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My name is David Hernandez, and you're listening to As the Pokeball Turns.
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Welcome to As the Pokéball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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Last year, I invited a guest known as PhilofAustin onto the show.
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He was the founder of the Raid Bus, a bus that would transport a group of Pokémon trainers around select cities in the US.
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Due to a combination of COVID and live transitions, He ceased operations for the Raid Bus, leaving it for a new individual to pick it up.
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He even encouraged anyone to contact him if they had any interest in starting a Raid Bus in their city.
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little did anyone know, myself included, that someone would actually answer the call and reach out to PhilofAustin to help restart the Raid Bus.
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What is even more interesting is that it's not just one person, but two.
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Actually, both a son and a mom who decided to restart the bus for the Austin community.
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In this episode, we come full circle, he shares his experience with Pokemon and the reason why he wanted to restart the Raid Bus.
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He also shares the challenges and And his hopes for what the RAID bus can become moving forward.
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Here is the origin story into the world.
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Here's his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is FrostisEpic! today...
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I'm joined by FrostisEpic.
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He's the co founder of the new Raid Bus and is here to share his story on how he rebuilt a former business with him and his mother.
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Frost, welcome to the show.
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Hi, how are you doing?
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I'm well, my friend, and for those who don't know, What is the Raid Bus for those who may not know what it is?
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So, the Pokemon Raid Bus was originally started by someone named PhilofAustin, back in 2016 when Pokemon Go first released.
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it's kind of a bus that just drives around downtown Austin and later expanded further, that would take you on raids all the time, and it was honestly just a really fun experience.
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it's more of a community now than a bus itself.
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When the Raid Bus first came out back in, when raids were introduced.
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What was your first trip?
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Do you remember that?
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Oh, that is a good one.
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I want to say it was Entei, but it could also have been Armored Mewtwo.
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I know that I was really upset.
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I think if it was Entei, I, my child self was really upset because when spoofing was a big thing, I did it for three days and then I got a warning saying, your accounts going to be banned and so I stopped, deleted all my spoofed Pokemon out of fear, and apparently I got shadow banned from any, 3 star raids or higher, where I could never catch a Pokemon.
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And it took me about, I think, around 50 legendary raids before I got my first legendary.
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And I think Entei was one of my first on the bus.
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So you did 50 raids and you can never catch a single one of them?
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Yeah, on the bus I probably did like 2 tickets before I could catch anything.
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And it was really heartbreaking, cause I was like, My mom paid the tickets, we were on the bus making friends, and I think trading was honestly the most I got out of them at that point, but I just could never catch it and I was just so heartbroken.
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And I would be frustrated too, if I did 50 raids and not catching an Entei.
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You must've had a lot of patience.
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Eh, I think my mind's kind of blocking out all the, crying I did, but.
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I'm sure it got better the more I realized it was just not gonna change.
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Befor we dive into Pokemon Go, do you have any experience with Pokemon?
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I got introduced to the franchise probably when I was like four or five.
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My friend was huge into the games, huge into the cards as well.
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He had some of the coolest cards I've ever seen.
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I love the art.
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I think art is one of my biggest passions as of now.
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all the courses I'm taking, like graph design and stuff, I think is really brought on by Pokemon cards, Because if I go through my old books of like drawing sketches, it's just all Pokemon.
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And all trying to replicate these styles of Pokemon cards and then I tried my first Pokemon game.
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this is why I love Lugia so much, my first game was actually Soul Silver and that was the first Pokemon into games I've ever seen.
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So I think that was really fun experience.
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You mentioned earlier how you were connected to the art and that's what inspired you to what you're doing now or trying to do.
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Do you remember any cards that stick out that were like your favorites, like you really appreciated the art from them?
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my friend had some fake cards, because, as you know, a lot of kids can't tell the difference.
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But it was the Mega Metagross, the Japanese one, the shiny Mega Metagross and I was like, that was the one that I really wanted, And before that, I think he had some of those dark cards, like Dark Magikarp and Dark Gyarados from Team Rocket, and I was like, I just fell in love with those art styles, like the dark versions, those before shadows were a thing, way before Pokemon Go, like we're talking 2012 ish, 2010, of just cards, and I think those were some of my favorites.
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When you were trying to learn how to draw, did you have like a favorite Pokemon you really wanted to learn how to draw or you practiced over and over?
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it'd have to be Lugia, I'm not the number one Lugia fan, but I like to say myself as I am.
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I think my profile on chess.
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com is a Lugia.
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a lot of my old website designs were based off Lugia.
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A lot of my art is based off Lugia.
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Some of my favorite palettes are from Lugia.
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I think the item itself, in Pokemon Go, the Lugia master you got from Johto Tour The minute I put it on, I have not taken it off since.
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I just fell in love with Lugia, and I'm still not able to draw it after all these years, I can draw almost any Pokemon, but Lugia, something with those little, eyes, always gets me.
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I never feel like I did good enough.
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One part of Lugia that I appreciate, I'm not too sure if you know, I'm pretty sure you probably do know about it, is the Shadow Lugia from XD: Gale of Darkness.
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Yes, I have a physical copy, I made two of them, of a note I sent Niantic back in, 2017, 2016, when Buddy System first got introduced, I was writing down, I was like, it would be really cool If you could, like, give your buddy something and it could walk around on the map with you.
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I understand it could be a lot of coding and some animations, but I feel like it would be an amazing thing for you to add.
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And, of course, that later came true.
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I like to credit myself for that, but I know I didn't.
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I know they never opened those things, but I think Shadow Lugia was one of the requests.
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I said, if you ever add this, please add a Shadow Lugia from XD.
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Please do it, Niantic, because I'm actually a big fan of that Lugia as well.
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I would raid so hard for it if it ever came to raids.
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I had not stopped until I did a Hundo.
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I think.
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For Lugia?
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Yeah, my funny story about Hundo's Lugia is my first ever one, I was in my school's Pokemon Go club.
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Of course, I'm not the leader of it.
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I waited for someone else to start it, but, I was in there and I was like, we were all doing raids cause there's like a bunch of gyms around my school.
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And so there was a bunch of Lugia raids and so I was of course in class on my phone, sticking in, doing some, and then at Pokemon Go club during lunch, I did my first raid of that day.
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I didn't even know it at the time.
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I was just catching the Lugia, my friend looks over at my phone, and he's like That's a hundo, and I'm like, No, hundo's this, and I was thinking of the weather boosted, but it wasn't, and he's like, No, that's hundo, that's hundo, and everyone starts freaking out, and I'm like, I think it took me until the second ball to catch it, and my heart was racing.
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that was probably my biggest thing, one of my favorite accomplishments was the Hundo Lugia in my collection.
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So unfortunately for me, I actually encountered a Hundo Lugia as well.
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However, mine did not stay in the ball.
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I was with my friend, his name was Deverock, and I remember, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is the Hundo CP.
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I think I had maybe 13, 14 premier balls, and I threw every single one.
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Now granted, they weren't excellent, they were mostly great throws, because trying to get an excellent on Lugia is difficult with how much it, attacks.
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I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm not going to catch it and of course I didn't.
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it haunted me.
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Like I was like done.
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Like I couldn't go to sleep after that, that's how bad it was.
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I really wanted the Hundo Lugia.
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Yeah, I remember I've lost, I want to say around seven hundo legendaries in my raiding career.
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I know the latest one was Genesect.
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I lost that one.
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I was super bummed.
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I was on raid night with some of the people from the raid bus originally.
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So did you stick with Pokemon after SoulSilver?
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Did you stick with it throughout till present day?
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I went to a lot of summer camps growing up, and if you've ever been to one, you would know, with Pokemon cards, they were the thing.
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You would just have Pokemon cards and you'd trade them.
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It was like, hierarchy, the coolest kids would have the best cards and I remember one camp, I left them at home, and my mom mailed them to me.
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they ended up not giving them to me because they thought it was a suspicious package.
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So they wouldn't give it to me until my mom came to pick me up like a week later and I was so sad, like every day I was like, I swear they're coming, my mom said she, mailed them to me.
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I swear they're coming and they just never did until found out they didn't give them to me.
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So they would just confiscate it.
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And they did they even open the envelope or they just
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they didn't open the box.
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There was like a specific height the box could be apparently.
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And it was like two centimeters over or something, so they didn't trust it.
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00:10:06.282 --> 00:10:06.912
That's unfortunate.
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At least you got the cards back though.
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'cause usually when I grew up, when they took the cards, we never got'em back.
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Yeah, I know, like, I was so worried.
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if I'm not mistaken, it could be a Thundurus, but I think I have one of my prized possessions.
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It's a Team Plasma Lugia.
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And I have kept that thing forever.
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It was like one of my first pulls.
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I was freaking out with my friends.
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We went to Target, got like a three pack.
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I was super in love with it because of the art.
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It was a full art.
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I didn't know those existed at the time and then the Team Plasma logo on it was like, amazing.
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and that's why Team Plasma is my favorite team.
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And they should add that to Pokemon Go, but yeah.
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I actually have the first Lugia card released or the first, version.
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And the reason why I have, it's,'cause I always was fascinated by that one, having each elemental, like the fire, water, and electric.
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And I just thought that was so cool to add to the card that like, I need that card and I keep it in a, box cover just'cause it just has so much memories of just constantly, always looking at it growing up.
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I did not know that existed.
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I haven't looked at Pokemon cards in a hot minute.
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although, my last birthday, I was doing some of those Pokemon Go packs for those codes and I think I pulled, 12 Full Art Melmetals out of like, the 20 packs it came with, and I got so annoyed.
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So they don't need more of them.
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And my friends were freaking out just apparently that was like really good.
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And then I was going through all the codes, redeeming them.
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Cause if you didn't know this, the Pokemon Go, Pokemon cards come with codes you can claim that can give you an exclusive shirt and hat item and I was after that as I collect all rare things in Pokemon Go, like anything that's limited or exclusive, I try and get it.
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Of course, that doesn't count for GBL because I cannot battle in Pokemon Go.
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I just don't have the reaction time and don't want to spend eight years in the Stardust.
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But, uh, I got it on my birthday, my very last code.
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my mom and I were talking cause it was just me and her for a little bit, dad went to bed and we were like.
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Like, it would be so funny if this was the shirt, and little did I know I got the shirt, and we were like freaking out, it was so happy.
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So Pokemon Go comes out in 2016.
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When did you first start playing?
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When the game first came out, my friend, same friend who introduced me to Pokemon, he was like, Get this game, it's the thing and me just following whatever he says.
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I was like, Oh, all right.
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I'll try it.
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It's Pokemon.
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My mom's reading all these articles of people getting trampled and like stampedes happening and she's like, no, no, you can't get this.
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You can't get this game.
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It's too dangerous.
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You'll die.
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Can't do any of this.
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I was so upset.
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So I waited like two weeks and then my mom finally agrees to let me get it after I'm sure was like seven hours of nagging a day.
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I really wanted that game.
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I finally did it.
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I remember being confused about, how to throw a Pokeball.
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I didn't know you had to click on the Pokemon.
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I went to my bag and I, kept clicking the Pokeballs that can't be used here.
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And I'm like, there's a Pokemon right here! What are you talking about?
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But I've been playing ever since then, and then...
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Later, I go on a trip to Florida and we were playing Pokemon.
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my mom got really hooked on it, and she didn't have her own account.
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She was playing on mine.
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So anytime I tried to play, she would just be on my account.
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I wouldn't do anything.
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So I told her, make her own account.
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She started like four months after me.
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She is now four levels higher than me.
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your mom got addicted real quick after she played on your account a bit.
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Yeah, the ironic thing is she wouldn't let me get that game.
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She was afraid it was too dangerous.
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And now I have to remind her not to play while driving.
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She'll be like, but there's a Pikachu, I need it! And I'm like, no you do not.
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And she's like obsessed with like those, she calls them babies, CP10
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Oh, level ones.
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Yeah, she'll, she'll find them and she will swerve off the road trying to get a cp 10 And I'm like, it's not worth it.
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I'll catch it for you.
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I'm afraid of what she does when I'm not in the car with her because that is It was really funny though.
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She was afraid of me getting hurt playing the game and now she's gonna Be crazy about the game
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How does it feel to have your mom playing Pokemon with you?
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Does it feel kind of weird or does it feel something like y'all can kind of bond over together?
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I think, the first few weeks she started playing, I was just happy.
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I was happy she was playing.
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I can finally play on my own account.
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Then we started going to the Austin capital for comm days.
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Then I felt a little bit more weeded out.
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I'm like, eh, that like my independence phase where I was like, oh, I want to be by myself or with my friends.
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But, it felt weird, and then I got really comfortable with it, and then, like, mother son bonding is very difficult, because usually you don't share too many interests, but, found Pokemon, and it was just really fun.
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She'd drive me out places to go, she'd drive my dad crazy telling her, like, pull over here, there's a Pokemon we want, and it was just really fun.
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So you and your mom would go to play Pokemon go together.
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I guess, as soon as she's driving.
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So y'all would also do that for community days and stuff like that.
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Yeah, we would, we'd drive community days.
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we found a nest.
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there used to be an app that would show you nearby nests.
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And we were just playing it all the time, just running around, having the time of our lives.
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Being like, there's a Charmander! There's a Charmander! And there's like 50 of them.
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And back then, Charmanders were really rare.
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Getting like candies for them or evolving to a Charizard was like the thing.
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You could not like not have a Charizard and be a good player.
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So what's your way to play Pokemon go?
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Like, do you collect, are you a shiny hunter?
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I do a little bit of both.
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I collect anything that's limited, like items.
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I think currently my outfit is the black, In person, exclusive, New York, Osaka, shirt, in game, with just the pants I always wear.
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I always wear the same ones, because they resemble the shorts I wear every day.
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I'm more of a collector of like rare items and then shinies.
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I love shiny hunting, I think that's really fun.
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not really big into PvP, as I said, it's very...
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difficult for me to actually play it.
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My friends will go on 30 minute rants about, here's what team to use and why, and all this stuff that just sounds like gibberish to me.
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It's just too difficult.
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And I get super upset at it.
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I'm like, I clicked the move.
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Why isn't it using it?
00:16:17.543 --> 00:16:18.484
I can't, do this.
00:16:18.543 --> 00:16:20.918
I just want my Pikachu Libre to be over with.
00:16:21.520 --> 00:16:22.421
So you said items.
00:16:22.431 --> 00:16:26.000
So you mean like, costumes or do you mean like you actually collect every single item in the game?
00:16:26.010 --> 00:16:27.130
Cause you said rare items.
00:16:27.775 --> 00:16:29.836
I do more of the anything that's limited.
00:16:29.836 --> 00:16:32.456
So a ticketed event that has a pose, it's mine.
00:16:32.816 --> 00:16:38.216
I think that started with the GO rock star pose from the Regigigas research.
00:16:38.528 --> 00:16:40.285
I didn't actually play that day.
00:16:40.355 --> 00:16:46.948
my mom and I completely blanked that we bought like the 30 ticket for it, but I did get the pose and I was rocking it forever.
00:16:46.948 --> 00:16:48.928
And everyone kept asking me, how did you get this?
00:16:48.928 --> 00:16:49.688
How did you get this?
00:16:49.688 --> 00:16:52.828
And I'm like, honestly, I don't know, but I realized no one had it.
00:16:52.828 --> 00:16:54.859
And that started like an addiction in my brain.
00:16:54.859 --> 00:16:56.969
I'm like, I want all these rare items now.
00:16:56.969 --> 00:17:00.219
I want to have something that someone else can't have.
00:17:00.519 --> 00:17:11.721
it was just really fun collecting all these items, to get all these shirts, going to in person events, Getting as you said costume, like Pokemon as well like I think I'm still missing a few.
00:17:11.721 --> 00:17:18.921
I'm missing all the clone Pokemon and a lot of shiny event Pikachus, but I have almost every costume in the game.
00:17:20.123 --> 00:17:23.012
You know, I've been doing this interview stuff for about a year.
00:17:23.308 --> 00:17:25.409
You're the first person I've ever met.
00:17:25.409 --> 00:17:34.449
Who's talked about collecting poses or items like that's just so fascinating to me, I'm, impressed that there's this different way to play that never knew existed until today, so thank you for that.