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My name is David Hernandez, and you're listening to As the Pokeball Turns.
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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game.
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Our journey takes us to Guelph, a city in southwestern Ontario, Canada, also known as the Royal City.
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Here we meet a Pokemon trainer who overnight went from being an able bodied individual to transitioning into a new chapter from a wheelchair.
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Despite the sudden shift, he was able to find community and a way to embrace his new life thanks to Pokemon Go.
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He shares insight into the unique daily challenges he faces when it comes to both daily living and accessibility with playing this game.
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Accessibility is a hot topic when it comes to not only Pokemon Go, but gaming as a whole.
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Without knowing someone personally, or hearing from reputable people first hand, it's easy to ignore or dismiss outcries of accessibility discrimination.
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The conversation changes from someone like me who can only really theorize or imagine life with a disability to someone who lives it daily, someone who can share from personal experience what challenges they do face and really bring merit into the discussion with accessibility and Pokemon Go.
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My guest is the self proclaimed prophecy foretold of a nerd who would rise up from the internet and usher in a new era of glory and stupidity.
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He is the co host of This Week in Geek.
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Here is his origin story into the world of Pokemon Go.
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This is Birdman Dodd.
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today, I'm joined by the cohost of This Week in Geek, Mike.
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Mike, welcome to the show.
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Hey, Dave.
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It is fantastic, to, be here on your podcast.
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I'm very glad we had a chance to connect on Twitter because I'm not calling it x, but I'm, uh, very glad that we just randomly found, each other.
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I've had a chance to listen to a couple of your episodes and, uh, I gotta say, you have a fantastic podcast, and I'm so glad someone is out there interviewing players.
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I think your hashtag is, like, fifty two weeks, fifty two guests or something like
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It is.
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It's the highlight fifty two people within this past year, and they all come from different walks of life.
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That's why I like to do my podcast.
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That is fantastic, and that is such a great hook.
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So thank you for allowing me to be part of that hashtag.
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And I appreciate you just being able to agree to come on the show because you're gonna share a unique perspective in regards to, you know, how Pokemon GO affects you, and I look forward to diving into that.
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But as I said earlier, you're actually a podcast host for a different kind of podcast, to where y'all cover stuff that's geek.
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Pokemon's kinda geeky in a way.
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my podcast originally started back in two thousand and Seven as part of a college project way back when when podcasting was still very much in its infancy, sort of like that Leo Laporte this week in text, Amber Mack sort of thing.
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So my original cohost at the time And I just got together.
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We started doing this podcast for my local college.
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It Started as a radio program, we asked if we could podcast it, and they let us, and we just kept going.
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So I've been continuously podcasting since Two thousand and seven.
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As far as I understand, I'm the longest running Canadian podcast.
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Thousands of hours of audio.
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It's taken me All across the country, and into the United States.
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I've been on television before.
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I've been a journalist, I've done a lot of interesting things in regards to that.
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I've been on Kevin Smith's comic book men when that show is still on the air.
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It's Taking me some pretty cool places, and all I gotta do is talk about Batman fighting the master chief and why Goku could Beat the crap out of Edward Cullen from the Twilight franchise.
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By the way, real argument I had with someone back in two thousand and nine.
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Oh my god.
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They're like, he's so powerful.
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Like, he could nuke a planet.
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I don't care.
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I love you, but you're clearly dumber than advertised it was a good time.
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It reminds me of the Goku versus Superman arguments because those that's kinda usually the big ones because Superman's kinda from the former kinda superpower kinda guy.
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Goku's kinda more present day.
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People come from both sides.
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Now I'm more on the Superman side, to be honest, but people go on both sides defending each character in those kind of imaginary fights.
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Oh, yeah.
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Like, way back, when the whole death battle debacle started on the old screw attack forms, which is where some people might recognize me from, as well as I'm the screw attack guy.
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I remember many animated conversations on those forums about that.
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And I'm a Goku guy because I love Dragon Ball.
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But, Yeah.
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I've had some pretty interesting who would win in a fight debates, but I think the most interesting was probably Batman versus the master chief and Edward Cullen versus Goku, which led to hours long conversations and, Clearly, having a life is not a high priority for me.
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It's a It's a nerdy life.
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It's like when we go to, like, who's gonna win a Pokemon battle or who's gonna win between two different Pokemon?
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Like, that's the fun part with that we live and love to talk about.
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Oh, yeah.
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Like, I fully embrace being a nerd and a dork have somehow turned it into a semi living.
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Like, even now, it's led to a career in the role playing game industry.
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It's so wild like when I think back to my adoptive parents telling me you need to get a real job.
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And they automatically assumed because I went to college, I would be a CEO of some computer company because they were in their sixties when they adopted me.
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Long story.
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and it was like, guys, the world Doesn't work like that.
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I'm not gonna be handed a multimillion dollar corporation because I took a couple of classes.
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So No.
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And it's so funny because when I recently went to school for radio, I actually went to school for television At first, I used to volunteer at my local television station in Southern Ontario.
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I was, a small town called Owen Sound, I used to do the Ontario, hockey league and I really started to love that.
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but when I went to Niagara college where I discovered radio, and I just discovered that there is a niche for it, even talk radio, there are nerdy kind of programs like that.
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Like, I remember growing up, I was very much into, Art Bell, who was a radio host, he would do that Coast to Coast AM, and he was like conspiracy radio.
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But his presentation skills were second to none, and it was a big thing for me to wanna continue in the industry, but also people like Howard Stern because I'd love that over top shock jock stuff.
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And when I my second year courses at Niagara, they put us into radio and television, and I have no interest being on TV, though it happens occasionally.
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and I remember my professor at the time saying, no one's gonna wanna see a fat guy with with flaming red hair.
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I had red hair that was like a Blaziken.
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It was that vibrant
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Blaziken before Blaziken existed.
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Oh, yeah.
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I was so hardcore.
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He's like, you can't do that.
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I'm like, motherfucker, watch me.
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And he didn't like that response too much.
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but, yeah, it has turned into such a weird and wacky career Over the years and just understanding that you don't have to be put in this little bubble if you have that creativity and that drive to do something interesting.
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And if you really embrace that nerd life, you can find a way to make it work for you.
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I think that's the best part about just podcast in general.
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I've interviewed a lot of podcast.
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You're not the first one.
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You won't be the lsat.
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And they all come from the same standpoint to where they wanna create something, and they wanna create something around they're passionate about.
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And just to hear how you just so passionate about the nerdy side of just life, and you wanted to be able to share that with the masses.
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It's truly inspirational, especially going on from two thousand seven to present day.
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That's Sixteen years.
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That's almost two decades.
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My podcast is old enough to get a license.
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It's old enough to It's almost old enough buy a lottery ticket, and hopefully, it's kissed a girl by now.
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so So my podcast, it's growing up so fast.
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Oh my gosh.
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Well, my last question regards to the podcast.
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You know, like I said, sixteen years, What about it kept you motivated to keep going just to do podcasting?
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honestly, it's a lot of interesting experiences and guests that I've spoken to.
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I've spoken to a number, number rather of voice actors, People like Sean Schemmel.
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I've talked with people who've worked on major movies.
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.My big reason to stay with podcasting is I'm a very big believer in the news should always be free.
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I don't like the idea of having a Patreon for my podcast.
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Because if I've done it for sixteen years for free, I'm not gonna start charging you tomorrow.
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So my belief is if I can provide you entertainment and information, infotainment, if you will.
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I will always do that because I love to serve an audience that has supported me for this long.
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They followed me across multiple websites, multiple outlets and I occasionally get some really nice emails from people saying you've helped me during a Really difficult time.
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In fact, there was one piece of mail that I got.
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he said, Mike, the fact that you've stayed so enthusiastic about stuff that you love and you've never let it grind you down, That's really encouraging.
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If I can hear you talk about Star Wars for two hours and you never lose your enthusiasm, that's encouraging.
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That gives me hope that I don't have to grow up.
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I don't have to be this miserable person that my parents want me to be.
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I like to think I'm helping in my own way just by being that in what I feel to be a true and authentic representation of myself.
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So just always being enthusiastic and happy about life.
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I think that's the main reason I keep going plus Getting free stuff is kinda cool too.
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This is Mike from This Week in Geek.
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We'll talk more about how you can connect with him later and where to check out his podcast.
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you focus on nerdy stuff.
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Focus on nerdy stuff all the way.
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What do you know about Pokemon?
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What was your first experience with the franchise?
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So this goes all the way back to high school.
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So and we're going nineteen nineties, folks.
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So News flash.
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I'm old as shit.
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so I remember me and my best friend at the time, Ryan, He got me into the anime, and I thought it was really cool because at that time, small town Ontario, anime was not very accessible Unless you had, like, YTV.
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And I grew up in the stick, so I didn't have cable.
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I barely had satellites.
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My parents wouldn't watch anything but CNN and hockey.
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So getting the TV was a bit of a rare thing.
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So we started watching Pokemon together.
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Then he got into the cards, but he got me into the game for the Game Boy.
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So I bought Pokemon red, I think it was.
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We also started we were heavy role players at the time.
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So we would play Shadowrun second edition, Star Wars West End Games, D and D, which would have been a D and D at that time, and vampire the masquerade.
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So my buddy developed a Pokemon role playing game that he did with the original Kanto one fifty one.
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He started out everything, and we used to play Pokemon the RPG.
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It'd just be me and him because we couldn't convince anybody else to kinda play with us, but then we started getting in into the card game.
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But what really kicked us off is I remember I skipped school to be one of the first in line to go see Pokemon the first movie, which was me tell you.
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We're the oldest kids in that auditorium at that time, so we would have been, like, fifteen or sixteen.
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And then the other time, Toys R Us, they had a day where if you could travel to a Toys R Us and you brought your Game Boy with you, You could link cable with one of the reps at the Toys R Us store, and they would give you mew.
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I remember
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So we drove all around Southern Ontario.
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We went from our little town, Owen Sound, and we drove all the way to Niagara Falls.
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Nobody had it, So we had to drive all the way back, and we went, so we stopped in Newmarket, which is about two hours away from where we live.
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So we'd hit probably about ten Toys R Us's that day looking for this Mew.
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Nobody knew what the hell we were talking about.
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I guess we found the one where the one dork just happened to be working.
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And we got our Mew, and we were so happy.
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And I think there was a Pokemon tournament or something because I've got this memory where he walked away with the little Pikachu that was like a Tamagotchi.
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he figured out a way if he attached it to his shoe, it would get volts quicker.
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So he was playing Pokemon Go before it was Pokemon Go, and it was just so ridiculous.
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But, yeah, like, we got Into the cards and the anime super heavy.
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I remember him unironically cosplaying as Ash.
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Like, he had the vest.
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He had the hat and all the And he would go to school like this.
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I'm thinking okay.
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I would like to meet girls at some point, so could you please not?
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Um, but The worst thing he ever did, and this breaks my heart to this very day.
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So he had more money than sense.
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And we were working at a pizza place or he was, and I was just there to kinda help out and get some free pizza.
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one night, we were closing up the shop, and we had his Pokemon cards on a binder on the top of his car.
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So we're going in.
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We're just getting ready to leave.
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We leave an entire master set, not even kidding, of one fifty one on the top of his car,
00:13:49.719 --> 00:13:50.359
my gosh.
00:13:50.389 --> 00:13:51.908
we drove Oh, yeah.
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I'm dead fucking serious because he had a hollow Charizard and all that
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I remember pulling those with him.
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we Yeah.
00:14:01.313 --> 00:14:02.514
So sorry, pal.
00:14:02.514 --> 00:14:08.244
But, yeah, I'm hoping some kid found that and is now living a very comfortable retirement somewhere.
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But, yeah.
00:14:09.359 --> 00:14:14.818
That's how I got into it, and I stayed with the franchise until probably Pokemon yellow.
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When gen two came out, I was so lost.
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I'm like, I don't have the memory to memorize another hundred and fifty creatures.
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it was weird because I stepped away from the franchise for a number of years.
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Even when Nintendo would offer me The game should review.
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I would have other people on my podcast network, like, other cohosts or other producers work on it for me because I'm thinking, I don't know what I'm talking about.
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unless it's the original one fifty one, if they're not in the PokeRap, I don't know what I'm talking about.
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it just kinda fell out of my life up until Pokemon Let's Go Eevee.
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I got back in the Pokemon at a very strange time.
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I got sick with a diabetic infection, which unfortunately led to me to have my lower left leg amputated below the knee.
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literally they told me in the hospital, look.
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There's not an unreasonable chance that you could die tomorrow, So you should probably get your affairs in order and before that, I'd gotten into Pokemon Go.
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So, Fortunately, the hospital was right on top of a gym, and it was right on top of a couple of stops.
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So I would play that way, And it was super, super, super casual.
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But when I got released from the hospital after four months, I went into November.
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I didn't get home until February.
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I finally got a Nintendo Switch.
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Nintendo had sent me one for review when the switch came out, and I just kinda never really paid attention to it.
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But it wasn't until let's go Eevee came out and let's go Pikachu that I really started to get back into the franchise.
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Because I'm like, you know what?
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I don't have to grind.
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I don't have to think about a thousand different stat changes.
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It's simple.
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It's accessible.
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I'm not gonna lose my mind grinding.
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it's gen one which is what you're familiar with.
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00:16:00.397 --> 00:16:01.277
And it's gen one.
00:16:01.277 --> 00:16:01.756
I get it.
00:16:01.756 --> 00:16:02.397
This is cool.
00:16:02.397 --> 00:16:03.022
I like it.
00:16:03.182 --> 00:16:07.761
I really wanted the Pokeball controller, but I sold that for twenty dollars because I'm fucking stupid.
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Um, kicking myself in the ass now.
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Believe me.
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but I really started to get back into the franchise.
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And then my sister, Shannon, was really into Pokemon Go, And she convinced me and my wife to start playing because, like, we had accounts from two thousand and seventeen or sixteen whenever the game launched, but we didn't really know what we were doing.
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And it was just a casual thing that it just kinda sat on our phones.
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But when Shannon moved in with us, we started going to Raid nights that were happening in our local town that we'd, like, kinda move to, which is Guelph, Ontario.
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And we started just doing remote raids because I couldn't get out very much in my wheelchair at that time because of the snow.
00:16:52.910 --> 00:17:01.705
I was kinda playing Pokemon Go really, really, really, really casual Up until about two thousand and twenty, that's when things took a bit of a change.
00:17:01.705 --> 00:17:03.705
I started to get a little bit more involved.
00:17:04.001 --> 00:17:07.838
I had bariatric surgery, which is the gastric bypass sleeve.
00:17:07.838 --> 00:17:09.116
I'm a pretty big guy.
00:17:09.416 --> 00:17:10.656
I'd lost a bunch of weight.
00:17:10.656 --> 00:17:12.896
I've been on a liquid diet for six months.
00:17:12.896 --> 00:17:13.537
Let me tell you.
00:17:13.537 --> 00:17:17.876
There's a special place in hell reserved for anybody who has to do that.
00:17:18.321 --> 00:17:19.382
It sucked.
00:17:19.685 --> 00:17:21.205
so I had my surgery.
00:17:21.205 --> 00:17:23.126
I'd lost a shit ton of weight.