Oct. 5, 2022

TRAINER'S EYE #6 - "Creating Content From A Pixilated Sylveon" ft. PureLighter from Purified Podcast


In this Pokemon interview, we have PureLighter who is a passionate Pokemon GO player, PVP battler, content creator, and co-host of the Purified Podcast.

During our conversation, PureLighter shared his experience playing Pokemon GO, including his favorite Pokemon and his involvement with the Sw1tchMstrz Faction, a group of Pokemon GO players dedicated to fostering a fun and competitive community within the Silph Arena. He also talked about his interest and passion for content creation, including his favorite content creators and the types of content he make and his tips for aspiring content creators.

PureLighter also shared his experience attending GoFest, one of the biggest Pokemon GO events of the year, and how it inspired him to start the Purified Podcast with his friend PKMNtriggerplz. He talked about the challenges and rewards of starting a podcast, his favorite episodes, and his hopes for the future of the show.

Trainer's Eye is a series where the stories are real and people still play this game. From PVP to Shiny Hunting, each person's Pokemon GO journey is unique and we dive into each journey here on As The Pokeball Turns!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

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00:45 - Introduction

02:18 - Interview with PureLighter

31:53 - Thank You For Listening! :)


TRAINER'S EYE #6 - "Lit With Content" ft. PureLighter from Purified Podcast

David: [00:00:00] Hello everyone. My name is David Hernandez and you're listening to "As the Pokeball Turns!"

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of "As the Pokeball Turns," a Pokemon GO podcast, where we discuss news events and other topics around Pokemon GO. Today we have episode six of Trainer's Eyes. A segment where we get to hear from you, the [00:01:00] community on how your Pokemon GO journey started, where it has been and where it is currently going. The term content creator is a more recent term popularized with advancements of platforms like YouTube and Twitch. However, content creators aren't something new. If you take a peek into the past, content creators have been around for centuries, ranging from comic book during the 1930s, such as DC's founder, Malcolm William- Nicholson, or Martin Goodman who founded Timely Comics, which evolved into what we know today as Marvel. If you go back even further, you have people like William Shakespeare with his playwrights, like Macbeth or Romeo or Juliet to Homer who was attributed to have written the Odyssey during the eighth century. It can be argued that content creators have been a part of society since humans have walked the earth. Nowadays, people usually attribute content creation with visual media, like YouTube videos, Twitch clips, Instagram, or TikTok videos. However content creation is more than visual. It's also audio. If it weren't for audio people like Howard stern, Larry King, or even Joe [00:02:00] Rogan wouldn't exist. My guest today is a new member of the fact she known as Sw1tchmstrz, but he's mostly known as the other half of the Purified Podcast with an immense passion for content creation. My friends allow me to introduce to you Luis, AKA Purelighter! 

Hello everyone and welcome to an episode of Trainer's Eyes. A segment of the podcast, where we get to hear from various people around the community on how their Pokemon GO journey started, where it has been, and where we're just ultimately going. Today I'm joined by a very good friend of the show and the other half of the Purified Podcast, Luis, AKA PureLighter. Luis, how are you doing today? 

Luis: Doing great. A little bit tired because how the weekend went, but I think I'm ready to rock and roll today. 

David: Awesome man! Before we do get started, how about you introduce yourself, tell people who you are, what you're about.

Luis: Yeah, so, my name, well, my official name, of course, you know, the one that I was born with is Luis Palacios. I guess I should say a small contact creator with, Pokemon GO, I love Pokemon GO as a whole, because since that game came out, I think my [00:03:00] life has changed fully. I also go by pure, lighter on Twitch. That's my usual gaming tag that I use on almost every single platform now or anything that I go through. And I also have a YouTube channel OtakuZone. Now we'll get to that when we get to it. But again, I play Pokemon GO for basically a living at this point, but, you know, I still do my own nine to five jobs and everything like that. I'm also Peruvian, so I speak fluent in Spanish, if anybody wants to ever talk to me in Spanish. 

David: Awesome! Well, before we do get started, how about like, how did Purelighter come to be where'd that name come from? 

Luis: Oh, God. Okay. So this is like a long time, like, you know, one of those cringe things that you actually do on when you are like a kid or something, you know? 

David: This would be awesome. I'm looking forward to let's go. 

Luis: I don't know if you ever heard of the old show Charmed? 

David: Was that the, uh, one that came on WB 33 or something like that? 

Luis: Yeah, it was, about like three witches sisters, you know? 

David: Yeah. 

Luis: I was my demons and all that stuff.

David: Yeah. 

Luis: And they made that reboot sometime in the last few years, but I never one actually wanted to watch that. So in that series there's actually an angel like, entity called white [00:04:00] lighter. Which is like an angel that protects the witches, you know, all those kind of things. So I really like that. There's also a dark lighter and even though I'm kind of, I'm Hispanic and a little bit, you know, in the brown side. The dark lighter is kind of the evil guy in a sense, so I was like, you know what? I actually don't like that. So I stick with white lighter for a bit, that was my gaming tag. And I usually just put like a number or something in between so that way, you know, I can copyright it or anything. But then I wanted to actually make it on my own, so I was like, what is the best way to not make it evil or anything like that? So I turned white into something else and, you know, pure, PureLighter and I stuck with that through the beginning, through end, since high school and all that. 

David: Wow! So, from high school all the way to now, you've always just used PureLighter as your, gamer tag, I guess?

Luis: It was mostly at the end of high school when I actually get it. But yes, that was my gaming tag for everything from now on, so I just kept using it and I really liked it. So I actually just kept it. I never really thought about changing it at this point. 

David: That's awesome. And you're also lucky that you were able to claim it on Pokemon GO because some people can't, you know, Pokemon GO, it's a free for all to get your in game name and a lot of people, you know, they miss out because [00:05:00] somebody else takes it for whatever reason.

Luis: Yeah, I think I'm lucky enough. The only thing that actually, and this is a funny story, there was one time in Facebook's because I put my gaming tag as one of my Facebook Correspondences, so it's like facebook.com/purelighter and then some numbers in there, so you can never find me if you ever try.

David: Challenge accepted. 

Luis: Right. and then, uh, somebody messaged me saying, Hey, I'd really need that, name or that, specific name, because I'm gonna be opening a shop somewhere or something like, because that name has a pure letter, the name pure letter is like their company's name or something, so I need like right now, it's like, "okay, but I'm not gonna give it to you because it's mine and I've been using it for years." so That was years ago too, but it's still, it was one of those like weird moments where somebody's trying to claim it or something. I never searched for the company itself. I think I searched the guy's Facebook at one point. After that I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna let it be. I'm not gonna respond to this guy. And I'm just gonna keep on doing what I'm doing. 

David: So the guy wanted PureLighter plus the numbers you had just for his own company? 

Luis: Just PureLighter. He wanted the name PureLighter only, but because I had [00:06:00] like somewhat of an interaction of the, gamer tag, they wanted to claim it and I'm like, well, I can't because I'm not gonna change it and I'm gonna make a whole Facebook or something about it, you know? 

David: Oh, that makes sense, that makes sense. Well, let's go ahead and fast forward. How did your journey in Pokemon GO start? 

Luis: So the game came out, it started coming out in Australia, of course, the morning of the sixth, and my friends were like going like, okay, we gotta download this APK or whatever and you know, you can play it here and there. I was like, well, I can't really download it on I P K on an iPhone, unless I do some kind of like weird like jail break stuff and everything and I never literally liked doing those. So the game comes out and it's like 10 o'clock at night. And then I remember just downloading getting it ready, going to my neighborhood, which I never do, like literally never walk around my neighborhood, but this is the first time that I did. Started catching some Pokemons and things like that. And then from then on, I was hook. Everybody else was playing just like, you know, world peace 2016 was, the best time for our lives. I did put down the game for a little bit. I think it was maybe a month in just because I was like, I wasn't really able to do much grind sessions or anything like [00:07:00] that like a lot of people do. But then I started discovering more YouTubers and the one thing that saved my entire Pokemon GO career is the damn Pokemon GO Plus. If I wouldn't have had that, I don't think I would've played the game as much as I do now because that thing just using that thing is like a game changer when you do. I was able to buy one and from then on, I just play the game and then finally I was able to do my own thing from here and there. 

David: What was it about the go plus that saved your career in Pokemon go? 

Luis: My nine to five job at the time, had like two Pokestops. The distance wasn't as large as it was these days when 2020 came around. But my phone will just drift me through those Pokestops every time. So when I picked up the Pokemon GO Plus, I was able to restock, I was able to catch whatever Pokemon that was in the area and just grind little by little. I felt like I was able to play the game even when I was at work. And then whenever other events started coming out, that's when I was starting, you know, to plan more of the events then, so that was when I was fully hooked into the game. 

David: Did you go to like certain parks or was it like certain hotspots that people travel to in [00:08:00] your area? 

Luis: No, not necessarily. I mean, I live in a very rural area. back then, I didn't even have a Pokestop in my neighborhood at all. I did a little bit of walking here and there, but then of course, when you live, where I am, you have to drive everywhere. So it doesn't matter where, where you start or, or what you do, unless you're like already situated in a place where a lot of Pokestops are, you have to drive everywhere, downtown or parks or anything like that. At the beginning, it was just me walking around, just catching a few things here and there whenever I wanted to get my streaks going or anything like that. But then I would just drive any of the places that we usually have more people or more Pokestops or anything, just to make sure that I can grind any type of event at a time. 

David: It's impressive that you're able to do the grind you do, because you're not like a casual player or the other rural players who struggled to 40, like you're really level 50. Was all those level ups from going to like into the city going to different areas or like, how did that work for you since you were in a rural area? 

Luis: Most of the time it only takes me like 20 to 30 minutes to get to the places that I want to go for the actual grind sessions. But yes, I do as many events as I can. I [00:09:00] try to use lucky eggs when I needed to. Back then, while level 40 was around, I did like evolution parties. I actually have some stream in my YouTube channel actually and that's where I actually hit also my level 40 cap, because I wanted to make sure that I actually record my level 40, uh, accomplishment. And then my level 50 in my Twitch channel, of course, once that hit. But it was like, whenever I get the chance, when I know there is event, when I know when there's grind sessions or extra experience, extra Stardust or anything, I try to grind them as much as possible. Whenever I get the chance I go to Raid Hour, I go to Spotlight Hour, I go to do everything else that I need to do and then when the game is down or have nothing else to do, I just casually click the Go Plus every other day, so 

David: that's awesome. It's amazing that you actually have your level 40 on video. Do you remember what it was like leading up to that? Like, were you excited or like, 

Luis: Yes! I was very excited! I believe it was like March of 2018, I think, I believe. I can't remember exact date right now. I have to look it over. But yeah, I did record getting to level 40 and I even put the hype music and everything. I [00:10:00] was just grinding evolutions and from then on, it was just off to the races. After that I really didn't care about experience, but of course, you know, level 50 was a few years into the road afterwards. So , 

David: Did you have any experience with Pokemon or is Pokemon GO your first Pokemon game?

Luis: Pokemon GO was, the one game that reunited my love for Pokemon at the beginning. I played the main series games since, you know, basically since Silver was around, actually, since yellow was around and I remember trying to beat Brock with Pikachu at the level 25. 

David: Oh, wow. 

Luis: That was, and that was before, you know, we had a lot of like super effective stuff and everything back then, but yes, I played through every single main series games sets to that point. I remember getting silver. Then when I got my Game Boy Advanced SP, I was able to get Sapphire and Emerald then, from every single generation at least one cartridge for each generation has been in my possession to actually play the main series games. Once 2016 came around, that just exploded because, it's Pokemon GO, you know! 

David: Yeah! It exploded everywhere. That's why everybody was out and about. It was just, 

Luis: [00:11:00] Yeah! 

David: Crazy! 

Luis: So I have, I have my experience when it comes to all the main series, I was a super casual player though, I will play for the story, maybe a couple extra Pokemons that I wanted and that's about it, I usually tried to restart, I never kept one of my original teams in any of the games back then. 

David: So you said Pokemon GO reignited your passion. Like, were you like kind of losing interest to Pokemon at the time? 

Luis: I was just another, another one of those fans were just play casually anytime like I, whenever I see an ad for Pokemon, I was like, oh, the new main series games is coming out or something else. So a new generation or things like that. So I always try to at least pick up one of the new generation every time. But Pokemon GO, just skyrocket my love for Pokemon, just because it made me meet so many people that just shared the same interests. Back then, I was just a lonesome guy every now and then I made maybe probably meet one or two people that really like Pokemon or not, but everybody knew Pokemon and everybody knows Pokemon now. By meeting many people, it's just exploded that I love Pokemon so much that is just an addiction, but at the same time it's been, an experience for sure. 

David: It's an addiction, but we love to be addicted, is probably the best way to put it. Probably not the healthiest [00:12:00] choice, but, 

Luis: but at least we're not doing drugs! 

David: Amen to that! 

Luis: Pretty much. 

David: You know, since your experience with Pokemon, like, do you have like a favorite Pokemon? 

Luis: Back when generation six came out, the X and Y era, I always loved the introduction of the new typing, so Sylveon was actually a Pokemon that I always wanted. I don't remember actually getting it in the original X and Y, but I always loved the evolution itself and how to get it. It's just a cute Pokemon. His shiny is amazing. 

David: cotton candy, it's looks like cotton candy. It's awesome. 

Luis: Yeah. I love it. I love it. So I always wanted to have that Pokemon in my team almost since it's released. Generation six is probably one of my favorites, if not my favorite generation. Uh, you would probably say that a lot of people think that maybe the old series games are like gen one or gen two, but gen six has just, it hits all the pieces for me. Mega Evolutions. New typing, and then cooler Pokemons at that point.

David: The mega more interesting. I didn't like how they were so specific to certain Pokemon. The only issue I have gen six was actually Team Flare. I didn't really understand their, I mean, I understand what they wanted, [00:13:00] but the idea behind it always confused me. With team rocket, you know, they want world domination, they want the strong Pokemon. Team Magma, Team Aqua, they want the land and the sea. Team Galactic they want the whole universe, but Team Flare, I could never really pinpoint on what they meant. Didn't they want the world to be more beautiful or stuff like that. 

Luis: Something like that. I never picked that up on the teams itself, I just liked the Pokemons more that time. X and Y was always like the shafted generation because it never got more than just the original X and Y. Yes, we got Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but that's generation three with the added stipen and the added mega. X and Y and generation six, just never got the love that it deserved.

David: That's true and I think we're probably due for a remake at this point right? Cause we already did gen, no, we got black and white. 

Luis: Yeah. We got gen fives to still go through. So we got probably another, few more years before that happens. 

David: We'll finally get a Pokemon Z you know, the long waited one. 

Luis: Oh my God. The way that they're doing is I feel like we're never gonna get the true remakes of those. 

David: You transitioned to Pokemon GO, so what team are you actually? 

Luis: Team Mystic through and through. I have never changed that since the beginning.[00:14:00] 

David: I'm gonna have hallelujah music cause you're the first team Mystic guest I've had on this show so far. So five I'm five or six episodes in I'm finally, yes! Finally somebody who's team mystic!

Luis: Well, blue has always been my favorite color and then everybody was speaking like Valor and all those things, it's like, "no, you gotta be Mystic and all those things," you know, the whole battle between mystic and Valor was always a big thing and of course Instinct is just like the child that never wants to be part of it. It just makes sense for me blue being my favorite color, I don't think I'm ever gonna change it unless somebody pays me like a hundred thousand dollars or something.

David: You heard it here first folks. Pay Luis $100,000 and he will happily change your team. 

Luis: It only takes me $10, but okay. 

David: Okay. Hey you making, what is it? 999 something? No, I don't know. I can't math right now. You make a lot more money if you do it, 

Luis: That's for sure. 

David: Have you had a chance to like attend any events at all? 

Luis: I wanna say that the first three to four years of the game, I've only like the local kind of thing, [00:15:00] I never really tried about going to these specific events like GoFest and things like that. Mostly because at first I was never wanting to, I guess, is the right word for it. I did start seeing a lot of the YouTubers that said, Hey, "we're gonna be here and there" but those were like set in stone whenever they went to the GoFest. After that, you know, every time a year comes around, I'm like, " man, when am I ever gonna go to this type of event?" And it just exploded to the point where I need to go to this types of event. 2019 was the very first year that I went to a GoFest. That was like one of those huge things, of course, you know, all the Safari Zones are out of the country, so you can't really do much of those unless they're starting in the United States or something. So 2019 was the very first one. I met so many amazing people, I met so many of the creators, it was just amazing and I wanted to do it every single time since then. 

David: Do you have any like interesting stories or what was the experience like just being in that city?

Luis: This was the very first time that I actually do a trip by myself. 2019 was the very first time where I chose to be like, "okay, let me get a hotel, let me get a ticket, let me go to GoFest and then see how it goes." Luckily enough, I [00:16:00] actually was able to make the trip early and that Thursday I came in early on my flight, it was like one o'clock, two o'clock in Chicago at the time. And then they had all the meetups from all the YouTubers, Mystic7, Reversal, ZoeTwoDots, every single one of them were meeting up at the park specifically and I was like, I gotta go see this! You know, the mob of people that was there, but you still got to meet all those amazing creators. Reversal even recognized me from the times that I interacted him during streams and YouTubes and all his stuff. 

David: Wow. Oh really? 

Luis: Yeah that's why I love the guy, with all the controversy that he has, I know that he loves the game just as much everybody else. And then little by little, I started making more friends, you know, the Lured Up Podcast, Ken. They had a meet up or something and I met them there and we went to like the PVP tournament with ZyoniK and Kieng. It was just, uh, a full on experience like I was just everywhere and I didn't even play until Sunday and it was just like me going around meeting so many different type of people, it was just amazing at that point. 

David: It sounds like you really tried to live it up while you were there. 

Luis: [00:17:00] Definitely! That was also my birthday weekend. I think the best experience on my birthday was of course, I was in a museum in Chicago where it was like right next to the park. I was like, let me go to this and let's just enjoy, you know, the scenery and everything. I never go into some, one of those things. And then all of a sudden, I'm walking around the museum. I'm almost done, actually. I'm looking at some, portraits or pictures and all that stuff. And then all of a sudden, I, I see, do you know the guy, who plays Happy in, Ironman and Spiderman? 

David: Yeah, yeah, yeah, 

Luis: Yeah, so that guy literally walks in front of me with his bodyguard and I'm just like done looking around it's like, is there cameras anywhere or something like, what the heck is going on here? And , I'm just like, you know, excited and confused and everything that, happened here. At one point I was like, just gonna let him go, but then I was like, you know what? I gotta take a picture. So even though I never wanted to like, bother him, I did ask him for a picture, I have the picture with me and I send it to my friend specifically one that loves Marvel and he's like, no, that's Photoshop! Dude, I just met the guy! It's just one of those experiences that unless you're [00:18:00] out there, you never know what you're gonna see or meet, you know? 

David: Let's transition to 2022, how is Seattle different compared to Chicago? 

Luis: Definitely a bigger city. I stayed up with the Lured Up podcast, Round Table Chat(ot), the Wayfarer Podcast, all of us were just in the Airbnb. And since the day that we got there, it was just fun, lovable, like moments that you just cannot forget. And of course, you know, going to the city early, getting some things done, seeing the city itself. The one thing that killed me though, was those Hills though. 

David: Oh my gosh! Everybody's talked about those Hills, even my guests who haven't they're gonna be released later on, but yeah, everybody's talked about those Hills. Like those Hills are murder for, 

Luis: Oh god! I don't know what was the Niantic thinking when they released the campfire app and thinking that the Hills were just going to be like a minor step back? Nah, man, I was just dying after that weekend. 

David: They ain't no minor about those Hills that's for sure. 

Luis: Oh yeah, that's for sure. But in the end of the day, the city, was actually nice. I went to the Pub Grub with [00:19:00] Lured Up Podcast. Instead of like meeting so many creators, which I already met in 2019 and bothered them with, you know, questions and things like that. I just wanted to have fun with the people that was there and everybody was just super, super nice, so I was just glad that I was there and talking to them and doing all those things. 

David: I think it kind of goes shows to how much you've changed in those three years. What you told me in 2019, you went by yourself, you didn't have really anybody who went with you and you got to really live up the experience . Of course you met all the creators and everybody and then you come back three years later and you're part of that kind of creator series because you know, you, we're gonna talk about it later, you do have your podcast and everything. You're with Lured Up, you're with everybody else and your focus was instead on trying to make sure your friend had an experience more so than you being by yourself, which I think shows immense growth over the three years. 

Luis: I definitely want to have as many people that experienced this. Definitely, if Chris would've been there, we would've done a lot more different things, but just being able to go out there and be like, " let me just have fun" you know, "let me have fun" Let me make sure my friend has fun. Let's go out to the places and just, [00:20:00] enjoy the city, enjoy the game, enjoy whatever we do. And hopefully, that's what, the next few years is gonna be from here on out. 

David: You've talked a lot about, you know, meeting the content creators, and you've talked about trying to make your own content, we've talked about it on the side. You know, what is it about, you know, meeting the content creators that was so important for you? 

Luis: I kept watching them through hoops and hoops through the beginning of 2016, or at least when content creation of Pokemon GO was out there. Funny enough, I actually know Mystic7, not personally, but I know his content from the Clash of Clans series back in the day. And when he started Pokemon GO, it was just a interesting transition because we both love this game. And then of course he doesn't know anything about it. literally doesn't know anything about Pokemon.

David: I was so surprised to hear about that. Like the guy's old enough to where, like, I'm sure you gotta know what Pokemon, but then when he told me, like, I don't know anything about Pokemon. I'm like, what the f-?

Luis: Right. I was, also surprised, but you know, that transition was actually kind of fun, so I always wanted to meet Mystic7. He's young as it is, but hell I mean, he does what he does and you know how he is these days. But then after that, you know, meeting you know, [00:21:00] Nick and Reversal and everybody who was just a big thing back then, it was just amazing. Even though they have their own agendas and you can't really talk to them that much or be like, "Hey, you know, you wanna be friends with things and like that," I prefer to just see them as it is. They're nice people. They're the ones that technically kept the game alive, even through the first six months of Pokemon GO and that was hell for sure. 

David: That was sluggish like people like complain about how much events we have now like if you didn't play back then, there was literally nothing for like, I think until Christmas, for the first four to five months. That's why a lot of people left. 

Luis: I'm always grateful with about the creators that they kept it alive. That's why I wanted to meet them, I wanna see what they really do at the time. With that being said, of course I met them and I was like, " cool. If I ever get the chance to actually talk to them more about that, that's cool too. But if not, let me just do my own thing from here on out."

David: How did you and Chris first meet each other? 

Luis: Chris and I met through The Silph Arena back when PVP was enabled in Pokemon GO. My community was small, but [00:22:00] still wanted to be very involved in the PVP side, so we started actually getting all the Silph arena tournaments up and running, I actually play every single Silph Arena tournament in the first season and even went to the regionals because I was invited, of course. I met Chris through that after a few months, and we're just always talking because he always wanted to be also be part of the PVP side of things. A little later we became good friends and after a while I was like, " Hey, let's go ahead and do a podcast together. And it was just, off to the races, after that. 

David: How did that start?

Luis: So I definitely started the idea and the reason why I really wanted to do a podcast because I always wanted to dip myself into the content creation of Pokemon GO. At first I tried the regular video, you know, YouTube editing stuff, but of course that requires me actually going out every single day and actually record a video and then edit it on top of that. By the time I actually get a video out, it was just like, all of this is old news. So there's no point of me releasing this because everything just cycles through Pokemon GO so quickly that it's insane. I even try to do it once a week and I just pan [00:23:00] out it couldn't pan out just because I feel like I was so behind. And then in 2019, funny enough, my life changed a little bit. I actually lost the job that I had back in 2019 after five years. I had to do a couple of side jobs here and there just to keep myself above water. At one point, I started listening to some podcasts. I actually heard the Lured Up podcasts with Ken and Adam and I was just listening through every single one of their rants. So I was like little bit little, I kind of realized it's like these guys have just covered the entire week worth of news without even breaking a sweat. Let me try that. Let me try to see, maybe I can get into the podcast services and see how it goes, so at first I was just trying to see what would be better. I mean, I saw a lot of other podcasts, like the GoCast and the regular Pokeball Go Radio. I knew that there were already a field competition, but at the same time, I was like, " I wanna be part of the community. I wanna be part of content creation out there. I definitely needed a host or somebody to talk to because I felt like I couldn't do it by myself. Felt like if I tried to talk for an hour about the news and things, I felt like I didn't have [00:24:00] enough coverage at that point. So I needed a co-host. It was actually going to be three co-host, but my other friend unfortunately works weird hours, so he can't really do it. Chris and I was just like, let's just get it outta the way. It was a idea we had at the end of or 2019 and then we were just in February of 2020, we were just like, let's just do it. Let's just record our first podcasts and then let's go it out there. Because I was already a streamer like I knew how to stream, I knew how to Shiny hunt, and all those things through the main series game. Instead of actually like recording it and then putting out there, I said, let's stream it. If people come in and talk about the game, cool, if not, then we can just continue on doing what we're doing. And I felt like it was kind of new because I didn't think I saw any podcasts out there that actually were doing live streaming through the news. So I wanted to like stream it, edit it down to the audio format, put it in podcasting, and then off to the races and then we hit 2020 of course. 

David: Right. How'd the name Purified Podcast come out? 

Luis: At the time, I believe [00:25:00] that the Rockets were actually a huge thing. I think it either just came out or it was something that a lot of people were really interested at. Purify comes from the Shadow Pokemons, so we're like purify. So I was like, okay, purify podcasts, dark and light. We know that, purify comes from shadow, so. I guess that's how the name came about. And then I just design the logos and make it look like two thunderbolts with the two different colors of the purify and of course the Shadow Pokemons at that point.

David: Did y'all have like any different names y'all were considering by chance? 

Luis: Not that I know of. I believe that we were dead set on purify after I mentioned it and Pokemon GO, or at least rocket things in Pokemon GO were really strong back then and then hopefully I would have more people coming in from that, so I guess that's how it came up to be. 

David: We know your podcast started in, February, 2020, like, do you remember how your first episode went? 

Luis: I still remember a little bit, every now and then I go back and just cringe on that voices and how the mics were and everything. 

David: It's horrible. Yeah. 

Luis: It's horrible. 

David: So were y'all just nervous or just unsure of how to do things? , 

Luis: I kind of follow the Lured Up podcast a [00:26:00] little bit of the way that they do. They introduce themselves and then off to the races was the best thing when it comes down to it. And then I just pick small things from here and there when it comes down to it and then just made it my own. After that, it's just like introduce yourself, get what we got the last week, the news and updates, some PVP stuff here and there, and then hopefully, you know, not get screwed over by the internet. 

David: Has it happened before? 

Luis: Yes, definitely, a lot of times and since we're a live podcast, you can't really just pass things and I'm just like, "well, this is how we're supposed to do things." Hopefully everybody can listen to it the next time, so 

David: One of the most interesting parts about your podcast is the ability for y'all to go live on Twitch. And so you said it started from right from the beginning y'all been doing it live on Twitch? 

Luis: Before I became affiliated on Twitch, I actually did like multi streaming between YouTube and Twitch, mostly because I wanted to get more people involved and things like that. But then I moved everything to Twitch after a certain point. I just really like the format of making sure that it's raw footage. You know, if we messed up, we messed up, that's part of the game, part of content creation [00:27:00] sometimes. So... 

David: For y'all using Twitch, was it just insistent from the GetGo like y'all just wanted to make sure y'all went live on Twitch to add a different experience. 

Luis: Yes! You gotta be very visual when it comes to the game and that's what's something that I felt like is what's missing from a lot of the podcasters. They can talk and show us many things as they can, but they can't really have an image or a face to the actual people talking or the voices that they hear in the podcasting world, so I kept saying it's like, "if we can just go ahead and do that first, I believe that we can put a face with the voice and then the gameplay as it is. Just having my phone fit in with the game in there and then having the Shiny Ditto for no reason when I click on things and then have that experience out their live it's just amazing and hopefully, if people who do listen in the audio format, see that, and they're like, "oh, let me go ahead and see how he got it since they're always live." Hopefully that's the case when it comes down to it. 

David: And of course we get to see like, what were y'all's catches or if something happened on stream like that's something that's very unique in regards to the podcasting especially for Pokemon GO. 

Luis: Our biggest experience was the event where you [00:28:00] can actually get Groudon with Fire Blast. And all of a sudden, we both clicked it. Chris get the shiny and then I get the shiny right after that, too, so it was a double Shiny moment for the both of us. And that was just what made the experience great and you couldn't really recreate that in the audio format, because you don't know if it's shiny or not by yourself, unless you scream real loud on top of your lungs. People saw this, they're able to see this and I'm able to share it because it's still out there for people to see, you know? 

David: And then the best part is it's live, cuz it's something that's not planned. 

Luis: Correct. I mean, you definitely cannot plan having a double shiny, in two different games, for the same research, at the same time. 

David: Now if somebody out there can plan it, reach out to us because that would've made my Deoxys Raid so much more better today.

Luis: Oh god, yes, oh my god! 

David: For people who don't know, like you have on your Twitch, something called the Otaku Zone. What does that mean to be an Otaku or like, how did that start? 

Luis: The word Otaku of course comes from the Japanese wording of how they call people Weebs in Japan. But I always seen [00:29:00] it as an Otaku somebody who's just passionate about the things that they wanna talk about. You could be an Otaku of, football or just regular gaming or PlayStation or anything like that, but at the same time, it's just like, you know, if you're passionate about it, if you wanna talk about it, you're an Otaku that you actually know the knowledge, you know, the things that you do for that specifically. At first it was more of course the anime and manga side, because I wanted to talk about like the current season of anime or things like that. But then I was able to transition that into Pokemon and Pokemon GOing specifically. So I kept using the username and I still have it on my YouTube right now called the Otaku Zone. The Otaku Zone meaning that everybody can come in and talk about their own things that they love the most, you know, their own games or their own, uh, addiction. I kept that open mind set to be like, "okay, be who you wanna be, talk about what, you like the most, and then just be a interesting Otaku about it. 

David: If a listener wanted to like, have the idea of starting a podcast, you know, what would you tell them? 

Luis: Just do it. All it takes is just whatever you have as a phone and, I take that to heart because the, what I have set up here has been [00:30:00] over the years, I never really had a good mic or anything like that to really, show the audio format or things like that when it comes to podcast or anything. I started just by having a simple microphone in my headset and then just a computer in front of me and then all of a sudden I'm just like talking to a mic or something and then just streaming or anything like that. Just go ahead and go live or go, record it and then just listen it to it back and make sure that it's just so right for people to listen and if you can make it fun, just make it fun, make it yourself, you know. Don't get hangovers just thinking that because you need the best equipment of everything that you are gonna be able to not have a good podcast.

David: What has been your biggest accomplishment when it comes to Pokemon GO?

Luis: My biggest accomplishment, I believe's just that I'm really consistent. Usually, when I play a game, I usually just put it down after the first week or two. With Pokemon GO, it's just something that I can do, even if you're doing the simplest things in life and then just keep going out there and just checking your game over here and there. I feel like they just having the consistency that I'm doing right now is my biggest accomplishment. [00:31:00] No matter how much you see it. 

David: You know what you need to think about doing, you need to think about just doing the Shiny Arceus while you podcast. 

Luis: Oh, God. I mean, I know I can multitask, I don't know if I can multitask that well. 

David: Before we do go, do you have anything you wanna plug? How can people find you? You know have at it! 

Luis: Yes. Yes. So, you can find me almost anywhere as PureLighter. Twitch.tv/PureLighter or even in Twitter, I actually go by PureLighterGO. And then definitely check out the Purified Podcast or even the PurifiedPodcast.com with the Professor Network is technically my sponsor network with Ken and Adam from the LuredUp podcast and I just love being with them, so Purified Podcast or the professornetwork.com/purifiedpodcast, and then just check also my cohost of course, PKMNtriggerplz.

David: Definitely and for anybody who's curious, everything will be found in the description of this episode.

That's all I have for today. Thank you all for joining me for another episode of, As the Pokeball Turns! As a reminder, you can [00:32:00] subscribe to this podcast on apple, Spotify, or your podcast streamer of choice. If you wanna listen to more, please check out my episodes. If you enjoy the show, consider sharing with a friend, a family member anyone, and everyone who plays Pokemon GO. Feel free to also follow me on all my socials by cooking the link in the description of today's show.

As I said earlier in today's episode, links to PureLighter social, and the Purified Podcast will also be available at your convenience in the description of today's episode. And I'll see you next time!