.
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Its really important to me to try to raise money for this big project, this big community effort.
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Without a doubt.
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I've always said that it's important as people for us to get involved within the community cause like you said, the world's not a good place sometimes and we can't change the world by ourselves.
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But I've always believed that as a community, as a collective group, if we all just do what we can with what we have, we can make the world in a better place for some people.
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that's how we change the world and I applaud you and every other creator who's involved with that, cuz that is such a very noble and important part to just be able to kind of give back to people.
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I completely agree and yeah, I've been really excited, it's been great seeing people post on social media about what they've been doing to fundraise, what incentives they've been using.
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it's just really heartwarming.
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It's good.
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I think it's important as people that we work on projects like that.
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Without a doubt, and I'll make sure to include some kind of donation link directly to St.
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Jude within the show notes of today's episode.
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But anyway, DPhi, we always bring guests to just find out your origin story and I'm looking forward to kind of diving into it, but I wanna start where the beginning is, so when did you first start playing Pokemon Go?
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Oh, I am a day one player.
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Definitely day number one.
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I downloaded.
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That's definitely a little point of pride for me.
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I was one of those people, you know, walking, trying to catch all the Magikarp to evolve one to a Gyarados.
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It took me forever.
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I was walking up and down the riverfront, all summer.
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That summer was honestly some of the best of just gaming.
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it was just so peaceful.
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I've heard jokes, you know, it's the closest we've come to World Peace.
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It was a summer to remember that summer of 2016.
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In your area, like where were people going to play?
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Like I'm sure you had like the massive crowds and people blocking roads or into parks.
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Oh yeah, we have a riverfront area that was really popular and it's just cuz it had four little Pokestops and you could go to the riverfront cause I'm from a fairly small community and that was a really big place, our little downtown area was really popular as well as a couple parks, you could always see people The same way you do now, you can see the motion they're making on their phone that They're clearly catching something.
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it's fun to call people out and see like, Hey, it was just friendly and awesome to see people out and about like that.
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You seemed excited.
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So what was it about Pokemon Go that you were like looking forward to when they announced it?
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Well, I got into Pokemon right away when I was little.
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I think it was my eighth Christmas.
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I was young.
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I had a game boy color.
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I had Pokemon blue and red and yellow.
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As I went through, I played generation two, generation three, and then like a lot of people I put Pokemon down for a little bit, not ever forgetting about it, but you know, moved on to some other things.
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when Pokemon Go came out, it just all, like the nostalgia factor was really, really big for me, as it is for, I think a lot of millennials who play this game.
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it was just something else to see like, oh my gosh, there's like a Pokemon in my living room, going to the park and like seeing everything and just trying to figure out like how the game works.
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it was just so completely different.
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I just really love too, how it brought people together.
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Now, you talked about how you started Pokemon with the first, it sounds like three generations, so you stopped playing after that up until Pokemon Go?
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Yeah, I've gone back since and replayed at least one game from every generation.
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I've touched on all of the different generations and a couple of the spinoff games.
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Pokemon Pinball is the one I wanna see.
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I wanna see Pokemon Pinball remake on the Nintendo Switch, that would be the dream.
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Pokemon pinball is such underrated, and it's always easily forgotten, but I've always also wanted to see.
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I know it never happened, but I've always wanted to see a remake of the trading card game from the Game Boy Color.
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I'd kind of an updated where you go to different areas and just do the card game.
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I agree.
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That was, all of that was very, very good.
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again, the nostalgia.
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I think that's what brought a lot of people to this game and then they Kind of found in Pokemon Go, what they really like whether it's the AR community who really likes taking the AR photos, the Pokemon Go P V P community, the Raiders, the shiny hunters, and then people find what makes them happy, there's a lot of different ways to play this game and none of them are wrong.
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With your experience with Pokemon, do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?
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Oh, Buneary! Buneary and Lopunny and mega Lopunny.
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That is my favorite evolution line.
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So you missed, it sounded like you skipped Gen four.
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So was it you discovered that Pokemon when you went back?
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Yeah, I discovered it when I went back to the games, and I just think Buneary is adorable.
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I like.
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Rabbits, I think they're cute And then I like how mega Lopunny is a normal and fighting type.
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I like that She's this badass yoga instructor that's gonna kick your butt.
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Mega Lopunny specifically is pretty fantastic and I would say that that is my ultimate favorite.
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Now what's interesting though is you actually named your dog after one of the characters from the anime series, Misty, right?
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I did because it's funny, my parents are told me like, ah, you better not name your dog, like, Pikachu or something.
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So I tried to say, I'm like, what's a subtle reference that they wouldn't know, but I know and I think, I think Misty is sassy and funny and adorable.
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So I, I think Misty's a pretty fantastic nickname.
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She's looking at me right now, like you talking about me.
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Yes, we're talking about you.
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Yes, we are.
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That's awesome.
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Was there any like other name you were gonna think about besides Misty or just Misty was just the closest you could think of.
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Misty was definitely the name.
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I looked up a bunch of different names, a bunch of different ideas, and Misty, that was the favorite.
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So you mentioned how, there's a PVP community.
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I know that's how you prefer to play the Pokemon games.
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00:09:43.251 --> 00:09:44.241
Yes, definitely.
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I like my shiny hunting, I play out on community days, I'll do some raids.
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However, PVP is really, that's how I engage with the game most days.
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What was it about P V P that got you hooked?
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I am so competitive.
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I am competitive to a fault.
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I love competition, so that is definitely something for Pokemon Go PVP that drew me in.
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I also just really loved when the Silph arena first dropped.
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It was so much fun, we had a little test tournament at a friend's house and.
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we all got together and ordered pizza and just tried playing a tournament and then we opened it up to the greater community after that one went well.
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PVP I think is one of the best ways to bring people together.
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So going back to the pizza party, so PVP drops and y'all just do a tournament right then and there?
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Yeah, the Silph Arena dropped so my very first tournament was one that we just got together.
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we just invited a bunch of people that we knew to a friend's house, and we were like, Hey, let's try it, let's try this thing, let's see how it works.
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And then we opened it up to the bigger community.
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and that was really, really fun.
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We held it in a more central location that more people could access, but we just wanted to see like, how do you do a tournament?
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How does this work?
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What's gonna happen?
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so we, we did a little test run and it was, it was a really good time.
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Do you remember what it was like playing P V P in those early days?
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It was crazy, the first Boulder Cup tournaments, there wasn't a rule about you could only bring one Pokemon of a species, so people were running like double Skarmory, which is kind of bananas to think about now because like, can you imagine like Lanturn, double Trevenant or something like, like, that would be so bad or like Triple Chancey teams?
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Oh geez.
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like that would be awful now.
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But yeah, that was definitely the Wild West back in the day.
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I used a Metagross, I think on my first Boulder Cup team like, I didn't know what I was doing, I just thought it was cool.
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That was back when we didn't know a lot about IVs and we just were using our three star Pokemon, or they weren't even three star back then.
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I think it was just...
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yeah, we didn't have stars.
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We only had the, uh, you know, tack defense.
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The descriptions.
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from your team leader.
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we used Pokemon with high stats and then we realized, oh, that's not actually what we want.
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You want low attack and that was crazy to think about because for a while it was like, oh, high, you want your high stats and then there it was going around like, oh, you just want it to be as close to 1500 as possible like nothing else matters.
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it was a lot of rumors, we didn't have like good, consistent information.
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I think early on, at least a lot of people in the greater community didn't, and there's still people they get come into this game, they don't know.
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They just use whatever Pokemon they have until they learn more about it.
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The benefit for them is they got way more resources than we did cuz you know, we're trying to figure things out in the fly and you know, nowadays people have got PVPoke, they've got the content creators who do pvp, like they've got a lot more access to information than we did.
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Completely agree.
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It's much easier to learn about the game now.
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also we have, cuz we didn't have the team leader battles for a long time like even just to kinda learn what.
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PVP would be like all, a lot of stuff came later like team rocket battles are good practice for just knowing how to like do your charge moves and type effectiveness.
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Watching old videos of what Pokemon Go PVP used to be like the switch screen was very different you had to like pull up a switch screen to switch your Pokemon and like the furious tapping of your phone to like charge up a move.
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it's just so different like the quality of life features when you look at Pokemon Go PVP initially, and now it's just, it's very different.
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Yeah, there wasn't those, you know, those fancy screens, like the ground types was on the bottom.
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The, I think the grass is on the right, water's on the left.
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We were just button smashing, trying to get up to, I think excellent, everything
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Yeah, it was like rings.
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It was like three rings that you were tapping,
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uh, and trying to power up the move that way.
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Well, as you learned, pvp, liked, where did you go to kind of get your information?
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Like who was kind of your go-to place to get your information?
00:13:47.083 --> 00:13:53.303
Oh, definitely ZyoniK! in the early days, ZyoniK used to do a lot of Silph Arena content cuz that's all there was.
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Go Battle League didn't exist initially.
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I joined ZyoniK's Discord, there was a member of my local community that I just really wanted to be able to beat in like Silph tournaments cuz he was very good and he was a ZyoniK patron.
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So I figured, you know what?
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I'm gonna do what he's doing.
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If he's doing so well, I'm gonna learn.
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I'm gonna try to learn how he's learning.
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So I joined ZyoniK's Patron community really early on, and yeah, ZyoniK is a great guy, really happy to see him do the play Pokemon tournaments.
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he's always been fantastic and I am still a Zyonik patron to this day.
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That's awesome.
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Now the question though is like, did you ever beat this person?
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I did! I made a cheesy little YouTube video describing my run like if you go deep, deep into the dungeons of Youtube like on the dark alleyways, if you dig back really deep, you can find an old video of mine where I won, I think it was the Toxic Cup, I wanna say.
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Were you like excited when you finally beat this person?
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Like did it feel like validating?
00:14:53.065 --> 00:14:53.784
Oh my goodness.
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It was elating, I screamed.
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I think like it was very, I was.
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I wasn't sure I could do it.
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I remember a Drapion, a Bibarel, and a Meganium was my team.
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A lot of the same Pokemon, like Drapion, still loved Drapion.
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Still love Gliscor.
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We'll use it whenever I can.
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Bibarel, maybe not so much.
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Toxicroak great.
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We saw, Emma5cents used one in a play Pokemon tournament love me some Toxicroak action.
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I'm just excited that you gave Meganium some action or some love.
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Meganium is great.
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Meganium is underrated.
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I wish it could, like earthquake is such a fun coverage move to use in Pokemon Go, I wish Meganium were just a little bit better Venusaur definitely with the poison typing.
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and its stats tends to win out a little bit, but Meganium is fun when you're allowed to use it.
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Now one thing that's interesting is that You do not use shadow Pokemon at all.
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I don't, I don't have a single one ready, it's kind of a joke.
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I'm in the B.T.W, Beginner to Winner podcast server as well, and I'll ask about teams and it's always, you know, people will recommend shadows like oh, shadow Ducket and Shadow Bulbasaur." I'm like, well, how does the regular one do?
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How does that one fare?
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It's frustrating, right?
00:16:07.423 --> 00:16:14.614
Cuz it's like you understand the lore behind it, how they're suffering, their hearts is closed and they're unfortunately better than the purified ones.
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I know it really disappoints me that there wasn't a balancing of the scales when shadows were introduced to make like purified ones also have a certain benefit other than having the powerful charge move of return, which is really good for something like a Sableye, but Shadow Sableye is also good because you can get a lot more damage with Shadow Claw, you can run Power Gem, which can do really well against something like a Noctowl, give you some really good, super effective damage.
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Have you ever thought about like how you would fix purified Pokemon at all?
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Like do you ever think of some ideas to make'em better?
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I think the fact that they are cheaper to power up is really good.
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It's cheaper to give them second moves.
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it's cheaper to max'em out.
00:16:54.206 --> 00:17:00.243
I think tho those are all really good things, but I'm wondering if like a defense buff would be better for them.
00:17:00.557 --> 00:17:14.116
if there were ever like more advanced P v P mechanics, maybe something different about like when shadow and purified Pokemon battle, purified Pokemon can resist some things from shadow Pokemon like finding a way to do something like that would be interesting.
00:17:14.717 --> 00:17:16.846
So one last question I have about PVP.
00:17:17.036 --> 00:17:19.846
You said earlier your favorite Pokemon was Lopunny.
00:17:20.155 --> 00:17:24.584
How would you make that more meta relevant for, say, a great league or ultra league?
00:17:24.884 --> 00:17:25.634
what does it need?
00:17:25.932 --> 00:17:28.118
I have to go back and find this video.
00:17:28.429 --> 00:17:32.058
KiengIV did a video a long time ago.
00:17:32.358 --> 00:17:36.332
So many, many, many Go Battle League seasons ago.
00:17:36.635 --> 00:17:47.145
He made a video about which Pokemon would benefit most from a move update and Lopunny was number one, cuz low punny actually has pretty good stats all things considered.
00:17:47.445 --> 00:17:49.605
I like that it has double kick now.
00:17:49.641 --> 00:17:53.402
Double kick, fire punch and you can do focus blast on it.
00:17:53.711 --> 00:18:02.213
but I think having a slightly better fast move, charm would be interesting, I know Lopunny does run charm in the main series games.
00:18:02.213 --> 00:18:11.080
It would have to be something that it has access to in the main series for it to be implemented really in Pokemon Go or even another normal move that isn't like a hyper beam.
00:18:11.396 --> 00:18:14.876
So something else that's maybe a little bit more for a bait move.
00:18:14.876 --> 00:18:16.287
Are we talking like maybe a body slam?
00:18:16.531 --> 00:18:22.426
Yeah, like some, something like that, like something lower cost that can be used as a bait would be good I think for Lopunny.
00:18:22.727 --> 00:18:31.095
Fire punch isn't a great move, in general in PVP, so maybe giving it's something a little bit better for its bait move would be one potential option.
00:18:31.692 --> 00:18:41.163
Someday Niantic will give Lopunny some love, and we will hear you nonstop talk about it on the podcast and everywhere else because, you know, Lopunny finally has its day.
00:18:41.207 --> 00:18:43.420
justice for low punny, hashtag justice for low punny.
00:18:43.690 --> 00:18:50.913
I do have a level 50 Hundo Lopunny that I use for megas that I really enjoy and I would love to be able to use that more often.
00:18:51.269 --> 00:18:59.250
It's also just a really good mega to have, being able to mega something to get the bonuses for both normal and fighting types, two of the most common types in the game is pretty solid.
00:18:59.844 --> 00:19:06.023
Now, eventually, your interest in pvp eventually got you involved into the Go Cast podcast, which is the PVP Corner.
00:19:06.325 --> 00:19:07.069
how did that happen?
00:19:07.669 --> 00:19:11.821
It started as a joke, like a meme, which is the best part.
00:19:12.122 --> 00:19:15.451
The part that makes me the happiest is it started as a joke.
00:19:15.751 --> 00:19:30.769
GoCast Chris and Kyle used to be a little bit more involved with like Twitch, and they would do some streaming and myself and Fish, along with some others were moderators and still are moderators for the Go Cast podcast Discord Server.
00:19:31.075 --> 00:19:38.075
And we were chatting around in Twitch chat oh, wouldn't it be funny if the mods did a takeover stream and would they took over the podcast?