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My name is Jenny B and this is my Pokemon story.
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Welcome to as the Pokeball turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon.
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My name is David Hernandez.
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And today I'm joined by, I think you say it.
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Gen a B is that how you say it?
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it's a, because Canadian a yes, but actually my username used to be slightly different.
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and it was my first name and then my last two initials spelt phonetically, but because of the way it was spelled J E N N A Y B E.
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I kept getting the Forrest Gump, Jenny.
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Gen A.
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I, I hated that.
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So when I had the chance to change my Twitch username, I jumped on it and now most Americans just don't know how to pronounce it, which is kind of funny.
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It takes from the A Y to the E H and it just confused all the Americans.
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And so you just got to say Gen A B instead of Gen
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I'm getting, I'm getting it.
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Use the accents are in my strong suit.
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you're doing just
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All right.
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All right.
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Well, Gen A.
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you know, what we bring people here is to tell the experience about Pokemon.
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So let's start from the beginning.
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So what was your first experience with the franchise?
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I would say it was watching my friends play, the Pokemon games on their, console.
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So I never really got into Pokemon until Pokemon Go, which is kind of crazy.
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But I had plenty of experience watching my friends play it.
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I just, think because of, my age, I never really got into playing the game, but I did watch the anime because that came out when I was, just about 10 years old.
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Did you feel like you were just too old to kind of play?
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Like, uh, this is
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I, yeah, I felt like, I was approaching my teen years and I was like, you know what, this is too, kidlike for me.
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I want to be a grownup, you know?
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We all, we all try to pretend like, oh, I'm grown enough.
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I'm too grown up for this.
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This is just not my thing.
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Y'all are beneath me kind of thing.
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So re exploring my childhood.
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That's, that's, that's what Pokemon is for me.
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So, you know, you had experience just watching your friends, you were just observing Pokemon go comes out.
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So why engage with Pokemon at that point?
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What was it about Pokemon go that was different from say the anime or the games and all that?
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so I downloaded the game when it first initially came out, my brother messaged me and told me about it.
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And I was like, Oh, cool.
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So I downloaded it, like when it was initially released in Canada, which was the second week of July, of 2016.
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And It was on AR mode and I was at work and I just ran out of pokeballs and then I just stopped playing because I didn't understand the concept of the game.
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then I picked it up again in 2019, uh, thanks to, a partner of mine at the time.
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And I have been playing it every day for the past five years, pretty much.
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So you come to play the game because of the partner at the time.
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And how would y'all, how would you play the game?
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Would you like go do raids?
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Would you catch shiny hunt?
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it was mostly focused on catching and, Because I had a couple of friends on my list, I felt kind of obligated.
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To send them gifts.
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So it was more so connecting with other people because they did have friendship in the game at that time.
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And, I like the sense of community that comes along with Pokemon go.
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That's awesome.
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And now I know you stream a little bit on Twitch.
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Had you had already started streaming on Twitch at this point or not yet?
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Um, I have been streaming on Twitch since 2017, but I didn't stream Pokemon go until, uh, 2021, I believe.
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And do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?
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Why Ralts?
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because it's the feelings Pokemon and, I like to be in touch with my feelings and, feel them and it's cute.
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It's got a big hat and, you know, kind of hiding its eyes.
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It's just adorable.
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And I, I like it.
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I like the whole evolutions, Glade and Gardevoir and Kirlia and everything.
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I know that you didn't get a chance to play, but when I played Gen 3, which Ralts debuted, I remember like spending some time trying to hunt it cause it was a rare spawn.
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And I always found Ralts unique in a way, because it just looks like a little kid.
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But then when you read the Pokédex, like you said, it actually connects to the, I believe it connects to the motions of the trainer, if I'm not mistaken, especially Gardevoir when it evolves.
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And kinda of looks like, I don't know if it's a hat or if it's its brain, but it would make sense if it was its brain, in a way.
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Oh, you're talking about the little, uh,
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Oh yeah, of Ralts, with the character model.
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it the lump or whatever?
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I don't know.
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But that's what you're talking right?
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That lump that's on its head.
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That's Okay.
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Which of the evolutions do you prefer though?
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Do you prefer Glade or
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A Gardevoir.
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Especially, uh, Mega Gardevoir looks so cool.
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I actually haven't seen what Mega Glade looks like, but, just the giant, like, ballroom gown on Gardevoir is really cool.
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Especially the shiny.
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So when it comes to Pokemon Go, What made you want to start, streaming the Pokemon Go game on Twitch in
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like during the pandemic was kind of looking for a reason to get outside.
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And, I've, streamed in many other games on Twitch and I had noticed, There was a category for Pokemon Go and I was like, oh, how do you stream from your phone?
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I'm very curious about it.
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So I watched a couple other, streamers play at the time.
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Uh, Jay, the underdog was, was streaming outdoor streams and, uh, Lee stillions and, I don't know.
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I thought it was really cool.
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I gave it a try and, a lot of the Pokemon Go community on Twitch welcomed me with open arms.
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And, I still talk to them today and got to meet some of them in, Madrid, which was really cool.
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And it's a really warm and welcoming community with a lot of great people and not that any other communities aren't.
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Per se, but, it was just a way to, keep me active and, still able to kind of share my adventures with other people.
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Do you, I noticed that you do that with Lord Drew because he's your fellow Canadian.
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Is that kind of the same thing?
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would go out and play Pokemon Go together and stream?
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I can't remember exactly how I met Drew.
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I think, when I was trying to do PVP, I think I maybe, came by his channel or he came by mine and, we ended up coordinating because we both live close to Toronto.
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now we kind of have a crew that meet up for community days or raid days.
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And, Lord Drew and Blue Lit Sky are both, pretty regular, players who I meet up with and, you know, it's, it's best to meet up with people and feel, you know, safe in a big city rather than try and go at it by yourself.
00:07:05.064 --> 00:07:05.634
That's true.
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There's a, there's a unique experience when it comes to playing with your friends compared to just playing alone.
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I've come to find.
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Yeah, absolutely.
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it's fun to share, Your adventures with other people and, you know, be able to show off any kind of, you know, shinies or good IV Pokémon that you may get that other people might not.
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But that's, you know, that's just one aspect of the game.
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I sense there's a little bit of shade going around and I love it.
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I don't know what it is.
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I love
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I sense it.
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I don't know what it is.
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always Drew always has better shiny luck than me, but, you know, I'm not I'm not gonna hold that above my head or
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Have you thought about taking this phone during y'all's playdate and just, uh, you know, hold this
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Smashing on the
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Yeah, like, oh, you can't play Pokemon Go now, the phone's broken.
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No, no, that would, that would be spiteful.
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And you know, that, that doesn't sound like something I would do.
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Okay, you're better than me, You've been listening to As the Pokeball Turns.
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We're going to take a quick break.
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We'll be right back.
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so, you know, you talk about how going to play with your friends and recently you got to go to the, your first GoFest, which was Pokemon Go Madrid.
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was that like to go to your first GoFest and even overseas?
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Because this is not like you coming to New York.
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You actually went across the ocean to experience it.
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Yeah, I took, the chance cause I knew, uh, I was like, okay, if go fast is in New York, I'm not going to go.
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Cause I visited, New York in 2021.
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And was like, I've been there.
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You know, I want to go somewhere
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You want experience a different city?
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I want to experience a different city, uh, different cultures and, I have a lot of friends from Twitch that I've known for some of them, nearly nine years.
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and I wanted to get a chance to meet some of them, which is why I.
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Took the chance to go to Madrid.
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also because I would have the chance to, to meet a lot of friends that are overseas in Europe and the UK.
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so my first GoFest experience was a lot of fun.
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I was very overwhelmed.
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because I just, I hadn't gotten much sleep and it was a lot of traveling.
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prior to getting there, I would suggest if you're going to go to a go fest, make sure you have a buffer of 2 to 3 days before the event if you're flying from overseas to let yourself settle a little bit, let the jet lag go away.
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I think because it was my first experience, I wasn't expecting there to be that many people and that there to be so little shade, it was very hot.
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Um, but I know that go fast New York was also really, really hot, but there was a real lack of shade in a lot of areas and the park in Madrid, but besides that, like the event was really well coordinated.
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I bumped into Joe beats while she was live and that was really cool to chat with her.
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And, I got to meet up with a whole bunch of other trainers who ended up doing the morning, gameplay.
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I played the afternoon on the Saturday we, we met up for a meal on Saturday evening.
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it was a really cool experience.
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I caught, a lot of cool regional shinies that, I didn't have before.
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And, it was really awesome to be able to share my experience.
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I did stream part of the event.
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And I'm super glad that I got to participate in the event with, a core group of four other friends of mine.
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It was really enjoyable.
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To have that experience with, with other people and with stream.
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know, it's interesting because that's You were pretty brave to kind of go because you had the jet lag going, you had the heat, no shade.
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I'm surprised your phone didn't overheat.
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I'm probably, maybe it did.
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I don't know.
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You know, that's a unique experience.
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very surprised.
00:12:00.841 --> 00:12:07.850
Uh, we, we were tree hopping, so we were going from tree to tree to stay under the shade as best we could.
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But I probably could have done more in the way of walking, maybe brought myself like a personal fan, you know, maybe had my water bladder set up in my backpack like there's a lot of could haves that I look back on now and, think, Oh, I maybe know that I could have done this better,
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If it makes you feel better, that's how my first one was because my first one was the infamous 2017 one and I did the same thing to you to where I was scared to take a plane at the time.
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So I took a bus thinking like, oh this won't be so bad.
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And I got through the day before exhausted, tired.
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And cramp because, you know, it's a small bus.
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also I didn't, I wasn't prepared for like walk in the game.
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Didn't worry, but work anyway, but I didn't have sunscreen.
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I literally just had stuff in a backpack and that's it.
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So that's the thing though.
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Like that's kind of the initiation.
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I feel like when it goes to your first go fest that, you know, you're not going to know what to expect because it's your first one.
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How can you, uh, pre plan for everything?
00:13:00.269 --> 00:13:00.528
You know?
00:13:00.528 --> 00:13:02.149
00:13:02.918 --> 00:13:13.336
And like we flew into Portugal, on the Thursday, Friday morning is when we arrived, but it was a red And then we waited in a line at customs for three hours.
00:13:13.905 --> 00:13:18.326
and then we ended up staying, we're, going to just push through and stay up the entire day on Friday.
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And we did that.
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And then, we took a plane to, Madrid, later on that afternoon and, Made it to, to Madrid on the Friday.
00:13:27.255 --> 00:13:40.408
And then my friend Kaz, who I love, uh, who I was rooming with, she, uh, I've known her for nine years via Twitch and it was our first time meeting, but her flight got delayed and she didn't get in until 1 30 in the morning.
00:13:40.731 --> 00:13:50.399
And of course, when you meet somebody that you've known and talked to and shared so much of your life with online, and when you meet them for the first time in person, we were up.
00:13:50.464 --> 00:13:53.777
Bonding way past the wee hours of the morning.
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And I think that's why the lack of sleep really killed me the next day.
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And I don't blame her at all.
00:14:00.931 --> 00:14:04.591
we wanted to connect cause it, we hadn't got to in person.
00:14:05.081 --> 00:14:10.216
I think that's the best part about GoFest because, you know, you get to meet some friends that you've usually don't live nearby.
00:14:10.216 --> 00:14:10.557
00:14:10.596 --> 00:14:13.216
And you want to cherish times as much as possible.
00:14:13.407 --> 00:14:14.297
Sleepy damn.
00:14:14.297 --> 00:14:26.807
Although sometimes the body has different plans, you try to just connect and try to talk and, feel their presence, I guess, in a weird way, you know, cause I know you're an emotional connecting person, but there's something different, you know, connecting with somebody online compared to in person, in my opinion.
00:14:27.125 --> 00:14:28.015
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With regards to GoFest, you know, my last question is this.
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So, say somebody's on the fence or they're thinking about going to a GoFest.
00:14:34.855 --> 00:14:35.755
What would you tell them?
00:14:36.359 --> 00:14:37.019
take the leap.
00:14:37.019 --> 00:14:48.010
If you can afford to tend, definitely give yourself a chance to, because making connections, in person and putting names to faces, a pretty faces to name, sorry.
00:14:48.010 --> 00:14:48.260
00:14:48.621 --> 00:15:01.914
Being able to, share the experience with friends that you've known for a really long time I think, experiencing that community in person instead of online through campfire or, other, apps for rating and what have you.
00:15:01.924 --> 00:15:07.174
It's, it's just a different experience and it's, it's a, it's a pretty positive experience.
00:15:08.115 --> 00:15:12.215
Well, I got one last segment of the podcast before we close this interview, okay?
00:15:12.519 --> 00:15:14.600
And it's called, What's That Pokemon?
00:15:20.559 --> 00:15:25.039
It's where there are 1, 000 Pokemon, but the only one that matters is the one I'm thinking about.
00:15:25.370 --> 00:15:26.000
Oh geez.
00:15:26.360 --> 00:15:27.269
So here's your job.
00:15:27.279 --> 00:15:29.940
You have to guess which Pokemon that I'm thinking about.
00:15:30.259 --> 00:15:34.549
You can ask 10 questions in a yes or no format before making your final guess.
00:15:35.100 --> 00:15:40.250
After the 10 questions, you have to guess which Pokemon I'm thinking of based on what information you gathered.
00:15:40.581 --> 00:15:41.221
Oh fuck.
00:15:41.250 --> 00:15:41.691
00:15:41.750 --> 00:15:43.951
Uh, sure.
00:15:44.030 --> 00:15:44.520
00:15:45.701 --> 00:15:46.140
all right.
00:15:46.291 --> 00:15:49.461
Jan and Bay, what is going to be your first question?
00:15:51.975 --> 00:15:55.621
Oh man! Oh! Okay.
00:15:55.652 --> 00:15:56.381
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:15:56.381 --> 00:15:56.802
00:15:57.419 --> 00:16:03.201
Is the Poke Pokemon from the Johto region?
00:16:03.796 --> 00:16:06.316
Is the Pokémon I'm thinking of from the Johto region?
00:16:07.515 --> 00:16:09.466
It is not from the Johto region.
00:16:10.176 --> 00:16:10.775
00:16:10.865 --> 00:16:11.375
00:16:11.466 --> 00:16:12.275
00:16:12.505 --> 00:16:13.706
down a hundred Pokémon right there.
00:16:14.015 --> 00:16:14.405