00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.139
My name is Mass Aqua Kitty and this is my Pokemon story.
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Welcome to, as the Pokeball turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez.
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And today, I'm joined by Mask Aqua Kitty.
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Welcome to the show.
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Well, for having me.
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Without a doubt, I was tempted just to call you Vaporeon.
00:01:03.533 --> 00:01:05.343
Is that kind of the inspiration behind your name?
00:01:05.634 --> 00:01:10.587
yeah, just literally, it's, essentially the exact thing for my username.
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why is the mask, like, where you, like, want to be a Vaporeon bandit?
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I kind of like the, the designs of like, Masquerade Mask.
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And when I looked at Vaporeon, I'm literally looking at one right now.
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It kinda looks like it has a type of mask on it.
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It kinda has like two shades of color on it's face.
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It's got like the darker and then the lighter.
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If you look at just the lighter, it looks more like a mask.
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I don't know.
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that's kind of cool.
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I never noticed that before.
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Now would this also like go into like other Pokemon like I'm thinking like maybe a Masquerain, of course and then Meowth Scearta.
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They both have those kind of masks too.
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Is it kind of similar to those?
00:01:46.519 --> 00:01:50.359
Mouscarada is I saw that literally datamined.
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It was literally day, not, day zero, that thing being released.
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And I contacted NimaArt, it's being like, listen, I need this Pokemon.
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I need it.
00:02:01.602 --> 00:02:02.793
I, I need it.
00:02:02.933 --> 00:02:06.033
Like, this is literally, this is the perfect Pokemon.
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I love this Pokemon.
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It's like it spoke existence into and he's like, oh
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I need it.
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And then Masquerain, I like Masquerain.
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It doesn't get as much love because, you know, it's just a random Gen 3 Route 1 bug.
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Although I think I think they did screw up.
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I kind of wish they had kept it bug water like Surskit I hated that they gave the bug flying.
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I'm like why just make it keep a bug water.
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That would been cool
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I agree with you on that.
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Now, was it safe to say that, uh, when Pokemon Scarlet and Violet eventually came out, that you actually chose Miaskerata?
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Miaskerata, I'm definitely butchering its name.
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Did you choose the Masked Cat as the starter for Scarlet and Violet?
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So I was, at the start, I was torn between Fuecoco and Sprigatito.
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I love cats if it wasn't obvious.
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And Grass is like my second favorite type.
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but Fuecoco was just so, it's so cool looking.
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It's really adorable.
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And then I saw what Sprigatito evolved into and went, I'm sorry, Fuecoco, you've been replaced.
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Fui Coco! And it just has a little sad emoji, just seeing you walk off with, uh, Sprigakito.
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I mean, Rocco not, not Cock.
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That's the second one.
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Skeleton is a cool Pokemon, don't get me wrong.
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It's just like mascara is literally just perfect.
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So, you had a lot of experience with Pokemon.
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So what was your first experience with the franchise?
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Like, where did this all start?
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So, I think technically at the time that I was able to physically hold a Game Boy, I think, think it was Ruby and Sapphire were out.
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That was not my first game, my first game was actually Pokemon Blue.
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it was my first Pokemon game, I didn't really understand How to play Pokemon back then.
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The save button never existed, And I would always pick Bulbasaur.
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Bulbasaur is my favorite starter period.
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It's my first ever Pokemon.
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I have deep love for Bulbasaur and it's evolution line.
00:04:03.855 --> 00:04:09.336
So you said the games, you know, you're playing during the Ruby Sapphire era, but you're playing Pokemon blue.
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You said you couldn't figure out how to save, or was it just the batteries dry at that point that you couldn't save at all?
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I I I didn't figure out what the save button was.
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So you restarted the game over and over and over.
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00:04:22.139 --> 00:04:26.098
Wow, how far did you remember how far you ever got on one save file by chance?
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00:04:27.399 --> 00:04:29.449
Oh my gosh, your poor soul.
00:04:29.449 --> 00:04:29.980
I'm sorry
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This is what I was told because I was a little too young to remember this, but apparently I just kept the save button, what's that?
00:04:40.839 --> 00:04:41.560
Turn it off?
00:04:41.610 --> 00:04:43.600
Oh wait, where'd all my Pokemons go?
00:04:43.649 --> 00:04:45.079
Oh, looks like we're startin over.
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Oh my gosh, that's crazy I guess that makes sense though, because I don't think a lot of games had that where you need to physically save Yeah, a lot of them autosave.
00:04:54.625 --> 00:04:55.505
That's crazy
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Especially the original Pokemon Blue, which just didn't No luck for me there.
00:05:01.031 --> 00:05:03.307
Did you get a chance to play the other generations at all
00:05:03.908 --> 00:05:08.358
I think Emerald came out, and I got Emerald, so I completely skipped Gen 2.
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I actually have never finished Pokemon, Gold, Silver, Crystal.
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I have never finished that game.
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I played Heart Gold, Soul Silver.
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I've never finished Gold, Silver, and Crystal.
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But, I played, Emerald.
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I figured out what the save button was.
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It was great.
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I was definitely that, kid back in the day who just only evolved their starter and focused on nothing else.
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I think I picked Sceptile back in the day.
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well, Treecko, but I think it was a Sceptile before even beating the first gym.
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Oh gosh, you grinded that Pokemon out.
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and then I realized, you know, just having a Sceptile, um, fire types
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That's true.
00:05:48.978 --> 00:05:50.233
Flannery exists too.
00:05:50.555 --> 00:05:55.175
So I had an Azumarill, and then that thing became the only thing I leveled up.
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I'm noticing a pattern here.
00:05:56.944 --> 00:06:00.427
Yeah, yeah That pattern went on to Gen 5.
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It was great
00:06:01.605 --> 00:06:03.105
So have you played every single game since now?
00:06:03.690 --> 00:06:04.545
Up to present day,
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yeah, I played every single main series game except I Technically still haven't finished Gold, Silver, and Crystal, but that's because I haven't had time to play the virtual console one.
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What's your, uh, favorite generation?
00:06:17.372 --> 00:06:18.062
Gen 4.
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Gen four.
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00:06:19.473 --> 00:06:20.793
So that be diamond, pearl, and
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Diamond and Pearl Platinum.
00:06:22.338 --> 00:06:24.427
Wow, what is it about gen 4 that makes it your favorite?
00:06:24.833 --> 00:06:31.086
It was the first, like, up and coming generation of a time that I could actually, like, remember this.
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So like, Gen 4 was coming out, I think I was in Elementary or middle school.
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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl was coming out.
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Like, they literally gave out bookmarks with the starters on it.
00:06:44.461 --> 00:06:45.550
I remember it.
00:06:45.661 --> 00:06:46.500
That's awesome.
00:06:46.730 --> 00:06:53.377
So, I have just memories more with Gen 4 because it was my first brand new generation coming out.
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And you remember the save button this time.
00:06:55.418 --> 00:06:58.702
Yes, mhm.And the pattern n continued.
00:06:58.702 --> 00:07:01.589
I picked Turtwig, and it was the only thing I leveled up.
00:07:03.415 --> 00:07:06.605
Was it a, uh, Torterra by the time you got to the first gen as well,
00:07:06.689 --> 00:07:08.259
I, that I don't remember.
00:07:08.545 --> 00:07:09.995
Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
00:07:10.319 --> 00:07:15.086
I just distinctly remember the route right before where the Whismur Cave is.
00:07:15.086 --> 00:07:18.995
I distinctly remember being in that grass for hours, leveling up a Treecko.
00:07:19.648 --> 00:07:21.358
That's why I remember that one.
00:07:21.807 --> 00:07:24.757
Turtwig, I think, just naturally got to Torterra.
00:07:25.338 --> 00:07:29.487
So, you know, you talk about Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, you know, there's a lot of nostalgia with those games.
00:07:29.697 --> 00:07:31.387
What did you think of the remakes that came out?
00:07:31.447 --> 00:07:32.697
Uh Oh god.
00:07:33.067 --> 00:07:33.077
00:07:33.855 --> 00:07:36.334
So, I actually like the chibi style.
00:07:36.668 --> 00:07:43.464
I know a lot of people don't, but I actually liked it because it reminded me more of the style of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum.
00:07:43.906 --> 00:07:47.572
Do I get that they could have done more?
00:07:47.875 --> 00:07:48.206
00:07:48.906 --> 00:07:51.666
Because I played both Brilliant Diamond and Shiny Pearl.
00:07:51.666 --> 00:07:56.867
I have both Because I had to play through both of them because I shiny hunted Arceus for a year.
00:07:57.173 --> 00:07:58.293
Oh, jeez.
00:07:58.408 --> 00:08:05.836
I, so, my, uh, Memory with BDSP isn't the kindest considering the fact I was stuck on, what is it, Mt.
00:08:05.836 --> 00:08:07.456
Coronet for a year.
00:08:08.363 --> 00:08:12.074
You went up the mountain then you saw the God of Pokemon for a year.
00:08:12.694 --> 00:08:20.788
Yeah, I, most of my, earlier content is me shiny hunting that, what did I call it, deer stuck in a fence?
00:08:22.764 --> 00:08:23.865
Goat stuck in a fence?
00:08:23.884 --> 00:08:25.334
I called it a lot of names.
00:08:25.889 --> 00:08:27.564
I, I was sick of looking at'em.
00:09:27.004 --> 00:09:28.703
Did it eventually shine at least?
00:09:29.124 --> 00:09:35.124
It did, It only took 8,152.
00:09:35.813 --> 00:09:37.693
Only eight thou you're so close to 10, 000.
00:09:37.693 --> 00:09:38.514
Oh my gosh.
00:09:39.943 --> 00:09:44.053
125 hours, six minutes and two seconds.
00:09:46.073 --> 00:09:47.124
my God.
00:09:47.474 --> 00:09:50.504
That's some dedication to get a shiny stuck in the fence.
00:09:51.197 --> 00:09:55.618
on my starting soon screen, it is the first clip that plays, is me getting that shiny.
00:09:56.508 --> 00:09:57.947
How excited were you when you got it?
00:09:58.327 --> 00:10:01.807
Uh, headphone destroying loud.
00:10:02.121 --> 00:10:04.802
I'm a very loud person if it wasn't obvious.
00:10:05.402 --> 00:10:07.971
I think I broke the sound barrier when I got
00:10:08.182 --> 00:10:12.971
Hahaha! Were you on stream with your friends, or were you still kind of just streaming alone at that time?
00:10:13.392 --> 00:10:23.522
I was It's funny because, at the time, we were, I forgot how the conversation came up, but we're talking about what year we graduated high school.
00:10:23.522 --> 00:10:29.946
And, I'm like, I graduated 2018, and then the encounter started, and then I saw it.
00:10:48.865 --> 00:10:51.745
I think Squid was in the call, and a couple other people.
00:10:52.150 --> 00:10:55.289
Yeah, I think I was On call with people during Yeah, I was.
00:10:55.884 --> 00:10:57.154
Oh, geez.
00:10:57.654 --> 00:11:01.414
I'm sure you Hahaha! They probably thought They probably thought something happened to you.
00:11:01.878 --> 00:11:06.115
Well What I called shiny hunting with Arceus every hour.
00:11:06.115 --> 00:11:20.831
I'm like, guys, we've been, we've been here for an hour and 20, uh, 125 hours of, of togetherness because some people literally sat there the entire 125 hours worth of streams.
00:11:21.331 --> 00:11:22.272
Oh, geez.
00:11:22.292 --> 00:11:23.822
That's some dedication right there.
00:11:24.288 --> 00:11:30.158
And I took breaks from hunting this thing because my sanity was like, Non existent at one point.
00:11:30.798 --> 00:11:46.777
I actually, funny enough, I got Arceus during a, uh, I had a, uh, bit goal, not bit goal, uh, channel point goal for, I forget how much, I think it was a million, and it was a 12 hour stream of me just hunting this thing.
00:11:46.777 --> 00:11:51.236
And, so, I think it was around the 10 hour mark is when it showed up.
00:11:51.236 --> 00:11:52.706
And then I streamed for 14.
00:11:52.706 --> 00:11:53.807
I didn't even stream for 12.
00:11:53.817 --> 00:11:54.657
I was too excited.
00:11:54.657 --> 00:11:56.326
I streamed for 14.
00:11:56.389 --> 00:11:59.469
Because I think an hour of it was just me staring at the darn thing.
00:12:00.062 --> 00:12:00.861
That's awesome.
00:12:00.902 --> 00:12:02.731
I'm glad finally got your shiny Arceus.
00:12:02.772 --> 00:12:03.981
That was, that's some dedication.
00:12:04.282 --> 00:12:09.792
I always say shiny hunters are a different breed because I get frustrated if I have to restart a legendary encounter.
00:12:09.971 --> 00:12:15.272
You guys are going for years sometimes, or days trying to get something to shine.
00:12:15.272 --> 00:12:17.341
It's, I admire y'all's dedication.
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Each, each reset in BDSP takes a minute.
00:12:21.825 --> 00:12:24.475
The damn loading screen is so long.
00:12:25.052 --> 00:12:27.893
So you talked about how, you know, you're streaming on Twitch and we alluded to a little bit.
00:12:28.187 --> 00:12:29.187
What made you want to do that?
00:12:29.187 --> 00:12:31.357
And how did you kind of find the friends you have now?
00:12:31.961 --> 00:12:38.217
So, I'm pretty sure you had him on the, you had Lander Alpha on the podcast, So, I'm one of his mods.
00:12:38.217 --> 00:12:41.977
And, I was in his stream almost like every, every stream.
00:12:41.988 --> 00:12:46.518
So, and I went, you know, streaming Kyle looks fun.
00:12:47.041 --> 00:12:51.056
at the time he had a little, talk show after, after spotlight hour.
00:12:51.056 --> 00:12:58.529
He would do like an hour where he like asked people how, how they're enjoying Pokemon GO and stuff.
00:12:58.866 --> 00:13:02.837
I went on there and talked about how I was interested in streaming.
00:13:03.158 --> 00:13:06.951
And that if I had 50 followers, I would start streaming.
00:13:07.261 --> 00:13:09.111
The second I said that I hit 55.
00:13:09.414 --> 00:13:12.274
I, I, I spoke it into existence.
00:13:12.475 --> 00:13:13.605
I was about to say, yeah.
00:13:14.235 --> 00:13:18.327
So at that point I'm like, well, looks like I gotta start streaming.
00:13:18.687 --> 00:13:20.687
And I've been streaming pretty much ever since.
00:13:21.392 --> 00:13:22.711
have you found like enjoyment in it?
00:13:22.711 --> 00:13:23.692
Cause I always see you laughing.
00:13:23.692 --> 00:13:24.601
I always hear you laughing.
00:13:24.601 --> 00:13:26.932
I always hear you having a good time with everybody.
00:13:27.500 --> 00:13:28.893
I quite enjoy streaming.
00:13:29.226 --> 00:13:40.356
Normally, because of my work schedule, I literally get off of work and immediately start streaming, and that's kind of the better part of my day, is actually streaming, because work can be stressful sometimes.
00:13:41.741 --> 00:13:43.471
So streaming is kind of a de stressor for you.
00:13:43.947 --> 00:13:44.846
A little bit, yes.
00:13:45.461 --> 00:14:00.172
I mean, it's something to look forward to because usually, I don't know if you're always, if you stream alone, but usually I see with other people, it's like, you know, you deal with, uh, I don't know what you do for work, but you deal with like a stressful work environment and you kind of go home and you got something to look forward to streaming a game you're playing with people and stuff like that.
00:14:00.182 --> 00:14:01.692
I'm pretty, it sounds like a good time.
00:14:02.173 --> 00:14:04.234
It kind of keeps me, motivated.
00:14:04.394 --> 00:14:15.698
Because know some streamers struggle with, uh, Like, especially newer ones, where they don't, have anyone talking in the chat.
00:14:15.990 --> 00:14:20.010
So like, they don't exactly know what to say, and I'm still kinda there.
00:14:20.285 --> 00:14:24.355
Which is kinda why I like having at least someone to talk to in the call.
00:14:24.655 --> 00:14:28.245
And then it It starts with one, and then, oh god, there's five people in the call.
00:14:28.245 --> 00:14:29.135
When did this happen?
00:14:29.706 --> 00:14:33.796
What does it mean to have those friends with y'all on the same call when you stream?
00:14:34.586 --> 00:14:35.966
I'm very thankful for them.
00:14:36.285 --> 00:14:44.320
Like, don't think I would've, uh, I don't think I would've made it far, with streaming if I didn't have anyone to talk to.
00:14:44.659 --> 00:14:46.320
So, I'm very thankful for them.
00:14:47.336 --> 00:14:50.296
You've been listening to As the Pokeball Turns.
00:14:50.681 --> 00:14:52.081
We're going to take a quick break.
00:14:52.376 --> 00:14:53.456
We'll be right back.
00:16:03.009 --> 00:16:04.809
So I know you have experience with Pokemon go.
00:16:04.809 --> 00:16:06.419
So when did you first start playing that?
00:16:07.014 --> 00:16:10.325
I was in West Virginia at the time, I was on vacation.
00:16:10.649 --> 00:16:18.782
And I overheard that if you downloaded a Japanese, Google Play Store, you could get Pokemon Go a day early.
00:16:20.522 --> 00:16:21.611
So I did that.
00:16:21.934 --> 00:16:25.195
I essentially played pokemon Go since it was released.
00:16:25.513 --> 00:16:27.716
It sounds like you're pretty excited for it to come out.
00:16:28.230 --> 00:16:28.791
Oh, I was.
00:16:29.900 --> 00:16:32.941
Because it's Pokemon in the real world?
00:16:32.951 --> 00:16:33.461
00:16:33.480 --> 00:16:34.671
That's crazy!
00:16:35.125 --> 00:16:35.706
00:16:36.034 --> 00:16:39.465
Were you like one of the people who like, uh, stayed out late at night to like four in the morning?