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my name is Greg with Mongoose Gaming and this is my Pokemon story.
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Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez.
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Today, I'm joined by the co host for off the wall nerds podcast, Mongoose Gaming.
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Welcome to the show.
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Thank you, sir.
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Appreciate it.
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Anytime, and you know, we were talking about it before the show, you're the second non Pokemon focused podcaster I've had.
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And in the same breath, You cover nerding and gaming and stuff like that with your podcast.
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And I told you, Pokemon's kind of that branch of nerdom.
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So we kind of are like distant cousins.
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Wouldn't you say that?
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Yeah, I agree with that one.
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What made you want to start doing podcasting real briefly?
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Like what made you want to dive into it?
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So, about five, six years ago when I started doing this, generally my in game names of Pokemon and like stuff in general has always been like Mongoose.
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And I kind of got it to a point where I was heavily involved in the community of Pokemon Go and Pokemon in general.
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and then I met a couple of friends online who had their own podcast and when they actually, they decided to split up, they kind of like did their whole out, ran our course.
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I met this guy, Justin, and he and I decided to start our own podcast, which was, as you introduced it, Off The Wall Nerds.
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And we've been doing that for now for the last couple of years.
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So, yeah, it was just something we popped in our head, like, Hey, let's do it for fun.
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And that's basically what we do.
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And you know, when it comes to the Pokemon specifically, like how much of a dedicated fan are you?
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Like, what does the fandom look like on your end?
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on my end, so me, I'm a hardcore fan.
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So the communities I was in, so in California, growing up, a lot of my friends, we were at the time early two thousands, it was collecting the cards.
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It was still on game boys, link cables.
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There was still a lot of fun getting in trouble at school for having the game boys.
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So, that, that's where it kind of started up here though, with, like Pokemon Go just as how it exploded because being one of the OG fans, you know, we're like, Oh, when Pokemon Go came out, we lost our minds.
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Like, Oh man, we're going to get red, blue, yellow.
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We're getting all, you know, all the generations and stuff like that.
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So it was really, it was more of a dream come true for us,
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you mentioned how, you know, for, it was a dream come true and I heard that a lot, you know, when Pokemon Go first launched that, you know, we finally get Pokemon in the real world.
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We get to kind of go and travel just like Ash Ketchum at 10 years old.
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You know, it sounds like that was kind of what you were expecting.
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What was it like in those early days to play Pokemon Go to kind of live up to that dream?
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Oh man.
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I was running into stop signs.
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I was having to look, I was having to look three ways and a crosswalk.
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Cause I'm like, Oh, I'm about to cross the street and not paying attention.
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it was a lot of fun when it first came out.
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Cause while the tracking system is way better today, it was probably a bit more fun then, cause then you really had to explore like, you're like, okay, I don't know where this, Growlithe is.
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I'm gonna have to go down this street.
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I'm gonna have to turn left here.
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So you had the, you know, the footprint.
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So it was a lot of walking around.
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It was, it was quite a bit.
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you say running the stop signs, I'm assuming walking to them, or are you actually in a car or just like, Oh, ran over the stop sign.
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Oh, it was walking into them.
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Just like, you know, walking around.
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You go to catch that Pokemon.
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All of a sudden I look up and I, you know, kind of stop myself.
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Oh man, I was right in the stop sign.
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And I just kind of go around it like nothing happened.
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I always called myself to where, you know, I was the same way where I was glued to my phone, trying to see what Pokemon would pop up.
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And I would always hit myself on like, we have like these stone benches here in my area where the bus stops are.
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And I'd be like, where did that bus stop come from?
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It's always been there, but you never noticed it.
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Cause you always saw it when you were always, I was always looking at my phone.
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So that's when I started learning about those.
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There were street, there were street signs on my, I've never seen these street names up on this particular corner.
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I'm like, Oh yeah, well at this corner now.
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it helped explore the area a lot more.
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Oh, did you become more familiar with the area thanks to the game?
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Oh, definitely.
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that, that helped me come way more familiar.
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Like, and so I lived on the street called moon gate.
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That's the only street I knew to take my exit.
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Get on my street playing Pokemon go now all of a sudden I knew like the 30 other streets that were around there So yeah, it helped out a lot.
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You know, that helped me too, because I worked in downtown at the time.
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And because downtown's always usually the better areas for around the world generally to play Pokemon Go, I knew my downtown like the back of my hand.
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But whenever people would come in who weren't familiar, I'd be like, how do you not know this?
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And I'm thinking like, oh, the only reason why I know this is because of Pokemon Go.
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Yeah that that same thing was so I lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico for a while That's how it was like it helped me explore the city and then all of a sudden after about two three years I knew that city extremely well somebody say oh, where's this like I could point it to it on a map immediately because the game Oh, I don't know where this is.
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I'm like, don't worry.
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I got you.
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I'm like, and I would literally would actually from memory, create a map of like, okay, this Pokestop leads here.
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This Pokestop leads to this gym.
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So it was, it became easier to do it that way.
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Do you still like, see the gyms and the pokestops in your mind whenever you drive through?
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I don't know if you're still in La Cruces, but even in your current area where you're at now, do you still like, see them in your head?
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Oh yeah, of course.
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I'm like, because that's how we tell, that's how we tell directions to each other.
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Now, basically if I know it's, in the Pokemon go community up here where I live now in Albuquerque, it's just like, Hey, I'm at this park.
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Like what park am I?
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Hold on.
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It's called the.
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It's called the meme gym or something like that.
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Like, Oh, I know where that's at.
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And then they had there.
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So it's, it went from streets and addresses to, Oh, I know where that gym is at.
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Now, you said you're from New Mexico, and me, I'm from Texas, so we're kind of distant cousins, you'll relate to this question.
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How do you play when it gets a little more, warmer in the summer months?
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Just get a water hose and just spray yourself down?
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yeah, just walk around with that.
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Walk around with water was the key.
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Like it's one thing in the winter, cause you're moving around, dress a little warm.
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You can keep warm like that, but when it's hot out, it's hot out.
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So yeah, you just walk around with a, you know, a water backpack with on your back and douse yourself and walk around and find some shade when you can.
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Wow, so you still walk around even in the hot summers for this game.
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Oh, yeah.
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Oh, definitely.
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Especially with the, especially with GoFest coming out in the middle of summer.
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Yeah, I'm going to be out and about walking around on that one.
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Dude, you must wear a lot of sunscreen to
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I don't, thankfully I don't need it.
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I've got a dark complexion, so, I'm like, I sit there, I'm like, I don't, I don't burn, I just get darker.
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So real quick, before we dive further into Pokemon Go, let's talk about your history with Pokemon.
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So you said like how you started with the original games, I'm assuming red, blue, and yellow, which game did you start with out of the three?
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when I was younger with my brother, our mom bought us both Pokemon.
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She goes, what do you guys want?
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And without even me and him didn't even look at each other.
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I just said red, he said blue.
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So that made it easier for her.
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so she got us red and blue, each, one game, a GameBoy pocket, not the GameBoy color, the big GameBoy, but the GameBoy pocket,
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That's the black and white one, right?
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but I got the blue game boy and he got the red one.
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So just a little fun in color.
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What the hell really?
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I think the blue game was red version.
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He took the red game boy, the blue version.
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Ooh, what about the starters?
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Did y'all choose the same starters, different starters?
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so I was actually a little unorthodox in my starters.
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Now, don't get me wrong.
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I love Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle.
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Those will always be my OG favorites, but when I did play, I actually relegated Charmander, which I did pick originally, but my, my, my go to.
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Through any playthrough of Pokemon I've ever done in my life has always been Nidoran and Nidoking.
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cause Nidoking is an absolute monster that's so underrated cause it can learn most of the HMs.
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It can learn ground moves, poison moves, it can learn ice, all that.
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It has such a huge movepool.
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when I got that and made it to Brock, I'm like, oh, you know, it had double kick.
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I'm like, cool, it'll take out Brock.
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And we got to Misty and all that, but then I had like a, I think I had like Bellsprout at the time, you know, moving your way through Moon Cave and all that, but yeah, Nidoking was just an absolute monster at that point, but yeah, I always relegated Charizard to number two, so like, if you look at my levels, my Nidoking was always a higher level than my original starter.
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So, you still kept the starter in your party, you just always focused more on Nidoran whenever you could catch it.
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Exactly, yes.
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Oh, okay, I thought you benched your starter.
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I'm like, dude, this is mind blowing.
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I've never heard anybody say they benched their starter before in my life.
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okay, I have benched the starter, it was actually when I started playing, Gen 3, Hoenn, with Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire.
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I got to about, I want to say, sail port, I believe.
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And that's actually when I started benching my starters.
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Cause I did at that point, I had Flygon.
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I could get other stronger type Pokemon.
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So I was doing that.
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I actually benched my gen three starters.
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well that's more understandable if you did Gen 1 though.
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Dude, you would be a renegade right now.
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Like, Gen 1, it's like, I would say it's almost a sin if you did bench your starter.
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Like, that's why I was more prepared for that.
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Later gens, I can understand.
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Gen 1, ooooh, if somebody says you benched your Bulbasaur, Charmander Squirtle, you'd be on your own.
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You would be, you'd be alienated from your friends.
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Now I will say though, I actually agree with you on Nidoking cause I used Nidoking myself.
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I always used it in conjunction, oddly enough, with Charmander.
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Because they kind of both, the only downside they were both weak against water, which helped, which sucked against Misty.
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But I like Nidoking as well because Nidoran always learned Horn Attack at level 8.
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but then it evolved into Nidorino at level 16.
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And it was just a very strong attacker for the early game.
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And even late game it wasn't too bad cause like you said it learns serve, it learned strength, and the stuff you kind of need.
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and that's, and that's, I'm glad you brought up with Misty again, even though it was weak to water, if you didn't get the Moonstone right away, like you didn't use it right away, Nidorino was actually very strong against Misty, because it was just pure poison, so water was doing neutral damage against it, so I evolved my Nidoking after Misty, so then when you go to Lieutenant Surge, it has the ground typing, and his electric moves won't do anything to you at that point.
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so we talked about, you know, the first generation, it sounds like you at least played till gen three.
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Did you continue to play throughout the entire team or did you take a break at some point with Pokemon?
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I took a little bit of a break about, I want to say sun and moon.
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I did like, and I did like gen three a lot.
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Holbein was, I was like a really a breath of fresh air.
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Cause, gold, silver crystal are my favorites, but like you got to rehash Canto.
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So it was a lot of fun when gen three came out and kind of had the same graphics from, Emerald till about.
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Sudden Moon on the 3DS, it was like, okay, it was a breath of fresh air, but Sudden Moon is kind of where I took a break and I kind of came back after Black and White 2 with, Sword and Shield and Sword and Shield was absolutely, I had a blast with Sword and Shield, with the connectivity from Pokemon Go, so I kind of, you know, I cheated a little bit, sent over a couple of Shinies, you know, that I could pick up and then train, so, I will say this, in Sword, I benched my starter, I did not like the starters, So when I got to the point where I could, I dumped Cinderace like a, like a sack of coal.
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Oh, wow.
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He just didn't like any of the starters from sword and shield.
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yeah, no, none of, I, I, I just picked Scorbunny just because you had to, I had to pick one of them.
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After that though, when I got, further in the game, I was able to transfer, you know, my Nidoking, one of my Eeveelutions and all that, I, I dumped Cinderace.
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Now you said like, you know, you were cheating with the Chinese.
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I'm like, you're not really cheating.
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You actually did still catch a shiny Pokemon just in Pokemon go though.
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I don't have to put in all the work into sword.
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I know there's kind of a, I don't wanna say debate, but some people consider getting Shinies in Pokemon Go and transferring them over as kind of like you quote unquote cheating because it's easier.
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Are you kind of to that level where it sounds like you're more laid back to where like, as Shinies are Shiny, I'd rather go ahead and get it over with and get it on my decks.
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A shiny is a shiny.
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That's how I looked at it.
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and in sword, honestly, with, I've logged about, I want to say a little over 200 hours in sword and shield combined.
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I've never actually caught a shiny in sword and shield.
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The only shinies I have are, oh yeah, the only shinies I have are the result of from Pokemon Go to home and then into sword and shield.
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Wow, so you wouldn't have any Shinies if it wasn't for Pokemon Go.
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Not even with the Raid Dens?
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I know a lot of people would do the Shiny hunting in Raid Dens.
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I did raid dens a lot.
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I never got a shiny.
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I did quite a few of them.
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And when those things were like first came on, we're first really popular.
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I didn't get a shiny.
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I got a lot of strong, Evie Pokemon.
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Like the Evie's were great, but no shinies.
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Now, at the time, you know, we're recording this, you know, Sword and Shield, the Pokemon, they aren't really in the game yet.
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And there's looming rumors of Gigantamaxes and all the different raids that were introduced from that generation.
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You know, what are your hopes for whenever Pokemon Go does bring the Pokemon from that generation into the game?
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it should have been sooner than later.
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I don't want to say Pierce, but I was a little more on like, they should release each generation in order with the exception of legendaries and megas.
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I get the concept of like, okay, hold back mega Mewtwo for a little bit.
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you know, don't release Lugia when you release gen two, that kind of thing.
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But the fact that we have over 40 Paldean Pokemon and still only I think what 15 from Galar.
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It's like come on We're we essentially skipped a generation
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don't even know if we have 15, do we?
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I feel like it's less than
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It's something like that, but it's it's not many from Galar.
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I just know it's Zashu, Zamazenta, and a couple others But yeah, I'm really looking forward Galar because I did like that.
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I'd have to say from Galar sword and shield like Drednaw was one of my favorites.
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I really liked that one really strong physical attacker and just an absolute goofy looking Pokemon.
00:12:51.340 --> 00:12:52.720
but yeah, I'm looking forward to that one.
00:12:53.335 --> 00:12:55.164
So, you know, let's come back to Pokemon Go.
00:12:55.184 --> 00:12:57.245
You know, Pokemon Go, we're back to 2016.
00:12:57.585 --> 00:12:59.774
Did you stick with the game throughout, or did you take a break as well?
00:13:00.250 --> 00:13:01.340
I am not even kidding.
00:13:01.340 --> 00:13:03.840
My, my then friend, who's not my fiance.
00:13:04.254 --> 00:13:05.294
but she can vouch for it.
00:13:05.315 --> 00:13:07.658
I have not taken a day off from playing the game.
00:13:07.668 --> 00:13:13.548
Like I can, if there was a way to track how many days in a row I've played the game, I'd probably no joke, be up there in the top of the world.
00:13:13.548 --> 00:13:14.568
Who's never missed a day.
00:13:14.979 --> 00:13:18.609
Do we really want to know, like, the in game time of how much we've really spent in Pokemon Go?
00:13:18.788 --> 00:13:20.318
Part of me is kind of grateful that I don't.
00:13:20.458 --> 00:13:25.379
I honestly, I kind of do, but I can kind of put interest into perspective.
00:13:25.719 --> 00:13:29.499
my gym defending hours is over 300, 000 hours defended in a gym.
00:13:29.802 --> 00:13:37.745
and, I'm trying to think here, there's not really another way to determine it, like how long you've played the game, just, just the, just You know, July 6th, 2016.
00:13:38.345 --> 00:13:51.585
Yeah, well, you know, like a lot of people say, like, if you look at the medals, the higher the medals are, the more you play this game, that's kind of usually the best way to kind of gauge how much time you really put into this game, you know, like 300, 000 hours for Jim is pretty high up there.
00:13:51.585 --> 00:13:58.264
There's, of course, people with higher, but that takes a lot of dedication, takes a lot of putting Pokemon and Jim's being intentional with playing Pokemon Go.