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My name is David Hernandez, and you're listening to As the Pokeball Turns.
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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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Many of us have destinations we want to visit within our lifetime.
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While many of us only have selections in mind, others have more lofty goals.
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If someone told you that they had the goal to visit every country in the world, what would you think?
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It's been done before.
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There are travel influencers who post about these types of adventures all the time.
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Now what if that person told you they wanted to visit every country in the world and catch a Pokemon from there?
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Now we're talking.
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and my guest for this episode is on a mission to do just that.
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He's living out the lyrics from the original Pokemon theme song, I will travel across the land, searching far and wide.
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And is here to share his Pokemon journey so far and his ambitions for the future.
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From Los Angeles, California, here is his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is El Pochum.
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today I'm joined by a man with the goal to travel to every country in the world, El Pochum.
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thank you for coming onto the show.
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Oh, no.
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Thank you for the invite.
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It's actually an honor to be my second ever podcast, as you know, I love to chit chat.
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I love to conversate just about anything.
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So it's a pleasure to be here.
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Without a doubt because you are a world renowned traveler, and we're going to dive into your travel stories.
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after going to Japan for GO Fest, you mentioned that it became one of your favorite places to visit along with 10 other places, which were Mexico, Peru, Russia, Jordan, Australia, Ukraine, Turkey, Sweden, Spain, and Malaysia.
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Now out of those listed, what would you say would be your top 3 and why?
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Right off the bat, Mexico is number one.
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people tend to go to the typical places, which is like the beaches, like Cancun, Acapulco, and that's great, I mean, there's a great place to go see, but that's not really Mexico.
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That's touristy Mexico.
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That's the parts where, you'll see like everything's expensive.
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You're not going to get the real food, the real people.
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So if you want the real Mexican experience, you got to go travel out there and what makes Mexico so great is that every city is different.
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You go to Morelia, it feels like I'm in Europe in some kind of way.
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You go to Mexico City, that's the must go place to see.
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Then you go to play like Guanajuato and you get to be like this can't be real like all the houses are painted.
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you can go up in the top of the hill and see everything, Nighttime, daytime.
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It's a beautiful thing to see.
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Mexico has so much to offer.
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And not only that, it's very affordable.
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the food, it's number one, it's like, it's amazing.
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So Mexico is definitely on top of my list and I still haven't yet to see everything.
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I think I'm about 25 percent covered on Mexico.
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So we got a long way.
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Number two, gosh, I gotta think about this one.
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I would say two and three with no specific order, I definitely had to give a lot of credit to, Russia.
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Russia was my number one for like a couple of years, but after realizing How much accessible Mexico is, and how affordable it is, it got bumped down to number two.
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Now don't get me wrong, Russia blew my mind.
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It's the one of those countries where I grew up thinking, Oh, Russia is bad.
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US history has taught us that Russia is bad, Cold War, blah blah blah.
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But Russia blew my mind, it's very surprising.
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the food, the architecture, the cathedrals, the women, oh my God.
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it's amazing.
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Like, Russia, every other place I went to, I was like, surprised.
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I'm just in shock.
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And culture shock in a very good way.
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It really did help learning some Russian as well, so that actually, helped me go a long way.
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Also in Russia.
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So russia is definitely number two.
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Number three is definitely going to Jordan.
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Jordan was one of the first Muslim countries that I experienced, some bit of fear because I remember, obviously, we all grew up in the United States.
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9/11, Islamic people, bad people, kaboom, blah blah blah.
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and I remember, I remember, I remember just like arriving at, Ahmad, the capital, of Jordan.
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I get there, I order Uber.
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My hotel was at the Dead Sea, so it was about an hour drive towards the place.
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Really cheap, like 25 dollars ish for the Uber ride and I remember a guy in their Uber ride.
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The guy was like, Habibi, would you like me to take you to see something really amazing, like a secret route?
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I'm like, sure, go for it.
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And of course the American media was like, Aw, damn, I'm gonna get hijacked by the taliban.
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Something bad's gonna happen.
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Something awful.
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I'm gonna get decapitated.
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They're gonna kill my family.
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I'm fucked.
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But then...
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As I get to the scene, cause he wanted to show me something, I saw something I never seen before.
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It's a mountain Full of black snow.
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I'm like, Yeah and they're like, have you been waiting on like, bro, this is amazing.
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I've never seen anything like it.
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It literally looked like a volcano area,
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Ash almost
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Ash Yeah, exactly.
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But he was like, no, Habibi, that's like, like black snow.
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And I'm like, wow.
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And if you look on the other side, I saw a dead sea And I'm like, wow What a beautiful sight And after that All my nerves were gone About Islam Muslim people And I'm like wow, this is cool.
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And after that, I started like this little like spiritual journey of Like connecting with Muslim and Islam And I was just talking to just about every Muslim person there.
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Everyone was so nice to me.
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They were being super helpful, super friendly.
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I went to Jordan, everybody there was so kind and nice.
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The food, Oh God, the best in the world.
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Like, Middle Eastern food is just on top of my list.
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So Jordan and Russia, they're up there, man.
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they're just places that will blow your mind.
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Now, you know, you talk about how, back in 9 11, there was a lot of prejudice towards Muslims because of, the media and what they were pushing in regards to all Muslims are gonna do this kind of thing.
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That was just the propaganda that was spewed out.
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From your experience, because you travel to Russia, and Russia, of course, is in the news recently, and then, Jordan, there's still some people who are hesitant about, the Muslim culture, how has traveling to these places changed your perspective about those countries, both before and after, if that makes sense?
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Oh my god, well first of all, I've never had any prejudice towards any group of people, any country.
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I love to learn about these countries and I love to learn about these people because in the end, I learned to realize that everybody's good.
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You know, majority of the world has a good kind heart, like, I know, like, there's always a bad rep for every race, but there's always going to be a bad apple from every bunch.
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but from all my travels, like everybody's just So kind of me, everybody's so generous and I've realized that so many good kind people out there in the world man.
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Now, one thing that's interesting is that you started your Pokemon Go journey actually not even where you're from.
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You started it actually in New York City, so you were already traveling at the time Pokemon Go started.
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So what was that like for you to start Pokemon Go where you were?
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Gosh, I remember that trip.
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I was traveling to the east coast of the United States for the very first time in my entire life.
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I was in New Jersey in my hotel right across from like Manhattan.
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I saw all of Manhattan, the skyline, all the towers.
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And I remember he's going on Facebook and I saw, Hey, Pokemon goes coming out, Why don't you give it a go.
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And I'm like.
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All right, cool.
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Let's go ahead and download it.
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Let's see what it's all about.
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And I remember being my hotel room and I'm like pulling out my phone.
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I'm like, Whoa, Squirtle is there.
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And I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
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It is really true.
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And I'm like, being a little kid again.
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And like this nostalgic feeling of Pokemon just came back into my life.
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I'd be honest, like, I'm pretty old.
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I'm 40 So, technically, I'm an old timer.
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And I grew up to blue and red ONLY.
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Afterwards, like I did not like the whole, new typings, the new Pokemon, the nature, And then, all that stuff was just getting too complicated.
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So I pretty much quit the game for a good, like 15, 20 years.
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So this was kind of like a nice little thing To get back into.
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So, I downloaded the game.
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I was all over New York, playing the game.
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I had to literally stop by a Starbucks like every two hours to charge my phone because I was running.
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I didn't have an extra battery pack like we do now.
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So it was, it was a little tough back then.
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So I was just on it like 24 hours.
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And I remember like the next I was going to Baltimore.
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for BronyCon, believe it or not, I'm actually a Brony and yeah, I remember going to BronyCon, had a good time.
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I went back to the hotel and I had the itch, I'm like nope, I gotta go out there Pokestops, take down the gyms.
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my god Pokemon go I've played it since day two not day one I wish I did play this in day one, but day two New York City Going into BronyCon that was just an epic experience my friend and that's what started my journey with Pokemon go.
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you made it sound like you weren't really initially going to download the game.
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When Pokemon Go was announced, were you just not interested?
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Like you were just not going to touch it at all?
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Well, I never heard about it.
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I remember just like being in New York city, going to my Facebook and I was just seeing these ads for Pokemon.
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And at that point, like I said, I was like, okay, maybe I'll give it a little download, but it turned out much better than I thought.
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It was just a great, fun game.
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This Pokestops catching Pokemon out there in real life.
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It was cool.
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And how have you adjusted to like all the new changes?
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Like the new typing?
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Have you kind of grown accustomed to like...
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I'm okay with the new type, like the steel, the dark and the fairy and stuff like that, or you still kind of struggled to where you just don't care for a lot of the Pokemon compared to the originals.
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Well, I remember like when the next generation Pokemon were announced, like Larvitar and I think Cyndaquil.
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I don't really know, like I said, what region they are, but when they got announced, I had one of my best friends who's also a player and he kept Giving me a lot of, advice like, okay, this is Typhlosion, he's a fire type, but he's glassy.
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Oh, this is Tyranitar, he is very weak to fighting type.
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Oh, this is, Marill, he's a water type, fairy type.
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So I was kind of forced to learn all these new typings and all these new Pokemon because obviously if I want to be the best in the game, I have to learn all the typings.
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I got to learn every Pokemon, all their movesets and what not?
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You have a desire for traveling clearly, and we're going to talk more about into it was that already instilled when Pokemon go downloaded or was Pokemon go kind of the catalyst that led you to even want to travel more?
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at that point, when Pokemon Go came out, I have only been outside the country to only Mexico, Dubai, and London.
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So I was still fairly new to the travel game.
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I had to travel bug.
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I had the thought of like visiting multiple countries.
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I would follow a bunch of like travel influencers and I did get an inspiration to like start a travel channel.
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However, that backfired.
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That was just so God awful.
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I would, because I was like posting, Oh, here's some travel advice.
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Well, guess what?
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It's like a hundred other Instagrammers doing the same thing.
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Oh, here's travel food advice.
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Guess what?
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There's a hundred other Instagrammers do the same thing.
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And so I started to think, what's going to make me stand out?
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Like what's going to be different than the rest.
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So it didn't really kicked in until maybe I was like in Peru, which was probably country number like 15.
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I remember being in Machu Picchu and using the AR feature.
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I was like, Holy crap, that's a Heracross right here in Machu Picchu.
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Let's take a picture with it.
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And I remember I told the person, can you take a picture of me?
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But then when I saw the pictures, the person took a God awful picture of me.
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So I told my uncle, yo uncle, do me a favor.
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And that's when I used the screen recording feature on the iPhone, which was brand new at the time and I screen recorded, my uncle was moving, shaking the camera, but still I captured that video moment of me capturing my very first Heracross in Machu Picchu in South America.
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that kind of inspired me to think, wait a second, how many people are catching Pokemon around the world?
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And I'm like, I know there's all these like top YouTubers, like Mystic7 and a Trainer Tips, they're traveling the world getting paid pretty well, but I thought about this.
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I'm pretty sure they will cover a lot of countries, but let's be honest.
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I can't imagine them going to like Afghanistan or to Zimbabwe or to Chad or Yemen.
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Do you, do you even know about Yemen?
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That's one of the places I don't think we can go to as a US, right?
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we can, but it's very dangerous place to go to because of the Taliban.
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But you know what?
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I'm one of those people that actually, if I build on my Arabic knowledge, which is pretty well, I could probably hold off a conversation with the Taliban.
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I've heard a lot of stories where people have met the Taliban and they're just people just like us, man.
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And if I could dare cover that, capturing Pokemon with a Taliban, how sick would that be?
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That'd be some good YouTube content.
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I can't lie on that one.
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So, like I said, ideas of like traveling the world, capturing a Pokemon in every country, it's definitely inspired me to like, be the first one to go to every single country in the world, because yeah, there's a lot of travel influences who have been to every country in the world, but they had a specific goal, you know, and good for them.
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They accomplished it.
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But I'm doing something here that nobody in the world is trying to do.
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And that's to go to every single country, capture one Pokemon and bring it back to the States.
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Now, if possible, I'm going to try to capture at least one Pikachu in every country.
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I think that's probably what it's going to stand out.
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Obviously, if I can catch something that's like a good IV one or whatnot, I'll bring it back to me for tournaments and whatnot.
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I'll keep something that's like a regional Pokemon, for example, like a Tropius from, I don't know, Egypt or I'll keep the Torkoal from Malaysia or I'll keep a Kangaskhan, you know, But if something like a good IV one pops out or a hundo pops out, definitely keeping those.
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I'll never forget the day I caught a hundo Buzzwole in Poland, Warsaw, Poland, or a hundo, a Kyruem I caught in Guadalajara, Mexico.
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So those, yeah, those do stand out, man.
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Are there any regionals that you're missing or do you have all the regionals currently?
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I do have all the regionals.
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I would say the only ones I am missing, like legit regionals are the one from Egypt, the seagull glyph, uh, one, I forget what it's called.
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You didn't get it from GoFest?
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I did get it, but it's not the same, you know,
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Oh, so you want a Sigilyph from, uh, I believe it's Greece, right?
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I think that's where it's located?
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Greece, Egypt, like the
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yeah, that area.
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Yeah, that
00:14:01.192 --> 00:14:01.773
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So I wanted to capture like that, like an actual legit Pokemon from that region because I caught Pachirisu at GoFest, but it's not the same, you know, like I want to get a Pachirisu from like the north part of the world where it's available.
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Do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?
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Oh, how do I not have my favorite Pokemon?
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Cyduck is my boy.
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Oh my God.
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Here's a quick little interesting fact, because I am trying to study all the Pokemon in every single language.
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Do you know Psyduck's name in other languages?
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00:14:33.840 --> 00:14:38.200
I don't hardly know any other Pokemon besides maybe a few Japanese ones, but not Psyduck.
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IT's Kodak.
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Oh, it's like his evolution.
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Golduck, Kodak.
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Kind of, kind of, kind of, kind of.
00:14:44.129 --> 00:14:48.120
But, uh, Psyduck is Kodak in Japanese, in French is
00:14:50.575 --> 00:14:51.134
Seagull Quark?
00:14:51.144 --> 00:14:51.514
00:14:51.700 --> 00:14:53.500
Squa psychic and Duck.
00:14:53.504 --> 00:14:57.460
You know, and I remember I was having this conversation with the, with the French guys at EUIC.
00:14:57.789 --> 00:14:59.559
I was like, why SQL Quad?
00:14:59.679 --> 00:15:02.769
Oh, because the duck goes, it's a psychic.
00:15:02.769 --> 00:15:03.460
So see.
00:15:03.825 --> 00:15:06.544
And the duck makes a sound quack, quack, quack.
00:15:06.845 --> 00:15:08.475
And I'm like, no, they may quack.
00:15:08.695 --> 00:15:09.205
No, no, no.
00:15:09.205 --> 00:15:10.565
My friend is quack.
00:15:10.995 --> 00:15:12.125
I say quack, quack.
00:15:12.144 --> 00:15:13.125
We're at this debate.
00:15:13.125 --> 00:15:17.105
We're like, it's the overnight about duck sounds now.