In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Justin Keller, A Pokemon Trainer who specializes in the TCG, and is the co-host of both Special Conditions and Sleep it Off. Justin Keller starts his Pokemon journey from both watch...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by I Do The Felting, a Pokemon Trainer who creates Pokemon through needle felting. I Do The Felting starts her journey with being introduced to Pokemon Red. However, she discovered she...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by GeneralWiggins, a Pokemon Trainer and Shiny Hunter who streams on Twitch! GeneralWiggins starts his journey with Pokemon Blue. He spoke on his interest in completing the Pokedex and...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by RocketClare, a Pokemon GO Trainer from Australia and Pokemon Worlds competitor in 2024. RocketClare shares her initial entry into the Pokemon franchise starting with Pokemon GO wher...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by PaellaPapi91, a Pokemon Trainer and self-proclaimed Gym Leader at the Skillet Gym. PaellaPapi91 shares his initial experience with Pokemon starting with the main series games and an...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by LadyDunsparce, a Pokemon Trainer who is the self-proclaimed, "Maddest Partier in the game" on Twitch. LadyDunsparce shares her initial experience starting with a family member who c...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by TheStaticPikachu, a Pokemon Trainer who participates in VGC and discovered his interest in Pokemon through Super Smash Bros. TheStaticPikachu shares their initial entrance into the ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by After Darkrai, a Pokemon podcast where the hosts has created a no-holds barred know nothing comedy podcast about Pokémon where they hurt the ones they love. After Darkrai shares the...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by The Excellent Pokedex, a content creator for Pokemon GO specializes in analyzing the effectiveness of Excellent Throws for Wild Pokemon, Raids, and other encounters in Pokemon GO. T...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Reis2Occasion, a competitive Pokemon Trainer within the Pokemon GO circuit. Reis2Occasion shares his early experience with Pokemon before karate practice where he and his friend wou...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by JCPics3, a Pokemon Trainer from Hawaii who primarily travels to different events to experience Pokemon GO and different cultures. JCPics3 dives into how he started playing Pokemon a...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Mat4yo, a Pokemon Trainer who specializes in writing and performing raps about Pokemon! Mat4yo dives into how he started with rapping beginning with critiquing Epic Rap Battles of H...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Slix, the webmaster for, a small, friendly, fun-loving community centered around Pokemon! Slix shares his initial experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon Blue. H...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by KnifeLaughLove, a Community Ambassador for Pokemon GO from Chicago, Illinois. KnifeLaughLove shares his initial experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon Red and the Pokemon TCG...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay , Community Ambassadors for Pokemon GO from Kansas City, Missouri Both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay share their initial experience with Pokemon. There pr...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by AlphaPupRemy , a Community Ambassadors for Pokemon GO from Monroe, Louisianna. AlphaPupRemy shares his initial experience with Pokemon. He has grown up with Pokemon his entire life ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by KyaColosseum, a Pokemon Trainer who created the mod Pokemon Grand Colosseum. KyaColosseum shares her interest in Pokemon starting with the Hoenn regions. Eventually it led to her pl...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by HurricaneKaz, a Pokemon GO Trainer with an interest in Pokemon GO PvP and a huge passion for bird Pokemon. HurricaneKaz shares her lifelong love of birds, which naturally extended i...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by FilmVlogs, a Pokemon GO Trainer from Hawaii FilmVlogs shares his early experience with Pokemon from watching the anime. Eventually he would experience Pokemon through the video game...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Roy Flash Gordon from PokeMen's Health. PokeMen's Health shares his early experience with Pokemon starting finding comfort playing Pokemon Red to escape early child abuse. He shares...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Trainer Mystic, a Pokemon Trainer from North Carolina here to celebrate our 100th Pokemon interview episode! Trainer Mystic shares his experience with Pokemon starting with the anim...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by jennEHbee, a Pokemon Trainer from Canada. jennEHbee shares her experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon GO. Due to her disinterst in Pokemon, she wouldn't return to Pokemon GO ...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by MythicalHitch, a Pokemon Trainer from Iowa. MythicalHitch shares his experience with Pokemon starting with the Japanese exclusive Pokemon Green. He also talks about his experience p...
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Pokemon Crossroads, a Pokemon Trainer who owns a website dedicated to showcasing the Pokemon Community ranging from podcasts, artwork, and so much more. Pokemon Crossraods discusses...